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Weekly schedule

Teacher’s Name: Ola Amr/Samar Grade :8 Week/semester: Week 32 Date 12/5 to 16/5/2024

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

By the end of this week learners will:

- Students are to learn new vocabulary about technology.
- They shall practice their listening skill through watching a video.
Unit 7: How does Technology affect us?

Task 1: Which inventions most changed people’s lives? P.70 and 71 (2 sessions)
- Discuss with students the inventions that they think have changed the course of history.
- Form a word map on the board with their ideas .
- After that, pair up students to work on exercise 2.
- Discuss their answers with them, then move to P. 124 to work on the vocabulary section.
- Check their answers, then move to the video in their book.
- Watch the video and instruct them to answer exercises 3 and 4.
- Discuss students’ answers, then move to exercise 5 to work on the pair work.
Task 2: Class presentations (2 sessions)

- Students shall start their end of year presentation

- Student book
Resources - Smart board

- Smart board
Interactive teaching
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