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in Work Immersion

12 ABM B

As a student, I had the opportunity to participate in a work immersion program

at the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Office. This
experience allowed me to compare and contrast the differences between my
academic life in school and my professional life in the workplace. In this reflection
paper, I will discuss my active participation in school, the values and knowledge I
gained, and how they relate to my work at the DILG Office. Additionally, I will
highlight the differences between school and work that I encountered during my
During my work immersion at the DILG Office, I observed significant differences
between school and work. In school, I was actively involved in extracurricular
activities that taught me valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and time
management. These skills were crucial in adapting to my new role at the DILG Office,
where I organized papers, collaborated with colleagues, and managed deadlines. The
values and knowledge I gained in school, particularly in my major courses, were
directly applicable to my work experience.
The most notable difference between school and work was the shift from an
academic to a professional environment. While assignments and exams in school
focused on theoretical knowledge and critical thinking, tasks at the DILG Office
required practical application of my skills and knowledge. Additionally, the level of
independence and responsibility increased significantly, as I had to take initiative,
make decisions, and be accountable for my actions in the workplace. Lastly, the work
environment at the DILG Office was more fast-paced and results-oriented compared
to my academic life.
In conclusion, my work immersion journey at the DILG Office provided valuable
insights into the differences between school and work. The transition from an
academic to a professional environment required a shift in focus from theoretical
knowledge to practical application, increased independence and responsibility, and a
more fast-paced, results-oriented approach. These experiences have taught me the
importance of adaptability, self-reliance, and the practical application of the values
and knowledge gained in school. As I continue my professional journey, I will carry
these lessons with me and strive to apply them in my future endeavors.

Embarking on a journey of professional growth and practical learning, my work

immersion experience at the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
office in Ormoc City proved to be an enriching and transformative period. Spanning
over three weeks, from February 14th to February 27th, 2024, this narrative
encapsulates the milestones, challenges, and personal reflections encountered during
this significant chapter of my professional development.
Week One: Organizing Foundations (February 14th - 16th, 2024)
The journey commenced with a sense of anticipation and eagerness as I stepped into
the DILG office on a crisp February morning. Assigned to the task of organizing papers,
my initial days were spent acquainting myself with the intricate processes and
systems that govern the office's daily operations. From sorting documents to arranging
files, each task laid the groundwork for the weeks ahead, instilling in me a sense of
discipline and attention to detail essential for effective administrative work.
Week Two: Stamping Authority (February 19th - 21st, 2024)
As the second week unfolded, my responsibilities evolved to encompass the crucial
task of stamping and verifying documents. With precision and diligence, I meticulously
inspected each paper, ensuring its compliance with regulatory standards and
authenticity. This phase not only honed my organizational skills but also deepened my
understanding of the pivotal role played by administrative processes in upholding the
integrity of governmental operations.
Week Three: Preparing for Leadership (February 22nd - 23rd, 26th - 27th, 2024)
The final leg of my work immersion journey witnessed a shift towards more
strategic endeavors, as I assisted in preparing documents for higher-level review.
Collaborating closely with colleagues, we meticulously curated information for Sir
Briones, anticipating his discerning eye and stringent standards. Additionally, tasked
with encoding personal information for the upcoming barangay assembly, I embraced
the responsibility with a renewed sense of purpose, recognizing the significance of
accurate data in informing policy decisions and community initiatives.
As I reflect on my work immersion journey at the DILG office in Ormoc City, I
am filled with gratitude for the invaluable lessons learned and experiences gained.
Beyond the technical skills acquired, this period of immersion instilled in me a
profound appreciation for the dedication and commitment exhibited by civil servants
in advancing the public good. Moreover, it reaffirmed my belief in the transformative
power of service and the importance of integrity, professionalism, and collaboration
in driving meaningful change within our communities.
In conclusion, my work immersion journey at the DILG office in Ormoc City
stands as a testament to the profound impact of hands-on learning and practical
experience in shaping one's professional trajectory. From humble beginnings of
organizing papers to encoding vital information for community initiatives, each task
undertaken during this period contributed to my growth and development as an
aspiring professional. Armed with newfound insights and a deeper understanding of
public service, I emerge from this journey inspired and empowered to continue
making meaningful contributions towards building a better, more inclusive society.

February 14th - 16th, 2024

February 19th - 21st, 2024

February 22nd - 23rd, 26th - 27th, 2024

Awarding (March 1, 2024)



The Department shall ensure peace and order, public safety and security, uphold
excellence in local governance and enable resilient and inclusive communities.


A highly trusted Department and Partner in nurturing local governments and sustaining
peaceful, safe, progressive, resilient, and inclusive communities towards a
comfortable and secure life for Filipinos by 2024.

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