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Steps in repairing a flat, male cord. 6.

Electric Drill is a power tool that makes holes on wood, metal,

and concrete surfaces.
1. Separate the end of wire to about 10 cm.
2. Peel off the skin or insulator by 2cm. Electrical Gadgets and their Uses
3. Loosen the screw of the male plug.
4. Insert wire into the male plug. Extension Cord is a span of flexible electrical power cable with a
5. Twist both ends of the wire to keep the wires from plug on one end and multiple sockets on the other end.
making contact with one another, Doorbell is a device usually attached to the gate or the entry point
6. Put the cover of the plug so the wire will not be exposed of the house to call the attention of the person inside the house.
and cause electric shock. Plugs are devices that allow electrically operated equipment or
gadgets to be connected to the primary power source.
The 5s stands for the five Japanese words seiri, seiton, seiso, Lampshades are protective coverings used to screen a light bulb to
seiketsu, and shitsuke. These can be applied not only to the reduce its brightness, it also serves as a decoration inside the room.
workplace but also to our home. It can be made of different materials.

Sort (seiri) – This can be done by determining things or items in MONEY- One of the most important things in running a business
your work area and eliminating the unnecessary items. Items that is managing money or finances well. You have to make sure that
are to be recycled and eliminated can be identified. money is managed effectively.

Straighten (seiton) – It is a process of keeping needed items in the PROJECT PLAN- It is your guide in doing a project and it
proper place so that anyone can immediately find them in time of prevents you from wasting your time, effort, materials, and money.
use. Arrange all necessary items so that they can be selected for
use. This process prevents waste of time, and makes the workflow A SURVEY is conducted in order to collect data from a selected
smooth and easy. This can be done once the sorting is achieved. group of respondents to gain information and insights into various
topics of interest. The process involves asking people for
Shine (seiso) - This process refers to cleaning the workplace information through a questionnaire, which can be either online or
completely. This stage focuses on cleaning up the work area by offline.
dusting, mopping, wiping surfaces, arranging tools and materials
etc. This ensures that everything is properly-maintained and looks CUSTOMER SATISFACTION survey is a questionnaire
new. designed to help businesses understand what their customers think
about their products or services, their brand, and their customer.
Standardize (seiketsu) – It refers to the process of ensuring that
the first three stages of 5s becomes standardized. Standard CUSTOMER PREFERENCES are the expectations, likes,
systematizes everything and ensures that everyone in the workplace dislikes, motivations and inclinations that drive customer
has common ways of working. It is important to standardize the purchasing decisions. For example, a customer needs furniture
best practices in the work place and maintain the standard at all made of bamboo and they would prefer a particular and design.
times. Understanding the preferences of customers is a good marketing
Sustain (shitsuke) – This is the last step of the 5s method. It
means maintaining or sustaining established procedures. It is also a SKETCHING is used in preparation to drawing an object, or to
condition of training individuals so that they become independent. just get an idea of how something will look. When sketching use a
The benefits from the first four steps would be lost if the set
light hand and a lot of short, quick strokes using your pencil. This
standards are not maintained.
will make easier to sketch or draw a particular object and will
Common Electrical Tools Used in Constructing Simple allow you to erase mistakes easily.
Electrical Gadgets
OUTLINING – A process of making the outer contours or
1. Screwdrivers are tools, usually hand-operated, used to tighten boundaries of any shape, object or figure by using lines.
and loosen screws. These tools are made of steel and hardened and SHADING – Adds depth, contrast, character, and even tone to
tempered at the tip with an insulated handle. There are two kinds of
your drawings by the play of shadows and lights on your drawing.
screwdrivers, standard which is commonly known as flat screw.
The second one is the Techniques in Finishing:
Philips screwdrivers or the star screw.
1. Staining – it is done to enhance the wood’s true color or to
2. Pliers are a hand tool that are designed for a wide range of uses create uniformity when the wood has an inconsistent appearance.
such as holding, gripping, turning, bending and cutting electric
wires. 2. Glazing and toning – these are techniques used to highlight the
details in the woodwork or to unify and add depth to the color.
Kinds of Pliers
• Combination Pliers are multi-purpose pliers combining gripping 3. Pickling and liming – these are the traditional finishing process
jaws with wire cutter. This type of pliers is usually used by used to accentuate the wood grain. The highlighting is achieved by
electricians for gripping, twisting, and bending wires and cables. using two contrasting colors the base color and another rubbed into
• Long Nose Pliers are used for cutting and holding fine wires and grain.
in reaching narrow spaces that standard pliers cannot reach.
• Side Cutting Pliers are a type of pliers used for wire and tie wire 4. Bleaching – it is used to lighten the natural color of wood or to
cutting. removed discoloration caused by moisture. Bleaching can also be
used to achieve the base color in preparation for pickling or liming.
3. Wire Stripper is used to remove insulation of medium-sized
wires. 5. Distressing – it is a technique that can be used to give age and
4. Hammers are used in driving and pulling out nails and are made interest to the finish. This can be done in number of ways
of hard steel, plastic, or rubber. It has many types such as claw including:
hammer, ballpoint hammer and mallet.
5. Tester is an instrument used to test current of electricity. a.) Sanding the finish away from areas that would have been worn
over the years.
b.) Rubbing the finish away with a chemical; and gold. Methods of this technique include gluing chemical gilding
c.) Striking the surface with a mix objects that will randomly dent and electroplating.
the finish.
9. Staining – This is used to color wood to give an illusion of
Different Kinds of Finishing Materials texture.This may come in two varieties.

Varnish – a finishing material that beautifies and preserves a a) Pigment based stain – colors large pores of the wood.
project It is made of copal gum dissolve in pure boiled linseed oil.
b) Dye based – colors small pores of the wood.
Copal gum comes from resin of pine tress buried several feet below
the ground. Linseed oil comes from oil of cotton seed. Varnish and 10. Painting – This is considered the simplest way of decorating
turpentine are sold in cans and bottles. wood since there is a variety of colors that you can choose from.
One may also add a lacquer finish to make it more shiny and
Shellac – it is a good finish for many projects. It comes from the
excreta of insects called a lac bug. The color is yellow and appears
like small pieces of cellophane. Before it is used, it is mixed with Ways in Finishing
denatured alcohol.
1. Staining – It is done to enhance the true color of wood or create
Lacquer – it serves to protect the finish. It dries quickly and uniformity when the wood has an inconsistent appearance.
provides a hard finish.
2. Glazing and toning – It is used to highlight the details in
Wax – it is used to seal and protect the wood. It can be used to woodwork to unify and add depth to the color. These two
rejuvenate an old finish or can be used as a finish itself. techniques can also be used to give age to finish.
Paint – a finishing material that is always used because of its 3. Pickling and liming – It is used to accentuate the wood grain.
beautiful color and a good protector of materials. The highlighting is achieved by using two contrasting colors:
Bleaching – the process of whitening or removing color by a. A base color
exposing the material to the action of air and sunlight or certain b. Another color rubbed into the grain.
chemicals. 4. Bleaching – It is used to lighten the natural color of wood or to
remove discoloration caused by moisture. Bleaching can also be
Pyrography –– Also known as wood burning, it is a process of
used to achieve the base color in preparation for picking or liming.
making designs on bamboo by burning its skin with a hot wire.
Pyrography combined with carving can be very effective in 5. Distressing – This is used to give age and interest to the finish
enhancing bamboo products. by:
Woodworking – is the craft of making useful products using a. Sanding the finish away from areas that would have been worn
wood. Woodworking has served man in many ways and has been over the years.
used to produce fine wooden articles for home use and a lot more. b. Rubbing the finish away with chemical.
c. Striking the surface with a mix of objects that will randomly dent
Methods in Enhancing the Wood
the finish.
1. Cutting - Accurate sawing depends on having a good, sharp saw Methods in Enhancing Metal
that is filled and set correctly. It is important to use the right saw
Designing and planning out work – the design is first selected,
for the job.
and drawn or sketched in paper. The design is transferred to the
2. Smoothening - To achieve a smooth surface on the wood, the metal. Then the design is traced with a scriber or a sharp – pointed
tools used for smoothening are planes, spokeshaves and sand tool.
Cutting – this is done by using a tinner’s snip, hacksaw, or cold
3. Finishing - It is one of the most important method in enhancing chisel. Keep the sheet metal bent down away from the tinner’s snip
wood. Aside from enhancing the appearance, finishing also in cutting so that accident maybe avoided.
protects the product. The level of protection and effect on
Filling – the sharp edges of the sheet metal are done with forward
appearance varies by the type of finish used like shellac, varnish,
stroke of a file.
penetrating finish or wax finish.
Joining metals – done by riveting, soldering, or seaming. A
4. Flocking – It is a technique that lines the interior of drawers and
riveting hammer (ball-peen or cross- peen) is used in this process.
boxes with a soft velvet finish.
Soldering is another method of joining metals.
5. Inlaying – This combines several techniques that involve
Engraving – a method of transferring a design of metal using a
inserting decorative pieces into a base object to incorporate new
hardened steel tool called burin or graver to cut into the surface of
designs on the new original product.
the metal.
6. Woodturning – It is a process of using a lathe to make various
Etching – a process used to make designs or pictures on a metal
forms and shapes of wood.
plate by using acid that produces corrosive action.
7. Hand carving – Considered a woodcraft in which a sharp object
Adding enhancing media – such as metal paints and antiquing
is used to create designs on the wood. Various textures and
kits give color to the metal product. Metal paints may be applied
surfaces can be created using this technique. Tools such as chip
using a brush or spray.
carving knife and chisels are used.
Texturing and embossing – in this technique you will need
8. Gilding – Considered as a decorative technique in which powder
hammers, metal stamps, stencils, and other materials to create
is applied on wood and other materials to give a thick coating of
imprints on the metal.

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