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THE VALUE OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Its Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Kinds


Qualitative Research is a scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data. It refers to the
meanings, concepts, characteristics, metaphors, symbols and description of phenomena, and not to their
counts or measures.

EXPLANATION: Qualitative research is like painting a picture with words rather than numbers. It's a
scientific method of observation that focuses on gathering non-numerical data. Instead of crunching
numbers and statistical analysis, qualitative research dives deep into the meanings, concepts,
characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of phenomena.
Qualitative Research promotes a deep, holistic understanding of a particular phenomenon.

EXPLANATION: Qualitative research gives us a full and thorough understanding of something by

looking at all its parts, not just one piece. It's like putting together a puzzle to see the whole picture.


1. Human Understanding and Interpretation in Data Analysis:
 This means that when we analyze data in qualitative research, we're not just relying on
computers or numbers. Instead, we're using our brains to really understand what the data
means. It involves looking at the data and thinking about it deeply to draw conclusions and
insights. It's like trying to understand a story by reading between the lines, not just by counting
the words.
2. Active, Powerful, and Forceful in Data Gathering and Rephrasing Interview Questions:
 In qualitative research, we're not passive observers. We actively engage with our subjects,
asking them questions and really digging deep to get meaningful answers. Sometimes, we need
to rephrase questions to make sure we're getting the best information possible. It's like being a
detective, asking the right questions to uncover the truth.
3. Multiple Research Approaches and Methods that Allow You to Plan Your Study and Being Multi-
Method Research:
 This means that in qualitative research, there's not just one way to do things. We have a toolbox
full of different methods and approaches that we can use depending on the situation. This
flexibility allows us to plan our study in a way that best fits our research question. It's like having
different tools in a toolbox – sometimes you need a hammer, and sometimes you need a
4. Specificity to Generalization on Specific Ideas Will Lead to Generalizations or Conclusions:
 This is about how we move from specific observations to more general conclusions in qualitative
research. We start by looking at specific ideas or examples, and then we see if we can apply
those ideas more broadly. It's like starting with one piece of evidence and using it to draw a
bigger picture. However, it's important to remember that qualitative research often focuses
more on understanding the depth of a situation rather than making sweeping generalizations
like quantitative research might do.
5. Contextualization - Context or Situation of Individual’s Life:
 This means considering the background or environment in which someone lives when studying
them. It's like understanding that someone's actions or choices might be influenced by their
surroundings, like their family, friends, or culture. Contextualization helps us see the bigger
picture and understand why people behave the way they do.
6. Diversified Data in Real-life Situations on Collecting Data in a Natural Setting:
 This is about collecting information from real-life situations, rather than in a lab or controlled
environment. It's like observing people in their natural habitat, where they feel comfortable and
act more naturally. This gives us a more authentic view of their behavior and experiences.
7. Abounds with Words and Visuals that Presents People’s View in a Picture, Video, Drawing, or Graphs:
 Qualitative research often involves using different types of information, not just numbers. We
might use words, like in interviews or written accounts, as well as visuals, like photos or videos,
to capture people's perspectives. It's like creating a collage of different pieces of information to
tell a complete story.
8. Internal Analysis on Examining the Data Yielded by the Internal Traits of the Subject Persons:
 This involves looking inward to understand the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of the
people being studied. Instead of just observing their actions, we try to understand what's going
on inside their heads. It's like trying to understand someone's personality or emotions by
looking at their expressions and body language.
1. Adopts a Naturalistic Approach to its Subject Matter:
 This means that qualitative research focuses on studying things as they naturally occur, without
trying to change or manipulate them. It's like observing animals in the wild rather than in a zoo
– you want to see how they behave in their natural environment.
2. Promotes a Full Understanding of Human Behavior/Personality Traits in their Natural Setting:
 Qualitative research aims to understand people's behavior and personality traits in the places
where they live, work, or interact daily. It's like trying to understand why a bird sings by
watching it in its natural habitat rather than in a cage.
3. It is Instrumental for Positive Societal Changes:
 This means that qualitative research can help make society better by identifying problems and
finding solutions. For example, studying people's experiences of discrimination might lead to
changes in laws or policies to promote equality.
4. Engenders Respect for People’s Individuality:
 Qualitative research recognizes that each person is unique and respects their differences. It's
like appreciating the diversity of flowers in a garden – each one is beautiful in its own way.
5. It’s a Way of Understanding & Interpreting Social Interactions:
 Qualitative research helps us understand how people interact with each other in social
situations. It's like watching a play and trying to understand the characters' relationships by
observing their conversations and actions.
6. Increases Researcher’s Interests in the Study:
 Qualitative research can be fascinating for researchers because it allows them to explore
complex topics in depth. It's like diving into a mystery novel – the more you uncover, the more
interested you become in finding out what happens next.
7. Offers Multiple Ways of Acquiring and Examining Knowledge about Something:
 Qualitative research offers different methods and approaches for gathering and analyzing
information. It's like having a toolkit with various tools for different tasks – you can choose the
best one for the job at hand.
1. It Involves a Lot of Researcher’s Subjectivity in Data Analysis:
 This means that the researcher's own opinions and beliefs can influence how they interpret the
data. It's like tasting food – everyone has different tastes, so researchers might see things
differently based on their own perspectives.
2. It is Hard to Know the Validity/Reliability of the Data:
 Validity means whether the data actually measures what it's supposed to, and reliability means
whether the data is consistent and dependable. In qualitative research, because it's often based
on subjective interpretations, it can be challenging to ensure that the data is valid and reliable.
It's like trying to measure the temperature with a broken thermometer – you're not sure if the
reading is accurate.
3. Its Open-ended Questions Yield “Data Overload” That Requires Long-time Analysis:
 Open-ended questions allow people to answer freely, which can sometimes result in a lot of
information to analyze. It's like trying to read all the books in a library – it takes time to go
through all the data and make sense of it.
4. It is Time-consuming:
 Because qualitative research involves in-depth analysis and often collects a large amount of
data, it can take a long time to complete. It's like cooking a homemade meal from scratch – it
requires time and patience to get it just right.
5. It Involves Several Processes, Whose Results Greatly Depend on the Researcher’s Views or
 Qualitative research involves many steps, from designing the study to collecting and analyzing
data. Since it relies on the researcher's interpretations, the results can be influenced by their
biases or perspectives. It's like looking at a painting – different people might see different things
depending on their point of view.

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