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January 22, 2023


School of the Holy Spirit of Quezon City
F. Sotto St., BF Homes, Capitol Hills, Quezon City

Subject: Withdrawal of Amber David - Student ID: 2160032

Dear Ms. Gonzales:

This is an official advice pertaining to the withdrawal of my daughter Amber Marie D. David of
7-Handog from your roster of students in your learning institution.

Amber has been a part of this school for almost seven years, and we would like to express our
gratitude for the experiences she has gained in the entirety of her stay. However, the recent
challenges she faced necessitate a change of learning environment.

After careful consideration, we have decided to enroll Amber in OB Montessori Center, where we
believe she will have the opportunity to start anew, flourish in a supportive environment thereby
cultivating her emotional and academic well-being. We are confident that this change will
contribute positively to her growth and development.

We appreciate the efforts of the school and its staff in providing education and guidance to Amber.
The positive aspects of her time at School of the Holy Spirit will undoubtedly shape her character
as she matures into a fine young lady.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition. We request all necessary
documents, including Amber's academic records, be prepared for our collection.

Wishing continued success for School of the Holy Spirit of Quezon City, and looking forward to a
fresh start for Amber at OB Montessori.




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