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律的社會生活各方面來說,20 世紀中出現的「法律與社會研究」運動(Law and
Society Study Movement)是首度大規模地、全面性地開始引起社會科學家對於

規定。「法律與社會研究」自 60 年代以來一直是個跨學科的研究領域,除了法律

1.1 課程目標與預期成效

1.2 課程內容簡介


在第一週的導論之中,我們選擇了 R. Cotterrell 與 A. Hunt 的研究來確定本

60 年代開始的「法律與社會研究」之中,雖然有不少社會科學家與法律學家進行
合作,Cotterrell 與 Hunt 在經歷半世紀的發展後,卻仍然呼籲當代法律社會學者
重要取徑。「新法律唯實論」(New Legal Realism)近年來成為一個共同的趨勢,
其目的在於回到 20 世紀出的法律唯實論,卻將研究焦點由法律人轉向日常生活
在社會學制度內的法律社會學研究,則無法避開 Donald Black 所建立的研究典
了不少法律學者與社會學者的批判。其中主要的爭議在於:對於 Black 僅聚焦在
Amherst 學院所建立的人文社會科學式的研究取徑。學程建立於 80 年代後期,
研究成果則開花於 90 年代,以 A. Sarat 為首的 Amherst 研究群從日常生活之中
為此種文化轉向的研究立場,Amherst 學者的著作由實際法律案件的社會影響,

週的課程之中,我們介紹了 L. M. Friedman 對於當代法律文化的研究。他以「現

之中,我們藉由「世界政體」(World Polity)理論的研究,指出「普世人權」在概
在第十一週的課程之中,我們則透過「象徵鬥爭」(Symbolic Struggle)與「法律場
域」(Legal Field)的分析工具,來看待權利概念作為特定(英美)文化之中的社會建


Habermas 在 90 年代的巨著「規範與事實之間」,提供了當代法律社會學研究的
方面在 A. Honneth 延伸出的「承認鬥爭」與 N. Fraser 與之進行的「承認或再分配」
爭論之中,發現他們對於 Habermas 在法律社會學上的理論資源的進一步延伸。
其次,Luhmann 在其系統理論的典範確認之後,重新撰寫的「社會的法」則是當
的「正義」語意。然而,面對著 Luhmann 浩瀚的理論體系對於當代法律社會學的
啟發,我們卻可以先在 G. Teubner 的系列研究之中,看見不少具有啟發性的應
用與轉化。最後,Foucault 在「規訓與懲罰」之後的著作中,陸續出現對於法律現
出現了 Foucault 是否「以規範取代法律」爭議,也出現了「治理性到倫理性」的爭
究之下的法律社會學成果之中,發現 Foucault 理論的初步啟發與深究可能。

學理論意涵的當代法律社會學。在本週我們藉由 Bourdieu「司法場域社會學」的
應法律論述的重要研究架構,另一方面,回到 Bourdieu 對於場域形成歷史的分

1.3 教學方式與評分標準



於之後的課程講授周,簡要地呈現為三至四頁 A4 的書面形式,並且以口頭報

1.課堂報告與出席討論,各占 25%
2.期中計畫與期末報告,各占 25%
3.不定期或隨堂指定作業,占 25%(加分用)。


2.1 導論書籍
Calavita, Kitty. 2010. Invitation to law and society: an introduction to the study of real law.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Cotterrell, Roger. 1992. The sociology of law: an introduction. London : Butterworths.
Deflem, Mathieu. 2008. Sociology of law: visions of a scholarly tradition. Cambridge, UK ;
New York : Cambridge University Press.
Sutton, John R. 2007. Law/Society. Newbury Park : Pine Forge Press March.

2.2 參考書籍
Banakar, Reza. & Travers, Max. (eds.) 2005. Theory and Method in Socio-legal Research.
Hart, Oxford.
Banakar, Reza. 2003. Merging law and sociology: beyond the dichotomies in socio-legal
research. Glienicke, Berlin ; Madison, Wisc. : Galda + Wilch Verlag.
Barkan, Steven E. 2009. Law and society: an introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ :
Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Clark, David S. 2007. Encyclopedia of law & society: American and global perspectives. Vol.
1-3. Los Angeles : Sage Publications.
Cotterrell, Roger. (ed.) 1994. Law and society. Aldershot : Dartmouth.
Cotterrell, Roger. (ed.) 2001. Sociological perspectives on law. vol.1-2. Aldershot ;
Brookfield USA : Ashgate/Dartmouth.
Cotterrell, Roger. (ed.) 2006. Law in social theory. Aldershot, Hants, England ;
Burlington, VT : Ashgate.
Freeman, Michael. (ed.) 2006. Law and sociology. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University
Galligan, D. James. 2007. Law in modern society. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University
Halliday, Simon. & Schmidt, Patrick. 2009. Conducting law and society research: reflections
on methods and practices. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press.
Klein, Lloyd. (ed.) 2006. Sociology of law: a resource guide. Washington, D.C. : American
Sociological Association, 3rd ed.
Macaulay, Stewart. & Friedman, Lawrence M. & Mertz, Elizabeth. (ed.) 2007. Law in action:
a socio-legal reader. New York, N.Y. : Foundation Press; Thomson/West.
Mertz, Elizabeth. (ed.) 2008. The role of social science in law. Aldershot, England ;
Burlington, VT : Ashgate.
Morris, Lydia. (ed.) 2006. Rights: sociological perspectives. London ; New York : Routledge.
Rokumoto, Kahei. (ed.) 1994. Sociological Theories of Law. Hamsphire, England: Ashgate
Dartmouth Publishing Company.
Sarat, Austin. & Simon, Jonathan. (ed.) 2003. Cultural analysis, cultural studies, and the law:
moving beyond legal realism. Durham: Duke University Press.
Sarat, Austin. (ed.) 2004. The Blackwell companion to law and society. Malden, MA :
Blackwell Pub.
Seron, Carroll.(ed.) 2006. The Law and Society Canon. Hampshire, England: Ashgate
Travers, Max. 2010. Understanding law and society. Abingdon, Oxon, [England] ; New York,
NY : Routledge.
Treviño, A. Javier. (ed.) 2007. Classic writings in law and society: contemporary comments

and criticisms. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers.
Treviño, A. Javier. (ed.) 2008. Talcott Parsons on law and the legal system. Newcastle:
Cambridge Scholars Pub.
Treviño, A. Javier. (ed.) 2008. The sociology of law: classical and contemporary perspectives.
with a new introduction by the author. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers.
Treviño, A. Javier. 2007. The sociology of law: an expanded bibliography of theoretical
literature, 2007. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press.
Vago, Steven. 2012. Law and society. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall.
Walsh, Anthony. & Hemmens, Craig. 2008. Law, justice, and society: a sociolegal
introduction. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press.

3.1 簡略目錄

周次 課程進度
1 導論
2 法律與社會研究的學科發展
3 新法律實在論(New Legal Realsim)
4 法律的運作行為(Donald Black)
5 法律的人文學研究(Amherst Seminar)
6 當代英美社會的權利革命
7 日常生活中的權利:法律意識(Legal Consciousness)
8 權利訴求與社會運動:法律動員(Legal Mobilization)
9 組織脈絡中的權利:法律內生性(Legal Endogeneity)
10 全球化脈絡的權利:普世人權
11 權利的象徵鬥爭:法律場域研究
12 Habermas
13 承認或再分配之爭(Honneth、Fraser)
14 Luhmann
15 Teunber:反身性與混雜性
16 Foucault
17 治理性研究
18 結論:Bourdieu 的司法場域社會學

3.2 詳細目錄

第一週 導論

Cotterrell, Roger. 2006. Law, culture and society: legal ideas in the mirror of social theory.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Co. 節選
Hunt, Alan. 1993. Explorations in law and society: towards a constitutive theory of law. New
York : Routledge. 節選
Scheppele, K. Lane. 1994. Legal Theory and Social Theory. Annual Review of Sociology, 20,

Cotterrell, Roger. 1995. Law's community: legal theory in sociological perspective. Oxford:
Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press.
Cotterrell, Roger. 2003. The politics of jurisprudence: a critical introduction to legal
philosophy. London: Oxford university press.
Cotterrell, Roger. 2008. Living law: studies in legal and social theory. Aldershot, England
: Dartmouth Pub. ; Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate Pub.
Hunt, Alan. 1978. The sociological movement in law. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Nelken, David. 2009. Beyond law in context: developing a sociological understanding of law.
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate.

第一部份 法律社會學的學科制度特性

第二週 法律與社會研究的學科發展
Simon. Jonathan. 1999. Law after Society. Law & Social Inquiry, 24, 1, 143–194.
Garth, Bryant. & Sterling, Joyce. 1998. From Legal Realism to Law and Society: Reshaping
Law for the Last Stages of the Social Activist State. Law & Society Review, 32, 2, 409-472.

Abel, Richard. 2010. Law and Society: Project and Practice. Annual Review of Law and
Social Science, 6, 1-23.
Friedman, Lawrence M. 1986. The Law and Society Movement. Stanford Law Review, 38, 3,
Friedman, Lawrence. 2005. Coming Of Age: Law and Society Enters an Exclusive Club.
Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 1, 1-16.
Galanter, Marc. 2006. In the Winter of Our Discontent--Law, Anti-Law, and Social Science.
Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2, 1–16.

Scheingold, Stuart A. 2008. Home Away from Home--Collaborative Research Networks and
Interdisciplinary Socio-Legal Scholarship. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 4, 1–
Symposium. 2001. The Sociology of Law in the world. The American Sociologist, 32, 2.
Tomlins, Christopher. 2000. Framing the Field of Law's Disciplinary Encounters: A Historical
Narrative. Law & Society Review, 34, 4, , 911-972.
Travers, Max. 1993. Putting Sociology Back into the Sociology of Law. Journal of Law and
Society, 20, 4, 438-451.

第三週 新法律實在論
Erlanger, Howard, et al.Is It Time for a New Legal Realism? Wisconsin Law Review 2005:
339 (2005)
Tamanaha, Brian. 1997. Realistic Socio-Legal Theory: Pragmatism and a Social Theory of
Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 節選

Cross, Frank B. 1997. Political Science and the New Legal Realism: A Case of Unfortunate
Interdisciplinary Ignorance. Northwestern University Law Review, 92, 251-.
Nourse, Victoria. & Shaffer, Gregory. 2009.Varieties of New Legal Realism: Can a New
World Order Prompt a New Legal Theory? Cornell Law Review, 95, 62-.
Suchman, Mark. & Mertz, Elizabeth. 2010. Toward a New Legal Empiricism? Empirical
Legal Studies and New Legal Realism. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 6, 555-
Symposium. 2005. Is It Time For a New Legal Realism? Wisconsin Law Review, 2005, 2.
Symposium. 2006. New Legal Realism. Law & Social Inquiry, 31, 4.
Symposium. 2009. New Legal Realism. Cornell Law Review, 95, 1.
Tamanaha, Brian Z. 2001. A general jurisprudence of law and society. Oxford ; New York :
Oxford University Press.
Tamanaha, Brian Z. 2004. On the rule of law: history, politics, theory. Cambridge ; New York
: Cambridge University Press.
Tamanaha, Brian Z. 2006. Law as a means to an end: threat to the rule of law. Cambridge ;
New York : Cambridge University Press.
Tamanaha, Brian Z. 2006. The perils of pervasive legal instrumentalism. Nijmegen : Wolf
Legal Publishers.
Tamanaha, Brian Z. 2010. Beyond the formalist-realist divide: the role of politics in judging.
Princeton : Princeton University Press.

第四週 法律的運作行為
Black, Donald. 1976. The behavior of law. New York: Academic Press. (中譯,唐‧布莱

Black, Donald. & Mileski, Maureen. (ed.) 1973. The social organization of law. New
York: Seminar Press.
Black, Donald. 1989. Sociological justice. New York: Oxford University Press. (中譯,
Black, Donald. 1993. The social structure of right and wrong. San Diego: Academic
Press. (中譯,唐‧布莱克著;徐昕,田璐译,2009,《正義的純粹社會學》,杭州市:
Black, Donald. 1995. Black's Theory on the Behavior of Law Revisited. International Journal
of the Sociology of Law, 23, 189-232.
Black, Donald. 2000. Dreams of Pure Sociology. Sociological Theory, 18, 3, 343-367.
Black, Donald. 2002. The Geometry of Law: An Interview with Donald Black. by Aaron Bell.
International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 30, 101-129.
Symposium. 2002. "A Continuities Symposium on Donald Black's The Behavior of
Law" Contemporary Sociology, 31,6, 641-674.
Symposium. 2008. The Sociological Quarterly, 49, 2, 209-235.
Greenberg, David F. 1983. Donald Black's Sociology of Law: A Critque. Law and Society
Review, 17, 337-368.
Horwitz, Allan. 1983. Resistance to Innovation in the Sociology of Law: A Response to
Greenberg. Law and Society Review, 17, 369-384.
Hunt, Alan. 1983. Behavioral Sociology of Law: A Critique of Donald Black. Journal of Law
and Society, 10, 1, 19-46
Cooney, Mark. 1986. Behavioural Sociology of Law: A Defence. The Modern Law Review,
49, 262-271.
Sarat, Austin. 1989. Donald Black Discovers Legal Realism: From Pure Science to Policy
Science in the Sociology of Law. Law & Social Inquiry, 14, 4, 765-785.
Sciulli, David. 1995. Donald Black's Positivism in Law and Social Control. Law & Social
Inquiry, 20, 3, 805-828.

第五週 法律的人文學科研究

Sarat, Austin. & Simon, Jonathan. 2001. Beyond Legal Realism? Cultural Analysis, Cultural
Studies, and The Situation of Legal Scholarship. Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities,
13, 3. 3-32.
Sarat, Austin. 1990. Off to Meet the Wizard: Beyond Validity and Reliability in the Search for
a Post-Empiricist Sociology of Law. Law & Social Inquiry, 15, 1, 155-170.
Harrington, Christine B. & Yngvesson, Barbara. 1990. Interpretive Sociolegal Research. Law
& Social Inquiry,15, 1,135-148.
Esser, John P; Trubek, David M. 1990. From "Scientism without Determinism" to
"Interpretation without Politics": A Reply to Sarat, Harrington & Yngvesson. Law & Social
Inquiry, 15, 1, 171-180.
Trubek, David M & Esser, John. 1989. "Critical Empiricism" in American Legal Studies:
Paradox, Program, or Pandora's Box? Law & Social Inquiry, 14, 1, 3-52.

Silbey, Susan. & Sarat, Austin. 1987. Critical Traditions in Law and Society Research. Law
and Society Review, 21, 1, 165-174.
Kahn, Paul W. 1999. The cultural study of law : reconstructing legal scholarship. Chicago :
University of Chicago Press.
Symposium. 2003. The Amherst Seminar and the Everyday Life of the Law. International
Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 16, 4.
Weaton, Nancy. A. 1997. The Fate, Violence, and Rhetoric of Contemporary Legal Thought:
Reflections on The Amherst Series, the Loss of Truth, and Law. Law & Social Inquiry, 22,
3, 733-808.
(Amherst 系列研究:The Amherst series in law, jurisprudence, and social thought)
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2007. Law and
catastrophe. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2007. Law and the
sacred. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2007. How law
knows. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2005. The limits of
law. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Kearns,Thomas R. (ed.) 2004. Human rights: concepts, contests,
contingencies. Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2003. Law's madness.
Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2003. The place of

law. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.
Sarat, Austin. & Douglas, Lawrence. & Umphrey, Martha Merrill. (ed.) 2002. Lives in the
law. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press.

第二部分 權利意志

第六週 當代英美社會的權利革命

Friedman, Lawrence M. 1990. The republic of choice: law, authority, and culture. Cambridge,
Mass. : Harvard University Press. (中譯,弗里德曼著;高鴻鈞譯,2005,《選擇的共和

Epp, Charles R. 1998. The rights revolution: lawyers, activists, and supreme courts in
comparative perspective. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Epp, Charles R. 2009. Making rights real: activists, bureaucrats, and the creation of the
legalistic state. Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press.
Friedman, Lawrence M. 1985. Total justice. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Friedman, Lawrence M. 1999. The horizontal society. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Glendon, Mary Ann. 1991. Rights talk: the impoverishment of political discourse. New York :
Free Press ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan. (中譯,瑪麗.安.格倫頓著;周威譯,2006,
Glendon, Mary Ann. 1994. A nation under lawyers: how the crisis in the legal profession is
transforming American society. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Glendon, Mary Ann. 2001. A world made new: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. New York : Random House.
Ignatieff, Michael. 2000. The rights revolution. Toronto : House of Anansi Press.
Ignatieff, Michael. 2001. Human rights as politics and idolatry. Princeton ; Oxford :
Princeton University Press.
Skrentny, John David. 1996. The ironies of affirmative action: politics, culture, and justice in
America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Skrentny, John David. 2002. The minority rights revolution. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap
Press of Harvard University Press.
Sunstein, Cass R. & Holmes, Stephen. 1999. The cost of rights: why liberty depends on taxes.
New York : W.W. Norton.
Sunstein, Cass R. 1990. After the rights revolution: reconceiving the regulatory state.

Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press.
Walker, Samuel. 1998. The rights revolution: rights and community in modern America. New
York : Oxford University Press.

第七週 日常生活中的權利:法律意識(Legal Consciousness)

Ewick, Patricia. & Silbey, Susan S. 1998. The common place of law: stories from everyday
life. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. (中譯,帕特里夏.尤伊克,蘇珊.S.西爾貝著;
陸益龍譯,2005,《法律的公共空間:日常生活中的故事》,北京市:商務出版) 節選
Merry, Sally Engle. 1990. Getting justice and getting even: legal consciousness among
working-class Americans. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (中譯,薩利.安格爾.梅
意識》,北京市:北京大學出版) 節選

Ewick, Patricia. & Silbey, Susan S. 1992. Conformity, Contestation and Resistance: An
Account of Legal Consciousness. New England Law Review, 26, 731-749.
Ewick, Patricia. & Silbey, Susan S. 2003. Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to
Legal Authority. American Journal of Sociology, 108, 6, 1328-1372 .
Marshall, Anna-Maria. 2006. Communities and Culture: Enriching Legal Consciousness and
Legal Culture. Law & Social Inquiry, 31, 1, 229-249.
McCann, Michael W & March, Tracey. 1995. Law and Everyday Forms of Resistance: A
Socio-Political Assessment. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 15. 1, 207-236.
Merry, Sally Engle. 2006. Human rights and gender violence: translating international law
into local justice. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Merry, Sally. 2006. New Legal Realism and the Ethnography of Transnational Law. Law &
Social Inquiry, 31, 4, 975-995.
Mertz, Elizabeth. 1992. Review Essay: Language, Law, and Social Meanings:
Linguistic/Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Law. Law and Society Review,
26, 2, 413-445.
Nielsen, Laura. 2000. Situating Legal Consciousness: Experiences and Attitudes of Ordinary
Citizens about Law and Street Harassment. Law and Society Review, 34, 4, 1055-1090.
Silbey, Susan. 2005. After Legal Consciousness. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 1,
Skrentny, John. 2006. Law and the American State. Annual Review of Sociology, 32, 213-244.

第八週 權利訴求與社會運動:法律動員(Legal Mobilization)

McCann, Michael. 2006. Law and Social Movements. Annual Review of Law and Social
Science,2, 17-38.
McCann, Michael. 1994. Rights at work: pay equity reform and the politics of legal
mobilization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 節選

Burstein, Paul. 1991. Legal Mobilization as a Social Movement Tactic: The Struggle for
Equal Employment Opportunity. American Journal of Sociology, 96, 5, 1201-1225.
Goldberg-Hiller, Jonathan. 2003. "Subjectivity Is a Citizen": Representation, Recognition,
and the Deconstruction of Civil Rights. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 28, 139-188.
Kinsey, Karyl A & Stalans, Loretta J. 1999. Which "Haves" Come Out Ahead and Why?
Cultural Capital and Legal Mobilization in Frontline Law Enforcement. Law and Society
Review, 33, 4, 993-1023.
McCann, Michael. (ed.) 2006. Law and social movements. Aldershot, Hants, England ;
Burlington, VT : Ashgate.
McCann, Michael. 1986. Taking reform seriously: perspectives on public interest liberalism.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
McCann, Michael. 1991. Legal Mobilization and Social Reform Movements: Notes on
Theory and Its Application. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 11, 225-254.
McCann, Michael. 1996. Causal versus Constitutive Explanations (or, On the Difficulty of
Being So Positive...). Law & Social Inquiry, 21, 2, 457-482.
NeJaime, Douglas. 2011. Convincing elites, controlling elites. Studies in Law, Politics, and
Society, 54, 175-211.
Steinman, Erich. 2005. Legitimizing American Indian Sovereignty: Mobilizing the
Constitutive Power of Law through Institutional Entrepreneurship. Law & Society Review,
39, 4, 759-792.
Vanhala, Lisa. 2009. Disability Rights Activists in the Supreme Court of Canada: Legal
Mobilization Theory and Accommodating Social Movements. Canadian Journal of
Political Science, 42, 4, 981-1002.

第九週 組織脈絡中的權利:法律內生性(Legal Endogeneity)

Suchman, Mark C. & Edelman, Lauren B. 1996. Legal Rational Myths: The New

Institutionalism and the Law and Society Tradition. Law & Social Inquiry, 21, 4, 903-941.
Edelman, Lauren B. & Uggen, Christopher. & Erlanger, Howard S. 1999. The Endogeneity of
Legal Regulation: Grievance Procedures as Rational Myth. American Journal of Sociology,
105, 2, 406-454.
Edelman, Lauren B. & Suchman, Mark C. 1997. The Legal Environments of Organizations.
Annual Review of Sociology, 23, 479-515.

Edelman, Lauren B. & Leachman, Gwendolyn. & McAdam, Doug. 2010. On Law,
Organizations, and Social Movements. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 6, 653-
Edelman, Lauren. 2004. Rivers of Law and Contested Terrain: A Law and Society Approach
to Economic Rationality. Law & Society Review, 38, 2, 181-197
Edelman, Lauren B. & Suchman, Mark C. (ed.) 2007. The legal lives of private organizations.
Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate.
Edelman, Lauren B. & Suchman, Mark C. 1999. When the "Haves" Hold Court: Speculations
on the Organizational Internalization of Law. Law and Society Review, 33, 4, 941-991.
Symposium. 1995. The Law and the New Institutionalism. Studies in Law, Politics, & Society,
1995, 15, 1.
Symposium. 1996. Law and Institutional Analysis. Law & Social Inquiry, 21, 4, 903-966.
Edelman, Lauren B, Howard S Erlanger, and John Lande. 1993. Internal Dispute Resolution:
The Transformation of Civil Rights in the Workplace. Law & Society Review, 27, 497-534.
Edelman, Lauren B. 1992. Legal Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures: Organizational
Mediation of Civil Rights Law. American Journal of Sociology, 97, 6, 1531-1576.

第十週 全球化脈絡的權利:普世人權
Hafner-Burton, Emilie M. & Ron, James. 2009. SEEING DOUBLE: Human Rights Impact
through Qualitative and Quantitative Eyes. World Politics, 61, 2, 360-401.
Hafner-Burton, Emilie M. & Tsutsui, Kiyoteru. 2005. Human Rights in a Globalizing World:
The Paradox of Empty Promises. American Journal of Sociology, 110, 5, 1373-1411.
Hafner-Burton, Emilie M., Kiyoteru Tsutsui, and John W. Meyer. 2008. International Human
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第十一週 權利的象徵鬥爭:法律場域研究

Dezalay, Yves. M. & Garth, Bryant G. 1996. Dealing in virtue: international commercial
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Malden, Mass. : Blackwell.

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Dezalay, Yves. M. & Garth, Bryant G. 2006. From the Cold War to Kosovo: The Rise and
Renewal of the Field of International Human Rights. Annual Review of Law and Social
Science, 2, 231-255.

第三部分 社會理論的回歸

第十二週 Habermas
Habermas, Jurgen. 1987. The Theory of Communicative Action, Volume 2: Lifeworld and
System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason. trans. Thomas McCarthy. Boston, MA:
Beacon Press. 節選
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on Human Values, Volume 8. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
Habermas, Jurgen. 1996. Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of
Law and Democracy. trans.William Rehg. Cambridge: MIT Press. 節選 (中譯:哈伯瑪斯
Deflem, Mathieu. 1996. “Law in Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action.” Pp. 1-20. in
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Eder, Klaus. 1988. Critique of Habermas's Contribution to the Sociology of Law. Law &
Society Review, 22, 931-944.
Fine, Bob. 1984/2002. Democracy and the rule of law: liberal ideals and Marxist critiques.
Caldwell, N.J. : Blackburn Press.
Habermas, Jurgen. 1989. The structural transformation of the public sphere: an inquiry into a
category of bourgeois society. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press.
Hirst, Paul Q. 1979. On law and ideology. London : Macmillan.
Hirst, Paul Q. 1986. Law, socialism, and democracy. London : Allen & Unwin.
Orjiako, Chin L. 2004. Jürgen Habermas and the project of discourse theory of law: from
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Rehg, William. 1996. “Translators Introduction” pp. ix-xxxiv in J. Habermas, Between Facts
and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. Cambridge: MIT
Salter, Michael. 1997. Habermas' New Contribution to Legal Scholarship. Journal of Law and
Society, 24, 2, 285-305.
Scheuerman, William. (ed.) 1996. The rule of law under siege: selected essays of Franz L.
Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Scheuerman, William. 1994. Between the norm and the exception: the Frankfurt school and
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Scheuerman, William. 2008. Frankfurt school perspectives on globalization, democracy, and
the law. New York: Routledge.
Tweedy, John and Alan Hunt. 1994. The Future of the Welfare State and Social Rights:
Reflections on Habermas. Journal of Law and Society, 21, 3, 288-316.

第十三週 承認與再分配之爭(Honneth 與 Fraser)

Honneth, Axel. 1995. The struggle for recognition: the moral grammar of social conflicts.
translated by Joel Anderson. Cambridge, Mass. : Polity Press. (中譯:克塞爾‧霍耐特著,
Honneth, Axel. 2000. Suffering from indeterminacy: an attempt at a reactualization of Hegel's
Philosophy of right: two lectures. with an introduction by Beate Rössler ; translated by Jack
Ben-Levi. Assen : Van Gorcum. 節選
Fraser, Nancy. & Honneth, Axel. 2003. Redistribution or recognition? a political-
philosophical exchange. translated by Joel Golb, James Ingram, and Christiane Wilke.
London ; New York : Verso. 節選
Fraser, Nancy. 2009. Scales of justice: reimagining political space in a globalizing world.
New York: Columbia University Press. (中譯:南茜.弗雷澤著; 歐陽英譯,2009,《正義
的尺度:全球化世界中政治空間的再認識》,上海:上海人民出版社。) 節選

Brink, Bert van den. & Owen, David. (ed.) 2007. Recognition and power : Axel Honneth and
the tradition of critical social theory. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press.
Deranty, J.-P. & Petherbridge, D. & Rundell, J. & Sinnerbrink, R. (ed.) 2007. Recognition,
Work, Politics: New Directions in French Critical Theory. Leiden ; Boston : Brill.
Hobson, B. (ed.) 2003. Recognition Struggles and Social Movements – Contested Identities,
Agency and Power . Cambridge University Press.
Honneth, Axel. 2008. Reification: a new look at an old idea. with commentaries by Judith
Butler, Raymond Geuss, Jonathan Lear ; edited and introduced by Martin Jay. Oxford ;
New York : Oxford University Press.
McNay, L. (2008). Against Recognition. Polity Press.

第十四週 Luhmann
Luhmann, Niklas. 2004. Law as a social system. translated by Klaus A. Ziegert ; edited by
Fatima Kastner. [et al.] ; with an introduction by Richard Nobles and David Schiff.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. (中譯:尼可拉斯.魯曼著; 國立編譯館主
譯; 李君韜譯,2009,《社會中的法》,臺北市:五南出版) 節選


King, Michael. & Thornhill, Cris. (ed.) 2006. Luhmann on law and politics: critical
appraisals and applications. Oxford ; Portland, Or. : Hart.
Luhmann, Niklas. 1985. A sociological theory of law. translated by Elizabeth King and
Martin Albrow ; edited by Martin Albrow. London ; Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Luhmann, Niklas. 1985. The Self-Reproduction of Law and Its Limits. pp. 111-127 in G.
Teubner (ed.), Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State. Berlin:De Gruyter.
Luhmann, Niklas. 1987. The Unity of the Legal System. pp. 12-35 in G. Teubner (ed.),
Autopoietic Law: A New Approach to Law and Society. Berlin:De Gruyter.
Luhmann, Niklas. 1990. Political theory in the welfare state. translated and introduced by
John Bednarz, Jr. Berlin ; New York : W. de Gruyter.
Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Andreas. 2010. Niklas Luhmann: law, justice, society.
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Society Review, 17, 2, 239-285.
Zumbansen, Peer. & Perez, Oren. (eds.) 2011. Law After Luhmann: Legal Sociology in the
World Society. Hart, Oxford.

第十五週 Teubner:反身性與混雜性
Teubner, Gunther. 2009. Self-subversive Justice: Contingency or Transcendence Formula of
Law? Modern Law Review, 72, 1-23.
Teubner, Gunther. 2006. In the Blind Spot: The Hybridization of Contract. Theoretical
Inquiries in Law 7, 5-71.
Teubner, Gunther. 2002. Hybrid Laws: Constitutionalizing Private Governance Networks. Pp.
311-331. In: Robert Kagan and Kenneth Winston (eds.), Legality and Community: On the
Intellectual Legacy of Philip Selznick. Berkeley Public Policy Press, Berkeley.
Teubner, Gunther. 1998. Changing Maps: Empirical Legal Autopoiesis. Social and Legal
Studies, 7, 451-486.

Teubner, Gunther. 1998. Legal Irritants: Good Faith in British Law Or How Unifying Law
Ends Up in New Differences. Modern Law Review, 61, 11-32.
Teubner, Gunther. 1989. How the Law Thinks: Toward a Constructivist Epistemology of Law.
Law and Society Review, 23, 727-757.
Teubner, Gunther. 1993. Law as an Autopoietic System. Blackwells, London.
Teubner, Gunther. (ed.) 1997. Global Law without a State. Aldershot, Dartmouth.
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Teubner, Gunther. (ed.) 1986. Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State. European University
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第十六週 Foucault

Foucault, Michel. 1979. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. trans. by Alan
Sheridan. New York: Random House. 節選 (中譯:傅柯著,劉北成、楊遠嬰譯,1992,
Foucault, Michel. 2003. Society Must Be Defended: Lectures at the College de France,
1975. trans. David Macey. New York: Picador. (中譯,米歇爾‧福柯,钱翰譯,
2010,《必須保衛社會》,上海人民出版) 節選
Foucault, Michel. 2003. Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975. edited
by Valerio Marchetti and Antonella Salomoni ; translated by Graham Burchell. New
York : Picador. (中譯,米歇爾‧福柯,錢翰譯,2010,《不正常的人》,上海人
民出版) 節選
Foucault, Michel. 2007. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de
France, 1977-78. edited by Michel Senellart ; translated by Graham Burchell.
Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan : République Française. (中譯,米歇
爾‧福柯,錢翰、陳曉徑譯,2010,《安全、領土與人口》,上海人民出版) 節選
Foucault, Michel. 2008. The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France,
1978-79. edited by Michel Senellart ; translated by Graham Burchell. Basingstoke,
[England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan. (中譯,米歇爾‧福柯,莫偉民、趙偉
譯,2010,《生命政治的誕生 1978-1979》,上海人民出版) 節選

Gros, Frederic. 2006. 何乏筆,楊凱麟,龔卓軍譯。《傅柯考》。臺北市:麥田出版 : 城邦
Baxter, Hugh. 1996. Review: Bringing Foucault into Law and Law into Foucault. Stanford
Law Review, 48, 2, 449-479.
Beck, Anthony. 1996. Foucault and Law: the Collapse of Law's Empire. Oxford J Legal
Studies, 16, 3, 489-502.
Ewald, François. 1990. Norms, Discipline, and the Law. Representations, 30, 1, 138–161.
Leonard, Jerry. D. 1990. Foucault: Genealogy, Law, Praxis. Legal Studies Forum, 14, 1, 3-26.
Leonard, Jerry. D. 1995. “Foucault and (the Ideology of) Genealogical. Legal Theory” Pp.
133-151. in Legal Studies as Cultural Studies: a reader in (post) modern critical theory.

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Tadros, Victor. 1998. Between governance and discipline: The law and Michel Foucault.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 18, 75–103.
Simon, Jonathan. 1992. In Another Kind of Wood: Michel Foucault and Sociolegal Studies.
Law and Social Inquiry, 17, 1, 49-55.
Hunt, Alan. 1992. Law and the Condensation of Power. Law and Social Inquiry, 17, 1, 57-62.
Golder, Ben. & Fitzpatrick, Peter. 2009. Foucault's law. Milton Park, Abingdon ; New York :
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Wickham, G.ary. 2006. Foucault, Law, and Power: A Reassessment. Journal of Law and
Society, 33, 596-614.
Wickham, Gary. & Pavlich, George. (ed.) 2001. Rethinking law, society and governance:
Foucault's bequest. Oxford [England] ; Portland, Or. : Hart Pub.

第十七週 治理性研究
Hunt, Alan. & Wickham, G.ary. 1994. Foucault and Law: Towards a Sociology of Law as
Governance. London ; Boulder, Colo. : Pluto Press.
Rose, Nikolas. & O'Malley, Pat. & Valverde, Mariana. 2006. Governmentality. Annual
Review of Law and Social Science, 2, 83-104.
Rose, Nikolas. & Valverde, Mariana. 1998. Governed By Law? Social & Legal Studies, 7, 4,
Valverde, Mariana. 2003. Law's dream of a common knowledge. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton
University Press.

Bartholomew, Amy. & Hunt, Alan. 1990. What's Wrong with Rights? Journal of Law and
Inequality, 9, 1- 58.
Hunt, Alan. 1996. The Governance of Consumption: Sumptuary Laws and Shifting Forms of
Regulation. Economy and Society, 25, 3, 410-427.
Hunt, Alan. 1999. Governing Morals: A Social History of Moral Regulation Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
O'Malley, Pat. 1999. Governmentality and the Risk Society. Economy and Society, 28, 1, 138-
O'Malley, Pat & Weir, Lorna. & Shearing, Clifford. 1997. Governmentality, Criticism,
Politics. Economy and Society, 26, 4, 501-517.

Valverde, Mariana. 1998b. Governing Out of Habit. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 18,
Valverde, Mariana. 1999. Derrida's justice and foucault's freedom: Ethics, history, and social
movements. Law & Social Inquiry, 24, 3, 655-676.
Valverde, Mariana. 2007. Genealogies of European States: Foucauldian Reflections. Economy
and Society, 36, 1, 159-178.

第十八週 結語:Bourdieu 的司法場域社會學

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1987. The Force of Law: Toward a Sociology of the Juridical Field.
Hastings Law Journal, 38, July, 805-53.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 2000. Pascalian Meditations. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press; Stanford, Calif.
: Stanford University Press.
Lenoir, Remi. 2006. Pierre Bourdieu and the Law: An Intellectual and Personal Encounter.
Retfærd: The Nordic Journal of Law and Justice, 29, 7-22.
Madsen, Mikael. R. (ed.) 2006. Pierre Bourdieu: from law to legal field. Copenhagen: Jurist
og-Økonomforbundets Forlag.
Madsen, Mikael. R. & Dezalay, Yves. M. 2002. "The Power of Legal Field: Pierre Bourdieu
and the Law" Pp. 189-204. in An introduction to law and social theory. edited by Reza
Banakar and Max Travers. Oxford : Hart.


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