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Lesson Idea - Multimedia

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Lesson Title Find a unit circle!
Content Area Students will be able to identify a use of the unit circle and trigonometry in
real life.

Content Standards AA.GSR.7.2 Apply understanding of the angle measures and coordinates of
the unit circle to solve practical, real-life problems involving trigonometric
Technology Standards 1.1b Customized Learning Environments
Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways
that support the learning process.

1.2 Digital citizen

1.6c Models and visualizations

Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or
using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

Integrated Technology Students will use video recording device like their cell-phone or camera.
Students will use video editing apps like iMovie, Adobe premier pro, or
Students will upload their work online or learn how to reduce the size of their

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating


Integration Level
This is a LoTi Level 3 lesson

Importance of
Technology The use of technology is key for this project because students must share
and describe a real-life application of trigonometry that they can encounter
everyday, which can involve sharing a bit of themselves. I want to be able to
explain their reasoning and explain a transition from real life thinking to
mathematical thinking while using multimedia as a medium. Without
technology we might lose that authenticity.
Internet Safety and Possible issues that might occur during this project is sharing personal
Student Privacy information as the recording can be made in a private or public space, be
sure to ask the consent of people making an appearance in your video before
recording. When sharing your video, be sure to share it with the teacher/your
peers only, if using YouTube, make it privately available with a link. The video
will not leave the classroom, so no personal information will be leaked in any
Universal Design Principle 1: Engagement
Rationale The lesson gives student the choice and autonomy, it values authenticity and
let the student self-regulate themselves.

Principle 2: Representation
This lesson offers student different way to customize the display of
information, support the decoding of mathematical thinking,
Principle 3: Expression
The lesson offers students multiple tools for construction and composition.

Lesson Idea The project will be introduced as discovery tool to allow student to find a real
life example of the trigonometric circle. I will introduce it at the end of the
class, let the students work on it, and give them 2 days to upload their work.
The student will be assessed based on their video, if the example they found
is correct, if they used technology appropriately, and if the mathematical
reasoning is explained. I can take the videos I found interesting and show
them to the class, conclude the lesson on taking on of the example, use
values and ask the class to solve the problem. Feedback will be provided on
their videos, telling the student what they did good and how to improve their

Design Reflection The activity can greatly impact student learning by making them think about
the world around them and the possible mathematical application.
To further extend the lesson, we can go beyond and look at other possible
applications and see how the mathematician discovered the reasoning
behind solving those problems.
I do not think other technology tool could enhance the lesson.

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