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FEU Institute of Technology College of Engineering

Civil Engineering Department



Designed By:
Aquino, June Ford F. – 201511351
Ganzon, Jay S. – 201410076
Gutierrez, Aldous Euclid B. – 201412819

Approved By:
Engr. Orlando Lopez

Material Properties:
Steel: 250 MPA (A-36)

Section Properties:
C1 (1st Floor to Deck): W - Shape
C2 (1st Floor to Deck): W - Shape
C3 (1st Floor to Deck): W - Shape
B1-1 (1st Floor to Deck): W - Shape
G1-1 (1st Floor to Deck): W - Shape
Slab Thickness: 100mm

Dead Load:
Floor Load: 4.2 KPa.
Hollow Concrete Masonry: 3.11 KPa.

Live Load:
Classroom Floor Load: 1.90 KPa.
Corridor Floor Load: 4.8 KPa.
Seismic Parameter:
Seismic Load Code: UBC
Soil Profile Type: Sa
Closet Distance to Source: 5km
Importance Factor: 1.0
Ductility Coefficient: 8.0

Geotechnical Condition:
Allowable Soil Bearing Capacity: 210 KPa.
Weight of Soil: 160

Boundary Condition:
Support: Pinned

Load Combination:
Load Combination: NSCP

Material Properties:

Fy ≔ 250
cb ≔ 1


Sdl ≔ 4.2 Ll ≔ 4.8

Stair Beam:

S1 ≔ 1.5
S2 ≔ 0.5
Lb ≔ 3
L ≔ 3000

Load Analysis:

Due to Stair: Due to Slab:

DLst ≔ Sdl ⋅ S1 = 6.3 DLsl ≔ Sdl ⋅ S2 = 2.1

LLst ≔ Ll ⋅ S1 = 7.2 LLsl ≔ Ll ⋅ S2 = 2.4
W1 ≔ DLst + LLst = 13.5 W2 ≔ DLsl + LLsl = 4.5

Wt ≔ W1 + W2 = 18
Wt ⋅ ((3))
Mmax ≔ ―――= 20.25
Beam graph analysis:
Wt ⋅ ((3))
Mmax ≔ ―――= 20.25
Beam graph analysis:

Beam load:


Shear Diagram:

Moment Diagram:

Assume that the section is compact Lb < Lc

Assume that the section is compact Lb < Lc

Fb1 ≔ 0.66 ⋅ Fy = 165

Mmax ⋅ 10 6
Sxreq ≔ ―――― = 122.727
Fb1 ⋅ 10 3
Use W200x26.6 from AISC manual

Section Properties:
Sx ≔ 249 W ≔ 26.6 bf ≔ 133 tf ≔ 8.38
rt ≔ 36.3 d ≔ 207 tw ≔ 5.84 A ≔ 3390
W ⋅ 9.81
Wb ≔ ―――= 0.261 Wtnew ≔ Wb + Wt = 18.261

Wtnew ⋅ ((3)) 2
Mmaxnew ≔ ――――― = 20.544
New beam graph analysis using W200x26.6:

Beam load:


Shear Diagram:

Moment Diagram:
Moment Diagram:

Determine Lc:
200 bf ―――― = 2.97 ⋅ 10 3
――― = 1.682 ⋅ 10 3 d
Fy ―― Fy
bf ⋅ tf
Lc=1.682 Lb=3

Section is compact Lb < Lc

703270 cb
―――― = 53.038
―= 82.645
3516330 cb
――――= 118.597

Allowable Bending Stress (Fb)

⎛ ⎛ ⎛ L ⎞2 ⎞ ⎞
⎜ ⎜((Fy)) ⋅ ⎜―⎟ ⎟ ⎟
2 ⎝ ⎝ rt ⎠ ⎠ ⎟
Fb2 ≔ ((Fy)) ⋅ ⎜―- ――――― = 126.204
⎜⎝ 3 10.55 ⋅ 10 6 ⎟⎠

82740 ⋅ cb
Fb3 ≔ ―――― = 148.498
⎛ L⋅d ⎞
⎝ tf ⋅ bf ⎠

Mmaxnew ⋅ 10 6
fb ≔ ―――――― = 82.504
Sx ⋅ 10 3
Addequacy ≔ if ((fb < Fb3 , “SAFE” , “NOT SAFE”))

Addequacy = “SAFE”

Material Properties:

Fy ≔ 250 Cb ≔ 1.0 L ≔ 10000


DL ≔ 4.2 LLc ≔ 4.8 LLr ≔ 1.9 T ≔ 3.0

Load Analysis:

Due to Slab:

Room Span: Corridor Span:

tDL ≔ DL ⋅ T = 12.6 tDL ≔ DL ⋅ T = 12.6
tLLr ≔ LLr ⋅ T = 5.7 tLLc ≔ LLc ⋅ T = 14.4
Wtr ≔ tDL + tLLr = 18.3 Wtc ≔ tDL + tLLc = 27

Maximum Moment (Mmx):

Mmx ≔ 25.227

Section Modulus Require (rSx):

Section Modulus Require (rSx):
Mmx ⋅ 10 6
rSx ≔ ―――― = 168.18 ⋅ 10 3
0.6 ⋅ Fy
Use W200x41.7 from AISC manual

Section Properties:

w ≔ 41.7 A ≔ 5320 d ≔ 205 tf ≔ 11.8

rt ≔ 46.7 Sx ≔ 398 ⋅ 10 3 tw ≔ 7.24 bf ≔ 166
w ⋅ 9.81
Wb ≔ ――― = 0.409 nWtr ≔ Wtr + Wb = 18.709
1000 nWtc ≔ Wtc + Wb = 27.409

New Maximum Moment (nMmx):

nMmx ≔ 25.802

Reactions of J-1 Joist with W200x41.7

Shear Diagram of J-1 Joist with W200x41.7

nMmx ⋅ 10 6
fb ≔ ――――= 64.829
nMmx ⋅ 10 6
fb ≔ ――――= 64.829

200 ⋅ bf 137900
Lc1 ≔ ――― = 2099.752 Lc2 ≔ ―――― = 5270.605
Fy d
――⋅ Fy
bf ⋅ tf
Lc ≔ min ((Lc1 , Lc2))

Lc = 2099.752

Allowable Bending Stress (Fb)

⎛ ⎛ L ⎞2 ⎞ 1172100 ⋅ Cb 82740 ⋅ Cb
⎜ Fy ⋅ ⎜―⎟ ⎟ Fb2 ≔ ――――― Fb3 ≔ ――――
⎜ 2 ⎝ rt ⎠ ⎟ ⎛ L ⎞2 L⋅d
Fb1 ≔ Fy ⋅ ―⋅ ――――― ――
⎜⎝ 3 10.55 ⋅ 10 6 ⋅ Cb ⎟⎠ ⎜―⎟ tf ⋅ bf
⎝ rt ⎠
Fb1 = 181.093 Fb2 = 25.562 Fb3 = 79.059

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
703270 ⋅ Cb L ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
3516330 ⋅ Cb ⎛L ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
3516330 ⋅ Cb ⎞⎞
Fb' ≔ if ⎜ ――――≤ ―≤ ――――― , Fb1 , if ⎜―≥ ――――― , Fb2 , 0⎟⎟
⎝ Fy rt Fy ⎝ rt Fy ⎠⎠

Fb ≔ max ((Fb' , Fb3)) Adequacy ≔ if ((fb < Fb , “SAFE” , “NOT SAFE”))

Fb = 79.059 Adequacy = “SAFE”

Material Properties:

Fy ≔ 250 Cb ≔ 1.0 L ≔ 10000


DL ≔ 4.2 LLc ≔ 4.8 LLr ≔ 1.9 Ts ≔ 1.5

DLs ≔ 4.8 LLs ≔ 4.8 T ≔ 3.0 Tc ≔ 1.5

Load Analysis:

Span 1 (between Stairs and Common Area)

Due to Stairs: Due to Slab:

stDL1 ≔ DLs ⋅ Ts = 7.2 slDL1 ≔ DL ⋅ Tc = 6.3
stLL1 ≔ LLs ⋅ Ts = 7.2 slLL1 ≔ LLc ⋅ Tc = 7.2
Wts ≔ stDL1 + stLL1 = 14.4 Wtc ≔ slDL1 + slLL1 = 13.5

Wt1 ≔ Wts + Wtc = 27.9

Span 2 (Common Area) Span 2 (Room Area)

Due to Slab: Due to Slab:

DL2 ≔ DL ⋅ T = 12.6 DL3 ≔ DL ⋅ T = 12.6
LL2 ≔ LLc ⋅ T = 14.4 LL3 ≔ LLr ⋅ T = 5.7
Wt2 ≔ DL2 + LL2 = 27 Wt3 ≔ DL3 + LL3 = 18.3

Maximum Moment (Mmx):

Maximum Moment (Mmx):

Mmx ≔ 23.592

Section Modulus Require (rSx):

Mmx ⋅ 10 6
rSx ≔ ―――― = 157.28 ⋅ 10 3
0.6 ⋅ Fy
Use W200x41.7 from AISC manual

Section Properties:

w ≔ 37.1 A ≔ 4740 d ≔ 162 tf ≔ 11.6

rt ≔ 44.2 Sx ≔ 274 ⋅ 10 3 tw ≔ 8.13 bf ≔ 154
w ⋅ 9.81
Wb ≔ ――― = 0.364 nWt1 ≔ Wt1 + Wb = 28.264
1000 nWt2 ≔ Wt2 + Wb = 27.364
nWt3 ≔ Wt3 + Wb = 18.664

New Maximum Moment (nMmx):

nMmx ≔ 24.078

Reactions of J-2 Joist with W150x37.1

Reactions of J-2 Joist with W150x37.1

Shear Diagram of J-2 Joist with W150x37.1

nMmx ⋅ 10 6
fb ≔ ――――= 87.876

200 ⋅ bf 137900
Lc1 ≔ ――― = 1947.963 Lc2 ≔ ―――― = 6082.582
Fy d
――⋅ Fy
bf ⋅ tf
Lc ≔ min ((Lc1 , Lc2))
Lc = 1947.963

Allowable Bending Stress (Fb)

⎛ ⎛ L ⎞2 ⎞ 1172100 ⋅ Cb 82740 ⋅ Cb
⎜ Fy ⋅ ⎜―⎟ ⎟ Fb2 ≔ ――――― Fb3 ≔ ――――
⎜ 2 ⎝ rt ⎠ ⎟ ⎛ L ⎞2 L⋅d
Fb1 ≔ Fy ⋅ ―⋅ ――――― ――
⎜⎝ 3 10.55 ⋅ 10 6 ⋅ Cb ⎟⎠ ⎜―⎟ tf ⋅ bf
⎝ rt ⎠
Fb1 = 202.158 Fb2 = 22.899 Fb3 = 91.239

⎛ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
703270 ⋅ Cb L ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
3516330 ⋅ Cb ⎛L ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
3516330 ⋅ Cb ⎞⎞
Fb' ≔ if ⎜ ――――≤ ―≤ ――――― , Fb1 , if ⎜―≥ ――――― , Fb2 , 0⎟⎟
⎝ Fy rt Fy ⎝ rt Fy ⎠⎠

Fb ≔ max ((Fb' , Fb3)) Adequacy ≔ if ((fb < Fb , “SAFE” , “NOT SAFE”))

Fb = 91.239 Adequacy = “SAFE”

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