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Handbook of solid state diffusion

volume 1 Diffusion Fundamentals and

Techniques Divinski
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Handbook of
Solid State Diffusion
Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques
Volume 1

Edited by
Aloke Paul and Sergiy Divinski
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Diffusion Fundamentals and Techniques

Edited by

Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Biographies xi
Preface xvii
Acknowledgment xix

1. Defects, Driving Forces and Definitions of Diffusion Coefficients in Solids 1

1.1. Defects in Crystalline Solid 1
1.1.1. Zero-Dimensional Point Defects 1 Thermal Vacancies in Metallic Systems 6 Solutes in Metallic Systems 11 Point Defects in Intermetallic Compounds 14 Point Defects in Ionic Solids 21
1.1.2. One-Dimensional Line Defects 27
1.1.3. Two-Dimensional Planar Defects 29
1.1.4. Three-Dimensional Volume Defects 32
1.2. Driving Forces for Diffusion 33
1.2.1. Thermodynamic Driving Force 33
1.2.2. Other External Driving Forces 41
1.3. Definitions of Different Types of Diffusions 44
References 53

2. Tracer Diffusion and Understanding the Atomic Mechanisms of Diffusion 55

2.1. Introduction 55
2.2. (Radio-)Tracer Method 57
2.2.1. Sample Preparation 58
2.2.2. Tracer Deposition 58
2.2.3. Diffusion Annealing Treatments 60
2.2.4. Sectioning 60 Mechanical Grinding 60 Sectioning by Microtome 62 Ion-Beam Sputtering 63 Effect of Sectioning Technique on the Measured Profile 63 SIMS Profiling 66
2.2.5. Activity Measurements 68
2.2.6. Profile Processing/Analysis 69 Requirements and Benefits of the Thin Layer Conditions 69
2.3. Solute (Impurity) Diffusion 71
2.4. Experimental Determination of the Diffusion Mechanism 71
2.4.1. Activation Volume of Diffusion 72
2.4.2. Isotope Effect 74

vi Handbook of Solid State Diffusion

References 77

3. Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients in Binary and Pseudo-Binary Bulk Diffusion

Couples 79
3.1. Fick’s Laws of Diffusion 79
3.2. Solutions of Fick’s Second Law Considering Constant Diffusion Coefficients 81
3.2.1. Solution for a Thin-Film Condition 81
3.2.2. Error Function Analysis in a Semi-infinite Diffusion Couple 85
3.2.3. Solution for Homogenization (Separation of Variables) 94
3.2.4. Limitations of Analysis Considering Constant Diffusion Coefficient 97
3.3. Matano–Boltzmann Analysis for the Estimation the Variable Interdiffusion Coefficients 98
3.3.1. Derivation of the Relation Given by Matano 98
3.3.2. Limitation of Matano–Boltzmann Analysis 102
3.4. Den Broeder Approach to Determine the Interdiffusion Coefficient 105
3.5. Wagner’s Approach for the Calculation of the Interdiffusion Coefficient 107
3.6. Deviation From Ideal Molar Volume and Error in Locating the Initial Contact Plane (or
Matano Plane) 113
3.7. Comparison of the Interdiffusion Coefficients Estimated by Different Methods 116
3.8. The Concept of the Integrated Interdiffusion Coefficient for the Phases With Narrow
Homogeneity Range 118
3.9. Parabolic Growth Constant 125
3.10. Estimation of the Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficients of Components 130
3.10.1. Heumann’s Method for Estimation of the Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficients 134
3.10.2. van Loo’s Relations for the Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficients Developed by Paul
Following the Line of Treatment Proposed by Wagner 136
3.10.3. Comparison of the Data Estimated by Different Methods 139
3.11. Identifying the Location of Kirkendall Marker Plane 141
3.12. Multifoil Technique to Estimate the Intrinsic Diffusion Coefficients for Many Compositions
From a Single Diffusion Couple 144
3.13. Estimation of the Tracer Diffusion Coefficients Indirectly From Diffusion Couple
Experiments 148
3.13.1. Darken’s Formulism’s Relating the Intrinsic and Interdiffusion Coefficients With the
Tracer Diffusion Coefficients 148
3.13.2. Manning’s Correction and the Concept of the Vacancy-Wind Effect 151
3.14. Intrinsic and Tracer Diffusion Coefficients in a Phase With Narrow Homogeneity Range 152
3.15. Estimation of the Impurity Diffusion Coefficients 161
3.16. A Pseudo-Binary Approach in Multicomponent Diffusion 163
3.16.1. Application of the Pseudo-Binary Approach in Cu(Sn,Ga) Solid Solution 167
3.16.2. Application of the Pseudo-Binary Approach in β-Ni(Pt)Al Intermetallic Compound 170
3.16.3. Comparison of the Pseudo-Binary Approach With Other Existing Methods 172
3.17. Important Steps for Estimation of the Diffusion Parameters 175
3.18. Analysis of Diffusion Data for Understanding the Role of Thermodynamic Driving Force
and Defects 186
Contents vii

3.19. Predicting the Defects Present Based on the Estimated Diffusion Coefficients in
Intermetallic Compounds 189
3.20. Physical Significance of the Estimated Diffusion Coefficients 195
References 199

4. Diffusion in Multicomponent Alloys 203

4.1. Intrinsic Diffusion in Multicomponent Alloys 203
4.2. Atomic Mobility and Vacancy Wind Effect in Multicomponent Alloys 206
4.3. Interdiffusion in Multicomponent Alloys 207
4.4. Zero Flux Plane (ZFP) 214
4.5. Average Effective and Integrated Diffusion Coefficients in Multicomponent Systems 216
4.6. Average Ternary Interdiffusion Coefficients 218
4.7. A Transfer Matrix Analysis of Multicomponent Diffusion 220
4.7.1. Derivation of Transfer Matrix Methodology 220
4.7.2. Application to Ternary Diffusion 224
4.7.3. Application to Quaternary Diffusion 227
4.8. Estimation of Tracer Diffusion Coefficients in a Ternary System 229
4.9. Determination of Equilibrium Phase Diagram 230
4.10. Examples of Multicomponent Diffusion 232
4.10.1. Diffusion in High Entropy Alloys 232
4.10.2. Diffusion in Amorphous Alloys 232
References 233

5. Point Defects and Diffusion in Semiconductors 239

5.1. Introduction 239
5.2. Point Defect Fundamentals in Semiconductors 240
5.2.1. Point Defects in Si and Ge 240
5.2.2. Point Defects in GaAs 242
5.2.3. Charged Point Defects 250
5.3. Diffusion Mechanism Basics in Semiconductors 254
5.3.1. Interstitial Impurity Diffusion 254
5.3.2. The Exchange Mechanism 255
5.3.3. The sV and sI Pairing Mechanisms and Point Defect Percolation Effect 257
5.3.4. The Interstitial–Substitutional Species 260
5.3.5. Diffusion–Segregation 261
5.3.6. Influence of Diffusion Source Conditions on Experiments 262
5.4. Diffusion in Silicon 264
5.4.1. Silicon Self-Diffusion 265
5.4.2. Interstitial–Substitutional Diffusion: Au, Pt, and Zn in Si 268
5.4.3. Dopant Diffusion 272 Fermi Level Effect 272 High Concentration Dopant-Diffusion-Induced Non-equilibrium Effects 274 Influence of Surface Reactions 276
5.4.4. Diffusion of Carbon and Other Group IV Elements 280
5.4.5. Diffusion of Si Self-Interstitials and Vacancies 284
viii Handbook of Solid State Diffusion

5.4.6. Oxygen and Hydrogen Diffusion 285

5.5. Diffusion in Germanium 287
5.6. Diffusion in Gallium Arsenide 289
5.6.1. Fermi Level Effect and As4 Pressure Effect 290
5.6.2. Gallium Self-Diffusion and Superlattice Disordering 291 Intrinsic and n-Type GaAs 291 Intrinsic and p-Type GaAs 295
5.6.3. Arsenic Self-Diffusion and Superlattice Disordering 300
5.6.4. Impurity Diffusion in Gallium Arsenide 301 Silicon 301 Diffusion of Interstitial-Substitutional Species 303
5.6.5. Diffusion in Other III–V Compounds 309
5.7. Diffusion–Segregation: A Special Subject 309
5.8. Concluding Remarks 313
References 314

6. CALPHAD-Type Modeling of Diffusion Kinetics in Multicomponent Alloys 321

6.1. Multicomponent Diffusion Theory 322
6.2. Atomic Mobility and Its Relation With Diffusion Coefficients 325
6.3. Models for Atomic Mobility in Different Phases 327
6.3.1. Simple Phases 327
6.3.2. Phases With Ferromagnetic Ordering 328
6.3.3. Phases With Chemical Ordering 328
6.3.4. Intermetallic Compounds 331
6.3.5. Phases With Polycrystalline Structure 332
6.4. A Simulation Tool for Diffusion-Controlled Transformation – DICTRA 333
6.5. General Strategy for Establishment of Atomic Mobility Database in Multicomponent
Alloys 335
6.6. Applications of DICTRA in Different Multicomponent Alloys 338
6.6.1. Al Alloys 338
6.6.2. Cemented Carbides 342
6.6.3. Miscellaneous 345
6.7. Further Extension to Complex Precipitation and Microstructure Simulation 350
6.7.1. Precipitation Simulation – TC-PRISMA 350
6.7.2. Microstructure Simulation – Phase-Field Modeling 353
References 357

7. Phase-Field Modeling as a Method Relevant for Modeling Phase Transformation

During Interdiffusion 363
7.1. Introduction 363
7.2. Phase-Field Models 363
7.2.1. Mesoscopic and Microscopic Formulations 364
7.2.2. Mesoscopic Formulations and Quantitative Simulations 365 Kinetic Defects and Thin-Interface Asymptotics 366
Contents ix Equilibrium Defects 366 Grand-Potential Formalisms 367
7.3. Phase-Field Model: Relevant to Modeling Phase Transformations in Diffusion Couples 367
7.4. Modeling Kirkendall Effect in a Binary Alloy 370
7.4.1. Kirkendall Effect in a Binary Alloy 370
7.4.2. Same Phase Couples 372
7.4.3. Different Phase Couples 374
7.5. Multicomponent Couples (no Vacancies) 380
7.5.1. Representative Phase-Field Simulation 383
7.6. Incorporating Databases 386
7.7. Conclusions 387
References 387

8. Thermodynamic Treatment of Diffusive Phase Transformation (Reactive

Diffusion) 391
8.1. Introduction 391
8.2. Formulation of TEP in Discrete Characteristic Parameters 393
8.3. Treatment of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems With Multiple Stoichiometric Phases by
Adapted Diffusion Equations 396
8.4. Treatment of Reactive Diffusion in Binary Systems With Multiple Stoichiometric Phases by
Application of TEP 410
8.5. Formation of Multiple Stoichiometric Phases in Binary Systems by Combined Bulk and
Grain Boundary Diffusion – Experiments and Modeling by the TEP 420
Acknowledgements 430
References 430

9. Monte Carlo Methods in Solid State Diffusion 435

9.1. Introduction 435
9.2. Solid State Diffusion and Kinetic Monte Carlo 436
9.2.1. Tracer Diffusion 436
9.2.2. Collective Diffusion 440
9.2.3. The Jump Frequency 441
9.3. Solid State Diffusion and Lattice Monte Carlo 444
9.3.1. The Effective Diffusion Coefficient 444
9.3.2. Concentration Profiles 446
Acknowledgements 447
References 447

10. Defects and Diffusion in Ordered Compounds 449

10.1. Introduction 449
10.2. Point Defects in Intermetallic Compounds 452
10.2.1. Concentration of Point Defects 454
10.3. Diffusion Mechanisms in Ordered Intermetallics 461
10.3.1. Next Nearest Neighbor Jumps 462
x Handbook of Solid State Diffusion

10.3.2. Six-Jump Cycle Mechanism 463

10.3.3. Sublattice Diffusion Mechanism 468
10.3.4. Triple Defect Diffusion Mechanism 470
10.3.5. Antistructure Bridge Mechanism 471
10.3.6. 4-Jump Cycle Mechanism (6-Jump Cycles Assisted by an Antistructure Atom) 475
10.3.7. Divacancy Diffusion Mechanism 477
10.3.8. Calculation of Correlation Factors 479
10.3.9. Effective Activation Energy of a Complex Vacancy-Mediated Mechanism 481
10.4. Measurements of Al Diffusion in Aluminides 482
10.5. Diffusion in Ordered Binary Aluminides 483
10.5.1. Diffusion in Ti Aluminides 483
10.5.2. Diffusion in Ni Aluminides 490
10.5.3. Fe–Al System 496
10.5.4. General Trends of Diffusion in Binary Ni, Ti, and Fe Aluminides 498
10.5.5. Effect of Alloying on Diffusion in Ordered Intermetallics 501
10.6. Diffusion in the Ternary System Ni–Fe–Al 507
10.7. General Conclusions 512
References 513
Index 519

Editors and contributors:

Professor Aloke Paul heads a research group working on

various aspects of diffusion in solids in the Department of
Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Banga-
lore, India. Major research areas include developing new
phenomenological models, materials in electronic packag-
ing, bond coat in jet engine applications, the growth of A15
intermetallic superconductors, etc. He teaches a postgradu-
ate level course on Diffusion in Solids. He has guided several
PhD and ME students and co-authored around 100 articles
in various international journals. During his PhD studies under the guidance of Prof.
Frans J.J. van Loo and Dr. Alexander Kodentsov (Eindhoven University of Technology),
he was part of one of the most important discoveries of recent times on previously un-
known phenomena related to the Kirkendall effect. After joining the Indian Institute of
Science, his group developed new methods for estimation of the diffusion coefficients,
for example, a physicochemical approach that relates microstructural evolution with the
rate of diffusing components and a pseudo-binary method in multicomponent diffusion.
These methods are included in the course curriculum of many universities and also in
the books written on this topic. Professor Paul has also coauthored a textbook titled
Thermodynamics, Diffusion and the Kirkendall effect in Solids. Currently, he is an ed-
itorial board member of Journal of Electronic Materials, published by Springer-TMS,
and of Scientific Reports, published by Nature Publishing Group.

Dr. Sergiy Divinski is a Privat-Dozent at the Institute of

Materials Physics, University of Münster, Germany, where
he leads the radiotracer laboratory, which represents one of
the most reputed and internationally recognized diffusion
schools. His research is focused on diffusion and especially
grain boundary diffusion in metals and alloys. He teaches
graduate and postgraduate courses on Diffusion in Solids,
Numerical methods in Material Science, and different as-
pects of Materials Science. He has coauthored more than
150 articles in various international journals, several book chapters in the field of Dif-
fusion in Solids, and a textbook titled Thermodynamics, Diffusion and the Kirkendall
effect in Solids.

xii Handbook of Solid State Diffusion


Dr. Tomi Laurila received his DSc degree (with honors)

in 2001 and an adjunct professorship in 2006, both from
Helsinki University of Technology (HUT). Currently he acts
as Associate Professor in the field of microsystem technology
in Aalto University. His research is focused on the study of
interfacial reactions between dissimilar materials used in mi-
crosystems, biocompatibility issues related to different types
of (bio)materials, properties and synthesis of hybrid carbon
nanomaterials, and electrochemical measurements of differ-
ent biomolecules under in vitro and in vivo conditions. He
has contributed to two textbooks dealing with interfacial compatibility issues and ther-
modynamics of solid state diffusion as well as published over 80 scientific papers and
several book chapters.

Le Zhou is currently a postdoctoral researcher at University

of Central Florida, where he received his PhD degree in Ma-
terials Science and Engineering in 2016. His research focuses
on diffusion phenomena and application of diffusion couples
as a combinatorial tool to discover new materials and investi-
gate composition-dependent material properties. He also has
expertise in physical/powder metallurgy and electron mi-
croscopy. He has worked on different materials, including
high temperature alloys and coating, shape memory alloys
and lightweight materials. He has published and coauthored more than 15 journal
articles and conference proceedings and serves as a reviewer for many international

Dr. Yongho Sohn is a UCF Pegasus Professor of Materials

Science and Engineering, and Associate Director for Mate-
rials Characterization Facility (MCF) at University of Cen-
tral Florida. His research and teaching focus on microstruc-
ture analysis and control for various applications including
gas turbine engines for power generation, both aircraft and
utilities, advanced nuclear fuels with low enrichment, and
superlight-weight metal matrix composites for structural ap-
plications. He has published 8 book chapters, over 140 jour-
nal papers, and 60 proceedings papers. He gave over 400
presentations, including 97 invited lectures at conferences
Biographies xiii

around the globe. He is a Fellow of ASM International (FASM), recipient of NSF

CAREER Award (2003–08), Outstanding Materials Engineer Award from Purdue Uni-
versity (2016), UCF’s 2012 and 2006 research incentive awards, UCF’s 2007 and 2013
teaching incentive award. He is an associate editor for Journal of Phase Equilibria and
Diffusion and a member of editorial board for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions.

Professor Mysore A. Dayananda has been a member of the

faculty of Materials Engineering at Purdue University in
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, for nearly 5 decades. He has
held Visiting Professorships at Münster University in Ger-
many (1980) and at the Indian Institute of Science (1992)
in Bangalore, India. He has mentored about 50 graduate
students for MS and PhD degrees, published more than
120 technical papers and edited four books. His expertise
is in the broad area of multicomponent, multiphase diffusion
in metallic systems and intermetallic compounds, including
aluminides, silicides, stainless steels, high temperature alloys,
coatings, nuclear fuels, and claddings. His main contributions are in the areas of intrinsic
and interdiffusion, vacancy wind effects, diffusion structures, diffusion paths, interface
stability, microstructural evolution, and thermotransport in multicomponent systems.
He developed new approaches involving concepts of integrated and average effective
interdiffusion coefficients, and characteristic diffusion depths in the analysis of mul-
ticomponent diffusion. He has also developed novel transfer matrix methods for the
determination of interdiffusion coefficients and assessment of diffusional constraints in
multicomponent diffusion couples. He discovered the phenomenon of zero-flux planes
and flux reversals, and was honored at a special TMS symposium held in 2006 for
his various contributions in multicomponent diffusion. He is a Fellow of ASM Inter-
national, a member of The Metallurgical Society, Sigma Xi, ASEE and the Advisory
Board of Diffusion and Defect Data journal.

Dr. Teh Yu Tan is Professor of Materials Science in the De-

partment of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,
Duke University, in Durham NC, USA. His main research
interest is in the area of defects and diffusion in semicon-
ductors, and in gettering of metallic impurities in silicon for
improving device fabrication yield in both integrated circuits
and silicon solar cells. He has pioneered the intrinsic getter-
ing method nowadays widely used in the integrated circuit
industry for improving fabrication yield.
xiv Handbook of Solid State Diffusion

Dr. Lijun Zhang currently holds a full professor chair in

State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South
University, P.R. China. His research interests include ther-
modynamics and diffusion kinetics in alloys using a combi-
nation of experimental and CALPHAD techniques, as well
as development of new phase-field models and phase-field
simulation of microstructure in alloys using software and
house-made codes. He gives courses on Fundamentals for
Materials Science, Materials Science for Powder Metallurgy,
Thermodynamics, Diffusion and Materials Design to under-
graduates and postgraduates. He has coauthored more than
130 papers in refereed journals such as Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, and so on,
as well as 7 publications in books (i.e., Landolt–Börnstein) and conference proceedings.
Currently, he is an editorial board member of Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Sec-
tion B: Metallurgy, and serves as a reviewer for more 20 international journals. He is also
a committee member of Computational Materials Science Branch of Chinese Materials
Research Society.

Dr. Qing Chen is a Senior R&D Scientist and Direc-

tor of Database Development and Innovation Research at
Thermo-Calc Software AB, Stockholm, Sweden. He re-
ceived his PhD degree from the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering at the Central South University,
China in 1995. His postdoctoral research was undertaken at
KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) and the
Ohio State University. Dr. Qing Chen is a leading expert
on modeling phase diagrams, phase transformations and mi-
crostructural evolution. His main research interests include
developing thermodynamic/kinetic models and databases,
simulating phase transformations and microstructure evolution with both sharp and dif-
fusive interface (phase field) approaches, and linking first principles calculation with
CALPHAD to model thermodynamic and thermophysical properties using physical pa-
rameters. Dr. Qing Chen has about 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals such
as Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, and
CALPHAD. He has won the Best CALPHAD Paper Award twice and been frequently
invited as a reviewer for many well-known scientific journals. Dr. Qing Chen is one
of the principal developers of Thermo-Calc, its programming interface TQ, and most
recently the precipitation simulation software TC-PRISMA.
Biographies xv

Dr. Abhik Choudhury has been an assistant professor in

the Department of Materials Engineering at the Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore since Nov. 2013. He has
graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology with a
dual degree in 2008 from the Department of Metallurgi-
cal and Materials Engineering, with a major in Materials
Engineering and a minor in Theoretical Computer Sci-
ence. Thereafter he received his PhD from the University
of Karlsruhe (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Dr.
Britta Nestler for the thesis “Quantitative phase-field mod-
eling of multi-component diffusion coupled phase trans-
formations”, which was completed in 2012. Dr. Choudhury continued as a post-
doctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. Mathis Plapp at the Ecole Polytechnique Paris,
where he worked on developing a phase-field model for understanding morphologi-
cal instabilities originating during electrochemical reactions, and subsequently joined
the Indian Institute of Science as a faculty member in 2013. His research inter-
ests include studies on pattern formation during phase transformations such as so-
lidification, electrochemical reactions, and stress-mediated evolution of microstruc-

Franz Dieter Fischer is Professor Emeritus of Mechanics

at the Institute of Mechanics, Montanuniversität Leoben,
Austria. He has been working on mechanics and thermo-
dynamics of materials for more than 30 years. He coop-
erates with several groups such as those at the Institute of
Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences, Czech
Republic, the Max-Planck Institute für Eisenforschung,
Germany, and the Max-Planck Institute for Colloids and
Interfaces/Biomaterials, Germany. He is author or coau-
thor of more than 650 papers in international journals,
book chapters and in conference proceedings. He was
awarded the Erwin Schrödinger Prize of Austrian Academy of Sciences and the
Humboldt Research Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Ger-
xvi Handbook of Solid State Diffusion

Dr. Jiří Svoboda is a senior researcher in the Institute of

Physics of Materials of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic. He deals with development of thermodynamic
micromechanical models for evolution of solid-state systems
at high temperatures involving diffusion and interface migra-
tion. A majority of his models utilize the Thermodynamic
Extremal Principle formulated in discrete characteristic vari-
ables for which the principle provides evolution equations.
He is author or coauthor of about 150 papers in peer-
reviewed journals.

Professor Graeme E. Murch is the Professor of Materials

Science at the University of Newcastle in NSW, Australia,
where he is also the Director of the Center for Mass and
Thermal Transport in Engineering Materials. His research
areas cover theory and computer simulations of mass and
thermal diffusion in solids and liquids. Computer simula-
tion methods include Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics,
first principles and finite element analysis. In these areas he
has published over 400 journal papers, 15 book chapters, one
textbook, and 33 edited books. He is the Editor of the jour-
nals: Diffusion Foundations and Solid State Phenomena. For
his past services, he was recently appointed to the positions of honorary editor of the
journals Materials Science Forum and Defect and Diffusion Forum.

Professor Irina Belova is the Professor of Computational En-

gineering at the University of Newcastle in NSW, Australia,
where she is also the Joint Director of the Center for Mass
and Thermal Transport in Engineering Materials. Her re-
search areas cover all aspects of theory along with computer
simulation of mass diffusion in solids. Computer simulation
methods cover Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics and finite
element analysis. In these areas she has published over 270
journal papers, 10 book chapters, and 9 edited books. She is
one of the Editors of Diffusion Foundations and an Associate
Editor of the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion.

Diffusion in solids is one of the most important topics in Materials Science and Solid
State Physics. Understandably, numerous books were written in last 100 years by differ-
ent authors. After going through the books available, one can easily understand that the
topics covered in a particular book are naturally biased towards the research fields and
the knowledge of the authors. There are no books available which cover many impor-
tant aspects with equal importance from basic fundamentals and materials applications,
experimental methods, and simulations to diffusion in ordered compounds, thin films,
and nanomaterials. There are few books available which introduce the methods, esti-
mation steps, and a particular analysis in various material systems in such a way that
students and researchers can learn these by reading from a single book. Various types of
diffusion coefficients and their physical significance may not be easy to follow from the
existing literature.
Therefore, this book was planned such that the important aspects mentioned above
were covered in one place with equal importance. As the title suggests, the topics are
introduced in a very concise manner with a straightforward guidance for estimation
of the data and their analysis. Chapters in Volume 1 mainly include the fundamental
methods, whereas studies in various materials systems are covered in Volume 2. It is
true that most of the chapters are mainly written on metallic systems, since, as a first
step, we had to make this effort possible. In the next edition, many new topics and
material systems will be included.

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We are grateful to all the authors of this book for making it successful. Along with
scientific contributions, their continuous and unconditional support to clear all the
hurdles we have faced is greatly acknowledged. We do not find proper (or enough)
words to thank all of them.
We thank our mentors, Prof. Frans J.J. van Loo and Dr. Alexander Kodentsov,
Eindhoven University of technology (of Aloke Paul), Prof. Leonid N. Larikov, National
Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine and Prof. Christian Herzig, University of Münster,
Germany (of Sergiy V. Divinski) for teaching us this fascinating subject. We were very
lucky to work with such pleasant and knowledgeable personalities. We still cherish
those golden periods! Even today our thinking and analysis of the scientific problems
are greatly influenced by them.
We thank our students, collaborators, and colleagues for their help on many aspects
throughout our professional careers.
Professional career and achievements are meaningless without an excellent personal
life. In that sense, we are fortunate for all the support and joyful moments that were
given to us by our families:
Bhavna, wife, Pihu, daughter of Aloke Paul;
Sveta, wife, Veronika and Alisa, daughters of Sergiy Divinski.

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