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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Molave Vocational Technical School
Molave, Zamboanga del Sur















Principles of Marketing Teacher


Rings Treats Company is specialized doughnut product and innovative sweet treats that delight the senses
and capture the imagination of every Filipino specially in our own locality Zamboanga del Sur. Sweet Rings Treats
Company is to redefine the traditional desserts by offering a handcrafted doughnut products that cater to the
evolving tastes and preferences of modern consumers.
Sweet Rings Treats Company’s target market are individuals with a passion for unique culinary experiences,
as well as businesses offerings for events, corporate gifting, and hospitality purposes. With a focus on quality,
creativity, and customer satisfaction, Sweet Rings Treat’s Company aim to carve out a niche in the competitive
market and establish Sweet Rings Treats as a go-to destination for indulgence and celebration.


A. Brief History of the Company

The story of our local business Sweet Rings Treat began in year 2024 with a different flavor of donuts called
'Sugar Sprinkle Donuts'. San Juan Jhoan the founder serves and discover the special ingredients for our unique
preferred toppings. Sweet Rings Treat’s Company goal is to make and serve the freshest, most delicious donuts
here in Molave Zamboanga del Sur and particularly in our own province and region Zamboanga del Sur.
Sweet Ring Treat Company offers Milky doughnut, Peanut frost, Strawberry, Chocolate sprinkles, and
classic doughnuts.

B. Mission and Vision

To spread joy and delight to every customer that bring joy to every bite, creating a memorable experience,
spreading happiness and a commitment to customer satisfaction.
To be the ultimate destination for doughnut enthusiasts and delightful experience in the region.

C. Product offerings
Sweet Rings Treat Company is made from a beloved pastry treat made from sweetened dough that is fried,
typically in the shape of a ring or ball. They are often coated with glazes, frostings, or toppings, making them a
delicious and indulgent snack or dessert enjoyed by people of all ages.
Milky doughnut ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00
Peanut frost ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00
Strawberry frosted ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00.
Chocolate sprinkles ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00
Oreo logy ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00
Classic doughnut ₱ 150.00 ₱ 300.00

A. Economic
In times of economic downturn, consumers tighten their budgets. Sweet Rings Treats adapts its pricing
strategy and introduces promotions to ensure its products remain affordable to its customers. Conversely, in times of
economic prosperity, consumers are more inclined to spend on luxurious treats. Therefore, Sweet Rings Treats will
explore various options for product offerings to capitalize on this trend.
Economic fluctuations greatly affect the cost of ingredients, transportation, and other variable cost. Sweet
Rings Treats easily adjusts to this situation by managing their owned vehicles and other facilities so that this
company can effectively address the economic shifts.
Sweet Rings Treats remain responsive to economic conditions, continually monitoring consumer trends,
adjusting their strategies, and innovating their products to thrive in any economic climate.
B. Politico-legal
Sweet Ring Treats adheres to regulations on food safety and sanitation, health codes like food handling and
storage, hygiene practices, sanitation and cleaning and laws where the Sweet Rings Treat Company operates. This
includes permits, licenses, and certifications to ensure that Sweet Ring Treats Company complies with government
policies and regulations to protect public health and maintain the trust of Sweet Rings Treats company’s customers.

C. Socio- cultural
Sweet Ring Treats offers menu to cater local tastes and preferences, like here in Molave, Zamboanga del
Sur where the Sweet Rings Treats company operates the company’s bakeshop customized doughnuts for specific
and variation of flavors. In a different behaviors of customers Sweet Rings Treats offer customization options, for the
customers to create their own unique doughnut creations with a variety of toppings, flavors, and fillings.
Sweet Rings Treats Company also demonstrates social responsibility that the company actively engage with
their community, Sweet Rings Treats participate in local events, support charitable causes, and engage in community
outreach initiatives to build a positive brand image and connect with their customers on a deeper level.
With the rise of social media and e-commerce, Sweet Rings Treats leverage social media platforms to
showcase the company’s products and offer exclusive promotions and discounts.
When consumers are prioritizing health and wellness, the Sweet Rings Treats company will cater to health-
conscious consumers by offering options with reduced sugar, gluten-free alternatives, or doughnuts made with
natural and wholesome ingredients.
When the market is concerned about the environmental impact of the products they buy. Sweet Rings
Treats will align with this trend by reducing packaging waste and supporting ethical practices like treating employees
fairly and ethically, providing fair wages, and safe working conditions.

D. Demographic
Sweet Ring Treats market targets young adults aged 18 to 34 passionate about engaging social media like
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and other media platforms. And the company caters to families with children,
appealing to parents who indulge their kids with doughnuts as a special treat for occasions like birthdays, holidays, or
weekend outings.
Sweet Ring Treats Company directs its focus towards urban areas, where professionals, students, and
workers value the convenience of grabbing the company’s doughnuts during their morning commute or coffee break.
To cater to this demographic, Sweet Ring Treats strategically locates its outlets near office buildings and in public
transportation hubs, ensuring accessibility for its target markets.
E. Technological
Sweet Ring Treats maintains an online presence through platforms such as Facebook pages and Instagram
accounts. Leveraging these digital channels, Sweet Ring Treats Company actively engages with its customers,
sharing promotions and updates to foster connections with its target market. This digital platform serves as a
valuable tool for the company to connect with its market and cultivate brand loyalty.

F. Natural
Sweet Ring Treats company chose to integrate seasonal ingredients for the company’s doughnut offerings
to take advantage of peak seasons such as incorporating fresh berries during summer. months. Drawing inspiration
from nature, Sweet Rings Treats develops natural ingredients like citrus zest and herbal extracts, enhancing the
complexity of its doughnut products.


The opportunities for Sweet Rings Treats company lie within Molave, Zamboanga del Sur, where the
business is situated. This is due to the sizable population, which includes numerous investors, students, and
millennials with a penchant for indulging in doughnuts.
Zamboanga del Sur serves as a tourist destination, and Sweet Rings Treats in Molave caters to visitors from
both near and far. Tourists find satisfaction in their purchases from Sweet Rings Treats, knowing they can bring
home quality products to share with their families and loved ones, enhancing their overall experience of the region.
One significant opportunity for Sweet Rings Treats lies in leveraging its brand strength and product appeal
to expand into new markets. This could involve both geographical expansion and diversification of product offerings.
Additionally, embracing digital marketing and e-commerce can help the company reach a wider audience and
capitalize on the growing trend of online shopping. Furthermore, Sweet Rings Treats can explore partnerships and
collaborations with other businesses or influencers to enhance brand visibility and attract new customers. Finally,
focusing on sustainability initiatives can not only align the company with consumer values but also differentiate it from
competitors in the market.
Sweet Rings Threats are their competitors like Dunkin, Krispy Kreme, and Local Bakeries. These
competitors vary in terms of their size, offerings, pricing, and target demographics, but they all contribute to the
overall competition within the doughnut product market. Sweet Rings Treats would differentiate itself through unique
flavors, creative designs, and customization, quality, and customer service to stand out in the crowded marketplace
and retain customers. Aside from their competitors also a threat of Sweet Rings Treat the health-conscious
consumers, changing consumer preferences, economic downturns, and Competition from Alternative Snacks.
Addressing these threats requires Sweet Rings Treats to stay attuned to market trends, innovate their product
offerings to meet changing consumer preferences, maintain high standards of food safety and quality, and adapt their
strategies to navigate economic and regulatory challenges effectively.


A. The company
The strength of Sweet Rings Treats lies in its dedicated team of experienced bakers and staff who are
passionate about crafting high-quality doughnuts. The company boasts a flat organizational structure that fosters
open communication and enables quick decision-making. Sweet Rings Treats offers a diverse range of doughnut
flavors, including seasonal varieties and specialty options. Utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram and
Facebook effectively, the company engages with customers and promotes its products. Sweet Rings Treats has
forged partnerships with local cafes and coffee shops to distribute its products, thus expanding its reach and
customer base. Setting itself apart by emphasizing fresh, high-quality ingredients and unique flavor combinations,
Sweet Rings Treats differentiates itself in the market. Moreover, the company enjoys a loyal customer base that
values its consistent quality, friendly service, and community engagement effort.
The weaknesses of Sweet Rings Treats company include limited financial resources for expansion and
investment in advanced equipment and technology. Additionally, the absence of formalized training programs for
employees may lead to inconsistent product quality and service standards. The company's limited offerings for
health-conscious consumers, such as low-sugar or gluten-free options, may alienate certain market segments.
Furthermore, the company's reliance on digital channels for marketing efforts results in missed opportunities to reach
potential customers offline. Additionally, relying on a single distribution channel poses risks in case of disruptions or
changes in partner agreements. Moreover, profit margins are affected by rising ingredient costs and overhead
expenses, necessitating cost-control measures and pricing adjustments. Intense competition from established
doughnut chains and local bakeries may constrain market share and pricing flexibility. Lastly, the company's limited
customer feedback mechanisms and data analytics tools hinder its ability to personalize offerings and effectively
address evolving preferences.
To address the weaknesses identified for Sweet Rings Treats, a comprehensive approach is needed. The
company seeks external funding options such as loans, grants, or investors to support expansion plans and invest in
advanced equipment and technology. Additionally, explore cost-saving measures within the company to allocate
funds more efficiently.
The company implement structured training programs for employees to ensure consistent product quality
and service standards. Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance skills and knowledge.
The company expanded the product line to include low-sugar, gluten-free, or other healthier options to cater
to diverse dietary preferences. And the company conducts market research to understand customer demand and
The company invests in offline marketing channels such as print media, outdoor advertising, and local
events to reach potential customers who may not be active on digital platforms. Develop partnerships with local
businesses or sponsor community events to increase brand visibility.
The company diversifies distribution channels by partnering with multiple retailers, wholesalers, or online
platforms to reduce dependency on a single channel. Strengthen relationships with existing partners and explore new
distribution opportunities.
The company optimizes supply chain management practices to mitigate the impact of rising ingredient
costs. Negotiate bulk purchasing agreements with suppliers, explore alternative ingredient sources, and streamline
production processes to improve efficiency.
The company focuses on differentiation by highlighting unique selling points such as the use of fresh, high-
quality ingredients and innovative flavor combinations. Develop a competitive pricing strategy such as bundle pricing
or psychological pricing, to resonate with customers. Additionally, the company enhances its customer loyalty
program as a means of retaining its current customer base.
The company implements multiple feedback channels such as online surveys, feedback forms in-store, and
social media engagement to gather customer insights. Utilize data analytics tools such as google analytics and
Microsoft excel to analyze feedback and identify areas for improvement in products and services.


Suppliers are integral to the success of businesses in marketing, contributing to supply chain management,
product innovation, quality assurance, cost management, market insights, and sustainability. By cultivating strong
and collaborative relationships with suppliers, businesses can enhance operational efficiency, drive innovation, and
create value for customers, ultimately driving long-term growth and competitive advantage in the marketplace.


Marketing intermediaries play a multifaceted role in the distribution process, serving as essential conduits
between producers and consumers. Their functions encompass distribution facilitation, market access, risk
mitigation, market information dissemination, and value-added services. By leveraging the capabilities of
intermediaries effectively, companies can optimize their distribution channels, expand their market reach, and create
value for all stakeholders involved in the marketing ecosystem.


Customers are at the heart of marketing, driving product innovation, market segmentation, targeting, customer
experience, relationship-building, and business growth. By prioritizing customer-centricity, understanding customer
needs, and fostering meaningful relationships with customers, businesses can create value, drive loyalty, and
achieve sustainable success in the marketplace.


Competition in marketing is a pervasive and multifaceted phenomenon that shapes the strategies, tactics,
and outcomes of businesses in the marketplace. By understanding the nature of competition, leveraging
differentiation strategies, embracing innovation, and prioritizing customer-centricity, businesses can navigate the
competitive landscape effectively and achieve sustainable success in today's dynamic and competitive marketplace.


Publics in marketing encompass a wide range of stakeholders with varying interests, perspectives, and
influence on the success of a company or brand. By understanding the needs and expectations of different publics
and engaging in proactive communication, relationship-building, and stakeholder management, companies can build
trust, enhance reputation, and create value for all stakeholders involved in the marketing ecosystem.


1. Popular Appeal: Donuts are universally loved and enjoyed by people of all ages.
2. Versatility: They can be made in a variety of flavors, shapes, and sizes, catering to different tastes and
3. Convenience: Donuts are often easy to grab on-the-go, making them a convenient snack or breakfast option.
4.Customization: With various toppings, fillings, and decorations, donuts offer endless possibilities for customization
5. Social Media Buzz: Their visually appealing nature makes them perfect for sharing on social media platforms,
which can boost brand visibility.
1. Nutritional Value: Donuts are typically high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, making them a less nutritious
2. Perishability: Freshness is crucial for donuts, and they have a relatively short shelf life compared to some other
baked goods.
3. Competition: The market for donuts can be highly competitive, with many bakeries and shops offering similar
4. Seasonality: While donuts are popular year-round, certain flavors or themes may be more appropriate for specific
seasons or holidays, limiting their appeal at other times.
5. Health Consciousness: With increasing health consciousness among consumers, there's a growing demand for
healthier alternatives, which could impact the sales of traditional donuts.

VII. The Market

Marketing a donut product involves a strategic approach to reach and engage with potential customers effectively.
Here are some key steps to market a donut product successfully:

•Identify Your Target Audience-Understand who your target customers are. Are they young adults, families, or a
specific demographic group? Knowing your audience helps tailor your marketing efforts to appeal to their
•Create a Unique Selling Proposition- Highlight what sets your donuts apart from others. Whether it's unique flavors,
organic ingredients, or a special baking technique, emphasize what makes your donuts special.
•Develop a Strong Brand Identity-Invest in branding that reflects the essence of your donut product. This includes a
memorable logo, consistent color schemes, and messaging that resonates with your target audience.
•Utilize Social Media-Leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your donuts visually.
Share mouth-watering images, behind-the-scenes stories, customer testimonials, and engage with your audience
•Offer Promotions and Discounts-Entice customers with special promotions, such as buy-one-get-one-free deals,
discounts for first-time customers, or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business.
•Implement Online Ordering and Delivery-In today's digital age, offering online ordering and delivery options can
attract customers who prefer convenience. Partner with food delivery services or set up your own delivery system.
• Collect Customer Feedback-Encourage customers to provide feedback on their experience with your donuts. Use
this information to improve your product, service, and overall customer satisfaction.
•Monitor and Analyze Results-Track the performance of your marketing efforts using metrics like sales data, website
traffic, social media engagement, and customer feedback. Analyze the results to refine your marketing strategies for
better outcomes.

VIII. Marketing Objectives

Sweet Ring Treats in local business in Molave Zamboanga del Sur marketing objectives are designed to achieve the
mission and vision. We have identified key areas of focus to drive our marketing efforts and accomplish our goals.
Increase Brand Awareness: Our aim is to make Sweet Ring Treats a well-known brand by reaching more people and
communicating our unique mission and vision.
Expand Customer Base: We want to attract new customers who appreciate homemade doughnuts products and
convert them into loyal supporters of our brand.
Enhance Customer Engagement and Loyalty: Building strong relationships with our customers is crucial. We will
create engaging experiences, personalized communication, and loyalty programs to keep our customers satisfied
and loyal.
Product Innovation and Differentiation: We will continuously innovate and offer unique flavors products to stay ahead
of the competition and meet the evolving needs of our customers.
Local Market Dominance: Our focus is on establishing a strong presence in the local market by partnering with
influencers, participating in events, and becoming the go-to brand for Dunkin' Doughnuts products in Molave and it's
surrounding areas.


Products and services are central to marketing, representing the tangible and intangible offerings that
businesses provide to meet customer needs and create value. By understanding the characteristics, benefits, and
strategies associated with products and services, businesses can develop effective marketing strategies, deliver
superior customer experiences, and drive long-term success and competitiveness in the marketplace.

The target market is a foundational concept in marketing that guides businesses in identifying,
understanding, and effectively engaging with their desired audience. By conducting thorough market research,
segmenting the market, and developing tailored marketing strategies, businesses can maximize their chances of
success and achieve sustainable growth in the marketplace.


Brand positioning is a strategic process that defines how a brand is perceived in the minds of consumers
relative to competitors. By understanding the competitive landscape, identifying target audience needs, defining
unique differentiation and value proposition, crafting a distinctive brand personality, choosing the right positioning
strategy, and maintaining consistent messaging, businesses can create a compelling brand identity that resonates
with consumers and drives long-term success in the market place.


Pricing strategy is a complex and multifaceted aspect of marketing that requires careful consideration of costs,
competition, value perception, and consumer behavior. By adopting the right pricing strategy and tactics,
businesses can effectively position their products or services in the marketplace, maximize revenue and profitability,
and meet the needs and expectations of their target customers.


Distribution strategy is a critical component of marketing that encompasses decisions related to channel
selection, partner management, logistics, retail partnerships, e-commerce, and international expansion. By
developing a well-defined distribution strategy that aligns with business objectives, target market needs, and
competitive dynamics, businesses can ensure that their products or services reach customers efficiently and
effectively, driving sales, satisfaction, and long-term success in the marketplace.


By setting clear objectives, understanding the target audience, developing compelling messaging, choosing
the right communication channels, executing creative assets effectively, budgeting wisely, and measuring
performance, businesses can develop advertising and promotions strategies that drive brand awareness,
engagement, and sales, ultimately contributing to business growth and success in the marketplace.



Tactics Operating Details Timetable

Enhancing Product Quality and Focus on using high-quality JUNE 2024

Variety ingredients and perfecting doughnut
recipes. Offer a diverse range of
flavors and types to cater to
different customer preferences.

Implementing a Training Program Develop a comprehensive training MAY 2024

for Salespeople and Stakeholders program that covers product
knowledge, sales techniques, and

customer service skills. Provide
ongoing training and support to
ensure continuous improvement.

Stakeholder Engagement and Regularly communicate with JULY 2024

Communication stakeholders, such as suppliers,
employees, and investors, to keep
them informed about business
updates and involve them in
decision-making processes. Foster
strong relationships and address
any concerns or feedback.

By implementing these tactics and

connecting them with their
associated operating details, we
can improve the doughnut business
by focusing on product quality,
comprehensive training for
salespeople and stakeholders.

The objectives of our business with these tactics are;

1. Enhance Customer Satisfaction
-By improving product quality and variety to meet customer preferences.
2. Increase Sales and Revenue
-Through better-trained salespeople and stakeholders leading to improved customer service and sales.
3. Build Strong Relationships
-By engaging stakeholders and communicating effectively to foster trust and collaboration.

Marketing budget: Sweet ring treats doughnuts marketing budget for 3 months
By carefully managing our marketing budget, we aim to maximize brand visibility, customer engagement, and
ultimately, return on investment. This involves strategic allocation of resources across various marketing channels
and campaigns to reach target audiences effectively while optimizing costs. Additionally, we focus on tracking and
analyzing metrics to ensure that our marketing efforts are driving tangible results and aligning with our overall
business objectives.



 Tv broadcast/
 Flyers and banners
 Digital marketing

 Local events

INGREDIENTS COST 25,000 24,598

 Flour
 Sugar
 Yeast
 Butter
 Eggs
 flavoring

EQUIPMENTS 10,000 11,000

 Donuts flyers
 Mixers
 Ovens
 Display cases
 Utensils

RENT EXPENSE 20,000 20,000


PACKAGING 10,000 8,000


TOTAL: 90,000 86,598


Sweet ring treats place great importance on feedback and control to drive our pursuit of excellence. We actively seek
and value the opinions, suggestions, and experiences shared by our customers and stakeholders.
By attentively listening to their feedback, we gain valuable insights that allow us to continuously enhance our
products, services, and overall customer experience. By integrating feedback and control mechanisms into the
marketing plan, we can effectively engage with customers, drive brand loyalty, and achieve sustainable growth in the
competitive market landscape.

By the end of May,10 2024 we will be focusing through better trained sales people leading to improved customer
serving skill and provide comprehensive training programs for staff members to enhance their product knowledge,
communication skills, and customer service etiquette. Training should commence immediately on May, 30. After a
month we must focus inenhancing customer satisfaction by Conduct regular inspections to maintain freshness, taste,
and presentation standards,implement strict quality control measures at every stage of production, from ingredient
sourcing to final packaging. At the latest, this should be done by june 28. Continuesly on july there is a regularly
communicate with stakeholders, such as suppliers, employees, and investors, to keep them informed about business
updates and involve them in decision-making processes. Foster strong relationships and address any concerns or
feedback. By implementing these strategies, sweet ring treats can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and
advocacy, ultimately driving long-term success and growth.


We expect a strong response to our marketing effort, as discussed the market is experiencing high demand for
premium quality snack/food items due to progressive globalization and westernization of the consumers. Thus we
expect to sell an additional 100,000 box of donuts within the first year with additional revenues of 200,000

To achieve our revenue target, we have estimated our expenses to be approximately 90,000 pesos. These expenses
cover various aspects of our business operations, including materials and supplies, labor costs, marketing and
advertising expenses, overhead costs, packaging and shipping expenses, and administrative and operational

ASSEST ______

CASH 90,000

Ingredients 25,000
Packaging 10,000
Cups 5,000
Utilities expense 10,000
Rent expense 10,000


EQUITY _____

Owners investments 90,000




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