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Balones, Wella Andrea A.

1st Yr. BSBA-MM

Ted Talk Analysis

Title: Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

1. Describe the presentation. Answer WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY.
What is the specific purpose?
- Who: The speaker’s name is Angela Duckworth. She is a renowned
psychologist and author known for her work on grit and self-control.
- What: Duckworth shares her insights on concept of grit and its impact
on success.
- When: She delivered her speech in April 2023.
- Where: In TED talk conference in Long Beach, California, USA
- Why and what is the specific purpose?
 She delivered her speech to remind us why grit is important and
to encourage us that having grit will lead us to a long-term
success. She aims to change the focus from natural skills to the
cultivation of traits like fortitude, determination, as well as and
perseverance. She encourages people to adopt a growth mentality,
which holds that practice and hard work can result in

2. Analyze and discuss the CONTENT, ORGANIZATION, and DELIVERY of the

presentation, assess the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of the speech, and WHY
and/or WHY NOT.
- Content: Through examples and stories, Duckworth’s talk dives into the
concept of grit, the work of passion and perseverance, and how it affects
achievement. It also emphasizes the significance of having a growth
- Organization: Duckworth’s well-structured speech ensures an easy flow
of ideas by defining grit, presenting research findings, and providing
practical advice all after opening with a strong personal narrative.
- Delivery: Throughout the discussion, Duckworth’s enthusiastic, clear
narrative, and confident, powerful delivery successfully engage the
audience and hold their attention.
- Overall Effectiveness:
 The speech is very effective. Its effectiveness is attributed to its
eye-catching presenting style, well-organized material, and clear
structure. The speech provides listeners with a lasting impression,
successfully communicates the value of calmness, and encourages
individuals to cultivate it.
3. You are to evaluate the speech’s build and the speaker’s delivery and creativity.
 The TED presentation by Angela Duckworth has a good “build” in
terms of content organization and concept flow. His message is
efficiently delivered by being confident in herself, engaging, and
clear. Even while a speech might not have very innovative visual
components, it can nevertheless be creative in the way it shares
stories, communicates ideas, and educates the audience.

Ted Analysis

Title: How a 'Hi Level' Mindset Helps You Realize Your Potential

1. Describe the presentation. Answer WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY.
What is the specific purpose?
- Who: The speaker’s name is Cordae, who delivers a speech at TED talk
- What: Cordae talks about his personal journey from a high school boy
leaking mixtapes to a Grammy-nominated musician. He talks about how
he came to have what he calls a “Hi Level” mindset and how it has
enabled him to realize his goals.
- When: He delivers his speech in April 2022
- Where: At TED talk conference, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada
- Why and What is the specific purpose?
 Cordae shares his personal experience and the lesson he learned
to encourage to pursue their passions and overcome the obstacles.
Cordae goals to empower the audience to embrace their potential
and strive for greatness in their own lives.

2. Analyze and discuss the CONTENT, ORGANIZATION, and DELIVERY of the

presentation, assess the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of the speech, and WHY
and/or WHY NOT.
- Content: Cordae’s talk is motivational and resonates well with young
people. He shares his own story of determination and resilience, and his
“Hi Level” mindset is a concept that can be applied to many areas of life,
making his talk universally appealing.
- Organization: The structure of Cordae’s talk is clear and logical. He
starts with his personal experiences, introduces the idea of the “Hi Level”
mindset, and then explains how this mindset has contributed to his
success and how it can benefit others. This sequence makes his talk easy
to digest.
- Delivery: Cordae’s presentation style is energetic and captivating. He
effectively uses his storytelling skills to engage his audience and his
language is straightforward, succinct, and relatable.
- Overall Effectiveness: Cordae’s talk is extremely impactful. It’s inspiring
and offers practical advice that can be used in real life. His sincerity and
enthusiasm strengthen his message.
- Why/Why not: The talk is effective because of Cordae’s inspiring story,
practical advice, and the genuine passion he brings to his presentation.
The only potential drawback might be if the listener isn’t a fan of rap or
can’t connect with Cordae’s experiences, but his main message is broadly
relevant despite these factors

3. You are to evaluate the speech’s build and the speaker’s delivery and creativity.
 Cordae starts his speech by posing an intriguing question about
the ingredients for building a lasting legacy. This immediately
grabs the attention of the audience and sets the tone for his talk.
He then proceeds to share his personal journey, starting from
humble beginnings and culminating in his success as a renowned
musician. This storytelling approach effectively captivates the
audience and creates a sense of connection. Cordae brings a fresh
perspective to his speech by leveraging his unique experiences as
a rapper to explain the concept of the “Hi Level” mindset. This
distinctive approach adds an element of intrigue and makes his
talk both captivating and memorable. Moreover, Cordae’s language
is both imaginative and accessible, making his message resonate
with a wide range of listeners.

In summary, Cordae’s speech engages the audience from the

beginning with a thought-provoking question. He then shares his
personal story, utilizing his background as a rapper to illustrate
the “Hi Level” mindset. This creative and relatable approach, along
with his engaging language, ensures that his message appeals to a
diverse audience.

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