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If I ever got the chance to make some big changes in my life.

It will be changing my sleep and

wake rhythm during the weekends and other living habits. In the past, I always slept late and
woke up really late, too. Though I had enough time to sleep, my unstable and irregular living
habits could lead to health problems in the future. And waking up late had resulted in a lot of
time being wasted. I often end up having not enough time to cook breakfast or having breakfast
too late. I have also often time been too lazy to cook lunch and dinner, delaying the time to cook.
Resulting in my weekend schedule becoming inefficient. Therefore I decide to make an
adjustment to my living habits and I'll start to have the same rhythm as I had in school. If I wake
up late I will have more time to work on meaningful things it does not have to be doing
homework or hosework. It can also be doing some helpful sports or reading books. I ill start to
having meals at the right time and stop delay my schedue. This is likely to improve my health and
i ll have more time and enery to put on studying and other formal jobs. Hopefuly improve my

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