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Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies in an Inventory

Routing Problem
Luca Bertazzi, Giuseppe Paletta, M. Grazia Speranza,

To cite this article:

Luca Bertazzi, Giuseppe Paletta, M. Grazia Speranza, (2002) Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies in an Inventory Routing
Problem. Transportation Science 36(1):119-132.

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Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies
in an Inventory Routing Problem
Luca Bertazzi • Giuseppe Paletta • M. Grazia Speranza
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Dip. di Metodi Quantitativi, Università di Brescia, Italy

Dip. di Economia Politica, Università della Calabria, Italy
Dip. di Metodi Quantitativi, Università di Brescia, Italy

W e consider a distribution problem in which a set of products has to be shipped from

a supplier to several retailers in a given time horizon. Shipments from the supplier to
the retailers are performed by a vehicle of given capacity and cost. Each retailer determines
a minimum and a maximum level of the inventory of each product, and each must be visited
before its inventory reaches the minimum level. Every time a retailer is visited, the quantity
of each product delivered by the supplier is such that the maximum level of the inventory
is reached at the retailer. The problem is to determine for each discrete time instant the
retailers to be visited and the route of the vehicle. Various objective functions corresponding
to different decision policies, and possibly to different decision makers, are considered. We
present a heuristic algorithm and compare the solutions obtained with the different objective
functions on a set of randomly generated problem instances.

Introduction and Griffin (1996). Three main management areas of

A company is a system with complex internal- the physical flow require coordination: production,
management problems and complex relations with inventory, and transportation. An interesting intro-
the suppliers and the customers. The internal man- duction to the problem of coordinating production
agement and the relations with the external world and transportation issues can be found in Hall and
are strongly interrelated, and correct management of Potts (2000). Sometimes, when the company is not
the company requires an understanding of these rela- a factory, the production area may not exist. One
tions. In the last decade the importance of these rela- of the critical coordination problems that all compa-
tions has been widely recognized and the expression nies face is the coordination of transportation issues
“supply-chain management,” which emphasizes the with inventory control issues. Typical examples are
view of the company as part of the supply chain, has given by the internal distribution systems, in which
become common. Sometimes the expression “coor- the supplier and the retailers are different echelons of
dinated supply-chain management” is used with an a single company, and by external distribution sys-
additional emphasis on the coordination among the tems, in which the supplier replenishes the retailers
different components of the supply chain. The avail- with respect to a given service level. Models that
ability of data and information systems that derives integrate vehicle routing with inventory control prob-
from the advances in technology and communication lems are called inventory-routing models (see Fed-
systems has created the conditions for the coordina- ergruen and Zipkin 1984 for the first optimization
tion inside the supply chain. model that combines inventory and routing costs and
On the modeling side, there is a strong need Campbell et al. 1998 for a recent overview) and can
for models that explicitly consider the coordination be classified as follows (see Bramel and Simchi-Levi
issues. A review of models can be found in Thomas 1997): single-period models with stochastic demand,

0041-1655/02/3601/0119$05.00 Transportation Science © 2002 INFORMS

1526-5447 electronic ISSN Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 pp. 119–132
Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

multiperiod models with deterministic demand, and determines a lower and an upper level of the inven-
infinite-horizon models with deterministic demand. tory of each product and can be visited several times
An example of single-period models with stochas- during the time horizon. Every time a retailer is vis-
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tic demand can be found in Federgruen and Zipkin ited the quantity delivered is such that the maximum
(1984). In this model, the quantity of product to ship level of inventory is reached. This inventory policy
to each retailer is determined on the basis of the level is inspired, in a deterministic setting, by the classical
of the inventory at the retailer. Then, the retailers order-up-to level policy, widely studied in inventory
are assigned to the vehicles and the routes are deter- theory (see Axsäter and Rosling 1994 for an overview
mined. The multiperiod models with deterministic of inventory policies in multilevel systems). A unique
demand are deterministic models in which several decision maker, typically, a logistics manager, has to
shipments can be performed over a time horizon. In determine a shipping policy that minimizes the sum
these models, simpler models are often used as sub- of transportation costs and inventory costs both at the
problems. For instance, in Dror and Ball (1987) single- supplier and at the retailers. A shipping policy con-
period models are used as subproblems, while in sists of determining for each delivery time instant the
Bertazzi et al. (1997) direct shipping models are used. set of retailers to visit, the quantity of each product
Finally, in the infinite-horizon models with determin- to ship to each retailer, and the route of the vehicle.
istic demand the product is absorbed by each retailer The constraints of the problem guarantee that in each
route the capacity of each vehicle is not exceeded and
at a given constant rate and the problem is to deter-
that the level of the inventory both at the supplier
mine an infinite-horizon shipping policy that mini-
and at each retailer is never lower than the minimum
mizes the sum of inventory and vehicle-routing costs.
level. This problem, referred to as deterministic order-
Examples of these models can be found in Anily
up-to level inventory-routing problem, is obviously
and Federgruen (1990) and in Chan and Simchi-Levi
NP-hard, because it reduces to the TSP in the class of
instances in which the time horizon is one, the inven-
We study a multiperiod model with deterministic
tory costs are zero, the capacity of the vehicle is infi-
demand in which a set of products is shipped from
nite, and all the retailers need to be served.
a common supplier to several retailers. Each prod-
The scope of this paper is twofold. On one hand,
uct is made available at the supplier and absorbed by
we aim at solving the above problem. On the other
the retailers in a deterministic and time-varying way.
hand, we intend to study the impact of the objective
By deterministic way we mean that the quantity of function on the problem solution. Because the prob-
each product that will be made available at the sup- lem is very complex and the exact solution would be
plier and the quantity that will be absorbed by the impractical, we propose a constructive heuristic algo-
retailers are known in each discrete time instant. By rithm in which at each iteration a retailer is inserted
time-varying way we mean that the quantity of each in the solution. For each retailer, the heuristic builds
product made available and absorbed in each time a network to represent the incremental costs due to
instant can be different from the one made available the insertion of the retailer in the solution. The short-
and absorbed in a different time instant. The prod- est path of the network identifies a “min cost” policy
ucts are shipped from the supplier to the retailers by for adding the retailer to the solution. To evaluate
a vehicle of given transportation capacity and cost. the impact of the objective function on the problem
Shipments can be performed only in the discrete time solution, we consider different objective functions that
instants (delivery time instants) that belong to a given include some of the cost components only: the trans-
time horizon. For each product, a starting level of the portation cost only, the inventory costs at the retailers
inventory is given both for the supplier and for each only, and the sum of the transportation cost and the
retailer, and the level of the inventory at the end of the inventory cost at the supplier. In this way we obtain
time horizon can be different from the starting one. three variants of the problem, never studied in the lit-
Therefore, the problem is not periodic. Each retailer erature to the best of our knowledge. We try here to

120 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

give a partial answer to the question of how impor- An inventory cost is charged both at the supplier
tant the coordination issue is, evaluating which of the and at the retailers. If we denote by hi the unit inven-
solutions is closer to the solution in which the total tory cost at node i ∈  , then the total inventory cost
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cost is minimized, the impact of each cost on the total over the time horizon can be computed as follows.
cost, and how the objective function affects each type At the supplier 0 the level of the inventory at time
of cost. To have a better understanding of the model, t + 1 is given by the level at time t, plus the quantity
in this paper we investigate the case of a single prod- of product made available at time t, minus the total
uct and a single vehicle. The model and the proposed quantity shipped to the retailers at time t, that is
heuristic can be extended easily to the case of multi- 
Bt+1 = Bt + r0t − xit
ple products and vehicles. i∈
The paper is organized as follows. In §1 the prob-
lem is described and in §2 the heuristic algorithm is where B0 (the starting level of the inventory) is given,
presented. The variants of the problem, with different r00 = 0 and xi0 = 0, ∀ i ∈ . Therefore, the total inven-

objective functions, are introduced in §3. Finally, in §4, tory cost at the supplier is t∈  h0 Bt , where   =  ∪
the computational results obtained on randomly gen- H + 1. At each retailer i ∈ , the level of the inven-
erated problem instances are shown and discussed. tory at time t + 1 is given by the level at time t plus
the quantity of product shipped from the supplier to
the retailer i at time t minus the quantity of product
absorbed at time t; that is,
1. Problem Description
We consider a logistic network in which a prod- Iit+1 = Iit + xit − rit
uct is shipped from a common supplier 0 to a set
 = 1 2     n of retailers over a given time horizon where Ii0 (the starting level of the inventory) is given,
H . In each discrete time instant t ∈  = 1 2     H  and ri0 = xi0 = 0. Therefore, the total inventory cost at

a quantity rit of the product is absorbed at the retailer the retailer i is t∈  hi Iit . The time instant H + 1 is
i ∈  and a quantity r0t is made available at the sup- included in the computation of the inventory cost to
plier. Each retailer i ∈  defines a minimum level Li take into account the consequences of the operations
and a maximum level Ui of the inventory of the prod- performed at time H .
uct. If retailer i is visited at time t, then the quantity xit The problem is to determine for each retailer i ∈ 
of product shipped to retailer i is such that the level a set i of delivery time instants, and for each time
of the inventory in i reaches its maximum level Ui instant t ∈  a route t that visits all the retailers
(order-up-to level policy). More precisely, if we denote served at time t such that the sum of the transporta-
by Iit the level of the inventory at retailer i at time t, tion cost and of the inventory cost both at the supplier
and at the retailers is minimized and the following
then xit is either equal to Ui − Iit if a shipment to i is
constraints are satisfied:
performed at time t, or equal to 0 otherwise.
(1) Capacity Constraints. They guarantee that the
Shipments from the supplier to the retailers can
total quantity of the product loaded on the vehicle is
be performed in each time instant t ∈  by a vehi-
not greater than the transportation capacity:
cle with given capacity C, and routing is allowed. In
each route the vehicle visits the retailers that must be 
xit ≤ C t ∈   (1)
served at the same time instant. We assume that any i∈
combination of customers can be visited in a single
(2) Stockout Constraints at the Supplier. They guaran-
delivery time instant. The transportation cost cij from
tee that the level of the inventory Bt is nonnegative in
i to j, with i j ∈  =  ∪ 0, is known. Therefore,
each time instant t ∈  :
given a route, the corresponding transportation cost

is simply obtained by summing up the cost of the arcs xit ≤ Bt  t ∈   (2)
that belong to the route. i∈

Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 121

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

(3) Stockout Constraints at the Retailers. They guar- Heuristic Algorithm

antee that for each retailer i ∈  the level of the inven-
0.— Sort the set of retailers  in the nondecreas-
tory Iit in each time instant t ∈   is not lower than
ing order of the ratio between Ui − Li and
the minimum level Li :
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H t∈ rit . If there exist retailers with the same
Iit ≥ Li  t ∈   i ∈  (3) ratio, sort them in the nonincreasing order of
Ui − Li . Rename the retailers accordingly.
Note that the problem in which several products
have to be shipped from the supplier to the retailers 1. Start.
can be handled easily by this model. It is sufficient to For s = 1 2     n
replace each retailer i with a set of retailers, one for — Determine for the retailer s ∈  a set s of
each product absorbed by the retailer i, setting to zero delivery time instants by using the procedure
the transportation cost between nodes of the same Assign.
set and setting to the transportation cost between the — For each time instant t ∈ s insert the retailer
retailers the transportation cost between nodes of dif- s in the route t traveled by the vehicle at
ferent sets. time t by using the procedure Insert.
2. Improve.
Let TC be the total cost of the solution.
2. A Heuristic Algorithm (a) For s = 1 2     n
We propose a two-step heuristic algorithm to solve
For i = n n − 1     1 and i = s
the order-up-to level inventory-routing problem. In
— t = t , ∀ t ∈  .
the algorithm the retailers are ranked in the nonde-
— Remove the retailer s from the routes
creasing order of the average number of time units
t by using the procedure Remove. Do
needed to consume the quantity Ui − Li and the retail-
the same for the retailer i.
ers with the same number of time units are ranked in
— Determine for i a new set of deliv-
the nonincreasing order of Ui − Li . In the initialization
ery time instants by using the proce-
phase of the algorithm, referred to as Start, a feasible
solution of the problem is built by an iterative pro- dure Assign and insert the retailer in the
cedure that inserts a retailer at each iteration. When routes t by using the procedure Insert.
retailer i is considered, a set of delivery time instants Do the same for the retailer s.
is determined by solving a shortest-path problem on — Let TC be the cost of the obtained solu-
an acyclic network in which every node is a possi- tion. If TC < TC, then adopt the new
ble delivery time instant (procedure Assign). Then, for solution.
each of the selected delivery time instants, the retailer (b) If a new solution has been adopted for at
is inserted in the route traveled by the vehicle by least a pair of retailers, then go to (a).
applying the well-known rule of insertion at cheap-
est cost (procedure Insert). In the second phase of the 2.1. Determining the Delivery Time Instants
algorithm, referred to as Improve, the current solu- In this section we describe the procedure Assign
tion is improved iteratively. At each iteration, a pair which is used to determine a feasible set of delivery
of retailers is temporarily removed from the current time instants for each retailer s. This procedure works
solution by using the procedure Remove. Then, each of on an acyclic network Gs s  s  s  s , in which
the removed retailers is inserted in the current solu- each element of the set s is a node that corresponds
tion as in the procedure Start. Finally, if this reduces to a discrete time instant between 0 and H + 1 and
the total cost, then the solution is modified accord- each element askt of the set s is an arc that exists if no
ingly. The second step of the algorithm is repeated as stockout occurs in s whenever s is not visited between
long as an improvement in the total cost is reached. k and t. Therefore, each path on the network between
The algorithm can be formally described as follows. 0 and H + 1 represents a set of delivery time instants

122 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

for s that satisfy the stockout constraints (3). Each ele- to be inserted between two of the nodes of the route
ment qkt of the set s is a weight on the arc askt that t ; given that in the algorithm the rule of insertion at
represents the quantity of product to deliver at time t, cheapest cost is used (see, for instance, Rosenkrantz
et al. 1977), then s would be inserted between the
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and each element pkt of the set s is a weight on the

arc akt used in order to determine the shortest path node i∗ ∈ t and its successor sui∗  ∈ t such that
between 0 and H + 1 on the network, i.e. a “good” set
of delivery time instants for s. Let us describe in more i∗ = arg mincis + cssui − cisui 
detail the sets s , s , and s . The set s has for ele-
therefore, the estimate c̃ts of the variation in the trans-
ments the arcs that satisfy the stockout constraints (3)
portation cost is ci∗ s + cssui∗  − ci∗ sui∗  . Obviously, if
at the retailer s; in particular, the arc as0t , 1 ≤ t ≤ H + 1,
 the capacity constraint (1) at time t is violated, then
exists if tj=1 rsj−1 ≤ Is0 − Ls and the arc askt , 1 ≤ k < t ≤
 c̃ts = +. The second component of the weight pkt s
H + 1, exists if tj=k+1 rsj−1 ≤ Us − Ls . Note that if the  s
the estimate Bkt of the variation in the inventory cost
arc as0H +1 exists, then a feasible policy is to not visit
at the supplier. This estimate is computed by consid-
the retailer during the time horizon. The set s is a set s
s ering that if a quantity qkt of product is shipped to
of weights in which each element qkt , associated with
s the retailer s at time t, then the level of the inventory
the arc akt , represents the quantity of product to ship s
Bt of the supplier decreases by a quantity qkt for all
to s at time t. Given that an order-up-to level policy
s the time instants between t + 1 and H + 1. Therefore,
is adopted, then the quantity qkt is such that the max- s = −h0 H + 1 − tq s . Obviously, if the stockout con-
imum level of the inventory Us is reached in s, that is, kt kt
s = +.
 straints (2) at the supplier are violated, then B
qkt = tj=k+1 rsj−1 for each arc askt with 1 ≤ k < t ≤ H and kt
 Finally, the third component of the weight pkt s
is the
q0ts = Us − Is0 + tj=1 rsj−1 for each arc as0t with 1 ≤ t ≤ H .  s
s estimate Ikt of the variation in the inventory cost at the
Note that qkH +1 , 0 ≤ k ≤ H is obviously equal to 0,
retailer s. This estimate is computed by considering
given that a shipment cannot be performed in H + 1.
that every time the retailer s is visited the level of the
Finally, the set s is a set of weights in which each
s inventory in s reaches its maximum value Us and that
element pkt associated with the arc askt represents the
it then decreases during the time on the basis of the
estimate of the variation in the total cost obtained by
quantities absorbed in s. Therefore, if a shipment to s
including in the current solution a visit of the retailer
is performed in t and the previous shipment has been
s at time t, given that the previous visit has been at
in k, then the estimate  I s of the variation in the inven-
time k. For each arc askt the weight pkt s
is computed t kt j
tory cost in s is hs j=k+1 Us − l=k+1 rsl−1 , while, if
on the basis of the partial solution generated by the
the shipment performed at time t is the first shipment
algorithm before applying this procedure, that is, on 
to s during the time horizon, then  Ikts = hs tj=1 Is0 −
the basis of the route t traveled by the vehicle at j s
time t ∈  , of the level of the inventory Bt at the sup- l=1 rsl−1 . In conclusion, the weight pkt associated to
plier, and of the level of inventory Ist at the retailer s the arc akt is
pkt s + I˜s 
= c̃ts + B
at time t ∈   . If this partial solution does not include kt kt

any retailer, then each route t , t ∈  , is empty and Once the weight pkt s
is computed for each arc
the level of the inventory Bt at the supplier is equal to askt∈ s , the procedure determines the shortest path
the level obtained if no shipments occur up to time t, between 0 and H + 1 by using an algorithm for acyclic

that is, Bt = B0 + tj=1 r0j−1 , for each time instant t ∈   . networks (see, for instance, Hu 1982) to obtain a set
Given the partial solution, the weight pkt is computed of delivery time instants for s that allows us to “min-
as the sum of three components. The first one, c̃ts , is imize” the total cost. Finally, the procedure includes
the estimate of the variation in the transportation cost in the set s of the selected delivery time instants for
obtained if the retailer s is served at time t. This esti- s the intermediate nodes that belong to the shortest
mate is 2c0s if no retailers are visited at time t in the path.
partial solution, i.e., if t = . Otherwise, c̃ts is com- The procedure Assign can be formally described as
puted by taking into account that the retailer s has follows.

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Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

Procedure Assign —Remove from t the arc i∗  sui∗ .

• Build the acyclic network Gs s  s  s  s . —Introduce in t the arcs i∗  s
• Determine the shortest path between 0 and H + 1 and s sui∗ .
on the basis of the weights in s .
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• If the length of the shortest path is finite, then The insertion of the retailer s in the route t implies
include in the set s the intermediate nodes that an increase in the total quantity of the product loaded
belong to the shortest path; otherwise, the algorithm on the vehicle equal to qkt s
, a variation in the trans-
is not able to find a feasible solution. portation cost equal to either 2c0s if the route t was
Note that the total quantity Qts of product shipped
empty before inserting s or ci∗  s + cs sui∗  − ci∗  sui∗  oth-
to s up to each delivery time instant t, 1 ≤ t ≤ H , is
erwise, and a reduction of the level of the inventory
independent of the path between 0 and t selected on
at the supplier equal to
the network Gs s  s  s  s . In fact, if t1  t2      tn
are the delivery time instants selected up to time t, s
Bj+1 = Bj+1 − qkt  j = t     H 
with t = tn , then the total quantity Qts shipped to s up
to time t is q0ts 1 + qts1 t2 + · · · + qtsn−1 tn , that is equal to Us −
 t 1 Let us now describe the procedure Remove used
Is0 + tj=1 rsj−1 , as q0ts 1 = Us − Is0 + j=1 rsj−1 and qtsm tm+1 =
tm+1 s
during the algorithm to remove the retailer s from
j=1+tm rsj−1 , 1 ≤ m < n. Therefore, Qt is independent the route t . Two different situations can happen,
of the selected delivery time instants t1  t2      tn−1 .
depending on the fact that s is the only retailer visited
Moreover, note that the total quantity K s of prod-
in the route or not before removing it. Let prs be the
uct shipped to s during the time horizon depends on
predecessor to the retailer s in the route t .
the last delivery time instant t̂ selected for s; in fact,
K s = Qt̂s . Therefore, K s can be different from the total Procedure Remove

quantity t∈ rst of product absorbed from s during
the time horizon. If t = 0 s 0, then remove the arcs 0 s
and s 0.
2.2. Inserting and Removing a Retailer
In this section we describe the procedures Insert and
—Remove the arcs prs s and s sus.
Remove which are used during the algorithm to insert
—Introduce the arc prs sus.
and to remove, respectively, a retailer s from the route
t traveled by the vehicle at time t. Let us first con-
The decrease in the total quantity of the product
sider the procedure Insert. As described in the previ- s
ous section, two different situations can happen when loaded on the vehicle is qkt , while the variation in the
the retailer s has to be inserted in the route t . The transportation cost is −2c0s if only the retailer s was in
first one happens when the route t is empty; in this the route before to remove it, and is cprs sus −cprs s −
case, the insertion of the retailer gives a route com- cs sus otherwise. Finally, the level of the inventory at
posed of only the arcs 0 s and s 0. The second one the supplier becomes
happens when the route t already contains some
retailers; in this case, the rule of insertion at cheap- Bj+1 = Bj+1 + qkt  j = t     H 
est cost described in the previous section is used. The
procedure can be formally described as follows.
Procedure Insert 3. Variants of the Problem
If t = , then t = 0 s 0. In this section we consider variants of the problem
Else described in §1, in which the aim of the decision
—Select the retailer i∗ such that maker is not to minimize the overall cost but to min-
imize some of the cost components only. All the vari-
i∗ = arg mincis + cssui − cisui  ants share the same set of data and the same set of

124 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

constraints of the problem described above. The only include the estimate c̃ts of the variation in the trans-
difference is in the objective function. portation cost only, and the total cost TC is computed
In the first variant the aim of the decision maker is accordingly.
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to minimize the sum of the inventory cost at the sup- The third variant puts the focus on the retail-
plier and of the transportation cost only, without any ers’ costs and considers in the objective function the
regard to the inventory costs at the retailers. This hap- inventory costs of the retailers only. The optimal solu-
pens when the shipping policy is defined by the sup- tion here tends to serve each retailer when the inven-
plier who organizes the routing and determines at its tory reaches the minimum level, as stated by the clas-
discretion when to visit each retailer, under the con- sical order-up-to level policy. The only reason why
dition that the level of the inventory of each retailer the optimal solution may happen to serve a retailer
is never lower than the given minimum. In this case, before it is necessary is the capacity of the vehicle or
the supplier has a global view of his own internal the stockout constraints at the supplier. Because an
costs but does not care about the retailers’ costs. This optimal solution only determines the delivery time
may be due to a lack of interest in the retailers’ costs instants and leaves the routing undetermined, we
when supplier and retailers are different companies; consider the transportation cost as a second objec-
instead, it may be simply due to a lack of coordina- tive. This variant corresponds to the situation where
tion in the case in which the supplier and the retailers the retailers can determine the delivery times and
are part of the same company. This first variant is the routing is optimized afterwards. This hierarchi-
NP-hard because it has the TSP as a particular prob- cal problem is again NP-hard and can be heuristi-
lem and can be heuristically solved by a modified cally solved by computing in the procedure Assign the
weights pkts
as the estimate Ikts of the variation in the
version of the algorithm described in the previous sec-
inventory cost at the retailer s only and the total cost
tion. The only required change is in the procedure
s TC accordingly.
Assign where the weights pkt have to be computed
The original problem and the above variants model
here as the sum of the estimate c̃ts of the variation in
s of the different organizational situations of a company, with
the transportation cost and of the estimate B kt
a different emphasis on what is important in the
variation in the inventory cost at the supplier only.
objective of the decision. In the following section, we
The total cost TC is computed accordingly.
compare the solutions obtained in the various cases,
A second interesting variant is obtained when the
trying to derive some conclusions about the impact
objective function includes only the transportation
of the objective on the solution, both in terms of total
cost. This may happen when the transportation is out-
cost and in terms of single components of the total
sourced and the agreement between the supplier and
the transportation company defines the basic princi-
ples of the service, namely that the stockout situa-
tions have to be avoided. However, the transportation 4. Computational Results
company can organize the deliveries on the basis of The heuristic algorithm described in §2 has been
its own costs. Then, the inventory costs at the sup- implemented in Fortran and used to solve the prob-
plier and at the retailers follow from the shipping lems described in §§1 and 3 in a set of computa-
policy of the transportation company. In the case in tional experiments. We first describe how the random
which the whole system is owned by the same com- instances have been generated. Then we show a
pany, the focus on the transportation cost only may series of computational results to analyze the solu-
again be simply due to a lack of global view and tion obtained for the problem in which the total cost
to a lack of coordination. This variant remains NP- is minimized and to compare the solutions obtained
hard since the routing problem remains to be solved by the different variants of the problem. Finally, we
here and can be heuristically solved by modifying the computationally evaluate the quality of the solution
weights pkt of the procedure Assign. Here, the weights generated by the heuristic algorithm.

Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 125

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

4.1. Generation of the Instances Two hundred and forty instances have been gener-
The instances have been generated on the basis of the ated on the basis of the data presented in §4.1; in
following data: particular, 10 instances have been randomly gener-
Number of retailers n: 50;
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ated for each of the 24 combinations obtained on the

Time horizon H : 30; basis of the different values or intervals of the last
Quantity of product rit absorbed by retailer i at four parameters. The computational results allow us
time t: Constant over time, i.e., rit = ri , ∀ t, and ran- to evaluate the distribution of the total cost on the cost
domly generated as an integer number in the interval components (transportation cost, inventory cost at the
[10, 100]; retailers, and inventory cost at the supplier) and to
Quantity of product r0t made available at the sup- carry out a sensitivity analysis on the total cost. The

plier at time t: i∈ ri ; obtained results are shown in Tables 1 and 2 and in
Minimum level Li of the inventory at retailer i: Figure 1.
Randomly generated as an integer number in the Table 1 allows us to evaluate how the total cost is
interval [50, 150]; distributed on the different cost components in three
Maximum level Ui of the inventory at retailer i: pairs of classes of instances, where a pair of classes
Li + ri gi , where gi is randomly selected from the set covers all the tested instances. Each class is composed
2 3 5 6 10 15 30 and represents the number of of all the instances for which a given parameter has
time units needed in order to consume the quantity been generated in the same interval or has the same
U i − Li ; value. Three different parameters have been consid-
Starting level Ii0 of the inventory at the retailer i: ered: the transportation cost cij , the inventory cost at
U i − ri ; the retailers hi , and the inventory cost at the supplier
Starting level B0 of the inventory at the supplier: h0 . For each of the parameters, two intervals or values

i∈ Ui − Li ; are considered: [0, 500] and [0, 1000] for the trans-
Inventory cost at retailer i ∈ , hi : Randomly gen-
portation cost, [0.1, 0.5] and [0.6, 1] for the inventory
erated in the intervals [0.1, 0.5] and [0.6, 1];
cost at the retailers, and, finally, 0.3 and 0.8 for the
Inventory cost at the supplier h0 : 0.3 and 0.8;
  inventory cost at the supplier. In the following, the
Transportation capacity C: i∈ ri , 2 i∈ ri , and
 first interval or value of each of the parameters will
3 i∈ ri ;  be called “low” and the second “high.” The table is
Transportation cost cij :  xi − xj 2 + yi − yj 2 ,
organized as follows. Each row corresponds to a class
where the points xi  yi  and xj  yj  are obtained by of instances; the first column gives the parameter that
randomly generating each coordinate as an integer defines the class, the second one the interval in which
number in the interval [0, 500] and in the interval the parameter has been generated or its value, and
[0, 1000]. the remaining three columns show the correspond-
In all cases, random selections have been performed
ing average transportation cost, inventory cost at the
in accordance with a uniform distribution. The com-
putations have been carried out on an Intel Pentium
II personal computer. Table 1 Average Costs
Other experiments have been carried out on other
Average Costs
sets of instances, such as instances with Li = 0 and ri
randomly generated as an integer number in the inter- Parameters Transportation Inv. Retailers Inv. Supplier
val [5, 25]. Because the results obtained were similar, cij [0, 500] 357608 3655402 1465967
we do not report them. cij [0, 1000] 676215 3630848 1527730
hi [0.1, 0.5] 551851 2241609 1056990
4.2. Computational Analysis of the Solution hi [0.6, 1] 481972 5044641 1936707
We now focus on the original problem, referred to h0 0.3 482038 3234416 1161151
h0 0.8 551785 4051834 1832546
as IS + IR + T , in which the total cost is minimized.

126 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies
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Figure 1

retailers, and inventory cost at the supplier, respec- due to the fact that the supplier tends to ship more
tively. In each class of instances the inventory cost frequently.
at the retailers is the main part of the total cost, fol- Figure 1 allows us to evaluate the impact of each
lowed by the inventory cost at the supplier and then cost component on the total cost in the classes of
by the transportation cost. In the first two rows of instances described above. The figure is composed
the table the average costs obtained in the classes of of three figures: The first one (1a) compares the classes
instances with low and high transportation cost are of instances with low and high transportation cost, the
compared. The instances with high transportation cost second one (1b) the classes of instances with low and
have slightly lower inventory cost at the retailers but high inventory cost at the retailers, and the third one
higher inventory cost at the supplier. This is an effect (1c) the classes of instances with low and high inven-
that can be explained by observing that an increase of tory cost at the supplier. In each figure the comparison
between the two classes of instances is performed by
the transportation cost tends to reduce the number of
computing, for each class, the percentage of each cost
times a retailer is served and, therefore, to reduce the
component in the total cost. The first figure shows
transportation cost and to increase the inventory cost
that in the class of instances with high transportation
at the supplier. Rows 3 and 4 allow us to compare
cost the impact of the inventory cost at the retailers
the average costs obtained in the classes of instances
on the total cost is significantly lower with respect
with low and high inventory cost at the retailers. The
to the class with low transportation cost; the second
results show that the instances with high inventory
figure shows that in the class of instances with high
cost at the retailers have lower transportation cost, inventory cost at the retailers the impact of the trans-
but higher inventory cost at the supplier. This is due portation cost on the total cost is significantly lower
to the order-up-to level policy; in fact, contrary to with respect to the class with low inventory cost at
the classical inventory models, here the inventory cost the retailers; finally, the third figure shows that the
at the retailers is minimized by serving the retailers impact of the inventory cost at the retailers and of the
rarely over time. Finally, in rows 5 and 6 the aver- transportation cost does not significantly change in
age costs obtained in the classes of instances with low the classes of instances with low and high inventory
and high inventory cost at the supplier are compared. cost at the supplier.
The results show that the instances with high inven- In Table 2 a sensitivity analysis on the total cost in a
tory cost at the supplier have higher transportation given instance is presented. Each row of the table cor-
cost and higher inventory cost at the retailers. This is responds to a parameter of the instance and shows the

Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 127

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

Table 2 Sensitivity Analysis of the retailers. This behavior reflects the fact that the dif-
Total Cost ferent cost components have a significantly different
 − 04  + 04 importance in the total cost. The last two rows of the
table show the variations obtained in the total cost by
Downloaded from by [] on 11 March 2015, at 09:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

cij −195 191

varying by about 80% and 26.7% the minimum level
hi −6169 3719
h0 −4092 1636 of the inventory at the retailers and the transporta-
Li −503 497 tion capacity, respectively. The results show that, as
C 012 −005 expected, these parameters do not significantly affect
the total cost and that the total cost increases when
percent variation of the total cost obtained by reduc- the former parameter increases and when the latter
ing and increasing, respectively, the parameter of a one decreases.
given percentage of its original value. The parame-
4.3. Computational Comparison of the Solutions
ters of the instance have been generated as in §4.1,
Obtained with Different Objective Functions
with the exception of the ones that are involved in the
We now compare the solutions obtained for the prob-
sensitivity analysis, namely the transportation cost,
lem IS + IR + T with the solutions obtained for its
the inventory cost at the retailers, the inventory cost
variants, namely, problem IS + T , in which the sum
at the supplier, the minimum level of the inventory
of the inventory cost at the supplier and of the trans-
at the retailers and, finally, the transportation capac-
portation cost only is minimized; problem T , in which
ity. These parameters have been obtained as follows:
the transportation cost is minimized only; and prob-
First, the transportation costs have been generated in
lem IR, in which first the inventory cost at the retail-
the interval [0, 500], the inventory cost at the retailers
ers and then the transportation cost are minimized.
and at the supplier are set equal to 1, the minimum
The analysis has been carried out on the instances
level of the inventory at the retailers is generated in
generated in §4.2.
the interval [50, 150] and, finally, the transportation
 The obtained results are shown in Tables 3–5 and
capacity is set equal to i ri . Then, each of these val-
in Figure 2. The first row of Table 3 presents the aver-
ues has been multiplied by a factor (, which takes
age total cost of the different problems on all the
value 0.5 for all the parameters, with the exception
instances. The results show that the average total cost
of the transportation capacity for which ( takes value
of problem T , in which only the transportation cost is
1.5. The total cost of this instance is 634,014. The sensi-
minimized, is closer to the average total cost of prob-
tivity analysis has been carried out by computing the
lem IS + IR + T than the total cost generated by prob-
percent increase of the cost obtained by changing, for
lem IS + T and by problem IR. The last three rows of
one parameter at a time, the value of ( with respect to
Table 3 show the importance of each type of cost in
the cost of the basic instance. In particular, ( has been
the total cost.
set equal to ( ± 04, corresponding to an increase and
While Table 3 is especially interesting when read
a decrease, respectively, of 80% for the transportation
column by column, Table 4 has to be read row by row.
costs, the inventory costs, and the minimum level of
It gives, for each type of cost (total cost, transportation
the inventory at the retailers, and of about 26.7% for
cost, inventory cost at the retailers, and, finally, inven-
the transportation capacity. The first three rows of the tory cost at the supplier), the average percent increase
table show the variations obtained in the total cost by
varying the transportation cost, the inventory cost at Table 3 Average Costs
the retailers, and, finally, the inventory cost at the sup-
IS + IR + T IR T IS + T
plier by 80% of their original value, respectively. The
variations in the transportation cost have a very low Total cost 5656883 6286500 6064238 6165471
impact on the total cost, while the contrary happens Transportation cost 516911 664567 455388 625712
for the same variations in the inventory cost at the Inv. cost retailers 3643124 3041648 3537898 4758684
Inv. cost supplier 1496848 2580285 2070952 781075
supplier and, in particular, in the inventory cost at the

128 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

Table 4 Percent Increase of the Costs the transportation cost on one hand and the inven-
IS + IR + T IR T IS + T
tory cost at the supplier on the other hand. When the
inventory cost at the supplier is not included in the
Total cost 01 140 86 84 objective function (see problems IR and T ) the retail-
Downloaded from by [] on 11 March 2015, at 09:47 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

Transportation cost 145 467 00 400

ers are more rarely visited than in the other cases.
Inv. cost retailers 254 00 162 560
Inv. cost supplier 1065 2222 1581 01
The problems are ranked in the same order when the
total quantity of product delivered during the time
horizon is considered. Because in the problem formu-
of the cost of each problem with respect to the mini- lation no condition is imposed on the inventory at the
mum corresponding cost obtained by solving the four end of the horizon, the different problems create dif-
problems. The different problems, with substantially ferent ending situations. Since a visit brings the level
different objective functions, have obtained total costs of the inventory of the visited retailers to the maxi-
which are not very different from each other, with a mum level, when the visits are frequent the level of
maximum increase of 14% corresponding to problem the inventory at the retailers tends to be high at the
IR. The percentage of 0.1% corresponding to problem end of the time horizon. This implies that, as the ini-
tial inventory situation and the quantities absorbed by
IS + IR + T is due to the fact that in a small sub-
the retailers on the horizon are identical for all prob-
set of the tested instances the best solution has been
lems, in the problems with more frequent visits the
obtained by a variant of the problem instead of by
total delivered quantity is higher.
the problem IS + IR + T . This is because the problems
In Figure 2 we consider four classes of instances
are heuristically solved. The last three rows of Table 4
obtained on the basis of the combinations of “low”
allow us to evaluate how the goal of the decision and “high” values of inventory cost at the supplier
maker affects each type of cost. The problems IR and and of the inventory cost at the retailers, as defined in
T have obtained, as expected, the minimum inven- the previous section. Figures 2a and 2d show that in
tory cost at the retailers and the minimum transporta- the instances in which the inventory cost at the retail-
tion cost, respectively, on each instance. Moreover, the ers and the inventory cost at the supplier are both low
problem IS + T has obtained the minimum inventory or high, the results are very similar to the ones shown
cost at the supplier on almost all the instances. Con- in Table 3. Figure 2b shows that when the inventory
trary to the situation of the total cost, which is similar cost at the retailers is low and the inventory cost at the
in the different problems, the different cost compo- supplier is high the problem IS + T and the problem
nents give substantially different contributions to the IS + IR + T generate, as expected, very similar solu-
total cost in the different problems. tions. Moreover, as expected, the inventory cost at the
Table 5 gives the average number of visits and supplier is a major part of the total cost. A different
the average quantity of product delivered during the situation can be observed in Figure 2c.
time horizon obtained in the different problems. The Figure 3 shows the percent distribution of the total
results show that problem IR gives the minimum cost on the various cost components obtained by the
number of visits, followed by problem T , then by problems IR T , and IS + T on the class of instances
problem IS + IR + T and, finally, by problem IS + with “low” transportation cost (in the interval [0, 500])
T . The reason can be found in the trade-off exist- with respect to the distribution obtained in the class of
ing between the inventory cost at the retailers and instances with “high” transportation cost (in the inter-
val [0, 1000]). In each of these problems the increase
in the transportation cost implies a reduction of the
Table 5 Average Number of Visits and Delivery Quantity impact of the inventory cost at the retailers, as shown
IS + IR + T IR T IS + T
in Figure 1a for the problem IS + IR + T .
Finally, in Table 6 we present a sensitivity anal-
Number of visits 4611 3002 3480 6878 ysis on the number of visits obtained in the prob-
Delivery quantity 708291 628009 693575 796758
lems IS + IR + T and IS + T in a given instance. Each

Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 129

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies
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Figure 2

Figure 3

130 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

Table 6 Sensitivity Analysis of the Number of Visits each discrete time instant all the retailers on the basis
IS + IR + T IS + T
of an optimal route. The second policy, referred to as
Latest, is to visit in each delivery time instant t the
 − 04  + 04  − 04  + 04
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set of retailers that will have stockout at time t + 1 if

cij 402 337 1500 873 not served at time t. The retailers served at time t are
hi 1022 297 1185 1185
visited on the basis of an optimal route.
h0 299 1006 634 1402
Li 325 325 1185 1185
Eight instances have been generated according to
C 328 343 1227 975 the different intervals and values of the parameters
described in §4.1, with the only exception of the
transportation capacity C, which we assumed to
row corresponds to a parameter of the instance and be large enough to guarantee a feasible solution
gives the number of visits obtained in the different for the policies Every and Latest, and the trans-
problems by decreasing and then increasing, respec- portation costs cij , which have been generated as
tively, the parameter of a given percentage of its origi- 
 xi − xj 2 + yi − yj 2 + 05, since the optimal solu-
nal value. The sensitivity analysis has been carried out
as described in §4.2 on the same instance. The num- tion of the TSP problems has been obtained by
ber of visits obtained in the original instance is 325 applying an existing exact algorithm in which
for the problem IS + IR + T and 1,185 for the problem the transportation costs are computed as indicated
IS + T . The table clearly says that the number of visits above.
strongly depends on the values of the parameters and The computational results are shown in Table 7.
on the objective function. In particular, the number The first three columns give the intervals in which
of visits in the problem IS + T is substantially greater the transportation costs cij and the inventory costs
than in the problem IS + IR + T . The reason is that, as at the retailers hi have been generated and the value
shown in particular in the second row of the table, the of the inventory cost at the supplier h0 , respectively;
number of visits decreases when the inventory cost the last two columns give the percent increase error of
at the retailers increases. This is due to the fact that the optimal cost of the policies Every and Latest with
the application of the order-up-to level policy implies respect to the cost of the solution generated by the
that the inventory cost at the retailers is minimized heuristic algorithm.
when the retailers are served rarely over time. More- The results show that the solution obtained by the
over, as expected, the number of visits increases when heuristic algorithm always outperforms the optimal
the transportation cost decreases and when the inven- solution of the two intuitive policies. In fact, the pol-
tory cost at the supplier increases, has no variations icy Every, which requires the optimal solution of one
with respect to the minimum level of the inventory at TSP per instance, gives an average error of about
the retailers, and has relatively small variations with 14% with respect to the cost of the heuristic solution,
respect to the transportation capacity.
Table 7 Percentage Increase Error of Two Intuitive Policies
4.4. Performance Evaluation
cij hi h0 Every Latest
Finally, we show the results obtained in a computa-
tional experiment carried out to evaluate the quality 0 500 01 05 03 1385 189
0 500 01 05 08 250 1419
of the solution generated by the heuristic algorithm in
0 500 06 1 03 2668 002
the problem IS + IR + T . Since the complexity of the 0 500 06 1 08 460 163
problem precludes the possibility of solving it opti- 0 1000 01 05 03 1742 494
mally and no lower bounds are known, we compare 0 1000 01 05 08 745 1308
the cost of the solution generated by the heuristic 0 1000 06 1 03 3227 042
0 1000 06 1 08 738 140
algorithm with the optimal cost of two intuitive poli-
1402 470
cies. The first policy, referred to as Every, is to visit in

Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002 131

Deterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies

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The authors wish to thank two anonymous referees for their useful
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comments and suggestions.

Received: December 2000; revision received: September 2001; accepted: September 2001.

132 Transportation Science/Vol. 36, No. 1, February 2002

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