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The Director,

Anu Lal
Dept. of Acting
2019 Batch

Sub : Seeking Explanation on the frequent misbehaviour to the Hostel Warden Sri. Sajo Jose-reg:-

Dear Anu Lal,

I am writing to address a matter of concern that has come to our attention regarding your behavior
within the hostel and the premises. It has been brought to our notice that you have been engaging in
actions that are not in line with the rules and expectations set forth for residents.

As you are aware, the hostel is not just a place for accommodation but also a community where
mutual respect, discipline, and cooperation are essential for everyone's well-being. Unfortunately,
your recent interactions with the hostel warden have raised red flags, indicating a lack of adherence
to these principles.

It is imperative to maintain a harmonious relationship with the hostel authorities, including the
warden, who plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the hostel environment.
Continuous instances of misbehavior or disrespect towards the warden not only disrupt the peaceful
atmosphere but also reflect poorly on your character and integrity as a resident.

The authorities are found that you are a repeat offender of the following offences. Therefore, you
should submit your written explanation within 5 days regarding the following incidents.

1. On 29th February 24, at 12.01 A M, you knocked and kicking on the door of the Hostel
Warden at night and scared him.
2. You repeated these activities and disturb him in several days
3. On 9th March you broken the door lock of Hostel warden in his absence.
4. When you met the hostel warden, you making ugly irritating sound and spits in front of him.
5. You also singing vulgour songs in the hostel
6. You are throwing Cigar/Bidi pieces in front of his room.
7. You are drumming and singing very loudly in the early hours, making nuisances to other
accommodated students and neighbours also.

We understand that conflicts or misunderstandings may arise from time to time, but it is essential to
address them maturely and resolve them amicably through constructive communication. Resorting
to confrontational behavior or displaying a disregard for authority figures is not acceptable under
any circumstances.
Therefore, I urge you to reflect on your actions and consider the consequences they may have not
only on yourself but also on the entire hostel community. It is essential to demonstrate
accountability for your behavior and take proactive steps to rectify any misunderstandings or
conflicts that may have arisen.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to seeing positive changes in your
conduct moving forward.

Best regards,

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