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ENE Lis fant a>" Et eee >" FI 1086119 Ths Nguyén Thanh Tit eBook Collection DE CUONG + TEST ON TAP CUO! Ki 2 TIENG ANH 11 - GLOBAL SUCCESS (THEO CHUAN MINH HOA 2025) (GOM BAI TAP TU’ VUNG, NGO’ PHAP VA PRACTICE TEST THEO UNIT + TONG HOP) (BE 1-8) WORD VERSION | 2024 EDITION ORDER NOW / CHUYEN GIAO QUA EMAIL TAILIEUCHUANTHAMKHAO@GMAIL.COM Tai liu chudin tham khéo Phat trién kénh b6i Ths Neuyén Thanh Tie Don vi tai tra/ phat hank / chia sé hoc thude : Nguyen Thanh Tu Group Hé erg true tuyén Unit 9- SOCIAL ISSUES (VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR COLLECTION) A. Vocabulary: tw cita cdc tir vung dang di theo thir tw xuat hign trong sgk tir tren xuéng duréi! 1, GETTING STARTED campaign /kaem pein (n) chién dich Last time our club met, we decided to start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. (Lan rude edu Ige b6 eda ching 6: gap nhau, ching ti d& quyet dinh bit dau mot chign dich ning cao nhiin thige d thu hit si chit y dén mot van dé x8 hoi cap bach.) 2.crime /kram’ (n) Yes, [think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our yy, such as crime and overpopulation. (Ving, 161 nghi chiing ta nén thite diy cic viin dé inh huéng dén nhiéu ngwéi trong thinh pho are chiing han nhur ti pham va dan sé qua dng.) 3.overpopulation / 20vo, popju' ley (n) sue qua tii din 36 Yes, [think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our eity, such as crime a (Vang, ti nghi ching ta nén thie day cée van dé anh huéng dén nhiéu ngu’i trong than ching han nur ti pham va dan sa qua dong.) tion, hing ta, A.bullying / bolim/ (n) bit nat Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major reat teenagers today although many people don't feel comfortable talking about them. (Ching han, bat nat, ap Iue tir ban bé va xdu hé vé co thé la nhimg vin dé i an 1! mic dii nhigu ngudi khéng cim thay thodi mai khi néi vé ching.) S.peer pressure /"pis_pref.or! (n) dp le tir ban be Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, lems among teenagers today although many people don't feel comfortable taking about the u nién ngay nay nign ngay nay Gbedy shaming /"bod.i tay (n) strehé nhgo ngc isi Khe ‘Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for ‘are major problems among teenagers today although many people den't feel comfortable talking abut them. bit nat, ip lue tir ban bé vi xitw a thé li nhfing vin dé kim cia thank thiéu nign ngay nay ath fh vé ching.) areness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue, cchiing t6i 43 quyét din bit dau mot chién dich ning cao nhin I think this time we sh 4 problem teens struggle with every day because this won't be a big campaign (T6i ngt khong phai Li i 9.awareness /2" Pn) ahi thie Last ime ou PENG met, we decided to star an aware ss campaign to draw attention to.a pressing social issue. dy loe 6 cia ching 10i gp nhau, ching t6i.d3 quyét dinh bat diu mot chién dich nang cao nhan ut sur chit ¥ dén met vin dé xi hoi cap bach.) ‘di'saud on (Phrasal verb) quyét dinh n ny of (Bay gi chang ta hay quyét inh vé mat vind xd hi.) H.comfortable /“kamftabl/ (adj) thoai mai Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major problems among teenagers today Although many people dont feel comfortable walking shout them (Ching han, mde dt nhigu gui Kagel thay tho HL. LANGUAGE 12.alcohol /‘zelkohol/(n) 48 uéng c6 cn (raqu, bia...) People mustn't drive after drinking alcohol. (Moi nguéi khéng duge lai xe sau Khi uéng rugu.) /vamn/ (n) ru drinks such as beer and wine that cat make people drunk. (46 uéng hut bia va rirgu ¢6 thé khign-ngudr ta say.) 14.frighten / fraitn! (v) hoang so to frighten or hurt a weaker person. (dé so hai bode Lim t6n throng mét nguai yeu hon.) 15.violent /‘vaialont/ (adj) str dung va lie, bao lyre Some children play too many violent computer games, (Mét s6 tré em choi quit nhieu tro choi my tinh bao luc.) 16.poverty /’ povati (n) surmghéo déi Many people live in poverty. (Nhiu nguéi sng trong canh nghéo di.) 17.the odd one out /i: pd wan aot’ (idiom) ké/ nguéi khic [don't want to be the odd one aut (TOi khéng mud tré thanh ngudi khde big.) 18.fingerail /fiy-ga.neal/ (n) mong ta: ly and poor school and painted my fingemai}s. a or” One day | coloured my hair from fa (Métngiy no, 161 nhudm t6c tir gia dinh va ngoi teuimg nghéo va som mong lay. 19.depression /di"prefiv (n) su tram cam In many cases, peer pressure can lead to depression, low self-confidence, sik family and poor school performance, . (Trong nhieu rarimg hop, 4p lire tir ban bé <6 thé din dén tram cam, hye tap kém.) 20.sclf-confidence /, self kon.fidons/ (n) su ty tin vio bin than In many cases, peer pressure can lead to depression, low scl , distance from family and poor school performance. (Trong nhigu trrimg hop, 4p lire tir ban bé 6 thé din d&thayny cm, thi hhge tip kém.) 2.performance /pa' fo:mons/ (1) hig suit In many cases, peer pressure can lead to depressig. low self-confidence, distance from family and poor school formance. (Trong nhiéu tneimg hop, ap lire tir ban b&g6 th din dén trim cdm, thiéu te tin, xa cdch gia dinh va ket qua hhoe tap kém.) 22survey /"sx:vev (nt) khio sit I know that this is not allowed, smokers surveyed group of fi iét ring dieu nay tin, xa eich gia dink va két qua wtin, xa cich gia dinh va két qui ted that 70% of them were at school, but all the girls in my teenage id the same, . phép, Ngudi ta bio cdo ring 70% oinring, nhumg tit ca cae ¢6 gai trong aut 1c 6 tudi vj thiinh nign cia t6i cling kim nhur wily.) 23.stand up to /staegd nrasal verb) dimg fen chéng Iai Ibis not always eas Up to peer pressure, but sooner or Inter you need to decide what is best for you.(Diing trudg ip Iy@eua ban bé khong phai Iie niio eting dé ding, nhumg sém hay mudn thi ban cing ean phai quyét i lar nhat cho mink.) a ae iteit/ (v) ngan ngai Senn. Jearn to say no when you don't feel comfortable and don't hesitate to talk toan adult ition looks dangerous. nigudit han phit hop, hoc each néi khéng khi ban khing cém thiy thoai mai va dimg ngan ngai mdi chuyén véi ngudi lon khi tinh hudng 66 ve ee hiem.) 2S.hang out Ahan! /avt! (phrasal verb) di chor My parents don't want me to hang out with my friends from school. (BS me ai Khong mudn (41 di choi voi ban be tir trudng,) 26,approve />'pruvy/ (v) chap thudn Their parents do not approve of their behavior, (Cha me ctia hg khong chap nhin hanh vi eva he.) 27.appearance /9'prarans/ (n) ngogi hinh ‘They both changed their appearance. (Ci hai déu thay. 2B.valued /*vatlju:d/ (adj) dinh gid The emails we have received from teenagers this week point to the effects of peer pressure, which is when you do things because you want to be accepted or valued by your friends, (Nhing email ching 161 hin ditge ti thanh thigy nign trong tun ny chi ra tae dng etia dp hye tirban be, 6 18 Khi ban lim mei vige vi muon duge ban bé chap nhiin hose dinh gid eao.) IV, SPEAKIN 29,slim /slimy (adj) mong Peer pressure not to slim and fit. (Ap lue ngang hing khong phai lit mong va phil hop.) 30.obey /9 bev! (v) twin thu Peer pressure not to obey rules. (Ap Iue ngang hing khong phi li mong va phi hop.) skip! (v) trén, bo Your friend wants to skip a test, so he/she asks you to pretend that you are his/her parent(s) ae wo his/her teacher asking permission to be absent from school, (Ban ciia ban mudn be qua mét bai kiém tra, vi vay anh dy/ed dy yéu cdu ban gid wer ri ja me cua anh ay/cd ay va viet mot la thut cho wido vién cia anh ay/cd ay dé xin phép duce nghi h 32.pretend /prr tend’ (y) yeu eau Your friend wants to skip a test, so he/she asks you to pretend that you are his/h ) anc write a letter to- his/her teacher asking permission to be absent from school. ay/eé dy yeu ciu woe rang ban la cha me cua anh y/c6 dy vii viét mot la thur cho gido vién cua anh ay/ed dy dé xin phép 33,permission /po mifh/ (n) sue cho phép: Your friend wants to skip a test, so he/she asks you w pretend t his/her teacher asking permission to be absent from school. us/her parent(s) and write a letter to ban gid we ring ban li cha me cia anh 34.absent /‘sebsont/ (adj) nghi hos Your hivher teacher asking permission to be absent (Ban ea ban mudn be qua ragt bai kiém ta Lies can have serious consequences (Noi doi 6 thé gay héu qua nghiém 36.revise (mv vata! (w) dn tip You should try to revise (Ban nén 6 ging 6n ti 37.consequence / kong ‘will always find out the truth. ‘moi ngedi sé ludn tim ra sur that.) roo ob pls Wika ta Chat nghiém trong va moi ngerii sé ludm tim ra sqrthat.) til! (adv) thutémg xuyén jing elasses frequently. ng xuyén tron hoc.) comments very offensive. so you should apologize to me: (Minh thay binh ludn cia ban phan cm qué nén xin loi ban.) 40.apologize /a'polodgate/ (v) xin bai [find your comments Very offensive, so you should apologize to me, (Minh thay binh Ivan cua ban phan cm qué nén xin 16i ban.) 4Lashamed /'ferma/ (adj) xa ho Don't feel ashamed to admit that you de not know something (Ding cam thay xau ho khi thira nbn ring ban khéng biet dieu gi dé.) 42.embarrassed /am’'beerast/ (adj) xd hd Don't feel embarrassed to admit that you do not know something. (img cam thay xdiu hé khi thita nbn ring ban khéng biét digu gi dd.) 43.cyberbullying /‘saibaboliny/ (n) bit nat trén mang One ofthe most common forms of eyberbullying is body shaming. (M6t trong hitng hin thire bat hat trv tuyen pho bien nhat ld sur xdu ho vé oor the.) 44.physieal / fiztkl/ (adj) vé mit thé chat Physical bullying (Bat ng vat 19) 48. verbal /'vs:bl/ (adj) bang loi Verbal bullying at ngt bing léri nd) VI. WRITING 46.proposal /pro'pavzl/(n) dé xuit A proposal against cyberbullying, (Mét dé xulit chéng bit nat trén mang.) \y 47.victim /’ vikum/ (n) nan nhin i Victims of cyberbullying. ‘A (Nan nin cia bit nat én mang.) 48.policy /‘ppolasi/ (n) chinh sich \ Informing students of the school anti-bullying policies (Thing bao cho hoe sinh vé cig chinh sich chong bit nat cia truvmg,) & VIL COMMUNICATION & CULTURE 49.disappointment /_disa’potntmony (n) that vong Expressing disappointment and sympathy. (The hign sur thit vong va thong cam.) ‘50.sympathy /"sumpo@i/ (n) thong cam Expressing disappointment and sympathy. (The hign sr that vong va thong cam.) SI. painful / pernfl/ (adj) dau dém I was also the victim of bullying and had a very painful e (Toi cing 1a nan nhdn cia bat nat va di.cé mot kinh 52.grow up /grau ap! (phrasal verb) lon lén Ia many countries around the world, it is not ~o up because teens ure dealing with many social j qude gia trén thé gidi, Kin lan ay Li ‘S3.anxiety /een zaioti/ (adj) sur lo Ling ‘The main source of teenagers’ anxi Jon was social pressure, such as the pressure to look goad, to fit in social groups, and to be god at sport, . . (Ngudn chinh cua sir lo Kinggad tragikcam eda thanh thigu nin lat dp lire xa hdi, ching han nhur ap lec phi e6 i im XA HOI Va gid thé thao.) ngoai hinh dep, pha hi ‘S4.admit /odtmiv! (vy that bullying w: ijor prablem for teenagers, and around 15% admitted that they had experienced some form of ang vi thanh thiéu nién phai ddi mat vei nhidu vin dé xa (55% nai ri a ht mot van dé In ddi véi thanb thiéu nién va khoang 15% thira nhiin ring ho a3 tri qua mot s6 hinh’ nat trén mang.) SSuthe ling / St. "pov.a.ti,lamn! ngudmg nghéo 21% of the teens in the survey struggled to live below the poverty line every day. . Rhodng 20% thanh thiéu nign trong cude khdo sat phi vat lm dé sing dudi mirc nghéo kho mi S6.take care of ‘terk ker pv! chim sie Student A can't go on a school trip becauise his/her little brotherisister is ill and he/she has to take care of hinvher, (Hoe sinh A khéng thé tham gia chuyén di ngogi vi em trai/em gai cla edu dy/ed dy bj dm va edu dy/ed ay phai chiim s6e cdu/ed. ay.) VII, LOOKING BACK S7.illegal /'li:gl/ (adj) bat bop phap Sharing someone's personal information ontine is illegal. (Chia sé thong tin ed nan cua ai dé ire wyén la bat hgp phip.) B. Grammar I. LINKING WORDS AND PHRASES: (TU VA CUM TU DUNG DE NOI CAU): Tit va cum tit 66 chite nding thém ¥ wimg va thong tin fe - thém 7 teéng va thong, tin di ap Tikva cum tir 66 chife nang dua ra li do Additionally (thém ao 46) Furthermore (hom the nia) Moreover (hen nia) In addition {ngoai ra) Also (cing) Likewise (tuong tu) ‘Besides (ngoai ra) ‘Not only... but also (khong chi... ma edn) Furthermore (hon nia) Moreover (hon nita) Furthermore (hom nita) ‘What's more (hon thé nita) ‘Similarly (twong ty) Likewise (tuo tu) Equally (tuong dung) In the same vein (theo ci ‘Correspondingly ( In the same way (1 ‘of that (trén cA 46) from that (ngoai ra) Additionally (thém vio 6) Furthermore (hon nia) Moreover (hon nifa) However (tuy nhién) Nevertheless (tuy nhién) ‘On the other hand (tuy nhign) ‘Conversely (maur lai) In contrast (trai ai Despite this (mic dil vay) In spite of that (mac di) Yet (tuy nhign) Although (mie dil) While (trong khi) ‘Whereas (trong khi) Instead (thay vio d6) Conversely (ngurgc lai) In opposition to (trai nguge vei) Despite (mlic dil) Even though (ngay cit khi) ‘On the contrary (nguge lai) Nonetheless (tuy mhién) Because (boi vi) ‘Since (vi) Duc to (beri vi vig ‘Owing to (ba vi viée . ‘Thanks to (nher vio) Asa result of (két qua ciia) ‘Therefore (dod) ‘Consequently (do d6) ‘Thws (do da) For this reason (vi If do nay) For (vi) ‘As (boi vi) Because of this (boi vi diéu nay) In light of (trong bai cdnh eua) In view of (trong quan diém eta) ‘On account of (do) For the sake of (vi loi ich ctia) ‘Considering (xem xét) tv In consequence of (do két qui cia) oO In the event of (trong tring hop cia Consequently (do dd) ‘Therefore (do da) Thus (do da) ‘As a result (két qua la) Hence (vi the) Tir va cum tire6 chtte ming dura ra két qua, Iviu qua a di) Capsequence (két qui la) Mfreehsequence (do dé) Oivaccount of this (do digu nay) —\ ‘Due to this (do diéu nity) ) ‘Owing to this (do diéu nay) For this purpose (cho muc dich nity) For that reason (vi ly do 6) PRACTICE 1. Complete the sentences usinggthe words in the box. alcohol lation body shaming poverty [ depression sure bullying. crime 1. Many cities are faci tem of. as more people are moving to large urban areas. 2. We should help ifwe want to live ina safe neighbourhood. 3. The best waysto st is toaccept differences in size and shape. 4, When my, brother started coming home with bruises on his arms and legs, my parents thought he was a victim of physi § Theos ‘ut that the taxi driver had drunk before the accident. sing number of young people suffering from is worrying. 7 Re no to Bsns want: the ig tiny Sic ing 8, We'aflen organise charity events to raise money for people living in Il, Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 1, Walking alone at night still causes amxiety/depression in girls and women. 2. Weare starting 4(n) social/enviranmental awareness campaign about depression among young people next week 3. Avoid using violent/affensive language, which may hurt people. 4. It's not good to tell Hiew/truths to your parents 5. More and more teenagers are experiencing physical bullying/eyberbullying on social media. 6, My sister suffered from depression/peer pressure after failing her university entrance exam. 7. Teenagers/Vietims of bullying often fect angry, helpless, and afraid. 6 8. The programme is too vialent/bullying to be shown to children. LILChoose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. Weare carrying ‘4 campaign to encourage people to buy local products, Ain B. out Coon D..with 2. You shouldn't be ashamed your appearance, A.of B, about C. with D. for 3. We should raise people's awareness these social issues. Aawith, Con D. of 4, Parents don’t like their children hanging with friends who always get in trouble. A. out Con D. over 5. Not many people are brave enough to stand __ bullies. A inwit B. inen Cup will D. up to Ny 6. bullying includes using offensive language to embarrass or upsct another person, a A. Physical B. Cyber C. Mental D. Verbal ‘I 7. Improving your self. isone way to deal with body shaming. ( A. confident Bi confidence €. study D. importance 8. Peer can have positive or negative effects on teenagers. iN A. pressure B. stress C, influence D. anxiety IV.Choase the hest answers to complete the sentences, 1. Many people joined our campaign. it was a huge success, A. Moreover B. However CAs a result D. Besi 2 the heavy police presence, there is an increase in crime it, the A. Although B. Despite C, Because eof (Bat chap sw hign dign day dic cua canh sit, vane6 su gin ting trong thinh phé.) 3. Overpopulation is a common probk ci pulation in rural areas is dee A. By contrast B. Besides ‘Although 4, Many parents today work long hours. ing their children grow up. A. Asa consequence ‘B. Besides D. Although 3 my friend was a victim of bullying a the felt embarrassed to report the bully. A. Because B. Besides thou; D. However 6. In addition , we also organise events to raise money. A. to awareness campaigns aigns C. starting awareness campaigns awareness campaign 7 peer pressure, I nevet lasses or smoked cigarettes, AcIn spite B. In spite of Asa result D. In addition to 8, The world is facing many social issu@Snowadays, . we need fo work together to solve them, A. Therefore B. In C. Asa result D, By contrast laints about bullying, the school hasn't introduced any anti-bullying, ais Coisyaseing Diswesened v. Coinplets afer cae correct forms of the words in brackets, 1. Because of (Hpily) ___, she was scared of going to school. 2. In additioi ___ in poverty, many children experience health problems 3. ete _~iieresting icéeas, my brother was too shy to discuss them with his classmates. 4 the wre of our teacher, we were nat allowed to carry out the social awareness 5.Al poverty (be) _ ‘a major issue in the city, little hes been dane about it so far. VI. There is'a mistake in each item, Find the mistake and correct it. 1, In addition with health problems, alcohol could also cause memory loss. 2. My parents had to deal with many problems. Besides of this, they worked very hard to save money for a house, 3. Many people in my neighbourhood! have lost their jobs. As result, erime has increased, 4, Despite of our successful social awareness campaign, there is still much work to do-to reduce poverty. 5. Because of my teacher liked my idea sa much, I decided to submit it to the ideas competition. 6.The environmental issues in our community have been solved, With contrast, people experience more social problems. 7. Depression is a common issue in our madem society. Although, not much has been done about it among young people 8, Moreover to supporting your friends in studying harder, you can encourage them to try a new sport or hobby. 9. In addition to her low grades, my sister was accepted into university. 10, The brain continues to develop until the mid-o late-20s, However, teenagers respond to stress differenily than adults, VIL, Complete the conversations by circling the best answers, Then practise reading them, Conversation 1 ‘Tom: I'm afraid | won't be able to play in tomorrow's match. Dave: What ashamed!/a shame! Conversation 2 Claire: My grandma has just passed away. I'm going to miss her so: much Ny Jane: What a pity/'m so sorry to hear that, Ve Conversation 3 NI Nam: [tried my best, but my team didn’t win yesterday. Dad: I know how it feels/th: too bad, son. Don’t blame yourself. ‘\ Conversation 4 Mary: I had a terrible headache last night and coulda't finish my homework, Jim: Lean sympathize with you./How disappointing! | often have headaches 'nbstressed, VILL Rewrite the sentences withouit changing their meanings. 1. Because there is an increase in cyberbullying, many schools have to upd: anti-bullying policies. —* Because of the 2, Although the police are using new methods to control crime in thaw —+ Despite 3. Many teenagers have to deal with physi In addition 4, Many teenagers are afraid or not sure if they are bul situation. + Therefore, 5. In spite of developing health problems, some pgople Sontinue to drink loo much. figures are still high. = Although a 6, Because of test anxiety, some students sul ‘iiress and fail to do well in their exams. = Because 4 7. 'm getting anxious about my Eng ‘and I don’t think I have enough time to revise for it. > . Besides, 8, The Imtemet is a great soupee of information, but it may not be reliable, + __. However, Unit 9—SOCIAL ISSUES : KEY (VOCABULARY AND-GRAMMAR COLLECTION) A. Voo: hat Thirty cha ede tir vag dang di theo thi ty xudt hign trong sgk tir trén sudng duadit 1. GETTING STARTED campaign /kaem'pem/ (n) chién dich Last time our club met, we decided to start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. (Lan trade cd lac bi cha chiing ti gd nhou, ching toi da quyét dinh bat diw mot chign dich ning cao nbn thire dé thu hiit sucha ¥ dén mot van dé xd hi cap bach.) 2.erime /kraim/ (n) 19: pham ‘Yes, | think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our city, such as crime and oF overpopulation, (Vang, toi nghi ching ta nén thie dy ede vin dé anh hudng dén nhiéu ngudi trong thinh ching han nhu 161 pham va din s6 qué déng.) . J.overpopulation /,20v9, popju lexfiv (n) su qua tai dan sO ‘Yes, | think we should promote issues that affect a lot of people in our city, such overpopulation. | . (Ving, t0i nghi chiing ta nén thie dy ede vin dé anh hurdmg dén nhidu ngu ching hgn nhur ti phar va din sé qui dong.) 4.bullying /"bolinn’ (n) biit nat Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are rij although many people don't fee! comfortable talking about them. (Ching han, bat nat, dp Iie tir ban bé va xau hd ve eo thé la al mie dit nhicu nguoi khong eam thay theai mai khi néi ve clat S.peer pressure /"pio pref.r/ (n) dp Iye tir ban bé Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for i although many people don't feel comfortable taki — . (Ching han, bit nat, ap lite tirban bé va-xau ¢ [a nhing van dé én cuia thanh thiéw nin ngy nay mic di: nhiéw ngurisi khng eim thay thodi mai kbi néi ve chi 6.body shaming / bod.i _fe1.muy/ (n) su cheag ‘Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body, although many people don’t feel cor (Ching han, bat nat, b mic dit ’ B social issue "sou. fol ‘yu (phe) van dé x8 hoi Last time our club me lo start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. (Lan tre edu Lac thite dé thu hit s Bsirugele "strpel/ (Vj dau tranh T think thisaime we should focus on « problem teens struggle with every day because this won't be a big campai thinh ph6 cia ching ta, lems among teenagers today Kem cia thank thiéu nién ngdy nay ‘major problems among teenagers today 1g toi gap nhau, ching ti da quyét dinh bit dau mot chién dich nang cao nhin Ving ta nén tp trung vie mét vin dé ma thanh thigu nién phai vit lon hing ngily vi diy mot chién dich lén,) Jp" weanss/ (n) nh§n thite Last fife our club met, we decided to start an awareness campaign to draw attention to a pressing social issue. (Lan tnrée eau lac b} ctia ching ti gap ahau, ehiing ti dt quyét dinh bat diu mot chién dich nang cao nhan thite dé thu har sy chia ¥ dén mot van dé xa boi cfip bach.) MWadecide on /di'said vn/ (phrasal verb) quyét dinh Now let's decide on a social issue. (Bay gids chung ta hay quyét dinh vé mat vin dé xa héi.) comfortable /“kamfisbl/ (adj) thoai mai Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major problems among teenagers today although many people don't feel comfortable talking about them. (Ching han. bat nat, ap lye tir ban bé va xau hd vé eo thé 1a nhitng van dé lim eda thanh thiéu nién ngdy nay mie dé nhiéw ngursi khong eim thay theai mai khi ndi vé ching.) IL LANGUAGE 12.alcohol /‘elkahol/ (n) dé wang cb cbn (nirgu, bi People mustn't drive after drinking alcohol. (Moi newii khéng duoc lai xe sau khi uéng rirgu.) (wan! (n) ruc drinks such as beer and wine that can make people drunk. (d6 udng nhut bia va nrc 66 thé khién nguri ta say.) 14.fFighten /'Fraita/ (v) hoang so yy to frighten of hur a weaker person. (dé so hai hode lam ton thuong mot nguai yéu hon.) oO IS.violent / varolont’ (adj) str dung vil ue, bao Ire Some children play too many violent computer games. (Mat sé tré-em cher quit nhigu trd char my tinh bye iye:) 16.poverty / povali/ (n) su nghéo d6i Many people live in poverty. (Nhigu ngudi séng trong canh nghéo déi:) oO 17.the odd one out /8i: nd wan aut (idiom) ké/ ngudi khite bigt J don’t want to be the odd one out (Ti khéng mudn tre thanh agus’ Khe biét.) 18.fingermal fin. ga.nel! (n) mong tay One day I coloured my hair from family and poor schoo! a my fingernails. (Mot ngay no, 161 nbuom te tir gia dinh va ngéi tanimg mong tay.) 19.depression /a' pref’ (n) sir tram im. In many cases, peer pressure ean lead to depressio school performance. fidence, distance from fa ly and poor (Trong nhiéu trong hop, dp Ive tir ban be dén trim. cém, thigu tw tin, xa cach gia dinh va két qua hoe tip kem.) 20,self-confidence / self (mksur tihgin vio bin thin In many cases, peer pressure can k sion, low self-confidence, distance from family and poor school performance. (Trong nhidu teudng bop, dp hi hoe tip kem.) 21 performance /pa' In many eases, peer ps school performance. (Trong nhieu ti hoe tp kém.) 2esurvey Gsg.Yev (n) khao sit I know that this''s not allowed. It was reported that 70% of them were at school, but all the girls in my tena ws surveyed group of friends did thesame, en ng dicu nay 1a khéng duge phép, Ngudi ta bao cdo ring 70% o trong, nhumg tit cdi cde 6 gli 23.suiid tir 6 thé din dén tram cm, thi tu tin, xa cach gia dinh va két quar lead to depression, low self-confidence, distance from family and poor ip luc tir ban be cé thé din dén tim cam, thiéu tw tin, xa cich gia dinh vi két qua im ban duge khao sét vé nhimg nguai hit thude o tudi vi thanh nign cvs t6i cfing kim nhu vay.) ‘up to /staend 4p tu:/ (phrasal verb) dmg lén ehong Iai tis not always easy to stand up to peer pressure, but sooner of later you need to decide what is best for you.(Dimg trade Gp lye ctia ban bé khong phai lic nio cing dé ding, nhumg sém hay mudn thi byn eting edn phai quyét dinh digu gi a tot nhat cho minh.) hesitate /*heattew’ (v) ngin ngai Choose the right friends, learn to say no when you don't fecl comfortable and don't hesitate to talk to an adult when the situation looks dangerous. (Chon nhing nguéi ban phi hyp, hoe each noi khdng Khi ban khong cdm thity th noi chuyén v6i nguéri lim kbi tinh hudng e6 vé nguy him.) va dimg ngin ngai 25,hang out /haen/ /avv/ (phrasal verb) di chai My parents don't want me to hang out with my friends from school (B6 me t6i king mudn t6i di choi véi ban bé tir trudmg.) 2G6.approve /o"pruw/ (v) chap thuan Their parents do not approve of their behavior (Cha me cita ho khiing chip nin hanh vi cia ho.) 27appearance /o'prorans/ (n) ngoai hinh ‘They both changed their appearance. (Ca hai déu thay di in mao.) 28.valued /‘veelju:d! (adj) danh gia The emails we have reecived from teenagers this week point ta the effects of peer pressure, which ha you do things because you want to be aecepted or valued by your friends, Ne (Nhitng email ching ti nhiin divge tr than thicu nign trong tun nay chi ra the ding eit Sp I dé 1d khi ban Lim moi vige vi muén duge ban bé chip nhin hode dink gid cao.) © IV, SPEAKING 29.slim ‘slim (adj) mong Peer pressure not to slim and fit. (Ap luc ngang hang khéng phai la mong va phii hop.) < 30.abcy /9' ber! (v) tun tha Peer pressure not to obey rules. (Ap lic ngang hing khdng phai lé méng vi phi hop.) SL skip /skap/ (v) trdn, bo ‘Your friend wants to skip a test, so he/she asks you to pretend thi to his/her teacher asking permission to be absent from school (Ban cia ban muon bé qua mot bai kim tra, vi vay anb ay/ anh dyfed fy va viét mot la thu eho gido vign cua anh ay/ed S32,pretend /per tend/ (v) yeu cau ‘Your friend wants to skip a test, so he/she asks yor to his/her teacher asking permission to be abs (Ban cia ban muon bé qua mét bai ki¢m tra, anh ay/ed ay va viet mot Ia thu cho giao 33,permission /pa'mafn (n) str cho phép ‘Your friend wants to skip a test, so h to his/her teacher asking permissi (Ban cia ban mudn bo qua my issher parent(s) and write letter ‘edu ban gid vor rling ban la cha me cia, in phép duro nighi he.) a letter that you are his/her parent(s) and ws yéuciu ban gid vir ring ban la cha me cua, xin phép charge nghi hoe.) “for fitead want to 0 he/she asks you to pretend that you are his/her parent(s) and write a letter to his/her teacher jon to be absent from school (Ban céa ban me ‘mot bai kiém tra, vi way anh ay/o6 dy yeu edu ban gid vérring ban la cha me cia anh ay/ed ay va viet fqdt la thur cho gido vign cia anh ay/e6 ay dé xin phép duce nghi hoc.) 35.lie Maw! tai oi a Lies camhave sétious consequences and people will always find out the truth, (Nai aie hau qua nghiém trong va moi ngui sé ludn tim ra su thal.) 1 vara! (v) On tip Ye ld try to revise and take the test, (Ban'Wén c6 ging Gn tap va Lam bai kiém tra.) 37.cansequence /‘konsikwans! (n) han qua Lies ean have serious consequences and people will always find out the truth, (N6i d6i c6 thé gay hau qua nghiém trong va moi ngudi sé fudn tim ra sy that.) ‘38.frequently /'fri kwontli/ (adv) thuimg xuyén Your friend is skipping classes frequently. (Ban cia ban thréng xuyén trén hoc.) V. LISTENING. 39.offensive /a ‘fen siv/ (adj) gy xiie pharm I find your comments very offensive, so you should apologize to me. (Minh thay binh Iuan cia ban phan cam qué nén xin 16i ban.) 40.apologize /»'poladaiz/ (v) xin Ii I find your comments very offensive, so you should apologize to me. (Minb thay binh lun cia ban phan ear qua nén xin 16i ban.) 41 ashamed /9'fermd/ (adj) xu ho Don't feel ashamed to admit that you do not know something. (Dimg cim thay xu hd khi thira nhin ring ban khéng biét digu gi d6.) 42.embarrassed /im’bacrast/ (adj) xu ho Don't feel embarrassed to admit that you do not know something. (Dimg cam thay xau ho khi tha nhin rng ban khéng biét digu gi 46.) 43.cyberbullying /’sarbobuliny’ (n) bit nat trén mang Py One of the most common forms of cyberbullying isbody shaming, = (Mat trong nhing hinh thite bat nat truc tuyén phé biém nat li sir xd hd vé eo thé.) 4,physical /fizikl/ (adj) vé mat thé chit \ Physical bullying (Bat nat vat ly) 45.verbal /'va:bl/ (adj) biing lei Verbal bullying(Bit nat bing lai néi) VL WRITING 46.proposal /pra'pauzl/ (n) d& xi A proposal against cyberbullying. (Mét dé xwit chéng bit not trén mang.) 47.vietim /’viktun (n) nan nhin Victims of cyberbullying (Nan nhan cia bat nat trén mang.) 48.poliey /'polasi/ (n) chinh sich Informing students of the school anti-bullying polici (Thang bao cho hoe sinh vé ede chinh séch ching VIL. COMMUNICATION & CULTURE 449.disappointment iso’ paintmant/ (n) that x disappointment and sympathy, aa (The hign su tht vong va théng eam.) \) ‘50.sympathy /’simpafi/ (n) théng ca E disappointment and sy in sir thitt vong va thdng c: S1.painful /"pemfV (adj) dau d Twas also the victim af (Ti eding lar nan nha 52.grow up /grao apf In many countrie issues, (Gal anki trén thé gidi, én lén khong hé dé ding vi thanh thiéu nién phai ddi mat voi it had a very painful expericnee: that va di cé mét kinh nghiém rat dau don.) ‘verb) Kim Ken ie world, it is not easy growing up because teens are dealing with many social éu vain dé ial groups, and to be good at sport, . (Nguéf chinh cua su lo ling va trim edm ctia thanh thiéu nién la dp Ive xa hi, ehiing han nhw dp Iye phai e6- ngogi hinh dep, phi hgp vai cc nhém xa hoi va gidi thé thao.) $4.admit /ad'miv/(v) this nhain 55% said that bullying was a major problem for teenagers, and around 15% admitted that they had experienced some form of cyberbull : (55% néi ring bit nat li mét vin dé lén di véi thanh thiéu niém va khoding 15% thira nhdn ring ho di trait qua mét sé hinh thire bit nat trén mang.) 55.he poverty line / di: ‘ pov.ati lain/ ngudmg nghéo In fact, about 20% of the teens in the survey struggled to live below the poverty line every day. zarsti/ (adj) swt lo King waa ¢ of teenagers’ anxiety and depression was social pressure, such as the pressure to look good, to (Trén thue 18, khoding 20% thanh thiéu niém trong cude khio sat phai vat lon dé séng dudi mire nghéo kid méi ngay.) S6.ake care of /teik ker pv/ chim soe ‘Student A can't go on a school trip because his/her little brother’ him/her. er is ill and he/she has to take care of (Hoe sinh A kkhéng thé tham gia chuyén da ngoai vi em traifem gai ctia céu dy/c6 fy bj 6m va edu Ay/cd ay phai cham séc cau/eé dy.) VIL LOOKING BACK 57.illegal /'lisgl/ (ad) bat hop phapy Sharing someone's personal information online is illegal (Chia sé thong tin ed nhiin eda ai da true tuyén la bat hep php.) B. Grammar I. LINKING WORDS AND PHRASES: (TU! VA CUM TU DUNG DE NOLCAUY: Additionally (thém vo 6) Furthermore (hon thé nia) Moreover (hon nita) In addition (ngoai ra) Also (cing) Likewise (tuomg tf) Besides (ngosii ra) Wi Simi the: ‘same Vein (theo ediag mot hing) Tir va cum tir 66 ent nding thém 9 tung va ve ain \ rrespondinaly (twong tng) > & os Q + ‘Tirva-cum tir 66 chite nang thém y tong vi thong tin doi lap In the same way (theo cing mot eich) Similarly (twong te) Similarly to (wong ty nhs) Additionally (thém vio 46) In addition to (ngosi ra) Besides (ngosi ra) Furthermore (han nita) Moreover (hon nira) Gn top of that (trén ci d6) Apart from that (ngoai ra) Additionally (thém vio d6) Fuirthermore (him nitta) Moreover (hon nita) However (tuy nhién) Nevertheless (tuy nhién) On the other hand (tuy nhién) Conversely (nguoe lai) In contrast (trai lai) Despite this (mie di vay) In spite of that (mse di) Yet (tuy bien) Although (mie di) While (trong khi) Whereas (trong khi) Instead (thay vio d6) Tir-vi cum tir cé chite nding dua ra lido Tir va eum tired ehite me qua, hu qua x = Conversely (ngiroe Iai) In opposition to (tii nguge voi) Despite (me dy Even though (ngay ed kh) On the contrary (nguge Iai) Nonetheless (tuy nhién) Because (bii vi) Since (vi) Due to (bai vi vi Owing to (bai vi vige ...) ‘Thanks to (nhérvio) Asa result of (ké1 qui cia) Therefore (do 44) Consequently (do 4) Thus (do 46) For (vi) As (bai vi) Because of this (boi vidi In light of (trong bo For this reason (vi ly do niy) Wo ay) ‘Accordingly (do da) So (vi vay) For this reason (vi ly do nay) That's why (d6 la ly do tai sao) Consequently ie a) Resultantly (két qua lay ‘Thusly (do 46) As a consequence (két qua la) In consequence (do 6) On account of this (do diéu nay) Due to this (do diéu nay) Owing to this (do diéu nay) For this purpose (cho muc dich may) For that reason (vi ly de da) 1. Coimplete the sentences using the words in the hax. coh overpopulation body sham we de peer pressure bullying crime Nehia eta 0 verng: _ - overpopuilation: qua tai dan $8 + body shaming: si ché nao ngoai hinh ~ poverty: sy nghéo dda = crime; 161 pham ~ bullying: bit nat ~ peer pressure: ap Ive dong trang Kira ~ depression:-sy erin cim alcohol: 48 udng 6 cbn 1. Many cities are facing the problem of as more people are moving to large urban areas. ov ation (Nhiéu think phd dang phai déi mat vei vin dé qua tai din sé khi ngay cing cé nhién ngudi chuyén dén cic hw d6 th Kin.) 2. We should help the police to fight if we Want to live in a safe neighbourhood. crime (Ching ta nén gitip canh sat chong t6i pham néw ching ta mudn song trong mét khw pho itn toain.) 3. The best way to stop isto accept differences in size and shape. body shaming ; 5 , mY (Cach tol hat dé aging sir che nhao ngoai hinh la chap nhan sir khite biGt ve kich thie vi his 2 4, When my brother started coming home with bruises on his arms and legs, my parents th mh as a victim of physical , C ) bullying. (Khi anki (01 bit du ta vé nba v6i ning vet bil tim teen tay va ehiin, bé mm Ping anh fy La ram nid eta sy bo lye than thé.) 5. The police found out that the taxi driver had drunk before t at. alcohol (Canh sat phat hin ra ring tai xé taxi di wong rgu intde khi xay ra 6, The increasing number of young people suflering from depression . (S6 nguoi tré mac bénh tram cam ngay cang ting li digu dan; 7. Tdon’t say no to because I want to try the th 7 peer pressure . (TO: khong tir chdi Ap lye ctia ban bé vi ti mudn thi ‘dieh ma ban be 103 dang Lim.) it 8. We offen organise charity events to raise ee living in poverty (Ching 16i thug 16 chive cae ser kign tir thign ME quyét 26p tién cho nhimg ngudi nghéo khd.) II. Choose the best answer to complete Wee. 1, Walking alone at night still causes ression in girls and women. €Di bg mot minh vio ban dém vin kbie gai va phy ni fo Ling.) 2. We are starting a(n) Satie awareness campaign about depression among young people next week. 6Bi bo mot minh yao ban dé ién cdc o6 gai va phy nit to king.) 3. Avoid usi guage, which may hurt people. (Tranh sir dung agén , c6 thé lim t6n thurong moi ngucii.) 4. It’s not good to to your parents, (NGi di cha me it) 5. More a \gers are experiencing physical bullying/eyherbullying on social media. ‘u thanh thieu nién bj bit nat trén mang xa hoi.) from depression/peer pressure after failing her university entrance exam. 6. My (Em, pire cam saw khi tregt dai hoc.) ‘i rsfVietims of bullying often feel angry, helpless, and afraid, a ‘bj bat nat thurémg eam thay tire gidin, bat lye va sy hai.) 8. Thi is too violent/bullying to be shown to children, (Chuang trinh qua bgo lye khdng nén cho tré em xem.) TILChoose the best answers to complete the sentences. 1. We are carrying a campaign to encourage people to buy local products, Ain B. out Con D. with (carry out a campaign: tién hinh, thye ign mét chién dich) (Ching t6i dang thyc hign chién dich khuyén khich moi ngudi mua sin phim dia phong.) 2. You shouldn't be ashamed your appearance. A.of B. about C. with D. for (be ashamed of sth: xu ho ve cai gi) (Ban khéng nén «iu hd vé ngoai hink eta minh.) 3. We should raise people's ‘s awareness these social issues. Awwith Con Dof (awareness of sth: as) tached ei) (Chiing ta nén ning cao nln thite cia moi ngubi vé nbting van dé xa hdi ny.) 4. Parents don't like their children hanging with friends who always get in trouble. A. out Bin Con ‘D, over (hang out: di choi) (Cha me khéng thieh con cai di chei vei nhimg nguéi ban luén gap rac r6i,) 5. Not many people are brave enough to stand bullies. A, in with Bin on Cup with Di up to \y (stand up to; ehdng lai, phan doi) a silesc lbcoaih hn aw ict es hang lai nhing ke bat nat) bullying includes using offensive language to embarrass or upset a. fe physical B. Cyber C. Mental D. Verbal (Verbal bullying: bao lyre bing oi mdi) ‘A. Physical: thin the & 1B. Cyber: mang ©. Mental: tinh thin D. Verbal: lési ndi (Bit nat biing Idi ndi bao gim vide sir dung agdn ngit xiie pham dé Ki 7. Improving your sel is one way to deal with body: A. confident B confidence (self-confidence: sity tt (Cai thign su tyr tin cua ban La mot cdich dé d4i pho vei A. confident: ty tin (adj) B, confidence: syr tyr tin (n Kha x4u hé hofic khé:chju.) . study: hoe D. importance: tim quan trong 8, Peer can have positive or ne fects on teenagers. A. pressure B. stress influence D, anxiety (peer pressure: ap lye déng trang lig ; . (Ap lye ngang hing e6 thé ed tie d ei ve Hoge tbe ore A8L Od tttanls thid tndel) A. pressure: dp IlveB, stress: cfigy 8 influence: anh huémg complete the sentences. it was a huge success. Asa result ‘D. Besides mgt thanh cng lim.) CAs ohare qua La D, } Ben canh dd 2 the heavy police presence, there is an increase in crime in the city, ih B. Despite C. Because D. Because of (Bat chap sw hign dign day dic cia canh sat, van c6 sw gia tang ti pham trong thanh phd.) A. Although: Mac da (+ clause) B. Despite: Bit chip (+ N/V-ing) ©. Because: Boi vi (+ clause) D, Because of: Boi vi (+ N/V=ing) 3. Overpopulation is a common problem in big cities. . the population in rural arcas is declining, A. By contrast B, Besides C. In addition 'D, Although (Dan s6 qua déng ba moi van 48 phd bién o cae thin phd lén. Nguge lai, din s6 & khu vye néng thon dang iam.) A. By contrast: Nauge Iai D. Aloe Mac dd 4. Many parents today work long hours . they miss seeing their children grow up. A. As aconsequenee B. Besi C. However D. Although (Nhigu baie cha me gay nay lain vige mhigu gid. Két qua la, ho bo I&-vige chime ie con minh lou léa) ‘A. As a-consequence: Két qua li B, Besides: Nzoai ra ©, However: Tuy nhign B-Ab Me Vel my friend was a victim of bullying at school, he felt embarrassed to report oth & Because B, Besides _ . Although D. However 2 (Mae di ban 161 14 nan nhan cia bat nat & truémg, nhung ban dy cam thay xdu hé khi, it nat.) A. Because: Bot vi B. Besides: Ngoié m €. Although: Mic dia D, However: Tuy nhién & 6.Inaddition__, we also organise charity evenis to raise Ato awareness campaigns B. awareness campaigns C. starting awareness campaigns _D. we started awareness {ln addition to sth; bén eanh, ngodi cai gi) : (Neodi cae chién dich ning cao nhjn thite, ching ti ~ sur kign wir thign dé quyén gop A. to awareness campaigns B, awareness campaigns C, starting awareness campaigns D. .we started awareness campaign 1 peer pressure, I never sees smoked cigarettes, Ac In spile B. In spite of a result D, Inaddition to (Bi chip ap lye ding trang hi, (i oe trOn hoe hay hut tude 1) Alnspite Bi. In spite of Bat chip OC C. Asa tesult: Két qua la D. In addition to: Ngoai ra 8. The world is facin, ies nowadays. we need to work together to solve them. A. Therefore C. Asa result D, By contrast (ThE gidi ngity nay: ) sri mat vGi nhieu vin dé xa hoi. Vi vy, chiing ta can phai Lam vige cling nhau dé giai guyet chi A. Therefore: many complaints about bullying, the school hasn't introduced any anti-bullying B. received receive D.we received (Despite + N/V-ing: bat chap => despite receiving) (Mae dirnhgn dege nhidw éi phan nan vé bit nat, tnrong vin chua dua ra bat ky quy dinh chong bat nae nao.) ‘V. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. 41. Because of (bully) she was scared of going to school. Because of + N/V-ing: Bat (Vi bj bat mat nén 6 rit ser etén truemmg,) 2. In addition to (live) in poverty, many children experience health prablems, In addition (0 + N/V-ing: ngoai cai (Ngoai vige séng trong eanh nghéo hiéu tre em cdn gap van dé vé site khae.) 3. Despite (have) __ interesting ideas, my brother was too shy to discuss them with his classmates, Despite * N(V-ing: Bit ehip cai gi (Me dit co nhimng ¥ trong thi vj, anh trai ti qua nhiit nhat dé thao Luin chiing véi cac ban cing lip.) 4. In spite of the (support) of our teacher, we were not allowed to carry out the social awareness campaign. ; In spite of + N/Vsing: bai chap cai gi; phia trude tir cain dién la tir “the” nén sau nd can mot danh tir => ditn a: i (Bat chap sv hé rg cua gido vien, ching t6i khong duge phép thye hign chién dich nang cao mhan thite xd hoi.) 5. Although poverty (be) ‘a major issue in the city, little has been done about it so Although +S +V+...: mde di ngir “poverty” li danh tir khong dem dirge => dig (Mae dij nghéo d6i 1d mét van dé lem trong think phé, nhumg eho dén nay vin con rit it vig a6 itil quyét vind may.) mistake in each item. Find the mistake and correct it. lim trong moi mye. Tim [di va sta n,) 1. Inaddition with health problems, aleohol could also cause memory loss. & Cum ¢é dinh “In addition to + N/Vsing: ngodi cai gi* => with -» to, In addition to health problems. aleahol could also cause memary loss. (Ngoai cae vin dé site khoe, rugu efing c6 thé gy mat tri nhd.) 2. My parents had to deal with many problems. Besides of this, house. Besides khéng di véi “of”, ta thuémg ding “Beside (this/that) Hresides’Beesides thi cng ee > Besides of this My parents hacl to deal with many problems, Besides (thjs), irked very hard to save money for a house, (Cha mg 161 da phai d6i pho véi nhigu van dé. Bén i Lain vige nit chain chi dé tiét kigm tién cho mot ngéi nha.) 3. Many people in my neighbourhood have ‘Cum e6 dinh “Asa result: Ket qua la” => Many people in my neighbourhood hav (Nhigu ngudi trong khu pho cua i 4. Despite of our suecessfl social Despite khong di v6i “of”. Cayygric of — Despite 8, As result, crime has increased, — Asa result, i Jobs. sult, crime has inereased, lam. Két qua fa, t9i pham da tang len.) ‘campaign, there is still much work to do to reduce poverty. ite + NiVaing = In spite of + N/Vsing: bit chip cai gi” => Despite Despite our successfu canipaign, there is stil much work to da to reduce poverty (Mac di chién djch Jin thive x hoi eta ching t6i thanh céng. nhimg vin cén nhieu vige phai Jam dé gidm nghéo.) 5. Because of my my idea so much, I decided to submit it to the ideas competition. Phia sau tir nd fa m@gménh dé > ta ding “Because" Cau tric “Because + clause = Because of +N/V=ing” =F Because. (Boi vi tla (Gi rat thich ¥ Wrmg, etma 16i nén 164 da quyét dinh piri né-dén cude thi f twig.) ape ntal issues in our community have been solved. With contrast, people experience more lems Tir nO" B: y contrast: Nguac lai” => With + By. ‘The environmental issues in our community have been solved, By contrast, people experience more social problems. (Cac vin dé moi tring trong cong ding ca chiing 161 da duge gidi quyét. Newge Iai, moi nguéi gap nhiéu vvan dé xa h@i hon.) 7. Depression is a common issue in our modern society. Although, not much has been done about it among young people. ‘Although dimg trong mét cfu c6 eting hai mignh dé (dig dau edu hodc dking gitta 2 ménh dé) => Although — However. tape liked my idea so much, I decided to submit it to the ideas competition. i c Depression is a common issue in our modem society. However, not mueh has been done about it among young people. (Tram eam 1a m§t van dé pho bién trong xd hGi hién dai ctia ching ta. Tuy nhién, khong c6 nhieu diéu da duge thye hién vé no tong gid te.) 8. Moreover to supporting your friends in studying harder, you ean encourage them to try a new sport or hobby. Tir ndi “Moreover” khong ei wei “to” va chi di véi ménh dé sau diu phay (céu trie Moreover, § + V...) => Moreover — In addition. In addition to supporting your friends in studying harder, you ean encourage them to try a new sport or hobby. (Ngoai vige hd tre ban bé hoe tp chim chi hon, ban 6 thé khuyén khich hg thir mot mén the bare or thich mdi.) 9. In.addition te her low grades, my sister was accepted into university. wy Hai vé trong city mang nghia dai lap ~~ In addition to — In spite of/Despite. CO In spite of Despite her low grades, my sister was accepted into university. (Mae dit bj diém thip nhung em gai ti da duge nhin vao inrimg dai hye.) 10. The brain continues to develop until the mid-to late-20s. However, teenagers . differently than adults, 10, Hai mgnh dé mang aghia nhin = qui => However — Therefore/As a reg ‘The brain continues to develop until the mid+to late-20s. Therefore, teenay tostress differently than adults. (BG nao tip we phic trién cho dén gitta vi cudi nhérng nim 20 tudi cing thing khic voi nguai lon.) VIL. Complete the conversations by circling the best C5 Conversation | ‘Toin: I'm afraid | won't be able to play in tomorrow's Dave: What ashamed!/a shame! Conversation 1. ("What a shame! = That ding tigelige ‘Tom: I'm afraid 1 won't be able to play in toma ich. (Toie ring i sé khéng thé thi dau trong mind mai.) Shame! (That ding tige!) Conversation 2 thanh thigu nign phin img v6i ractise reading them, dé bay 16 syr tiée nudi,) ‘going to miss her so much. : What a pity/l'm so Conversation 2. CV'm 30 => ding dé bay 16 sy chia budn, cim théng.) "m going to miss her so much. sorry (18% rit ge ki Conversati Nam: 1 ‘best, but my team didn’t win yesterday, Dad: E it feels/that’s tao bad, son. Don’t blame yourself. 3 > ding dé bay 10 sy dng cam.) sh my best, but my team didn’t win. yesterday. 6 ging hét site, nhumg d9i eva con dd khong thing ngay hém qua.) now how it feels, son, Don’t blame yourself, (Bé biet cam gide d6 nur thé nao ma con trai, Dimg ty tréch minh.) Conversation 4 Mary: I had a terrible headache last night and couldn't finish my homework, Jim: I can sympathise with you/How disay iting! | often have headaches when I"m stressed. Conversation 4 (“I can sympathise with you" => hay t6 sw théng cim, déng tinh.) Mary: I had a terrible headache last night and couldn't finish my homework. (Toi qua t6i bi dau dati kinh khung va khong thé hodn thank bai tp vé nha.) Jim: I can sympathise with you. | often have headaches when I’m stressed. (Ti ed thé théng eam véi ban. Téi thudmg bj dau dau khi cdng thing.) VIL Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings, |. Because there is an inerease in eyberbullying, many schools have to update their anti-bullying policies. — Because of the Because of the increase in eyberbullying. many schools have to update ‘their anti-bullying policies. (Vii sv gia ting bit nat én mang, nhiew truémg hoc phiii cp nhat cic chinh sich chang bait nat cita ho.) 2. Although the police are using new methods to control erime in the city. erime figures are still high. = Despite Despite the new police's methods to eoniral erime in the city, ime figures are sil hi (Bat chap cdc phwomg phip méi cima canh sit dé kiém soat toi pham trong thiinh pho, so luemg t6i pham van con cao.) 3. Many teenagers have to deal with physical bullying. They also have to deal with a —+ In addition Tn addition to physical bullying, many teenagers have to deal with eyberbullying. ¢Ngoai bit nat vé than thé, nhieu thanh thiew nién con phai Adi pho vi bat nat teen 4, Many teenagers are afraid or not sure if they are bullied or not, so they don’t do i their ll . Therefore, Many ienagers ae fad or oleae if they ae ballad ar oi, Therefor, ‘do anything about their situation. (Nhieu thanh thigu nign seri hode khdng chiic minh ¢6 bj bit nat hay K diéu gi vé tinh hinh cia ho.) 5. In spite of developing health problems, some people contime much, + Although ; Although some people develop health problems, they cont (Mae dit mét sé nginai 06 vin ‘wong quid nbiéu,) 6. Because of test anxiety, some students suffer from i! to do well in their exams. — Because Because some students experience test anxiety et rom stress and fal to do well in their exams. B61 vi mot s6 hoe sinh cam thay lo lng vé ky Mi, ho by cang thing va khong Kam tot bai minh.) 7. I'm getting anxious about my Englis and I don’t think | have enough time to revise for it. — . Besides, Um getting anxious about my Engl (Toi dang lo King vé ky thi cho nd.) 8. The Internet is a . Besides, Tdon' thiok [have ehough time to revise for it cia minh. Bén canh d6, 161 khéng nghi minh cé di théi gian dé do tap. of information, but it may not be reliable. = - However, ‘The Internet is a ‘of information. However, it may not be reliable, (Internet bi thang tin tuyét vii. Tuy nbién, nd cd thé khong dng tin cy.) x PRACTICE TEST UNIT 9:SOCIAL ISSUES Mark the Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose witderlined part differs from Question 1; A. physic B. liar C. admit D, issue Question 2; A. discussion B. assemble CC, depression D. peer-pressure Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in euch of the following questions. Question 3: A-admit B. obey C. bully D. aware Question 4: A. poverty B. alcohol C. confidence D. awareness Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. ‘Question 5: The wealthy tend to hold onto their riches, those living in poverty struggle ends meet. vin addition B. by contrast Casa result D, because Question 6: My parents think my friends have a bad influence me, Therefore, theyjdo not allow me to hang out with them, A. for Boon C, with Question 7: can lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as extreme excessive exercise. A. Cyberbullying B. Toxic friends C. Aleoholie ty shaming Question & Many people live in poverty, » they cannot aff necessitie shelter, ‘A. however B. although C. therefore Question 9: We decided to start an awareness campaign to A. make fun of Braise awareness of | C. stan Read the following advertisement/annowncement and mark ue. D. draw attention 10 "or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of t Blanks from 10 40 15. HOW TO FIGHT AG. TAL ISSUES = Are you coneemed about (10) pressing Sgclal issues facing our society today? - Take a stand against overpopulation,bullying, eri ly shaming, ~Joinus in creating a better world for all + Stand (11) » Speak out, and rater + Together, we ean tackle these challenges and create a more inclusive and compassionate community. + Let's work together to combat the: gjal i$sucs and build a brighter future for everyone. = Join the (12) today! Question C. the D. (no anicle) Question 1 B. Coat D. for Question 1 dependently C, movement D. independently BADMINTON CLUB Are you already a by syer? Do you want (13) to play badminton? Everyone is welcome at our club, especial} We meet in the se and practise oily skill? Come to off elup! (as) foul have any questions, please phone Laura on 07700 900227. Qu sini taleam — B. leam C. learns D. learning library ——_-B, classriwom D. gate Qu . Had B, Should D. Do Mark the A, By C or Don yaur answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragrapl/etter in each of the following questions, every Thursday at p.m. We play for fun, but we also play matches Questi a, Additionally, urbanization creates enormous social, economic and environmental changes. So, it is also the cause of social problems. b. Dear Jennie, I hope you are well. | wanted to take the time to write to you because I've been thinking alot lately about the causes of social problems nowadays. c. As against this, there may be stress, increased cost of living, and negative social aspects that result from a mass d. First, unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration. ¢. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises. f. Best regards, A.b-e-d-a—c-f B.b-d-e— C.b-a-d-e-e-f D.b-c-a-e-d-f Question 1 a. Without healthy ecosystems, we will face numerous problems such as air and water pollution, food scarcity, and natural di b. Secondly, human act uch as deforestation and pollution have caused serious harm to our planet. c. Firstly, the most important reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide numerous d. Finally, neglecting the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many species and the loss of habitats for others. restoring local ecosystems as it is crucial for the survival of our planet. Ny A.c-a-b-d-e Bic—a-c-b-d C.e-c-a-b-d D.c-e-a-b-d Mark the leiter A, By C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the correet aption that be the nutinbered blanks from 18 to 23. ure is the influence that friends, people and individuals in group are ite the effects of peer pressure on (18) Tong ago ina different time. Here are three ways in which peer-pressure can ne First, due to peer pressure, children can (19) __. For example, many alcohol consumption, smokin; Second, children's acude s also affected by their geers Ff teenagers, it is important for them to be accepted by their peer group. This means that their peer, approval gets placed above that of their parents and teachers. (20) Sometimes thejricademies are affected because despite being capable of performing well, they choose nat to because of their peers it makes them look ‘uncool’, Sometimes their academics are affected because i to fit in with their peer group, they place more emphasis on being social rather than (21) exerting on their they were teenagers fect children, lop bad habits such as ___. Atthe average school, students come from various economic backgrounds. (23) hey end up Teeling bad or ashamed of themselves and their family, because in the eyes of their peérs, t somehow ‘lesser’ or ‘weird’ individuals, Question 18. A. its children B. inaien Chis children D. our children Question 19. A.casily adopt dangerous habigs B. easily adopting dangerous habi to adopt casily dangerdus habjits D.casily adopted dangerous hal Question 20. A. In tum having a difed’ ‘on their academics ‘C. This in tum fyg a diPEt effect on their academies D. tine ‘effect on their academics Question 21. A. work academics B. to work on their academics C10. demics on D. working their academics on Question 22. A. jhéir feel bad about themselves smselves their family feel bad their family and themselves had about themselves and their family Ifthe students come from poor economic backgrounds ‘Come from poor economic back grounds C. To come from poor economic backgrounds D. Having not come from poor economic backgrounds Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D an your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28. ONLINE DATING Dating people online has become an extremely popular custom that has developed as more and more people have figured out the (24) ng the Internet as a way of finding love. People of all ages submit to dating online, teens and adults like searching for that special person by setting up arrangements on online dating sites and browsing through other people's profiles. On dating websites, single people, (25) are provided the opportunity of leaming a few things about various potential partners, will make their decision of contacting them based on dating profile descriptions and photos. Questis ut of the many countries where people practise online dating, the United Kingdom is perhaps the keenest on online dating (26) most English people prefer to browse on the Internet in order to find girl friends cl of trying to meet other persons in bars, elubs, parks or at parties, Dating may vary across the globe, yet as time passes, people develop new dating customs, such as dating with the help of the Internet. Although this (27) of dating is mostly practised in the Wester civilization, ‘no one can tell for sure what (28) customs will emerge as the world changes, and whether strict dating will come against some people's right of choosing whatever partner they sce fit for themselves. B. qualities C. drawbacks D, advantages B. which ©. why D. that Avalthough —B. so Cysince D. but |. document B. chance ©. form D. arrangement . every B. other cach D. much Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D an your answer sheet to indicate the \y correct answer to each af the questions from 29 10 33. Peer pressure is a common phenomenon that many individuals, especially adolescents, enco ig their lives . Peer pressure refers to the influcnee exerted by one’s peers lo conform to certain beWfaviorssullitudes, or values, It can manifest in Variotis forms, ranging from minor suggestions to more force ion. One prominent aspect of peer pressure is the desire to fit in and be accep! e's social group. Adolescents, in particular, are highly susceptible to this influence as they strive ish their identities and seek validation from their peers. They may feel compelled to adopt certain fish behaviors, or conform to specific norms to avoid exclusion or ridicule. The, ing labeled as “different” can significantly impact their decision-making process. urthermore, peer pressure can also manifest as direct pressure to engage timmegative behaviors. For instance, individuals may be forced to use drugs, alcohol, or engage in illeg ss tomainiain social status or avoid. rejection. The desire to please their peers or the fear of being ‘can override their better judgment, leading to detrimental consequences. However, itis important to recognize that peer pressure inspire individuals to adopt healthy habits, pursue ac Surrounding oneself with supportive friends who encoi can have a beneficial influence on one’s life 1y3 negative . Positive peer pressure can xcellence, or engage in community service. mal growih and responsible decision-making ‘To navigate peer pressure effectively, individuals Rs! develop a strong sense of self-confidence and self- worth , They should be encouraged to rola dent choices based on their values and beliefs rather than sulecumbing to external pressures. Eduedtign dh assertiveness and decision-making skills can empower individuals to resist negative peer press ce choiees aligned with their best interests. In conclusion, peer pressure is influence that individuals, especially adolescents, encounter, While it can lead to both positive ive outcomes, it is crucial for individuals to develop a strong sense of self and make independent, isions. With the right support, education, and self-confidence, individuals can. navigate peer pressure and. ices that align with their well-being and personal values Adapt from ene et, = Question 29: What tle for the passage? Vays to hagdl sure. B. Some insights into peer pressure. . Minors and sure. D. The relationship benween pressure and age. Question 30: According to the passage, who is highly susceptible to peer pressure? Avadal B. children . parents D, grandparents idP3L; What is NOT mentioned as negative behavior, according to the 3" paragrap! beers B, Using cocaine —_C. Stealing cars D, Yelling at parents 2: The word “adolescents” in the 2" paragraph is closet in meaning to . B, teenagers C. vietims D. pects Question 33: The word “it” in the final paragraph reters to ; A. decision B, support C. peer pressure D, influence Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40, Cyberbullying has become a significant concern in today's digital age, affecting many young individuals across the globe. It involves the use of digital platforms, like social media, emails, and websites, to harass, threaten, or embarrass someone, The anonymity offered by the iniemet can embolden individuals to engage in such behavior, sometimes without realizing the full impact of their actions on the victim's mental health and well-being Efforts to combat cyberbullying have included educational programs aimed at raising awareness among students, parents, and educators about the signs of cyberbullying and the importance of digital etiquette. Many schools have implemented policies that include monitoring online activities and promoting a culture af respect and kindness online, Legal measures have also been taken in various jurisdictions to address cyberbullying, with laws that allow for the prosecution of particularly severe cases. Despite these efforts, the problem persists, highlighting the need for a collective approach to fastering safer online environmen The rise of cyberbullying raises questions about the responsibility of social media platforms in moderating content and the role of society in shaping online norms that discourage such behavior. It emphasizes the importance of cmpathy and respect in all forms of communication, digital or otherwise. “Adapted from hutps: (ew ‘Question 34: The passage mainly discusses . ‘A. the impact of digital platforms on communication B. the role of schools in preventing cyberbullying C. the measures laken to combat cyberbullying D. the differences between cyberbullying and traditional bullying Question 35: The word "It" in the first paragraph refers to ‘A. a significant concem B. cyberbullying i C. digital age la Question 36: According to the passage, all of the following are strategies to ss Byberbullying EXCEPT AL banning all social media platforms B. imple: C. enneting legal measures D. monit Question 37: The word “anonymity” in the first paragraph is OPP: A, darkness B.namelessness —_C. fame iguity ‘Question 38: The word "fostering" in the third paragraph is in meaning to : ra A. respecting B. measuring wing DD. behaving Question 39:Which of the following is NOT mentioned ssage as keys to fight cyberbullying for ? A. Students, parents, and educator are raised awaren the signs of eyberbullying. B, Students, parents, and educator are raised aw: the importance of digital etiquette C. Various jurisdictions have taken in legal meagures Ye tackle with eyberbullying. D. People launch the campaign to combat tl bullying all over the world Question 40: It can be inferred from Ne) that the effectiveness of combating eyberbullying requires A. stricter laws worldwide B, individual responsibility and collective effort CC. complete anonymity onli D. banning digital communication O X + PRACTICE TEST UNIT 9:SOCIAL ISSUES Mark the Mark the leer A, B,C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from Question 1: A. physic ‘Boliar C, admit D. issue A. physic: /fiztk/ CC. admit/od'mut! D. issue: Mu! ‘Question 2; A-discussion BURSSERBIEN) C. depression D. peer-pressure A. discussion: /di'skafan/ D. peer-pressure: /pi’prelar/ Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your auswer sheet to indicate the word that differs frovil the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following qirestions, Question 3: A. admit obs) Coll” 2a a en — ce D. aware: /s'wear! Question 4: A.poverty —_B.alcohol C. confidenc A. poverty: /povati/ B. alcohol: /selkahnl/ C. confidence: “konfidans! Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet following questions. Question 5: The wealthy tend to hold onto their ends meet. A. in addition New gidiu e6 xu hurdng gid lay sir giaw e6 lon dé kiém song. A. ngoai ra B. i Coa ket qua Dv > 2 vé nghia wrong phan nhaw Question 6: My parents thi hang out with them. the correct answer to each of the , those living in poverty struggle to make as a result D, because of hig ngudi séng trong cath nghéo kh6 phai vat fnidiids have a bad influence me. Therefore, they do not allow me to A. for » C. with Doin Have influence ig dén Question 7: lead to unhealthy behaviors, such as extreme dieting or excessive exercise. A. Cyberbullyig =" B. Toxic friends C. Aleoholic 6 thé din dén nhimg hanh vi khéng linh manh, ching han nhu fin kiéng qua mite howe tap thé duc quam. A. Bat rag B. Nhing ngudéi ban déc hai C. Nehie D. Sirché nhao ngoai hinh ngudi khie : Many people live in poverty, , they cannot afford basic necessities like food and shel A however, B. although Cutherefore D, because ngudi song trong ciinh nghéo déi, ho khéng du kha ning chi tré cho nhimg nhu ciu co ban bur thie din va ché &. > nguyén nhan, hiu qua A. tuy nhién B. me dit C. do d6 D. bai vi Question $: We decided to start an avvareness campaign to a pressing social isoue. Arabs fun of Sdicwaciae CaM aEr Datei haan toi quyét dink bit dau moe chién djeh nang cao hin thie d& mot vin dé xa hi cap bch, A.chegiéu — B. ning cao nhan thire C. dig lén bao vé D. thu hit su chi ¥ dén Read the following advertisementannouncement and mark the A, 8, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15. HOW TO FIGHT AGAINST SOCIAL ISSUES ~ Are youconeemed about (10) _pressing social issues facing our society today? ~ Take a stand against overpopulation bullying, crime, and body shaming, = Join us in creating a better world far all. + Stand (11) , speak out, and make a difference. + Together, we can taékle these challenges head-on and ereate a more inclusive and compassionate eommunity. + Let's work together to combat these social issues and build a brighter future for everyone. = Join the (12) today! Question 1 se Boa C. the D.@ (no article) Question 1 B. on Cat D. for Question 12: B, dependently C. movement D. independently \y BADMINTON CLUB Are you already a badminton player? Do you want (13) to play badminton? Everyone some at our chib, especially beginners. ‘We meet in the school (14) ‘every Thursday at 4 p.m. We play for fun, but we: jay fnatches and practise our skills. Come to our club! (15). you have any questions, please phone Laura on 07700 900227. Question 13: A. wo learn B.leam C, learns ung Question L4: A. library B. classroom C. gym meaningful paragrapletter in each of the following questio Question | a. Additionally, urbanization creates enormous social, econ environmental changes. So, it isalso the cause of social problems b. Dear Jennie, I hope you are doing well. | wanted to ¢ lime to write to you because I've been thinking a lot lately about the causes of social problems i ¢. As against this, there may be stress, y ig, and negative social aspects that result from a mass d. First, unemployment is one of the ikea sa €. Due to unemployment, problems like burglity, £ Best regards, A.b-e-d C.b-a-d e e-f Db Question 17: a, Without healthy ill face numerous problems such as air and water pollution, food scareity, and nat b. Secondly, fn Question 15: A. Hed B. Should C. Were Mark the A, B,C or D-on your answer sheet to indicate the tne sentences to make a a-e-f Bb-d-e e such as deforestation and pollution have caused serious harm to our planet. Iv, nt reason why we should restore local ecosystems is that they provide numerous benefits to both humalhs and animals. d. Finally, ng the restoration of local ecosystems has led to the extinction of many species and the loss of habitifSipy others. €. Py yen prioritize restoring local ecosystems as il is crucial for the survival of our planet. a-b-d-e Bee-a-c-b-d .e—¢-a—b~d D.c-e-a—b-—d Mark the leiter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet ta indicate the correet option that best fits each of the membered blanks from 18 10 23, Peer-pressure is the influence that friends, people and individuals in yroup are capable of exerting on their peers, Sometimes adults underestimate the effects of peer pressure on (18) because they were teenagers long ago in a different time. Here are three ways in which peer-pressure can negatively affect children, First, due to peer pressure, children can (19) For example, many may develop bad habits such as alcobal consumption, smoking, drug abuse. Second, children’s academic performance is also affected by their peers. For teenagers, it is important for them to be accepted by their peer group. This means that their peer group's approval gets placed above that of their parents and teachers. (20) . Sometimes their academies are affected because despite being capable of performing well, they choose not to because in the eyes of their peers it makes them look ‘uncool’, Sometimes their academics are affected because in an effort to fit in with their peer group, they place more emphasis on being social rather than (20) _ Finally, negative peers also make children feel ashamed or(22)___. At the average school, students come from various economic backgrounds, (23) they end up feeling bad or ashamed of themselves and their family, because in the eyes of their peers, they are somehow ‘lesser’ or ‘weird’ individuals, Question 18. A. its children B theirchildren C. his children. our children Question 19. A.casily adopt dangerous habits BB. easily adopting dangerous habits Cxto adopt casily dangerous habits D.casily adopted dangerous habits Question 20. A. In tum having a direct effect on their academics B. Which in turn has a direct effect om their academics C. This in tum has a direct effect on their academics D. It in turn has a direct effect on their academics Question 21. A. working on their academics B. to work on their academics ‘C. to work their academics on D. working their academics on oY Question 22. A. their family feel bad about themselves B, about themselves their family feel bad C. bad ut their family and themselves D. bad about themselves and their family Question 23. A. if the students come from poor economic backgrounds B. Come from poor economic backgrounds C. To come from poor evonomic backgrounds D. Having not come from poor economic backgrounds Read the following passage and mark the lester A, B, C, or Don correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks fr ONLINE DATI Dating people online has become an extremely popular c have figured out the (24) of using the Interngt way of finding love. People of all ages submit to dating online, tcens and adulls like scarching for ial person by setting up arrangements on online dating sites and browsing through other people’s, in dating websites, single people, (25) _ are provided the opportunity of leaming a few things About various potential partners, will make their decision ssc has developed as more and more people of contacting them based on dating profile tions and photos. Out of the many countries where people pr line dating, the United Kingdom is perhaps the keenest on online dating (26) most EniMish ppople prefer to browse on the Intemet in order to find girltriends instead of trying to meet other Dating may vary across the globe, the help of the Internet. Altiot no one can tell for sure wl dating will come agai clubs, parks or at parties. ne passes. people develop new dating customs, such as dating with of dating is mostly practised in the Western civilization, ‘customs will emerge as the world changes, and whether strict plc's right of choosing whatever partner they see fit for themselves, Question 23: A. si qualities C. drawbacks D. advantages B. which D. that B. so D. but B. chance D. arrangement B. other D. much ig passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D an your answer sheet ta indicate the es, or Valles, Itean manifest in Various forms, ranging from minor suggestions to more forceful coercion One prominent aspect of peer pressure is the desire to fit in and be accepted by one’s social group. Adolescents, in particular, are highly susceptible to this influence as they strive to establish their identities and seek validation from their peers. They may feel compelled to adopt certain trends, engage in risky behaviors, or conform to specific norms to avoid exctusion or ridicule. The fear of being labeled as "uncool" or “different” can significantly impact their decision-making process. Furthermare, peer pressure can also manifest as direct pressure to engage in negative behaviors. For instance, individuals may be forced to use drugs, alcohol, or engage in illegal uctivities to maintain social status or avoid. rejection. The desire to please their peers or the fear of being left behind ean averride their better judgment, leading to detrimental consequences. (251 ‘Surrounding oneself can have a benefici: jh supportive friends who encourage persenal growth and responsible deeision-making uence on ane’ hey should be encouraged to mak 1o external pressures. duals to resist negative peer pressure and make choices, In conclusion, peer pressure is a pervasive influence that individuals, especially adolescents, encounter. While it can lead to both positive and negutive outcomes, it is crucial for individuals to develop a strong sense of self'and make independent decisions. With the right support, education, and sclfacanfidence, individuals can. navigate peer pressure and make choices that align with their well-being and personal values. Adapt from org. \y ‘Question 29; What is the best title for the passage? ‘A. Ways to handle peer pressure, C, Minors and peer pressure. tot nhat cho doan van li gi? ip Ie tir ban bé. B. Mot sd higu bidt sau sic vé ap Ine ngang hing. Trev itdah nites va tp Wee nang heals, X& can empower D. The relationship between press D. Méi quan hé gitta dp lye va tudt iestion 30: According to the passage, who is highly susceptible to QO B. children C. paren D. grandparents A. thanh thiéu nién B. tre em Ga D.éng ba Din chieng: Adolescents, in particular, are highly suscepti influence as they strive to establish their dentities curd seek validation from their peers ‘Question 31: What is NOT mentioned as negative belfiiyiby, according to the 3° paragraph? A. Drinking beers B. Using cocaine’ ling cars Delian ‘Theo down 3, dieu gi KHONG duoc ¢é cap la hiinh vi figu eve? 5 A. Usng bia B, Sirdyng thude phign “ie tei tb D, La ming cha me Dil chimg: For instance, individuals may%ag fo ta use drugs, alcohol, ar engage in Megat activities to maintain social status or avoid rejectic Question 32: The word "adoless * paragraph is closet in meaning to A. crimes C. vietims D. peers Adolescents = teenagers (th: A. decision D. influence In conclusion, luals, especially adolescents, encounter. While itean lead to id negative outcomes, it is crucial for individuals to develop a strong sense of self” isions. (Tém lat, Jd mgs dnh hicimg law ta md cdc cd han, dic 1 gp pai. Mac dii nd c6 thé din dén ca két qué tich cue va tiéu crc, nung diéu quan in phai phat érién y thicc manh mé ve bin thew va dca ra guyét dink dic ldp.) and make inde biée la thank trong le Ap ‘ban bé li mét hign tong phé bién ma mhicu cé nhan, dae bigt ld thanh thigu nién, gap phai trong aide song, Ap lie ngang hing dé eip den anh hwong cha mot nguin ngang hing nhima twain theo ahitng hinh vi, thai 6 bode gid tri nhit dinh. Né c6 thé biéu hign dudi nhieu hinh thire khie nhau, tir nhimg goi ¥ nho mbit den sir €p bude manh mé hon, ‘Mot khia canh ndi bat cia dp Ive ngang hang li mong muén duge hoa nhGp va duge nhém xa hdi cua minh chap nhan. 1)ge bigt, thanh thiéu nién rat d& bj anh hung boi sy anh herdmg nay khi ho e6 giing xéc fap danh tinh cua minh va tim kiém sie xéc nhin tr ban bé dong trang hia. Hq cé thé cém thay bj bude phai 4p dung nhtmg xu Jnurémg thir trang nhat dinh, tham gia vao cac hinh vi nguy hiém hoje tuiin theo edie chudin myc cu thé dé tranh bj loai trir hoge ché giu. Ndi se bj dén nhan la "khong ngiu" hose “khic biét’ cé thé anh huong ding ké dén qué trinh ra quyét dink cua ho. Hom nita, ip Ive tir ban bé eting co thé bidu hign durdi dang Gp luc true tigp khién tré phai thyc hign cée hinh vi tigu cue. Vi dy, eae e@ nhan 66 thé bj bude phai sir dung ma tay, rou hose tham gia vao cde hoat déng bat hop phap #é duy tri dja vj x2 hdi hode trinh bj tir chdi, Mong mudn lim hai long dong nghiép hoe ndi so bi bé Iai phia sau ¢6-the lan at kha nding phin dosin 161 hon ea ho, din dén nhitng hau qua bat loi, ‘Tuy mhién, digu quan trong la phai nhan ra ring dp lyre ir ban bé khéng phai bie mio cling tu ewe. Ap lye tich cue tir ban bé c6 thé truyén eam himg cho cae ca nhin ap dung nhing thoi quen Kink manh, theo dui thinh tich hoe tp xuat stic hog tham gia phyc vy cOng dong. G canh nhimg nguéi ben ludn hd try, khuyén khich sy phit trién cd nhan va ra quyét dinh ¢6 trich nhiém o6 thé c6 anh hudmg cb lgi dén cude sng cua mot mgud Bé diéu huéng dp lye ngang hang m6t cich hiéu qua. cdc cé nhin phai phat trién ¥ thire manh me v. Tne gs HE tp oi a os pe a ed ana py phuc tnrée ap [ue bén ngoai, Gido duc ve tinh quyét doan vit ky ning ra quyét dinh c6 thé trae ca nin chéng lai ép luc tiéu exre tir ban bé vi dura ra nhitng lua chon ph hop v4 lar ich tt nhit ct ‘Tom lai, ap [ue ngang hang la m6t anh huong lan toa ma cdc cf nbain, dc biet la thank thigu ni ii. Mac dit n6 6 thé dn dén ea ket qua tich eye va tiéu ewe, nhumg diéu quan trong la ede ¢@ nhitn in ¥ thire manh mé ve ban thin vii dia ra quyét dink d6c lap. Vei str ho tro, gido due wa su tu ti cai ca nhan cé thé diéu hung ap lue tir ban bé va dira ra nhing Iva chon phi hop vii site khoe a nhan ca, correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 40, Cyberbullying has become a significant concern in today’s digital age, a across the globe. It involves the use of digital platforms, like social med threaten, or embarrass someone. The anonymity offered by the intemet e such behavior, sometimes without realizing the full impact of their =. ho. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer ae? ny young individwals - and websites, to. harass, fen individuals to engage in ie victim's mental health and well-being. . Bat nat qua meng da te thinh mot méi lo ngai dang ké wong sib thudt sé ngiy nay, anh hudng dén nhigu e4 nbn tné trén toan cau. No fign quan den vige sit dung fae nif ng k¥ thudt 96, nher mang xi héi, email vv trang web, dé quay réi, de doa hodc kim ai dé xu ho: Tis do internet eung cap cé thé khuyén khieh cae ca nhin tham gia vio hanh vi dé, 46% khi ma khong ajgpPPajoan bé tac déng ctia hinh déng cha ho dai vi site Khée tain than va site khoc eua nan nha. Efforts to combat cyberbullying have includes mal programs aimed at raising awareness among students, parents, and educators about the signs of cyBéebullying and the importance of digital etiquette. Many schools have implemented policies that eteuabeetionas calle activities and promoting a culture of respect and kindness online, Nhiing né Ie chong lai bit nat trén gém cic churomg trink gide duc nim nding cao nhiin thite cia hee sinh, phy huynh va nha gido di geedu higu cia bat nat trén mang va tam quan trong cua phép xa giao trén mang. Nhiéu trudng hoc da tht de chinh sich bao gom gidm sat cic hoat dong ture tyén wi thie day van hoa ton trong va ur 18 Legal measures have al ken in various jurisdictions to address cyberbullying, with laws that allow wvere cases. Despite these efforts, the problem persists, highlighting the need ing safer online environments. ‘di duge thige hién & nhigu khu ve phap I khic nhau dé isi quyét wan d& bi iép truy 16 cac trnrimg hep dic biét nghiém trong. Bat chiip nhimg nd lye nay, van dé a sir ean thiét phai cd mét caich tiép cm tip thé dé thie diy mdi tn’mg truc tuyén an toan hon. The ‘cyberbullying raises questions about the responsibility of social media platforms in moderating ce i¢ role of society in shaping online norms that discourage such behavior. It emphasizes the in of empathy and respect in all forms of communication, digital or otherwise. tang eta bat nat trén mang dat ra cats hoi ve trach ahigm cia cdc nén ting truyén thong xa héi trong viée kiém duyét noi dung va vai tré ciia xi héi trong viée hinh thanh cae chuin mue tre tuycn nham ngan can hanh vi do, No nhan manh tim quam trong cia su dong cam va tin trong trong moi hinh thite give tiep, ky thuat 80 hay each khaie. “Ady from nts://ws. sanidfonline. com Question 34: The passage mainly discusses . ‘A. the impact of digital platforms on communication B. the role of schools in preventing cyberbullying C. the measures taken to combat cyberbullying D. the differences between cyberbullying and traditional bullyi

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