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LIDE Learning Center, Inc.

LIDE, Isabel, Leyte

Personal Development

Movie Review: CODA

Submitted by:

Marielle G. Becera

Submitted to:

Ms. Natasha Rose M. Beltran

August 23, 2023

Movie Review
This scene holds a special part in my heart. It is because in this scene Ruby’s
parents decided to support her dream which is to go to college. Even though it’s going
to be hard for them since Ruby is the only one who can understand and translate for
them. And despite all the arguments they had as a family they still love and support
each other.

Instructions: Watch the movie and answer the following questions below.

1. What is the central theme of the movie CODA, and how does it impact the
main character’s journey?
The main theme of the film CODA is about following your dreams and
having second thoughts about abandoning your family. It has an effect on the
main character's journey since she finds it tough to decide between her family
and her dream. The main character wants to go to college to pursue her
ambition, but her family is dependent on her because she is the only one who
can explain things to them. Having a deaf family causes people to constantly
make fun of the main character, which causes her to have low self-esteem. This
makes it difficult for her to socialize with other people.

2. How does the movie explore the conflict between pursuing a career and
maintaining familial responsibilities?
As I was watching the movie, I observed that the main character is having
a conflict between pursuing her career and maintaining family responsibilities. In
the movie, Ruby keeps getting late to her practice because she is helping out her
family. Since Ruby keeps on getting late, her teacher, Mr. Bernardo, scolded her
and told her that this will be the last time that she will be late for their practice or
special lesson. But in the next scene, when she was about to go, her mother
stopped her because there was going to be an interview for their business, and
she is the only one who can interpret in the interview. She wanted to choose her
career, but her family needs her. So she chooses her family, but she is distracted
because she is worried about her career. It’s very hard when you want to do the
things you really love, but your family doesn’t support you because they only
think about themselves.

3. If you were Ruby, how will you set your priorities and explore ways to find
a middle ground between your aspirations and your family’s expectations?
If I were Ruby, I would prioritize my goals and look for methods to balance
them with what my family expects of me and what I want for myself. By
explaining the reasons for my chosen career, expressing how much I enjoy my
chosen career, and, finally, making my family proud of my chosen career.
Because even though they disagree with my career decision, they will see how
hard I work to pursue my goals and how much I love what I do. And once they
see that I'm on the right path, they'll encourage me to keep doing what I love.

4. Base from the movie, how will you relate yourself from your experiences
and challenges you’re dealing during this stage of adolescence? Which
stage of Erik Erikson you are right now and James Marcia’s Identity
Based on the movie, I can relate this to myself based on my experiences
and challenges during this stage of adolescence. I’m not confident about myself,
so it’s hard for me to make friends since I always think about what other people
will think. I’m trying my best to fit in with today’s generation, and I get sad easily.
I’m having doubts about my decisions. I am not confused about my identity. But I
am establishing a clear identity. I belong in Identity Foreclosed since I am not
having an identity crisis. I’m just bad at socializing and expressing my thoughts to
other people. And I am willing to commit to any roles,values,and goals in the
5. How did Ruby finally decide her best choice in life regarding her career
choices/college course, freedom, and independence? How does this relate
to your self-development?
Ruby finally makes her best choice in life with the courage and support of
her family. Also, by realizing that sometimes you need to sacrifice in order to
make someone happy, This relates to my self-development since I don’t have the
courage to say what I want and I don’t have the confidence to talk to other
people. This movie made me realize that I should not care about what other
people think; the important thing is that I am just doing the things I love and
desire. And that I should be confident in who I am and where I came from. Lastly,
I should always choose those people who will accept me for who I am and who
will accept my flaws.
● Just follow the format. No creativity needed for this activity, just answer with
understanding and feelings.
● No plagiarizing, please. (Ayaw ug copy paste from the sites, use your own words).

Points 20 17 13 8 Score
(% x pts.=)


Originality - 40% The answer is Some of the answers Most of the Copy pastes from
original and unique. are not original. answers are from the internet/Copy
the internet. from the classmate

Content - 40% The idea is well There’s a logical The idea is not The answer doesn’t
constructed organization of idea properly presented fit the question.
but not that effective
the way the ideas

Usage of Excellent use of Less efficient use of There are many The usage of
grammar and grammar and grammar and mistakes in using grammar and
mechanics. mechanics the grammar and mechanics has
mechanics (1-3 mistakes) mechanics. 7 and above
(Grammar, structure, (4-6 mistakes) mistakes.
sequence, spelling) -

Total Points

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