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Procedure Text

School Name : SMP N 1 Singaraja

Topic : Procedure Text
Grade : VIII Grade of Junior High School (Fase D)
Time Allotment : 10 Minute
Medias : Board market, white board, laptop, projector.
Learning Objectives :
1. The students are able to understand the definition, the function, the generic structure
and the language features of procedure text
2. The students are able to give example about procedure text application in daily life.
Steps :
Teaching Learning Activities Time
 Pre-Activity
 Teacher preparing students to be ready for learning (praying, attendance, and
preparing learning resources).
 Teacher conveying the lesson topic and agenda. 1 minute

A. While Activity 8 minutes

 The teacher emphasizes today’s activity
- Last week, we have study about procedure text right? Today, we will
discuss more about the previous material. I will give you several
questions to make sure that you already understand about the material
that I give to you last week.
- I have something to you if you excited to participate today’s
- So, are you ready to discuss guys?
 Teacher asks to students about students’ knowledge regarding to material that
already explained in the previous meeting.
- Who can explain the definition of procedure text?
 The students answer teacher’s question
 Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to the students
- It’s right, but could you try using English? Just try it, it’s okay.
- And everyone I just want to remind that if you want to try speak in
English, just try it just speak in English. And it’s okay if there is
wrong in your grammar or maybe your fluency, your pronunciation.
It’s really okay. Because you are a student’s and you have a lot of time
to learn and to challenges yourself to try and be better day by day.
Okay? (Reinforcement)
 Teacher asks to students about the structure of procedure text
- Okay, now who can mention the structure of procedure text?
- And maybe anyone can give the explanation of what your friend
mention before?
- How about the example of the structure procedure text?
 The students answer teacher’s question
 Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to the students
 Teacher asks to students about the language features of procedure text
- Who still remember about the language features of procedure text
 The students answer teacher’s question
- Student one mention two language features
- Students two mention two language features
 Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to the students
- Teacher give feedback by giving addition information
 Teacher asks to students about the example of procedure text application in
daily life
- Okay everyone, now imagine in your daily life. In what situation
maybe you will use text procedure? Can I get one example please?
 The students answer teacher’s question
 Teacher gives feedback and reinforcement to the students
 The teacher gives reinforcement (applause) to all students who want to
participate in the classroom.

B. Post Activity
 Teacher reflecting and concluding the learning process.
 Teacher communicating the agenda for the next meeting. 1 minute
 Teacher closing the learning activity (praying, say good bye).

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