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Subject: Media and Information Technology

Grade Level: Grade 11

Cognitive: The learners identify the principles in designing, type, uses of text, and
visual elements.

Affective: Evaluate the impact of text and visual content and forms.

Psychomotor: Appreciating the view of designing by putting a prescribed color of

the logo with using appropriate text and visuals.

Learning within and across curriculum:

- Within:
1) Principles of Graphic Design
2) Information Literacy
3) Visual Communication
- Across:
1) Art and Design
2) Language and Literature
3) Technology and Livelihood Education

Review Motivation:
Teaching Strategy: Game and Gamification

Instructional Materials: Visual Aids

Engaging Activity 1: Create a mood board using different visual elements.

Engaging Activity 2: Analyze and critique a current advertising campaign.

Engaging Activity 3: Design a logo for a fictional company.

Activity 1: Mood Board Creation

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, poster board

Significance: Helps students understand the importance of visual elements in


1) Cut out images, text, and colors that represent a specific theme or mood.
2) Arrange the elements on the poster board.
3) Glue them down in a visually appealing way.

- Creativity - 15 pts.
- Cohesiveness - 10 pts.
- Use of Visual Elements - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How did you choose the images for your mood board?
2) What impact do the visual elements have on the overall message of your mood
3) Explain the importance of color in visual communication.

Activity 2: Advertising Campaign Analysis

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Materials: Print or digital advertisements

Significance: Allows students to critically assess the effectiveness of text and visual
content in marketing.

1) Choose an advertising campaign to analyze.
2) Identify the text and visual elements used.
3) Discuss the impact of these elements on the target audience.

- Analysis - 15 pts.
- Critical Thinking - 10 pts.
- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How did the text and visuals work together in the campaign you analyzed?
2) What emotions or reactions did the advertisement evoke in you?
3) How could the campaign be improved for better impact?

Inclusive Activity 3: Logo Design

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Paper, colored pencils, markers

Significance: Encourages students to apply design principles in a practical project.

1) Choose a fictional company and its target market.
2) Design a logo that reflects the company's values and services.
3) Present your logo and explain your design choices.

- Design Creativity - 15 pts.
- Relevance to Company - 10 pts.
- Presentation - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:
1) How did you decide on the color scheme for your logo?
2) What message does your logo convey to the target market?
3) Evaluate the effectiveness of your logo in representing the company.

Activity 1: Students demonstrated a strong understanding of visual elements in
design through their mood boards.

Activity 2: Students showed critical thinking skills in analyzing advertising

campaigns' text and visual content.

Activity 3: Students successfully applied design principles in creating logos for

fictional companies.

Students will be able to identify and apply design principles, evaluate the impact of
text and visual content, and appreciate the view of designing through hands-on

Supporting Material 1:
1) "Elements of Graphic Design" - This article discusses the key elements of graphic
design and how they contribute to effective visual communication.
2) "Understanding Color Theory" - An overview of color theory and its importance in
design, helping students choose appropriate color schemes for their projects.

Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Create a mock-up website design for a start-up business.

Task 2: Develop a social media marketing campaign for a new product launch.

Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Rubrics, sample websites, social media platforms

Question 1: What are the key visual elements to consider when designing a website
for a specific target audience?

Question 2: How does effective use of text and visuals impact the success of a
social media marketing campaign?

Question 3: Design a logo for an environmentally friendly brand and explain your
design choices.


Question 1: How can design principles be adapted across different media platforms
for consistent branding?
Answer 1: By understanding how visual elements impact audience perception,
designers can create cohesive branding strategies that resonate with consumers.

Question 2: Evaluate the use of typography in a print advertisement. How does the
text complement or detract from the visual elements?

Answer 2: Typography plays a crucial role in conveying information and emotions in

advertising. When paired effectively with visuals, it can enhance the overall message
of the ad.

Question 3: Compare and contrast the impact of color and imagery in two different
advertising campaigns. Which elements are more successful in capturing the
audience's attention?

Answer 3: Color and imagery work together to evoke emotional responses and
create visual interest. By analyzing these elements in various campaigns, marketers
can refine their strategies to engage viewers effectively.

1) Research and present on a famous graphic designer and their contributions to the
2) Design a poster promoting digital literacy and responsible media consumption for
your school community.

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