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Efficacy of using Coco's nucifera and aloe barbadensis Miller in managing hairloss



Backround of the study

Coco’ nucifera and aloe barbandensis came from the word “coconut and aloe

vera“coconut is made of wick, meat, milk of the coconut palm fruit while aloe Vera , is a

succulent plant belonging to the group of aloe genus when if it combine we can create a source

for treatments.

This research aims to create an effective treatment such a hair falls inflammatory anti-aging

specially hair treatments for those people experienced of hair falling Coco nucifera and aloe

barbandensis will help to prevent this kind of condition in hair problem. Alopecia, or hair fall is a

concern for men or women, children. A normal -person can lose between 50 to 100 hairs daily.

this because 90% of hair is in growth phase an 10 % in shedding phase. However, there are

people who experience excessive hair loss over 100 hair a day.

Hair fall is widespread among all genders, ages, and ethnicity with both physicals and

psychological effects the most common of hair falls Is a universal distressing condition involving

genetic, nutritional, medical, environmental factor.

People who suffer from hair fall have several options. They can choose to chemically treat

hair fall, get artificial wig or weaves, or invest on hair transplant surgery. These may not be the

choice for all because this are pricey.

Historically, aloe was used to heal wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as

laxative. The clear gel is often used a topical ointment, while the green part of the leaf that

surrounds the gel is used to produce a juice. It is more popular today than ever, and is easily

cultivated, with no special requirements, this plant is well adapted to Philippine whether as they

grow in full of sunlight. Actually, for people living closer to the equator, coming by some aloe

vera is an easy and inexpensive as a trip to the backyard or garden.

According to the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development Philippine

Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD), 50 % of Filipino males will

experience hair loss caused by Androgenic Alopecia by the time they reach the age of 40.

The Czech Republic is an East European country with the highest rate of hair fall among

men and women. Recent statistics show that over 43% of men in the Czech Republic experience

androgenic alopecia, thinning hair, and baldness.

The Manila Times has reported the findings of a recent study which reveals that Asian men,

particularly those from the Philippines, are seriously concerned about hair fall. Of those

questioned, 69% of Asian men with hair loss felt ‘sad’ when other people noticed or commented

on their thinning hair.

A further 30% of Filipino men wished that they had more hair, revealing a direct link between

hair loss and confidence.

Androgenic Alopecia is the most common form of progressive hair loss in men and women

across the world. Caused by a genetic predisposition, Androgenic Alopecia sees the hormone

testosterone converted into a secondary compound called DHT, which goes on to attack the hair
follicles. The hair attached to the follicle then falls out as the follicle itself shrinks, preventing

natural regrowth.

However, a receding hairline and general hair loss is also the source of several psychosocial

side-effects for Filipino men. The survey found that 20% of men did not feel as physically

attractive to others once patchy baldness began to develop. Similarly, one-fifth of respondents

felt that losing their hair related to a direct loss in confidence and self-esteem.

Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All three of these vitamins contribute to cell

turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also

contained in aloe Vera gel. Both of these components can keep your hair from falling outfall icon

of the tropics.

Coconut oil contains a powerhouse of rich vitamins and minerals that helps strengthen

your hair follicles from within and makes your hair soft, strong and shiny. Since coconut oil

contains rich auricacids, it penetrates deep into your scalp to control hair fall and prevent dryness

and hair breakage. The combination of aloe Vera and pure coconut oil promotes hair

development. Using this gel will help keep your hair in better condition because of its

antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Hair growth is aided by

vitamins B12 and A, which relieve itching and help clear up dandruff. The importance of using

coco nucifera and aloe barbandensis is not just for the people experienced hair problem but for

those people desired and interested to this group research will benefit the value of this creation.

This study offers a solution to hair fall using a natural ingredient.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine effectiveness of Coco's nucifera and aloe barbadensis to

managing hairfall.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1. Age. 1:3 Hair type

1.2. Sex. 1:4 scalp health

2. What is the effectivity of ALCO in managing hair fall in terms of;

2.1. Before and after use

2.2. Hair health

2.3. Hair strong


1:1 There is a significant difference between the effectiveness of ALCO to hair fall and

profile of the respondents.

2:2 Null hypothesis: Cocos Nucifera and aloe barbadensis will not be effective in managing

hair fall

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to use Aloe Vera and coconut oil as a hair mask. By creating a specific

product, can exercise complete control over what is applied to hair. It also aims to recommend

the use of Aloe Vera and coconut oil "Hair mask" as a hair fall.

This study uses a survey questionnaire which serve as the primary source of data. This

study will not attempt to include an actual study of a person's progress in growing new hair by
using our product which requires long period of usage and who are not experiencing hair fall


Significance of the Study

The study will discuss the method of hair mask from aloe vera and coconut oil we

will also include research on the components of Aloe vera and coconut oil that make it an

effective solution to hair fall. In this study, people who's suffer from hair fall may have the

confidence that they can do to solve their problem.

PARENTS -will understand the use and effectivity of the product aloe vera and coconut oil.

ENTREPRENEUR SALON OWNER - this study will be a good business opportunity to create

new enterprise and satisfy the needs of the customer.

FUTURE RESEARCHER: This research will also be useful to future researcher because they

can get can get some information that may be needed in their research and some of their

questions may be answered by this research.


A.) efficacy. / (ˈɛfɪkəsɪ) / noun. the quality of being successful in producing an intended result;


B.) co·co·nut oil /ˈkōkəˌnət oil/


 the fatty oil obtained from the coconut and used in candies and confections and in cosmetics.>

 Coconut oil obtained from the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera), also finds extensive use in tropical
and subtropicals regions of the world for food and industrial purposes. The coconut oil traditionally
produced in West Africa is made by crushing and pressing copra to extract the oils

C) al·oe ver·a -scientific name Aloe Barbadensis “Vera" is the Latin for "true" or the species of aloe that
has all the beneficial medicinal properties Aloe barbadensis miller

 al·oe ver·a /


 1.a gelatinous substance obtained from a kind of aloe, used especially in cosmetics to soften or
soothe the skin.

 2.the plant that yields aloe vera, grown chiefly in the Caribbean area and the southern US.

 The botanical name of Aloe vera is Aloe barbadensis miller. It belongs to Asphodelaceae
(Liliaceae) family, and is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color
plant. It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.

(Dictionary) (GOOGLE)

D) Hair fall also called alopecia, is a disorder caused by an interruption in the body's cycle of hair
production. Hair loss can occur anywhere on the body, but most commonly affects the scalp. On average,
the scalp has 100,000 hairs that cycle through periods of growing, resting, falling out, and regenerating.



1. (BOS) Background of the Study

2. (SOP) Statement of Problem

3. Assumption

4. Scope and Delimitation

5. Signifance of the Study

6. Definition of Term

7. Notes

Review of Related Literature

. The herb was employed in biblical times alongside its use by the Egyptian, Assyrian, various

Mediterranean societies. Many aloe species are still employed in Asian and African traditional

remedies. According to reports, hunters in the Congo massage their bodies in the transparent,

mucilaginous gel to stop sweating; some African tribes apply it to cure chronic blindness; in

India, it's believed for managing asthma. (“Folk Uses and Commercial Exploitation of Aloe Leaf

Pulp on JSTOR,” n.d.). Trinidad and Tobago employ aloe vera gel as an ethnomedicine to

manage hypertension (Lans, 2006). The most popular folk application of aloe has been treating

burn wounds, especially to promote healing, lessen inflammation, and minimize tissue scarring.

Aloe vera gel was first reported by Dioscorides, who prescribed it to alleviate wounds, mouth

transmission, swollen as well as wounds (Grindlay & Reynolds, 1986). Documents of its curative

properties on radiation dermatitis led to a boom in aloe vera growing in the 1930s, and aloe vera

gel became a popular households solutions in the United States.

For thousands of years, traditional and folk remedies have utilized aloe vera (syn. Aloe

barbadensis Mill., Fam. Liliaceae), sometimes referred to as Barbados or Curaçao aloe, for

treating and curing a wide range of illnesses. Despite being native with northern Africa, the plant

is now widely distributed around everywhere due to its ease of growing. The transparent

mucilaginous gel as well as the extremely laxative and purgative latex formed through the

bundle-sheath cells must be distinguished from one another.

(Park et al., 2018) Human hair has several functions beyond its protective role. It is

associated with aesthetic, cultural, sexual, and attractiveness aspects. Although not a necessary

organ, hair plays a significant role in outward appearance and is a sign of youth, health, and

vigor (Park et al., 2018). In addition to communicating how hair appears on the outside,

characteristics of hair, such as length, color, texture, and form, are important when it comes to

concerns of self-worth, social difficulties, and psychology (Introduction to Cosmetic Formulation

and Technology, n.d.). Additionally, the variety of its characteristics, including thickness, color,

and curvature, can serve as a unique hallmark for every ethnic group on the planet.

Due to their wide range of usage, heterogeneity, accessibility, and ease of manipulation,

hair preparations are getting increasingly common as a fashion accessory or medicinal

formulations for hair care/embellishment or medical treatment purposes, respectively (Baki &

Alexander, 2015). Numerous hair adornment techniques, such as the use of certain naturally

occurring dyes for hair coloring, have historical roots and have been passed down through the

ages to our contemporary civilization (Lascaratos et al., 2004). Nevertheless, traditional hair

color and treatment preparations are frequently linked to a number of drawbacks, including toxic

exposure, short-term local irritation, as well as limited effectiveness. In recent times, there has

been a growing focus on research concerning compositions for hair cosmetics or hair medical


Review of Related Studies

It is unclear exactly what effect aloe vera barbadensis had on the study's medicinal

combination, but the discovery that plant-based ingredients, including aloe vera, reduced hair

loss along with enhanced the dandruff symptoms continues to be a noteworthy finding,

particularly for men and women looking to explore additional expected, non-synthetic different
kinds of medication for issues with inflammatory processes of both hair and scalp falling. A

fascinating study on the effects of internal aloe vera juice utilization on hair loss symptoms was

conducted on a portion of forty sheep ² who were showing signs of alopecia (hair loss) as a result

of multiple skin disorders. The animals were given aloe vera juice orally twice a day by the

scientists. The authors of this study characteristic the noted hair growth implications to an

abundance of enzymes, anthranols, and mucopolysaccharides within the aloe vera plant. Despite

the new hair seen on the sheep is certainly a remarkable phenomenon, broadening the correlation

across aloe vera and hair improvement to humans would necessitate more studies. Following just

15 days, 90% of the sheep showed greatly noticeable hair growth in locations that were

influenced by alopecia.

Aloe vera's readily apparent viscosity juice is brimming with therapeutic as well as

rejuvenating chemicals that provide several health benefits for the human body. Aloe vera's

usefulness on a range of hair health elements is being revealed by an increasing number of

clinical trials, which supports the plant's enormous potential as a therapy agent for the scalp, hair

follicles, particularly individual hair strands. It was given the processed juice of the same type of

aloe vera. The study team used tryptophan content to quantify protein breakdown as a proxy for

chemical exposure. Differences in physical characteristics including consistency were also

identified as mechanical damage. The hair that was left untreated—that is, without color or aloe

vera—saw the worst deterioration. Fresh aloe vera juice applied to chemically colored hair

caused the smallest degree of harm. Although not to the same extent as fresh aloe vera juice,

treated aloe vera barbadensis juice provided photoprotection additionally. The UV-blocking

substances in the raw aloe vera juice are thought to be the plant's tannins as well as

Synthesis of the State

A singular's look and social standing are altogether affected by their hair. The most

successive sort of balding, androgenetic alopecia (AGA), influences half of guys north of forty

years of age and 2% of everyone. Anticancer drugs, immunosuppressants, and other

pharmacological treatments might cause AGA as an incidental effect. Expanding vein creation,

providing androgen bad guys, controlling potassium channels, and obstructing 5-alpha reducase

are a portion of the treatment systems. Certain engineered meds have FDA endorsement, yet their

adverse consequences limit their utilization. Today, researchers are searching for plant-based

definitions with insignificant secondary effects to supplant engineered ones. Many plants, for

example, Aloe barbadenis, Tulsi, Emblica officinalis, Bacopa monnieri, and coconut oil, are

utilized restoratively in India. Aloe barbadenis is applied topically to further develop appearance,

particularly as an enhancement for hair development. Overall hair development capacities have

been exhibited by tulsi removes, and Emblica officinalis has an extensive variety of

pharmacological action. Bacopa monnieri is utilized to treat issues connected with the scalp as

well as focal sensory system. In view of its useful therapeutic fixings, Acacia concinna keeps

hair and scalp being more appealing while protecting their normal consistency.

Gap Bridge by the Study

It's commonplace to lose some hair consistently as a component of your hair's standard

development cycle. For a great many people, the lost hair comes back, and you keep a full head

of hair. Yet, sickness, hormonal changes, stress, maturing and acquired conditions can impede

your hair's development cycle. More hair drops out, however new strands don't necessarily in all

cases bounce back. Sparseness (androgenic alopecia) is the most widely recognized kind of

going bald. It influences an expected 80 million people in the U.S. Going bald is one of the most
widely recognized symptoms of chemotherapy. Alopecia areata influences up to 6.8 million

individuals in the U.S.


**Moisturizing Properties of Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera**:

- **Authors**: R. Rele and R. B. Mohile (2003)

- **Principle**: Coconut oil and aloe vera have been found to possess moisturizing properties

due to their emollient nature, which helps in restoring moisture content in the hair shaft,

thereby enhancing hair hydration and softness.

.Nutrient Absorption and Scalp Health**:

- **Authors**: T. H. Kim et al. (2015)

- **Principle**: Both coconut oil and aloe vera facilitate the absorption of essential nutrients

into the scalp, promoting scalp health. This improved nutrient delivery can strengthen

hair follicles and prevent hair breakage and loss.

Repairing and Strengthening Hair Structure**:

- **Authors**: S. S. Gavazzoni Dias (2015)

- **Principle**: Coconut oil and aloe vera are known to penetrate the hair shaft and provide

essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, which can repair damaged

hair cuticles and strengthen the overall hair structure, leading to reduced breakage and

improved hair elasticity.

The input consists of the materials needed to develop an effectiveness of Alco hairmask . This

includes: coconut employing
oil and manmade shampoo without any consequences might
aloe vera
have an unanticipated effect on your hair. When we use natural shampoo that we
can make at home using natural components, like our product, we can be sure
The thatprocess
all of consists of the methods
the ingredients are safe undertaken
and natural. toSynthetic
make a shampoo
good qualityis of Alco
manufactured by mixing several chemicals together to form a shampoo.
hairmask.Efficacy of using Coco's
This methods nucifera
is;Washing and aloe barbadensis Miller in managing hair fall

And analyzed through survey checklist given to the respondents to identify the level of Efficacy

of using Coco's nucifera and aloe barbadensis Miller in managing hairloss.


It is all about the three phases that will help to be the way on how we will get the information. The input

states most of the affected of the main topic and focused on the real conflicts. Process will be the way for

us to gather information from the individuals and users. And output focused on the main point of this




Research Design
The researchers will use a quasi-experimental research design in order to conduct both

the experiment and administration of survey questionnaire to gather data relevant information to

the target respondents. It is also known as Semi trial research is a quantitative examination

strategy. It includes mathematical information assortment and measurable investigation. Semi

trial research contrasts gatherings and various conditions or medicines to find circumstances and

logical results joins. It makes measurable inferences from quantitative information.

Sampling method

The researchers will use the purposive sampling method for gathering data relevant

information after conducting the experimentation.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the residents of Cumadcad, Castilla Sorsogon who are

experiencing hair fall problem which will cause to their health, with approximately 10


Data gathering Procedure

The researcher will ask the approval of the research adviser to further conduct the

experimentation, and survey to the target participant. After this, the researchers will seek the

approval of the teacher for the questionnaire to be use and materials to be use for

experimentation. To further identify the numerical and interpretation of the data the researcher

will seek the assistance of the statistician to interpret the numerical data needed in order to

determine the output of the study.

Data Gathering procedure

Aloe vera and coconut hair mask

Gather your ingredients: 2 tbsp. of aloe vera gel (fresh or store-bought) and 1 tbsp. of oil. If you’re using
coconut oil, use virgin coconut oil at room temperature. You can melt solid coconut oil in your

Stir the oil and aloe vera together until they form a smooth, blended paste.

Protect your clothing with a towel or old shirt.

Apply the mask to your hair with your fingers. Dividing long hair into sections can help make the
application easier.

Begin the application at mid-shaft and work toward the ends. Once you’ve worked the mask into the
ends of your hair, you can go back and gently apply it to your scalp. However, you may want to begin at
the scalp if you’re specifically applying the mask to help treat dandruff.

When you’ve finished applying the mask, comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb. This helps spread
the mask through your hair evenly.

Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap. Then wrap a towel around your head. This helps
protect the mask from dripping, but it also helps keep your hair from drying out. Warming up the towel
may help the mask have even more of a moisturizing effect.

Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. You can leave it on for up to an hour for extra conditioning.

Rinse the mask out of your hair. You’ll probably want to wash your hair to make sure you get the mask
out completely, since aloe vera gel can leave a filmy residue in your hair.

You can replace your normal conditioner with this mask as often as once a week to help boost your hair

Note: You can easily double this recipe for long or thick hair.


This contains the materials and projected cost that will be used while making the products .


aloe vera 1kilo 0.00

Coconut oil 1000 ml 0.00

Bottle 15 pieces 283.00

Printed Label 15 pieces 50.00

Total 333.00
Kitchen utensils and equipment



Chopping board


Source of data

The primary source of data will be collected survey questionnaires, And interview.

The secondary source of data which includes published article, review of the result of several experiment
or trials And student research paper

The tertiary Source of data we use dictionaries.

Research Instrumentation

this research used a questioner in the form of checklists in research instruments is the general term that
researcher use of measurement devices (survey test questioner etc)

to help distinguish between instrument an instrumentation, consider that the instrument is the device.
and instrumentation is the course of action ( process of developing testing and using the device.

The checklist was formulated to determine the capacity of the efficacy of using cocos nucifera

and aloe barbadensis miller in managing hairfall.

Validation of


The researchers will use the following statistical tool to interpret and analyze the data

gather information.

1.PERCENTAGE- the study will determine the proportion of respondence for each category in the


Formula: Percentage = F/N x 100%

Where: F – frequency

N – Population

2.FREQUENCY – this will be use to determine the number of respondents based on profile.

3.WEIGHTED MEAN – this will be use by the researchers to determine the efficacy of using

coco’nucifera and aloe barbandensis miller in managing hair fall.

Formula: WM = Σfx/N

Where: WM – weighted mean;

N – Sample size;

Σfx – sum of products of the frequency with weights

4.RANKING – this will be use to arrange the positioning of indicators from ascending order of the




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