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General feedback: These are the steps; you should have chosen seven of them.

1. Charms are designed.

2. Stones are selected.
3. Gold and silver are melted.
4. Quality control is made.
5. Charms are ground/smoothed.
6. Gold details are added.
7. Silver is soldered onto gold.
8. Each stone is set by hand.
9. Charms are polished.

My comments:

- Good job. You included several steps. Your work is complete, with most of the
sentences in Passive Voice.

- The charm are cut.

The subject is singular, so the verb to be is not are: The charm IS cut.

- You are trying to say that they make details to the charm. You can say: details
are made to the charm.

- The charm is oxidized.

Remember it needs the verb to be before the main verb.

- Precious stones are put into the charm.

- The charm is finished.

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