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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
School I.D. 131521


Quarter 3 – Week 8
S.Y. 2023-2024

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
a. Identify the different kinds of simple machines.
b. Describe and classify the different kinds of simple machines.
c. Appreciate and show proper handling of machines.

II. Content/Topic: Different Kinds of Simple Machines

III. Learning Resources:
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: Science Beyond Borders page 79-87
2. Learner’s Materials pages: Science Beyond Borders page 157-162
3. Textbook pages: Science Beyond Borders page 157-162
4. Additional Materials/Resources:
Process Skills: Identifying, Describing, Classifying
Values Integration: Proper handling of machines

B. Other Learning Resources: Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint presentation,

Pictures, real-life objects, ,


1. Drill
(The teacher will play a simple machine song – video presentation)
2. Review:

Do you like to play a game class?

Let’s have a game entitled “Spin the Wheel.”

I will spin the wheel with your name on it.

As the wheel stops, the one whose name is pointed will answer the following statement
if it is true or false then change the underlined word to make the sentence correct.
Is that clear?

1. Work is done when a force is used to move an object over a distance.

2. A single pulley multiplies the force exerted.
3. A knife is an example of a lever.
4. A wedge has one inclined plane to form a sharp edge.
5. A pair of scissors is an example of a lever.

Very good class! It seems that you understood our previous topic. For that, tap your
shoulders and say, “I did great!”

3. Establishing a purpose for the lesson/Motivation/Motive Questions:

(The teacher will show names and pictures of simple machines.)

I have here some tools

These are also some tools that we often use at home.
Do you have these at home?
Do you know how to use these materials?

Group the pupils into two then group the given tools as described.
Read the group activity Rubrics to start the activity.
Classify the given tools by answering the questions that follow.
Then unscramble the jumbled letters to find out what kind of simple machine is described.

Group A
lever Inclined plane wedge
a. broom a. stairs and ramp a. knife

b. flyswatter b. sharpener

c. seesaw c. scissors

Group B
screw Wheel axle pulley
a. water faucet a. doorknob a. chain hoist

b. wine opener b. elevator

b. bicycle

What are the different kinds of simple machines?

Very good!

4. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson:

What do you call these materials?

These are also some tools that we often use at home. (Show some real machine)

Very good! Do you want to learn more about simple machines?

Now class, let’s have a group activity. I will divide you into 4 groups. I will give you 10
minutes to do your assigned tasks.
Group 1

Group 2
Solve a picture puzzle that shows an example of each type of simple machine that you
see in our community.

Guided Questions:
1. What are the things that you have solved?
2. Identify to which type of simple machine they belong.

Group 3
Connect the following pictures of simple machines with their type.
Guided Questions:
1. What type of simple machine are the following:
a. screw
b. bicycle
c. axe
d. seesaw
e. slide
f. elevator

 Lever

 Incline Plane

 Pulley

 Wedge

 Wheel and Axle

 Screw
Group 4

Wheel and Axle

Inclined Plane


Name of Simple


1. Flagpole /
2. Drill Bit /
3. Ramp /
4. Knife /
5. Seesaw /
6. Bicycle /
7. Scissors /
8. Clamp /
9. Crane /
10. Doorknob /
Identify the different kinds of simple machines below and classify them. Put a
check that corresponds to its classification.

1. Name the simple machines you can see in the picture

2. What types of simple machines do you see in the picture?
3. Describe each machine and give the use of each.

5. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Presentation of group report)

Very good class! For that give yourselves 10 claps.

Now, let’s look at the video presentation that I will be playing. So, listen attentively!
Are we clear class?

(playing video presentation)

Now, what have you observed in the video presentation?

Then, what are those simple machines that you can see in the video?
What are simple machines?
What are the types of simple machines?
6. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

How does a simple machine make work easier and faster?

What else?
7. Developing Mastery (leads to formative assessment):

How are simple machines used in everyday life?

Values Integration:

How are you going to handle those machines after use?

8. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living:

For your outreach program to the victims of floods, there are 10 sacks of rice and 10
boxes of grocery items in a truck, what simple machines are you going to use?

What is the importance of using this machine?

9. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:

What are simple machines?

What are the different kinds of simple machines?
Then, how are you going to describe a wedge?
How about an inclined plane?

Job well done class! For that give yourselves a WoW claps.

10. Evaluating Learning:

Multiple Choices. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. A wheel with a rope belt around it. Helps a person lift or move something up, down,
or across an area.
a. Pulley
b. Wedge
c. Screw
d. Inclined plane
2. Often used to hold things together.
a. Inclined plain
b. Screw
c. Wedge
d. Pulley
3. A lightbulb is an example of what machine?
a. Inclined plane
b. wedge
c. screw
d. pulley
4. This machine has a sharp edge and helps spread or cut something.
a. Wheel and axle
b. Wedge
c. Screw
d. Pulley
5. A flagpole is an example of what kind of simple machine?
a. Wedge
b. Inclined plane
c. Pulley
d. Wheel and axle
6. A bicycle is an example of what simple machine?
a. Wedge
b. Screw
c. Wheel and axle
d. Inclined plane
7. The staircase is an example of what simple machine?
a. Pulley
b. Wedge
c. Wheel and axle
d. Inclined plane
8. A hammer being used by a person to remove a nail from a piece of wood is an
example of what simple machine?
a. Screw
b. Lever
c. Wheel and axle
d. Inclined plane
9. A fishing pole is an example of a compound machine. What simple machines are
used to make up this compound machine?
a. Wheel and axle, inclined plane, pulley
b. Lever, wheel and axle, pulley
c. Wheel and axle, pulley
d. Inclined plane, pulley
10. Which is not a type of simple machine?
a. Pulley
b. Spring
c. Wedge
d. Screw

11. Assignment:

Identify the kind of simple machine given below and write its description.
Simple Machine Kind of Simple Machine Description
1. Stairs

2. Wheelbarrow

3. Light Bulb

4. Axes

5. Water Well

Prepared by:
Checked & Noted:

Head Teacher III


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