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Schools Division Office


Quezon City, District V, Metro Manila

March 15,2024

Learning Competency: Les Miserables

I. Objectives:

a. Note the important details in the selection.

b. Unlock vocabulary words to familiarize the meaning.
c. Realize the importance of social equality in the story Les Miserables

II. Content: Reading Comprehension


III. Procedure
A. Pre-Activities

1. Motivation:
Do you know the story of Les Miserables?

A. Unlocking Difficulties.
a) Study the words and the definition/meaning. Match the words in their corresponding

Words Part of Speech Meaning

1.Subsequent Adjective A. Having or showing an
unusual hardwork for

B. Following order, time, or

2. Illegitimate Adjective place..

C. Not recognized s lawful

3. Ingenious Adjective offspring

4. Scoundrels Noun D. A disreputable person.

5. Intercept Verb E. To stop, seize, or interrupt in

progress or course or before

Key: 1.B 2. C 3.A 4.D 5. E

B. Reading

C. Comprehension Check:
Noting Details:

1. Why was Jean val jean in prison?l.

2. How long was his original sentence? How long was he actually in jail for, and why was
his sentence extended?

3. What ws his prisoner number?

4. How was he treated after he was released?

5. Where does he find refuge, and what happens there ?

6. Where does valjean first meet fantine?

IV. Assignment:
1. Who is cossette’s biological father?

2. On the barricade, why does Eponine throw herself in front of the soldiers rifle?

3. What messagg did javert delivers to valjean?

4. What happens when Valjean meets fantine for the second time?

5. What happens to fantine after she is dismissed from her job at the factory?

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