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TOPIC: Work duties (present simple review).

OBJECTIVE: Demonstrating proficiency in using present tense verbs to describe ongoing actions and
events depicted in a text, thereby enhancing their reading comprehension skills.

LENGTH: 10 minutes


Watch the video and take notes on the vocabulary. Pay attention to new words and expressions
and look them up in a dictionary if needed. If necessary, turn on the subtitles.


What are your duties at work? Read the following stories paying close attention to the details,
and search for any unfamiliar words.


"As a teacher, my primary responsibility is to educate and inspire my students. I teach various
subjects, including mathematics and science. Every day, I create lesson plans, deliver
lectures, and facilitate classroom discussions. I also assess student progress through
assignments and exams. Additionally, I provide guidance and support to students who may
be struggling academically or personally. My goal is to foster a positive learning environment
where students can reach their full potential."

Public Accountant

"In my role as a public accountant, I help individuals and businesses manage their finances
effectively. I analyze financial data, prepare tax returns, and ensure compliance with
regulations. I also provide advice on budgeting, investment strategies, and risk management.
Accuracy and attention to detail are crucial in my profession, as even a small error can have
significant consequences. Building trust with clients is essential, as they rely on my expertise
to make informed financial decisions."

Health & Safety Manager

"As a Health & Safety Manager, my main duty is to ensure the well-being of employees in the
workplace. I conduct risk assessments, develop safety protocols, and implement training
programs to prevent accidents and injuries. Regular inspections are conducted to identify
potential hazards, and I work closely with management to address any concerns promptly. In
the event of an incident, I investigate the root cause and implement corrective actions to
prevent recurrence. Ultimately, my goal is to create a culture of safety where employees feel
protected and valued."

Social Worker

"As a social worker, my primary role is to advocate for vulnerable individuals and families in
need. I assess their needs, provide counseling, and support, and connect them with resources
such as housing assistance or mental health services. I also collaborate with other
professionals, such as psychologists and law enforcement, to ensure the safety and well-
being of my clients. Empathy and compassion are essential qualities in my profession, as I
often work with people facing difficult circumstances. Making a positive impact on their lives
is incredibly rewarding."

Business Manager

"As a business manager, I oversee various aspects of company operations to ensure

efficiency and profitability. This includes strategic planning, budget management, and
resource allocation. I also supervise staff, delegate tasks, and provide leadership to achieve
organizational goals. Analyzing market trends and competition is crucial to making informed
decisions and adapting strategies as needed. Effective communication and problem-solving
skills are essential in my role, as I must navigate challenges and foster a collaborative work
environment. Ultimately, my aim is to drive growth and success for the business."


English, R. R. (2021, febrero 24). Jobs and Occupations Vocabulary with Sentences - What do they

do? Youtube.

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