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Quantitative and
Qualitative Research



The student shall be able to

Differentiate Quantitative to Qualitative
Describe Characteristics, strength,
weaknesses and kinds of qualitative

-is a positivist scientific method which refers

to a general set of orderly discipline
procedures to acquire information
(Beck, 2004)
Mostly, it is concerned with numbers and

-is defined as the “naturalistic method of

research which deals with the concern of
human difficulty by discovering it straightly”
It is concerned with the experiences,
understanding and words of the individual.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

1. Naturalistic Inquiry
- studying real world situations as they
unfold naturally; non-manipulative,
unobtrusive and non controlling; openness to
whatever emerges- lack of predetermined
constraints on outcomes.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

2. Inductive Analysis
-Immersion in the details and specific of
the data to discover important categories,
dimensions and interrelationships; begin by
exploring genuinely open questions rather
than testing.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

3. Holistic Perspective
- the whole phenomenon under study is
understood as a complex system that is more
than the sum of its parts; focus is on complex
interdependencies not meaningfully reduce to
a few discrete variables and linear, cause-
effect relationships
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

4. Qualitative data
-detailed, thick description; inquiry in
depth; direct quotations capturing, people’s
personal perspectives and experiences. First
level of inquiry is being true to, respecting and
capturing the details of the individual cases
being studied; cross-case analysis follows
from and depends on the quality of individual
case studies.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

5. Personal contact and insight

- the researcher has direct contact with and
gets close to the people, situation and
phenomenon under study; researcher’s
personal experiences and insights are
important part of the inquiry and critical to
understanding the phenomenon.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

6. Dynamic System
- Attention to process; assumes change is
constant and ongoing whether the focus is on
an individual or an entire culture.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

7. Unique case orientation

-assumes each case is special and unique;
the first level of inquiry is being true to,
respecting, and capturing the details of the
individual cases being studied; cross-case
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

8. Context Sensitivity
- places findings in a social, historical and
temporal context; dubious of the possibility or
meaningfulness of generalization across time
and space.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

9. Emphatic neutrality
-complete objectivity is impossible; pure
subjectivity undermines credibility; the researcher’s
passion is understanding the world in all its
complexity- not proving something, not advocating,
not advancing personal agenda, but understanding;
the researcher includes personal experience and
empathic insight as part of the relevant data, while
taking a neutral nonjudgmental stance toward
whatever content may emerge.
Characteristics of Qualitative Research

10. Flexibility
- open to adapting inquiry as
understanding deepens and / or situations
change; avoids getting locked into rigid design
that eliminate responsiveness; pursues new
paths of discovery as they emerge.
Types of Qualitative Research

1. Phenomenology
-aims to understand a phenomenon or
event by describing participants lived

Money Making on the Road: The daily

Adventure of Young Street Vendors.
Types of Qualitative Research

2. Ethnography
- detailed study of the culture of a specific
community or group. Data is collected by
extended immersion and close observation.
Focuses on describing and interpreting
beliefs, conventions, social dynamics etc.

Access How the Culture of Mangyan Tribe

have Change Overtime
Types of Qualitative Research

3. Grounded theory
- aims to develop a theory inductive by
systematically analyzing qualitative data.
Inductive reasoning – is a method of
reasoning in which a general principle is
derived from a body of observations. It
consists of making generalization based on
specific observations.
Specific to general

An Exploration on Learner’s Perspectives of

Work Place Learning : A Grounded Theory
Types of Qualitative Research

4. Case Study
- detailed study of a specific subject (eg. a
place, event, organization etc.). Data can be
collected using a variety of sources and
methods. Focuses on gaining a holistic
understanding of the case.

COVID-19 and Related Anxiety Cases Among

College Students
Types of Qualitative Research

5. Narrative Study
-researchers investigate the lives of
individual and ask person or group of
individual to tell their life.

Leadership Journey: A Narrative Research

Study Exploring Women School
Superintendent’s Meaning – Making of
Leadership Development Experiences
Advantage of Qualitative Research

1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its

subject matter which means that the
participants are involved in real setting
2. It promotes a full understanding of human
behavior or personality traits in their natural
3. It is instrumental for positive societal
Advantages of Qualitative Research

4. It engenders respect for people’s

individuality as it demands the researcher’s
careful and attentive stand toward people’s
world views.
5. It is a way of understanding and interpreting
social interactions.
6. It increases the research’s interest in the
study as it includes the researcher’s experience
or background knowledge in interpreting verbal
and visual data.
Advantages of Qualitative Research

7. It offers multiple ways of acquiring and

examining knowledge about something
Disadvantages of Qualitative Research

1. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in

data analysis
2. It is hard to know the validity or reliability of
the data
3. Its open-ended questions yield “data
overload” that requires long time analysis
4. It is time consuming
5. It involves several processes which results
greatly depend on the researcher’s view or
Thank you !

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