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Name: Ishmeet Singh Chattha

Grade and Section: 9-Perseverance

1. I could say the occasion when telling the truth seemed very difficult for me whenever I get
low or bad score on my test or even in a report card. There are times that I hide my paper so my
parents cannot see my scores. I know that my parents do not have high expectation from me, but
I feel ashamed about my performance. When they asked me that was the only time, I tell the
truth. I realized that telling the truth is the right decision I made. I remained true to my
conscience by being truthful in any circumstances. I must not be afraid of telling the truth
because I know it will not give me peace of mind. Being truthful is a good virtue that I have to
practice all the time.

2. As a media consumer, it is very important for me to be aware of the information that I read
from the social media. I must verify if the information about something is real or not. I know that
media is very powerful that can totally change our lifestyles and perspective. I have to be
responsible about the information that the media presents for me not to be affected. These
days, it is quite hard to control the media, but we can take control about the information that we
share or say through our social media.

3. Almighty Father in heaven, I adore your precious name. May you strengthen my faith towards
you. Always inspire me to have a truthful life for me to live in peace. Help me to only believe on
truth. Give me strength not to be easily carried away by the media. Guide me to be a
responsible media consumer. I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
3 2 1 SCORE
CONTENT Ideas and insights are Ideas and insights are Ideas and insights are
intensively focused in focused in details based less-focused or 4x /12
details on the topic. on the topic. deviating from the
Real Life Real life experiences Real life experiences are Experiences cited are
Experiences cited are extensive and adequate and relevant to limited or less-relevant 3x /9
highly relevant to the the topic. to the topic.
Presentation Organization of Organization of thought, Organization of
and Style thought, correct correct grammar, thought, correct 2x /6
grammar and enriched adequate vocabulary, grammar/vocabulary,
vocabulary, neatness neatness and prescribed neatness and
and prescribed format format are evident. prescribed format are
are remarkably less evident.
Punctuality Completed task was Completed task was Completed task was 1x
submitted according to submitted one day after submitted two or more
set time/date. set time/date. days after submission /3
Score /30

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