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Portfolio Item Responses

Title of item Evening Advisement Flow Chart

Owner/Creator WRHS

Site founded None

Description of item content The flow charts were provided for each
teacher during advisement. The flow charts
clearly show the progression of courses and
AP options that students can take in each of
the academic domains.
How this item informs your goals. One area of concern for students registering
Significance in your Practicum/Internship for AP classes is uncertainty or lack of
experience. awareness. The flow chart clarifies the
process by streamlining the information for
students and parents. The flow chart also lists
all of the available gifted and AP classes so
that students and parents can make informed
decisions during the registration process.
Acquisition Challenge Level (considering 2 = The flow charts did not take much effort
time, effort, money, etc. on scale of easy = 1 to initially create; however, the printing of the
to difficult = 5) charts and distributing to teachers was time
consuming and expensive to print in color.

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