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System in human body

System Function Organs

Excretion system Remove excretory waste Skin: sweat
from the body Lung: Carbon dioxide
Kidney: Urine
Skeletal system Support body and protect the Skull: protect brain
inner organ Bone: protect inner organ
and support the body
Lymphatic system Protect the body from Lymph
infection of bacteria, virus
and others
Digestive system Breakdown food into simpler Mouth: breakdown the food
form, easy to be absorbed Oesophagus: food pathway
Stomach: digest the food
Small intestine: absorb
Large intestine: absorb water
Muscular system Help in the movement of the Muscle
body and inner organ
Integumentary system Protect the body from Skin
dehydration and regulates
body temperature
Nervous system Carries information from Nerve cell: send signal
brain to the entire body in the Spinal chord
form of impulse Brain
Blood circulatory system Carries oxygen, nutrition and Heart: pump blood
hormones Blood vessel: carries blood to
all parts of the body
Respiratory system Absorb oxygen release Nose
carbon dioxide Lung
Endocrine system Produce hormones Ovary
Reproductive system Produces sperm and ovum Ovary

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