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Semester Session 2023/2024 (A232)

No Assessment Type of Knowledge & Communication Interpersonal
Assessment Understanding (Written & Oral)
CLO1: Describe functions of human resource management
1 QUIZ (10 %) Summative 10 %

+ Quiz 1 -> Chapter 1 – 4 (5%) – WEEK 5

+ Quiz 2 -> Chapter 5 – 8 (5%) – WEEK 9

- This is an individual test.

- The student will be given TWO quizzes.
- The number of questions and date will be determined by the
Course Coordinator.
- Quiz will be conducted whether conventional method or online
method (depend on the instructor preference).
- 5% marks will be given for each quiz.

2 FINAL EXAMINATION (40%) Summative 40%

+ Final examination date: TBC

No Assessment Type of Knowledge & Communication Interpersonal
Assessment Understanding (Written & Oral)
CLO2: Discuss the implementation of each function of human resource management in organizations
2 GROUP ASSIGNMENT 1 (30 %) Formative 30%
+ Output of Assessment
1) Written Report (20%)
2) Oral Presentation (10%)


+Rubric: Written Communication Rubric

1. Students in a group of 5-6 are required to prepare a report in
ENGLISH with regards to the Human Resource (HR) function that has
been assigned by the class instructor.
2. Students need to identify ONE (1) EMERGING TRENDS (CURRENT
ISSUES ON HR – Ex: Job Analysis Trend) that are currently
preferred or potentially applied in the future. Write a brief
description of the mentioned emerging trend and how it benefits the
overall HR operations in an organization. Specifically, students need
to explain how it helps to improve the HR operation efficiency and
critically evaluating the new approaches in improving organizational
3. The report should not be more than 15 pages (minimum 10 pages).
4. The report should be typed on one side of answer sheets only, using
Arial font size 11, and double-spaced.
5. References in APA style must be included and taken from reliable
sources such as books or journals.
6. The assignment must be submitted on or before the dates as stated in
the below table.
7. Submission via UUMOL in pdf format. The report is subjected to
plagiarism check.
8. The use of formal statistics, official data, and government reports to
assess the existing issue is highly advisable.
9. Late submission of the report will not be tolerated, and the grade will

suffer as a result.
10. Students are required to choose the HR Function and write their
group leader’s name in the table.

No HR Function Group Presentation Submission

Leader Date Date
1. Job Analysis
2. Staffing
3. Training and
4. Career Development
5. Performance
6. Pay Management
7. Incentives and
8. Employee Right’s and
9. Industrial Relations
10. Occupational Safety
and Health

Contents of the report:

- Introduction of HRM
- Description of ONE emerging trends
- How it would benefit to HR functions (based on the selected HR
- Strategies to improve HR operation and enhance organizational
- Conclusion
- References
- Dateline: WEEK 7


+ Oral Communication Rubric

- This presentation is based on the WRITTEN REPORT.
- The task is to translate the information from the report into an
engaging, succinct 15- minute oral presentation (5 additional
minutes may be used to address audience questions).
- The presentation will be evaluated according to both the quality of
the content and the presentation style.
- Examples like videos or any illustrations should be included in the
oral presentation.
- 10% marks will be allocated for this assignment.
- Dateline: WEEK 7

CLO3: Discuss contribution of human resource management to organizational performance

3 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 2 (20%) Formative 20%
Output of assessment: written report
+ Reflection Paper
+ Interpersonal Skill Rubric

- All students are required to write ONE (1) reflection.

- The reflection’s theme: Perception towards your group (respect,
attitude, working with others, contributions)
- The student is required to provide “self-reflection” on the activity
that have provided by the class instructor.
- The report should be typed on one side of answer sheets only,
using Arial font size 11, and double-spaced.
- Document type = MS-Word (save in Pdf format).
- Submission = UUM Portal (subjected for evaluations).
- 10% marks will be given for each reflection.
- Dateline: WEEK 8

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