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Unit 4: Quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect) vs.

Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Past Perfect Continuous)

A- Context listening
1. Composer (n) nhà soạn nhạc
2. Extraordinary (a) khác thường, vượt quá mức bình thường
3. Sibling (n) anh chị em
4. Achievement (n) thành tựu
5. Keyboard (n) bàn phím
6. Demand (n) nhu cầu
7. Master (v) giỏi về một lĩnh vực gì đó
8. Gifted = Talented (a) tài năng
- Gifted: in academic subjects such as Maths, Sciences,…
- Talented: in area such as music, sports,…
9. In a rapid succession: tốc độ thành công rất nhanh
10. Reputation (n) danh tiếng
11. Precocious (a) /prəˈkōSHəs/ tài năng bộc lộ từ nhỏ
B- Grammar
1. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành

(+) Had + V3/ed

(-) Hadn’t + V3/ed

(?) Had + S + V3/ed

Hành động trước, hành động sau

Before I came (diễn ra sau -> QKĐ), she had left (diễn ra trước-> QKHT)

After he had completed the homework, he went out with his friend.

 Dùng quá khứ hoàn thành cho hành động diễn ra trước, quá khứ đơn cho hành động diễn ra
- Được dùng để nói về một hành động đã diễn ra trong quá khứ, trong đó có đề cập đến một
hành động khác diễn ra trước hành động đó nữa để làm mốc.
Thường dùng với những trạng từ như just, already
- Được dùng với những từ như: when, as soon as, by the time, after để chỉ trình tự diễn ra
của các hành động (hành động diễn ra trước được chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động
diễn ra sau được chia ở thì quá khứ đơn)
Eg: When Mozart was born, five of his siblings had already died.
- Dùng để nói về một mốc thời gian không xác định ở trong quá khứ, thường dùng với những
từ như: always, sometimes, never, before, by + mốc thời gian
Eg: By the time I came back home, my mother had already cooked the dinner.
2. Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
S + have/has + been + V-ing + O

S + had been + V-ing

S + hadn’t been + V-ing + O

Had + S + been + V-ing?

- Dùng để nhấn mạnh một hành động trong quá khứ đã diễn ra bao lâu
- Hoặc dùng để nhấn mạnh chính hành động đó

Eg: I had been struggling with the IELTS exam for quite a long time.

C- Grammar exercises

Exercise 1:

1. Colonise (n) thuộc địa -> (v) xâm chiếm

2. Venem (n) nọc độc
3. Expert (n) chuyên gia
4. Authority (n) tác giả
5. Suspect (v) nghi ngờ
6. Discover (v) khám phá
7. Multiply (v) nhân lên
8. Collaborate (v) hợp tác

Exercise 3:

1- Arrange (v) sắp xếp

2- Coal (n) than đá
3- Fascinate (v) = interested in = keen on/keen to = excited
4- Experience (n) trải nghiêm, kinh nghiệm
5- Frighten (a) = scary (a) sợ hãi = terrified
6- Take off (v) cởi áo, cởi giày

Exercise 4:

1- Waitress (n) nữ phục vụ >< Waiter (n) nam phục vụ

2- Lecture (n) giảng viên
3- Ingredient (n) nguyên liệu
4- Scientist (n) nhà khoa học
5- Announce (v) thông báo
6- Launch (n) buổi ra mắt sản phẩm mới
7- Terrible (a) khủng khiếp

Bài tập 1: Chia dạng đúng của động từ với thì Quá khứ hoàn thành và Quá khứ
hoàn thành tiếp diễn
1. By the time he arrived, his friends (leave) …had left……………..
2. They (study) …had been studying…………….. English for two hours before
they took a break.
3. She (wait) …had been waiting…………….. at the bus stop for twenty
minutes before the bus arrived.
4. I (read) …had read…………….. that book before, so I knew the ending.
Read – read - read
5. We (practice) …had been practicing…………….. the dance routine for
weeks before the performance.
6. When I called him, he ……had studied………….. (study) for the exam.
7. The students were tired because they ………had been reading………..
(read) textbooks all afternoon.
8. By the time the movie started, the audience ……had waited…………..
(wait) in line for tickets.
9. Before they left for vacation, they ……had been packing………….. (pack)
their bags for hours.
10. The chef was relieved because the guests ………had been
enjoying……….. (enjoy) the meal he had prepared.
11. (they / watch) …They had been watching…………….. TV for hours before
the power went out.
12. (by the time / he / finish) …By the time he ……had finished……….. his
work, it was already late.
Bài tập 2: Sắp xếp các từ cho đúng để hoàn thành câu
1. you / went / eaten / Had / you / breakfast / out / before / ?
…Had you eaten breakfast before you went out?
2. long / They / bus / waiting / the / hadn’t / arrived / been / when / for / a /
They hadn’t been waiting for a long time when the bus arrived.
3. been / swimming / because / just / was / he / cold / he’d
He’d been swimming because he was just cold
-> He was cold because he‘d just/already been swimming
4. before / London / he / living / to / Where / he / had / been / moved / ?
-> Where had he been living before he moved to London?
5. so / expected / presents / get / hadn’t / She / to / many
-> She hadn’t expected to get so many presents.
6. before / for / long / married / they / dating / they / Had / been / got / ? /
 Had they been dating for long before they got married?
For long = for a long time
Get marry => got married
Bài tập 3: Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn

Date enjoy find not imagine live star think

Jennifer Lawrence was born in the United States in 1990. Once, before she
became famous, she 1. ……had thought……………… about being a doctor
and 2. …had not imagined………………… that she’d ever become an actress.
That changed when she was fourteen. She 3. …had been enjoying…… a
spring break with her parents when a stranger spotted her and asked to do a
screen test. Then things progressed fast. Not long after she 4. ……had
found……………… work in commercials for MTV, she appeared in a TV
series. Her family 5. ………had been living…………… in Kentucky for many
years, but they moved to Los Angeles when her career took off. Two years
before filming The Hunger Games in 2012, she 6. ……had stared… in
Winter’s Bone and been nominated for an Oscar. She 7. ……had been
dating……………… Nicholas Hoult, her co-star from X-Men, for two years
when they split up in 2013.

Used to + V-inf

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