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Plant cells are rectangular shaped, eukaryotic, or nucleus-containing, Nucleus:

contains DNA, the genetic
cells with a rigid cell wall. Within the plant cell structures called organelles, blueprint of a living organism.
perform functions necessary to cell and plant survival. On average, plant
cells are between 10 and 100 micrometers long, around the same size as
the diameter of a human hair. Unlike animal cells, plant cells make their fluid within the cell that
own food through photosynthesis. This process, powered by surrounds the organelles.
energy from sunlight, involves producing oxygen and
glucose from water and carbon dioxide.

Endoplasmic reticulum:
Vacuole: network of membranes that
a fluid-filled organelle that helps synthesize proteins
stores food and nutrients and lipids.

small organelle often attached
to the endoplasm reticulum
that help create proteins.
the site of photosynthesis,
organelle containing
chlorophyll, molecules that
absorb sunlight and give
Golgi apparatus:
plants their green color
membrane-bound sacs
responsible for storing, and
transporting proteins and
an organelle that contains Mitochondrion:
digestive enzymes and breaks a bean-shaped organelle
down biological molecules responsible for converting raw
materials into usable energy.

Cell membrane:
Cell wall: two layers of lipid, or fat, molecules
encloses the cell membrane that enclose the cell and regulate
and gives plant cells their which molecules can go inside and
shape and rigid structure. outside of the cell.

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