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Jasmine Harrison

Weekly Journal Entry 9

On Monday, I focused on learning more about QGIS and learning how to create heat

maps. I did a few practice maps of some of the Cardiff data using some resources a coworker had

sent me. Cardiff works to combine hospital and police data from an area to reveal important

information related to violence happening in communities. We currently receive data from Grady

Memorial Hospital and Albany Police Department, which are not in the same area. This was one

problem I ran into this week. The overall goal is to create heat maps and compare spots that

appeared before. Since the data I have doesn’t overlap, I am looking at police data for Atlanta to

compare to Grady. On Tuesday, I had a BOLD check-in meeting. I asked my supervisor if there

was anything that I could do for the bold side of my internship. She said that I can research

literature and organizations that talk about dementia caregiver training and support. This is an

area that BOLD wants to work on but doesn’t have the time to do so. I started looking at some of

the organizations to help compile some information for our next meeting.

On Wednesday, I had a library meeting talking about dementia resources. I also had a

check-in with my supervisor to talk about my progress in my internship. She asked me if I could

help work on another mini project. I would be helping to create an agenda or script for a virtual

meet and greet between the 18 health districts and area agencies on aging locations. I would

organize the introductions and the breakout sessions, and I would even designate the breakout

room facilitators. I’m excited to organize such a large event. I also had a meeting with a few of

my team members where we looked at a new collaboration website for GARD. We are hoping

that it will help facilitate the different groups and allow notes to be kept in a central location. We

played around with the site for a while. I was very involved because I had to create an account

under a different email outside of DPH. We wanted to be able to see what all outside

Jasmine Harrison

organizations could have access to. On Thursday and Friday, I worked on doing more research

on dementia caregiver training and the virtual meet and greet. I had to figure out where the health

districts and the area agencies on aging overlapped because they do not contain the same

counties. We are hoping to pair up the districts and the agencies to help facilitate conversions

between them.

Jasmine Harrison



Monday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:30 PM 8

Tuesday 9:00 AM 11:00-1:00PM 4:30 PM 5.5

Wednesday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:30 PM 8

Thursday 9:00 AM 11:00-1:00PM 4:30 PM 5.5

Friday 9:00 AM 12:30-1:00 PM 5:30 PM 8

Total Weekly 35


Total Hours to 266



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