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Cell Biology, 3e Third Edition Thomas

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Sterling Professor
Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Yale University
New Haven, Connecticut


Professor and Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow
Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, ICB
University of Edinburgh
Scotland, United Kingdom


Group Leader
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus
Ashburn, Virginia


Director, Animated Cell
Allen Institute for Cell Biology
Seattle, Washington;
QB3 Faculty Fellow
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


IE ISBN: 978-0-323-41740-2

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Previous editions copyrighted © 2008, 2004 by Thomas D. Pollard, William C. Earnshaw,

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Pollard, Thomas D. (Thomas Dean), 1942- , author. | Earnshaw, William C., author. |
Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer, author. | Johnson, Graham T., author.
Title: Cell biology / Thomas D. Pollard, William C. Earnshaw, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz,
Graham T. Johnson.
Description: Third edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2017] | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016008034| ISBN 9780323341264 (hardcover : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9780323417402 (international edition)
Subjects: | MESH: Cell Physiological Phenomena | Cells
Classification: LCC QH581.2 | NLM QU 375 | DDC 571.6—dc23 LC record available at

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The authors thank their families, who supported this work, and also express gratitude
to their mentors, who helped to shape their views of how science should be conducted.
Bill is proud to have both his longtime partner and confidante Margarete and his son
Charles as advisors on the science for this edition. He would not be surprised if his
daughter Irina were added to that panel for our next edition. His contributions are
firstly dedicated to them. Bill also would like to thank Jonathan King, Stephen Harrison,
Aaron Klug, Tony Crowther, Ron Laskey, and Uli Laemmli, who provided a diverse
range of rich environments in which to learn that science at the highest level is
an adventure that lasts a lifetime. Graham dedicates the book to his family, Margaret,
Paul, and Lara Johnson; the Benhorins; friends Mari, Steve, and Andrew; and his partners
Flower and Anna Kuo. He also thanks his mentors at the Scripps Research Institute,
Arthur Olson, David Goodsell, Ron Milligan, and Ian Wilson, for developing his career.
Jennifer thanks her husband Jonathan for his strong backing and her lab members for
their enthusiasm for the project. Tom dedicates the book to his wife Patty, a constant
source of support and inspiration for more than five decades, and his children Katie
and Dan, who also provided advice on the book. He also thanks Ed Korn and the late
Sus Ito for the opportunity to learn biochemistry and microscopy under their guidance,
and Ed Taylor and the late Hugh Huxley, who served as role models.

Jeffrey L. Corden, PhD David Tollervey, PhD

Professor Professor
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology
Johns Hopkins Medical School University of Edinburgh
Baltimore, Maryland Scotland, United Kingdom


Our goal is to explain the molecular basis of life at the of each class of molecules, so the reader learns where
cellular level. We use evolution and molecular structures the many varieties of each type of molecule came from.
to provide the context for understanding the dynamic Our goal is for readers to understand the big picture
mechanisms that support life. As research in cell biology rather than just a mass of details. For example, Chapter
advances quickly, the field may appear to grow more 16 opens with an original figure showing the evolution
complex, but we aim to show that understanding cells of all types of ion channels to provide context for each
actually becomes simpler as new general principles family of channels in the following text. Given that these
emerge and more precise molecular mechanisms replace molecular systems operate on time scales ranging from
vague concepts about biological processes. milliseconds to hours, we note (where it is relevant)
For this edition, we revised the entire book, taking the concentrations of the molecules and the rates of
the reader to the frontiers of knowledge with exciting their reactions to help readers appreciate the dynamics
new information on every topic. We start with new of life processes.
insights about the evolution of eukaryotes, followed by We present a wealth of experimental evidence in
macromolecules and research methods, including recent figures showing micrographs, molecular structures,
breakthroughs in light and electron microscopy. We and graphs that emphasize the results rather than the
begin the main part of the book with a section on basic experimental details. Many of the methods will be
molecular biology before sections on membranes, organ- new to readers. The chapter on experimental methods
elles, membrane traffic, signaling, adhesion and extracel- introduces how and why scientists use particularly
lular matrix, and cytoskeleton and cellular motility. As in important approaches (such as microscopy, classical
the first two editions, we conclude with a comprehen- genetics, genomics and reverse genetics, and biochemi-
sive section on the cell cycle, which integrates all of cal methods) to identify new molecules, map molecular
the other topics. pathways, or verify physiological functions.
Our coverage of most topics begins with an introduc- The book emphasizes molecular mechanisms because
tion to the molecular hardware and finishes with an they reveal the general principles of cellular function. As
account of how the various molecules function together a further demonstration of this generality, we use a wide
in physiological systems. This organization allows for range of experimental organisms and specialized cells
a clearer exposition of the general principles of each and tissues of vertebrate animals to illustrate these
class of molecules, since they are treated as a group general principles. We also use medical “experiments of
rather than isolated examples for each biological system. nature” to illustrate physiological functions throughout
This approach allows us to present the operation of the book, since connections have now been made
complex processes, such as signaling pathways, as an between most cellular systems and disease. The chapters
integrated whole, without diversions to introduce the on cellular functions integrate material on specialized
various components as they appear along the pathway. cells and tissues. Epithelia, for example, are covered
For example, the section on signaling mechanisms under membrane physiology and junctions; excitable
begins with chapters on receptors, cytoplasmic signal membranes of neurons and muscle under membrane
transduction proteins, and second messengers, so the physiology; connective tissues under the extracellular
reader is prepared to appreciate the dynamics of 10 criti- matrix; the immune system under connective tissue
cal signaling systems in the chapter that concludes the cells, apoptosis, and signal transduction; muscle under
section. Teachers of shorter courses may concentrate the cytoskeleton and cell motility; and stem cells and
on a subset of the examples in these systems chapters, cancer under the cell cycle and signal transduction.
or they may use parts of the “hardware” chapters as The Guide to Figures Featuring Specific Organisms
reference material. and Specialized Cells that follows the Contents lists
We use molecular structures as one starting point for figures by organism and cell. The relevant text accompa-
explaining how each cellular system operates. This nies these figures. Readers who wish to assemble a unit
edition includes more than 50 of the most important and on cellular and molecular mechanisms in the immune
revealing new molecular structures derived from elec- system, for example, will find the relevant material
tron cryomicroscopy and x-ray crystallography. We associated with the figures that cover lymphocytes/
explain the evolutionary history and molecular diversity immune system.


Our Student Consult site provides links to the Protein Throughout, we have attempted to create a view of
Data Bank (PDB), so readers can use the PDB accession Cell Biology that is more than just a list of parts and
numbers in the figure legends to review original data, reactions. Our book will be a success if readers finish
display an animated molecule, or search links to the each section with the feeling that they understand better
original literature simply by clicking on the PDB number how some aspect of cellular behavior actually works at
in the online version of the text. a mechanistic level and in our bodies.

Thomas D. Pollard William C. Earnshaw

Graham T. Johnson

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz

The authors thank their families and colleagues for Roland Foisner, Nicholas Frankel, Tatsuo Fukagawa,
sharing so much time with “the book.” Bill thanks Anton Gartner, Maurizio Gatti, David Gilbert, Gary
Margarete, Charles, and Irina for sharing their weekends Gorbsky, Holly Goodson, Jim Haber, Lea Harrington,
and summer holidays with this all-consuming project. Scott Hawley, Ron Hay, Margarete Heck, Ramanujan
He also thanks the Wellcome Trust for their incom- Hegde, Ludger Hengst, Harald Herrmann, Erika Holzbaur,
parable support of the research in his laboratory and Tim Hunt, Catherine Jackson, Emmanuelle Javaux, Scott
Melpomeni Platani and the Dundee Imaging Facility for Kaufmann, David Julius, Keisuke Kaji, Alexey Khodjakov,
access to the OMX microscope. Graham thanks Thao Vladimir Larionov, Dan Leahy, Richard Lewis, Kaspar
Do and Andrew Swift for contributions to the illustra- Locker, Kazuhiro Maeshima, Marcos Malumbres, Luis
tions, and colleagues Megan Riel-Mehan, Tom Goddard, Miguel Martins, Amy MacQueen, Ciaran Morrison, Adele
Arthur Olson, David Goodsell, Warren DeLeno, Andrej Marston, Satyajit Mayor, Andrew Miranker, Tom Misteli,
Sali, Tom Ferrin, Sandra Schmid, Rick Horwitz, UCSF, David Morgan, Peter Moore, Rachel O’Neill, Karen
and the Allen Institute for Cell Science for facilitating Oegema, Tom Owen-Hughes, Laurence Pelletier, Alberto
work on this edition. He has special thanks for Ludovic Pendas, Jonathon Pines, Jordan Raff, Samara Reck-
Autin for programming the embedded Python Molecular Peterson, Elizabeth Rhoades, Matthew Rodeheffer,
Viewer (ePMV), which enabled substantial upgrades of Michael Rout, Benoit Roux, John Rubinstein, Julian Sale,
many figures with complex structures. Jennifer thanks Eric Schirmer, John Solaro, Chris Scott, Beth Sullivan, Lee
her family for sharing time with her part in the book. Sweeney, Margaret Titus, Andrew Thorburn, Ashok
Tom appreciates four decades of support for his labo- Venkitaraman, Rebecca Voorhees, Tom Williams, and
ratory from the National Institutes of General Medical Yongli Zhang. We thank David Sabatini, Susan Wente,
Sciences. and Yingming Zhao for permission to use their Cell
Many generous individuals generously devoted their SnapShots and Jason M. McAlexander for help with the
time to bring the science up to date by providing sug- final figures.
gestions for revising chapters in their areas of expertise. Special thanks go to our colleagues at Elsevier. Our
We acknowledge these individuals at the end of each visionary editor Elyse O’Grady encouraged us to write
chapter and here as a group: Ueli Aebi, Anna Akhmanova, this third edition and was a champion for the project
Julie Ahringer, Hiro Araki, Jiri Bartek, Tobias Baumgart, from beginning to end as it evolved from a simple
Wendy Bickmore, Craig Blackstone, Julian Blow, update of the second edition to an ambitious new book.
Jonathan Bogan, Juan Bonifacino, Ronald Breaker, Margaret Nelson, Content Development Specialist
Klaudia Brix, Anthony Brown, David Burgess, Cristina supreme, kept the whole project organized while dealing
Cardoso, Andrew Carter, Bill Catterall, Pietro De Camilli, deftly with thousands of documents. Project Manager
Iain Cheeseman, Per Paolo D’Avino, Abby Dernburg, Carrie Stetz managed the assembly of the book with skill,
Arshad Desai, Julie Donaldson, Charles Earnshaw, Donald patience, and good cheer in the face of many compli-
Engelman, Job Dekker, Martin Embley, Barbara Ehrlich, cated requests for alterations.

Guide to Figures Featuring Specific Organisms and Specialized Cells
Organism/Specialized Cell Type Figures
Archaea 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.4, 2.5
Bacteria 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.7, 5.8, 5.12, 6.11, 7.4, 10.2, 10.5, 10.10, 10.11, 11.16, 12.6, 12.11, 13.9,
14.3, 14.9, 14.10, 15.4, 16.2, 16.3, 16.6, 16.13, 16.14, 18.2, 18.9, 18.10, 19.2, 19.7, 19.9, 20.5,
22.3, 22.10, 22.15, 27.11, 27.12, 27.13, 35.1, 37.12, 38.1, 38.24, 38.25, 42.3, 43.13, 44.27
Viruses 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, 22.15, 37.12
Amoeba 2.1, 2.4, 2.8, 22.2, 22.5, 38.1, 38.4, 38.10, 41.7
Ciliates 2.4, 38.1, 38.13
Other protozoa 2.4, 2.7, 36.7, 38.4, 37.10, 38.6, 38.21, 38.23
Chloroplasts 18.1, 18.2, 18.6, 19.7, 19.8, 19.9
Green algae 2.8, 37.1, 37.9, 38.13, 38.14, 38.16, 38.18
Plant cell wall 31.4, 32.12, 32.13
Plant (general) 1.2, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, 2.8, 3.25, 6.6, 31.4, 33.1, 34.2, 36.7, 37.9, 38.1, 40.3, 44.26, 45.8
Budding yeast 1.2, 2.4, 2.8, 6.15, 6.16, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7, 7.8, 8.22, 34.2, 34.20, 37.11, 42.4, 42.5, 42.15, 43.8
Fission yeast 2.4, 2.8, 6.3, 7.8, 33.1, 40.6, 43.2, 44.23
Other fungi 2.8, 45.6
Echinoderms 2.8, 36.13, 40.11, 44.21, 44.22, 44.23
Nematodes 2.8, 36.7, 36.13, 38.11, 45.10, 46.9, 46.10
Insects 2.8, 7.4, 7.8, 7.15, 8.12, 8.13, 9.19, 14.19, 38.5, 38.11, 44.14, 44.12, 44.21, 44.25, 45.2, 45.8,
Granulocytes 28.1, 28.4, 28.7, 30.13, 38.1
Lymphocytes/immune system 27.8, 28.1, 28.4, 28.9, 28.10, 46.7, 46.9, 46.18
Monocytes/macrophages 28.1, 28.4, 28.7, 32.6, 32.11, 38.3, 46.2, 46.13
Platelets 28.4, 28.5, 30.14, 32.11
Red blood cells 13.8, 13.9, 13.11, 28.4, 32.11
Cancer 34.19, 38.9, 41.2, 41.11, 41.12, 41.15, 42.10
Connective tissue
Cartilage cells 28.1, 32.2, 32.3, 32.8, 32.9
Extracellular matrix 8.20
Fibroblasts 28.1, 28.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.15, 32.1, 32.11, 35.1, 35.5, 37.1, 38.1
Mast cells 28.1, 28.8
Bone cells 28.1, 32.4, 32.5, 32.6, 32.7, 32.8, 32.9, 32.10
Fat cells 27.7, 28.1, 28.3
Epidermal, stratified 29.7, 35.6, 40.1, 41.2, 41.5, 42.10, 46.8
Glands, liver 21.26, 23.6, 34.20, 41.2, 44.2
Intestine 17.2, 31.1, 32.1, 33.1, 33.2, 34.2, 46.19
Kidney 17.3, 29.17, 35.1, 46.6, 46.7
Respiratory system 17.4, 32.2, 34.3, 37.6, 38.17
Vascular 22.6, 29.8, 29.17, 30.13, 30.14, 31.2, 32.11, 46.20
Cardiac muscle 39.1, 39.13, 39.14, 39.18, 39.19, 39.20, 39.21, 39.22
Skeletal muscle 17.9, 29.17, 33.3, 36.3, 36.4, 36.5, 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 39.5, 39.6, 39.7, 39.8, 39.9, 39.10,
39.11, 39.12, 39.13, 39.14, 39.15, 39.16, 39.17
Smooth muscle 29.8, 33.1, 35.8, 39.1, 39.23, 39.24
Nervous system
Central nervous system neurons 17.9, 17.10, 17.11, 30.8, 34.11, 34.12, 35.9, 37.7, 38.11, 39.12, 23.4
Glial cells 17.7, 17.9, 17.10, 29.17, 37.7
Peripheral nervous system neurons 17.7, 17.9, 26.3, 26.16, 27.1, 27.2, 29.17, 30.15, 33.18, 35.9, 37.1, 37.3, 37.4, 37.5, 38.1, 38.6,
Synapses 17.9, 17.10, 17.11, 29.17, 39.12
Reproductive system
Oocytes, eggs 26.15, 34.14, 40.7, 40.8, 40.10, 40.11, 40.12, 45.14
Sperm 38.1, 38.2, 38.14, 38.15, 38.20, 38.22, 45.1, 45.2, 45.4, 45.5, 45.8, 45.11
Other human cells and disease
Various organs 7.4, 7.6, 7.9, 7.11, 8.20, 9.10, 23.4, 41.2, 42.10

Introduction to Cells

Biology is based on the fundamental laws of nature after single-celled eukaryotes appeared. Note that algae
embodied in chemistry and physics, but the origin and and plants branched before fungi, our nearest relatives
evolution of life on earth were historical events. This on the tree of life.
makes biology more like astronomy than like chemistry Living things differ in size and complexity and are
and physics. Neither the organization of the universe nor adapted to environments as extreme as deep-sea hydro-
life as we know it had to evolve as they did. Chance thermal vents at temperatures of 113°C or pockets of
played a central role. Throughout history and continuing water at 0°C in frozen Antarctic lakes. Organisms also
today, the genes of all organisms have sustained chemi- employ different strategies to extract energy from their
cal changes, some of which are inherited by their environments. Plants, algae, and some Bacteria use pho-
progeny. Many changes have no obvious effect on the tosynthesis to derive energy from sunlight. Some Bacte-
fitness of the organism, but some reduce it and others ria and Archaea obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic
improve fitness. Over the long term, competition compounds, such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or iron.
between individuals with random differences in their Many organisms in all parts of the tree, including animals,
genes determines which organisms survive in various extract energy from organic compounds.
environments. Surviving variants have a selective advan- As the molecular mechanisms of life have become
tage over the alternatives, but the process does not clearer, the underlying similarities among organisms are
necessarily optimize each chemical life process. Thus, more impressive than their external differences. For
students could probably design simpler or more elegant example, all living organisms store genetic information
mechanisms for many cellular processes. in nucleic acids (usually DNA) using a common genetic
Despite obvious differences, all forms of life share
many molecular mechanisms, because they all descended Eucarya Animals
from a common ancestor that lived 3 to 4 billion years Plants
ago (Fig. 1.1). This founding organism no longer exists,
but it must have used many biochemical processes roplast
similar to those that sustain contemporary cells. ~1 billion
years ago
Over several billion years, living organisms diverged
1–2 billion years ago,
from the common ancestor into three great divisions: on
drion first eukaryote with
ch a mitochondrion
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya (Fig. 1.1). Archaea and ito Ar
M chae
Bacteria were considered to be one kingdom until the
1970s when the sequences of genes for ribosomal RNAs Archaea
~3.5 billion years ago,
revealed that their ancestors branched from each other Bacteria common ancestor emerged
early in evolution. The origin of eukaryotes, cells with a
nucleus, is still uncertain, but they inherited genes from
both Archaea and Bacteria. One possibility is that eukary- FIGURE 1.1 SIMPLIFIED PHYLOGENETIC TREE. This tree
shows the common ancestor of all living things and the three main
otes originated when an Archaea engulfed a Bacterium
branches of life Archaea and Bacteria diverged from the common
that subsequently evolved into the mitochondrion. Mul- ancestor and both contributed to the origin of Eukaryotes. Note that
ticellular eukaryotes (green, blue, and red in Fig. 1.1) eukaryotic mitochondria and chloroplasts originated as symbiotic
evolved relatively recently, hundreds of millions of years Bacteria.

4 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

code, transfer genetic information from DNA to RNA to apply equally to eukaryotes and prokaryotes and special
protein, employ proteins (and some RNAs) to catalyze features of eukaryotic cells. Chapter 2 explains what is
chemical reactions, synthesize proteins on ribosomes, known of the origins of life and its historic diversification
derive energy by breaking down simple sugars and lipids, through evolution. Chapter 3 covers the macromole-
use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as their energy cur- cules that form cells, while Chapters 4 and 5 introduce
rency, and separate their cytoplasm from the external the chemical and physical principles required to under-
environment by means of phospholipid membranes stand how these molecules assemble and function.
containing pumps, carriers, and channels. Chapter 6 introduces laboratory methods for research in
Retention of these common molecular mechanisms in cell biology.
all parts of the phylogenetic tree is remarkable, given
that the major groups of organisms have been separated
for vast amounts of time and subjected to different selec-
Universal Principles of Living Cells
tive pressures. These ancient biochemical mechanisms Biologists believe that a limited number of general prin-
could have diverged radically from each other in the ciples based on common molecular mechanisms can
branches of the phylogenetic tree, but they worked well explain even the most complex life processes in terms
enough to be retained during natural selection of all of chemistry and physics. This section summarizes the
surviving species. numerous features shared by all forms of life.
The cell is the only place on earth where the entire 1. Genetic information stored in the chemical sequence
range of life-sustaining biochemical reactions can function, of DNA is duplicated and passed on to daughter cells
so an unbroken lineage stretches from the earliest cells (Fig. 1.3). Long DNA molecules called chromosomes
to each living organism. Many interesting creatures were store the information required for cellular growth,
lost to extinction during evolution. The fact that extinc- multiplication, and function. Each DNA molecule is
tion is irreversible, energizes discussions of biodiversity composed of two strands of four different nucleotides
today. (adenine [A], cytosine [C], guanine [G], and thymine
This book focuses on the molecular mechanisms [T]) covalently linked in linear polymers. The two
underlying biological functions at the cellular level (Fig. strands pair, forming a double helix held together
1.2). The rest of Chapter 1 summarizes the main points by interactions between complementary pairs of
of the whole text including the general principles that nucleotide bases with one on each strand: A pairs

Nuclear envelope Rough endoplasmic

Nuclear lamina reticulum

Nuclear pore Free ribosomes

Centrioles Protist
Nucleolus Microtubule
Nucleus Centrosome


Microvillus Lysosome
Coated pit Peroxisome Mold
Microtubule Mitochondrion
Actin filaments Golgi apparatus Bacteria
Plasma membrane Early endosome Yeast Archaea
FIGURE 1.2 BASIC CELLULAR ARCHITECTURE. A, Section of a eukaryotic cell showing the internal components. B, Comparison of cells
from the major branches of the phylogenetic tree.
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 5

Parent DNA strand Gene

DNA Transcription

mRNA Translation by
Replication intermediate C
Two partially
replicated DNA Polypeptide chain
strands of amino acids Folding

Folded protein

Two identical DNA strands


stored as the sequence of bases in DNA are replicated enzymatically,
forming two identical copies from one double-stranded original.

with T and C pairs with G. The two strands separate FIGURE 1.4 Genetic information contained in the base sequence
during enzymatic replication of DNA, each serving as of DNA determines the amino acid sequence of a protein and its three-
a template for the synthesis of a new complementary dimensional structure. Enzymes copy (transcribe) the sequence of
strand, thereby producing two identical copies of the bases in a gene to make a messenger RNA (mRNA). Ribosomes use
the sequence of bases in the mRNA as a template to synthesize
DNA. Precise segregation of one newly duplicated
(translate) a corresponding linear polymer of amino acids. This poly-
double helix to each daughter cell then guarantees peptide folds spontaneously to form a three-dimensional protein mol-
the transmission of intact genetic information to the ecule, in this example the actin-binding protein profilin. (For reference,
next generation. see Protein Data Bank [] file 1ACF.) Scale drawings of
2. Linear chemical sequences stored in DNA code for DNA, mRNA, polypeptide, and folded protein: The folded protein is
enlarged at the bottom and rendered in two styles—space-filling
both the linear sequences and three-dimensional
surface model (left) and a ribbon diagram showing the polypeptide
structures of RNAs and proteins (Fig. 1.4). Enzymes folded into blue α-helices and yellow β-strands (right).
called RNA polymerases copy (transcribe) the infor-
mation stored in genes into linear sequences of nucle-
otides of RNA molecules. Many RNAs have structural
roles, regulatory functions, or enzymatic activity; for mechanisms (see points 7 and 8 below), works so
example, ribosomal RNA is by far the most abundant well that each human develops with few defects
class of RNA in cells. Other genes produce messen- from a single fertilized egg into a complicated ensem-
ger RNA (mRNA) molecules that act as templates for ble of trillions of specialized cells that function
protein synthesis, specifying the sequence of amino harmoniously for decades in an ever-changing
acids during the synthesis of polypeptides by ribo- environment.
somes. The amino acid sequence of most proteins 3. Macromolecular structures assemble from subunits
contains sufficient information to specify how the (Fig. 1.5). Many cellular components form by self-
polypeptide folds into a unique three-dimensional assembly of their constituent molecules without the
structure with biological activity. Two broad mecha- aid of templates or enzymes. The protein, nucleic
nisms control the production and processing of RNA acid, and lipid molecules themselves contain the
and protein from tens of thousands of genes. Geneti- information required to assemble complex structures.
cally encoded control circuits consisting of proteins Diffusion usually brings the molecules together during
and RNAs respond to environmental stimuli through these assembly processes. Exclusion of water from
signaling pathways. Epigenetic controls involve mod- complementary surfaces (“lock-and-key” packing), as
ifications of DNA or associated proteins that affect well as electrostatic and hydrogen bonds, provides
gene expression. Some epigenetic modifications can the energy to hold the subunits together. In some
be transmitted during cell division and from a parent cases, protein chaperones assist with assembly by pre-
to an offspring. The basic plan for the cell contained venting the aggregation of incorrectly folded interme-
in the genome, together with ongoing regulatory diates. Important cellular structures assembled in this
6 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

A. Atomic scale B. Molecular C. Macromolecular D. Organelle E. Cellular scale

1,500,000× scale scale scale 3000×
10 nm 5,000 nm
DNA DNA and proteins Chromatin fiber Chromosome

Protein backbone Globular proteins Actin filament Filopodium with

plasma membrane
around actin


Fatty acids Lipid bilayer with proteins Membrane

FIGURE 1.5 MACROMOLECULAR ASSEMBLY. Many macromolecular components of cells assemble spontaneously from constituent
molecules without the guidance of templates. This figure shows chromosomes assembled from DNA and proteins, a bundle of actin filaments in
a filopodium assembled from protein subunits, and the plasma membrane formed from lipids and proteins.

way include chromatin, consisting of nuclear DNA Similarly, a peptide signal sequence first targets lyso-
packaged by associated proteins; ribosomes, assem- somal proteins into the lumen of the ER. Subsequently,
bled from RNA and proteins; cytoskeletal polymers, the Golgi apparatus adds a sugar-phosphate group
assembled from protein subunits; and membranes recognized by receptors that secondarily target these
formed from lipids and proteins. proteins to lysosomes.
4. Membranes grow by expansion of preexisting mem- 6. Cellular constituents move by diffusion, pumps, and
branes (Fig. 1.6). Cellular membranes composed of motors (Fig. 1.7). Most small molecules move through
lipids and proteins grow only by expansion of pre- the cytoplasm or membrane channels by diffusion.
existing lipid bilayers rather than forming de novo. However, energy provided by ATP hydrolysis or
Thus membrane-bounded organelles, such as mito- electrochemical gradients is required for molecular
chondria and endoplasmic reticulum, multiply by pumps to drive molecules across membranes against
growth and division of preexisting organelles and are con­centration gradients. Similarly, motor proteins
inherited maternally from stockpiles stored in the egg. use energy from ATP hydrolysis to move organelles
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) plays a central role and other cargo along microtubules or actin filaments.
in membrane biogenesis as the site of phospholipid In a more complicated example, protein molecules
synthesis. Through a series of vesicle budding and destined for mitochondria diffuse from their site
fusion events, membrane made in the ER provides of synthesis in the cytoplasm to a mitochondrion
material for the Golgi apparatus, which, in turn, (Fig. 1.6), where they bind to a receptor. Energy-
provides lipids and proteins for lysosomes and the requiring reactions then transport the protein into the
plasma membrane. mitochondrion.
5. Signal-receptor interactions target cellular constitu- 7. Receptors and signaling mechanisms allow cells to
ents to their correct locations (Fig. 1.6). Specific adapt to environmental conditions (Fig. 1.8). Envi-
recognition signals incorporated into the structures of ronmental stimuli modify cellular behavior. Faced
proteins and nucleic acids route these molecules to with an unpredictable environment, cells must decide
their proper cellular compartments. Receptors recog- which genes to express, which way to move, and
nize these signals and guide each molecule to its whether to proliferate, differentiate into a specialized
appropriate compartment. For example, proteins cell, or die. Some of these choices are programmed
destined for the nucleus contain short amino acid genetically or epigenetically, but minute-to-minute
sequences that bind receptors to facilitate their decisions generally involve the reception of chemical
passage through nuclear pores into the nucleus. or physical stimuli from outside the cell and
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 7

processing of these stimuli to change the behavior of

A. Protein targeting from free ribosomes the cell. Cells have an elaborate repertoire of recep-
tors for a multitude of stimuli, including nutrients,
Protein synthesized Transport into growth factors, hormones, neurotransmitters, and
on free ribosomes nucleus toxins. Stimulation of receptors activates diverse
enzymes signal-transducing mechanisms that amplify the
message and generate a wide range of cellular
responses. These include changes in the electrical
Completed Cytoskeleton
proteins released
potential of the plasma membrane, gene expression,
into cytoplasm
and enzyme activity. Basic signal transduction
into membranes mechanisms are ancient, but receptors and output
and lumens of systems have diversified by gene duplication and
peroxisomes and
mitochondria divergence during evolution.
8. Molecular feedback mechanisms control molecular
B. Protein targeting from ER-associated ribosomes composition, growth, and differentiation (Fig. 1.9).
Complete proteins mRNA
Living cells are dynamic, constantly fine-tuning their
incorporated into composition in response to external stimuli, nutrient
ER membrane or
transported into
ER lumen
Vesicles move from ER
to Golgi apparatus Diffusion down
and return a concentration Transport up
gradient a concentration
Ca2+ gradient
Channel ATP
Membrane proteins ADP
Vesicles move from the delivered to target
Golgi to lysosomes and Motor pulls
membrane Ca2+ Pump membrane
to plasma membrane
Microtubule track ATP
Lumen proteins
FIGURE 1.6 PROTEIN TARGETING. Signals built into the amino PUMPS, AND MOTORS. Diffusion: Molecules up to the size of globu-
acid sequences of proteins target them to all compartments of the lar proteins diffuse in the cytoplasm. Concentration gradients can
eukaryotic cell. A, Proteins synthesized on free ribosomes can be used provide a direction to diffusion, such as the diffusion of Ca2+ from a
locally in the cytoplasm or guided by different signals to the nucleus, region of high concentration inside the endoplasmic reticulum through
mitochondria, or peroxisomes. B, Other signals target proteins for a membrane channel to a region of low concentration in the cytoplasm.
insertion into the membrane or lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum Pumps: Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-driven protein pumps transport
(ER). From there, a series of vesicular budding and fusion reactions ions up concentration gradients. Motors: ATP-driven motors move
carry the membrane proteins and lumen proteins to the Golgi appara- organelles and other large cargo along microtubules and actin fila-
tus, lysosomes, or plasma membrane. mRNA, messenger RNA. ments. ADP, adenosine diphosphate.

A. Ligand binds receptor

turning it on

R R*

G G* E
B. Receptor activates E*
GTP-binding proteins K*
C. Activated enzymes make D. cAMP activates E. Kinases phosphorylate
second messenger cAMP protein kinases and activate enzymes

FIGURE 1.8 RECEPTORS AND SIGNALS. Activation of cellular metabolism by an extracellular ligand, such as a hormone. In this example,
binding of the hormone (A) triggers a series of linked biochemical reactions (B–E), leading through a second messenger molecule (cyclic adenosine
monophosphate [cAMP]) and a cascade of three activated proteins to regulate a metabolic enzyme. The response to a single ligand is multiplied
at steps B, C, and E, leading to thousands of activated enzymes. GTP, guanosine triphosphate.
8 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

certain amino acids with a charged phosphate group)
regulates protein interactions and activities; and other
Precursor 1 Enz 2 mechanisms regulate of the distribution of each mol-
+ Intermediate
Precursor 2 Enz 1 Enz 3 ecule within the cell. Feedback loops also regulate
enzymes that synthesize and degrade proteins, nucleic
A acids, sugars, and lipids to ensure the proper levels of
each cellular constituent.
Check for M A practical consequence of these common biochemi-
damaged or cal mechanisms is that general principles may be dis-
DNA covered by studying any cell that is favorable for
Check for Cytokinesis
experimentation. This text cites many examples of
attachment to research on bacteria, insects, protozoa, or fungi that
mitotic spindle DNA
revealed fundamental mechanisms shared by human
cells. For example, humans and baker’s yeast use similar
mechanisms to control the cell cycle, guide protein
G2 secretion, and segregate chromosomes at mitosis. Indeed,
Check for
G1 Growth
particular proteins are often functionally interchange-
DNA nicks able between human and yeast cells.
in mass

Features That Distinguish Eukaryotic and

Check for
Prokaryotic Cells
Chromosome Centrosome favorable
duplication duplication environmental
Although sharing a common origin and basic biochemis-
B starts conditions try, cells vary considerably in their structure and organi-
zation (Fig. 1.2). Bacteria and Archaea have much in
synthesis of aromatic amino acids. An intermediate and the final prod- common, including chromosomes in the cytoplasm, cell
ucts of this biochemical pathway inhibit three of nine enzymes (Enz) membranes with similar families of pumps, carriers and
in a concentration-dependent fashion, automatically turning down channels, basic metabolic pathways, gene expression,
the reactions that produced them. This maintains constant levels of motility powered by rotary flagella, and lack of membrane-
the final products, two amino acids essential for protein synthesis.
B, Control of the cell cycle. The cycle consists of four stages. During
bound organelles. On the other hand, these prokaryotes
the G1 phase, the cell grows in size. During the S phase, the cell are wonderfully diverse in terms of morphology and
duplicates the DNA of its chromosomes. During the G2 phase, the cell their use of a wide range of energy sources.
checks for completion of DNA replication. In the M phase, chromo- Eukaryotes comprise a multitude of unicellular organ-
somes condense and attach to the mitotic spindle, which separates isms, algae, plants, amoebas, fungi, and animals that
the duplicated pairs in preparation for the division of the cell by cyto-
kinesis. Biochemical feedback loops called checkpoints halt the cycle
differ from prokaryotes in having a compartmentalized
(blunt bars) at several points until the successful completion of key cytoplasm with membrane-bounded organelles includ-
preceding events. ing a nucleus. The basic features of eukaryotic cells were
refined more than 1.5 billion years ago, before the major
availability, and internal signals. The most dramatic groups of eukaryotes diverged. The nuclear envelope
example is the regulation of each step in the cell separates the two major compartments: nucleoplasm
cycle. Feedback loops assure that the conditions are and cytoplasm. Chromosomes carrying the cell’s genes
suitable for each transition such as the onset of DNA and the machinery to express those genes reside inside
synthesis and the decision to begin mitosis. Similarly, the nucleus. Most eukaryotic cells have ER (the site of
cells carefully balance the production and degrada­ protein and phospholipid synthesis), a Golgi apparatus
tion of their constituent molecules. Cells produce (adds sugars to membrane proteins, lysosomal proteins,
“housekeeping” molecules for basic functions, such and secretory proteins), lysosomes (compartments con-
as intermediary metabolism, and subsets of other taining digestive enzymes), and peroxisomes (contain-
proteins and RNAs for specialized functions. A hierar- ers for enzymes involved in oxidative reactions). Most
chy of mechanisms controls the supply of each protein also have mitochondria that convert energy stored in
and RNA: epigenetic mechanisms designate whether the chemical bonds of nutrients into ATP. Cilia (and
a particular region of a chromosome is active or not; flagella) are ancient eukaryotic specializations used for
regulatory proteins turn specific genes on and off motility or sensing the environment.
and modulate the rates of translation of mRNAs into Membrane-bounded compartments give eukaryotic
protein; synthesis balanced by the rates of degrada- cells a number of advantages. Membranes provide a
tion determines the abundance of specific RNAs and barrier that allows each type of organelle to maintain
proteins; phosphorylation (covalent modification of novel ionic and enzymatic interior environments. Each
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 9

of these special environments favors a subset of the bio- transmembrane channels, carriers, and pumps (Fig.
chemical reactions required for life as illustrated by the 1.10). These transmembrane proteins provide the cell
following examples. The nuclear envelope separates with nutrients, control internal ion concentrations, and
the synthesis and processing of RNA in the nucleus from establish a transmembrane electrical potential. A single
the translation of mature mRNAs into proteins in the amino acid change in one plasma membrane pump and
cytoplasm. Segregation of digestive enzymes in lyso- Cl− channel causes the human disease cystic fibrosis.
somes prevents them from destroying other cellular Other plasma membrane proteins mediate interac-
components. ATP synthesis depends on the imperme- tions of cells with their immediate environment. Trans-
able membrane around mitochondria; energy-releasing membrane receptors convert the binding of extracellular
reactions produce a proton gradient across the mem- signaling molecules, such as hormones and growth
brane that drives enzymes in the membrane to synthe- factors into chemical or electrical signals that influence
size ATP. the activity of the cell. Genetic defects in signaling pro-
teins, which mistakenly turn on signals for growth in the
Overview of Eukaryotic Cellular absence of appropriate extracellular stimuli, contribute
to human cancers.
Organization and Functions
Plasma membrane adhesion proteins allow cells to
This section previews the major constituents and pro- bind specifically to each other or to the extracellular
cesses of eukaryotic cells. With this background the matrix (Fig. 1.10). These selective interactions allow
reader will be able to appreciate cross-references to cells to form multicellular associations, such as epithelia
chapters later in the book. (sheets of cells that separate the interior of the body
from the outside world). Similar interactions allow white
Plasma Membrane blood cells to bind bacteria so that they can be ingested
The plasma membrane is the interface of the cell with and killed. In cells that are subjected to mechanical
its environment (Fig. 1.2). Owing to the hydrophobic forces, such as muscle and epithelia, cytoskeletal fila-
interior of its lipid bilayer, the plasma membrane is ments inside the cell reinforce the plasma membrane
impermeable to ions and most water-soluble molecules. adhesion proteins. In skin, defects in these attachments
Consequently, they cross the membrane only through cause blistering diseases.



Na+ K+
Na+ Glucose Na+ K+ H

ADP – – – – – – –

D E F G G +
++ + + + + + +

Na+ K+ Na+ Glucose Na+ K+


FIGURE 1.10 STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF AN ANIMAL CELL PLASMA MEMBRANE. The lipid bilayer is a permeability barrier
between the cytoplasm and the extracellular environment. Transmembrane adhesion proteins anchor the membrane to the extracellular matrix
(A) or to like receptors on other cells (B) and transmit forces to the cytoskeleton (C). Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-driven enzymes (D) pump
Na+ out of and K+ into the cell (E) to establish concentration gradients across the lipid bilayer. Transmembrane carrier proteins (F) use these ion
concentration gradients to transport of nutrients into the cell. Selective ion channels (G) regulate the electrical potential across the membrane. A
large variety of receptors (H) bind specific extracellular ligands and send signals across the membrane to the cytoplasm.
10 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

Nuclear pore

Nuclear pore



FIGURE 1.11 ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF A THIN SECTION OF A NUCLEUS. (Courtesy Don Fawcett, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.)

Nucleus structural, regulatory, or catalytic functions. Most newly

The nuclear envelope is a double membrane that sepa- synthesized RNAs are processed extensively before they
rates the nucleus from the cytoplasm (Fig. 1.11). All are ready for use. Processing involves removal of inter-
traffic into and out of the nucleus passes through nuclear vening sequences, alteration of bases, or addition of
pores that bridge the double membranes. Inbound specific chemical groups at both ends. For cytoplasmic
traffic includes all nuclear proteins and ribosomal pro- RNAs, this processing occurs before RNA molecules
teins destined for the nucleolus. Outbound traffic are exported from the nucleus through nuclear pores.
includes mRNAs and ribosomal subunits. The nucleolus assembles ribosomes from more than
The nucleus stores genetic information in extraordi- 50 different proteins and 3 RNA molecules. Genetic
narily long DNA molecules called chromosomes. Remark- errors resulting in altered RNA and protein products
ably, portions of genes encoding proteins and structural cause or predispose individuals to many inherited human
RNAs make up only a small fraction (<2%) of the 3 billion diseases.
nucleotide pairs in human DNA, but more than 50% of
the 97 million nucleotide pairs in a nematode worm. Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis
Regions of DNA called telomeres stabilize the ends of Ribosomes catalyze the synthesis of proteins, using the
chromosomes, and other DNA sequences organize cen- nucleotide sequences of mRNA molecules to specify
tromeres that direct the distribution of chromosomes the sequence of amino acids (Fig. 1.4). Ribosomes free
to daughter cells when cells divide. Much of the DNA in the cytoplasm synthesize proteins that are released for
encodes a myriad of RNAs with regulatory activities. routing to various intracellular destinations (Fig. 1.6).
The DNA and its associated proteins are called chro-
matin (Fig. 1.5). Interactions with histones and other Endoplasmic Reticulum
proteins fold each chromosome compactly enough to Ribosomes synthesizing proteins destined for insertion
fit into discrete territories inside the nucleus. During into cellular membranes or for export from the cell asso-
mitosis, chromosomes condense and reorganize into ciate with the ER, a continuous system of flattened mem-
separate structural units suitable for sorting into daugh- brane sacks and tubules (Fig. 1.12). Proteins produced
ter cells (Fig. 1.5). on these ribosomes carry signal sequences of amino
Regulatory proteins called transcription factors acids that target their ribosomes to receptors on the ER
turn specific genes on and off in response to genetic, (Fig. 1.6). These regions of the ER are called rough ER
developmental, and environmental signals. Enzymes owing to the attached ribosomes. As a polypeptide chain
called polymerases make RNA copies of active genes, grows, its sequence determines whether the protein
a process called transcription. mRNAs specify the folds up in the lipid bilayer or translocates across the
amino acid sequences of proteins. Other RNAs have membrane into the lumen of the ER. Enzymes add sugar
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 11

Smooth endoplasmic
Rough endoplasmic

Golgi apparatus


Free ribosomes

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.)

polymers to some proteins exposed in the lumen. Some On the downstream side of the Golgi apparatus, pro-
proteins are retained in the ER, but most move on to cessed proteins segregate into different vesicles destined
other parts of the cell. for lysosomes or the plasma membrane (Fig. 1.6). Many
ER is very dynamic. Motor proteins move along micro- components of the plasma membrane including recep-
tubules to pull the ER membranes into a branching tors for extracellular molecules recycle from the plasma
network spread throughout the cytoplasm. Continuous membrane to endosomes and back to the cell surface
bidirectional traffic moves small vesicles between the ER many times before they are degraded. Defects in this
and the Golgi apparatus. These vesicles carry soluble process can cause arteriosclerosis.
proteins in their lumens, in addition to transporting
membrane lipids and proteins. Proteins on the cytoplas- Lysosomes
mic surface of the membranes catalyze each membrane An impermeable membrane separates degradative
budding and fusion event. The use of specialized pro- enzymes inside lysosomes from other cellular compo-
teins for budding and fusion of membranes at different nents (Fig. 1.12). After synthesis by rough ER, lysosomal
sites in the cell organizes this membrane traffic and proteins move through the Golgi apparatus, where
prevents the membrane components from getting enzymes add the modified sugar, phosphorylated
mixed up. mannose (Fig. 1.6). Vesicular transport, guided by phos-
The ER also serves as the outer membrane of the phomannose receptors, delivers lysosomal proteins to
nuclear envelope, which can have attached ribosomes. the lumen of lysosomes.
ER enzymes synthesize many cellular lipids and metabo- Cells ingest microorganisms and other materials in
lize drugs, while ER pumps and channels regulate the membrane vesicles derived from the plasma membrane.
cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. The contents of these endosomes and phagosomes
are delivered to lysosomes for degradation by lysosomal
Golgi Apparatus enzymes. Deficiencies of lysosomal enzymes cause many
The Golgi apparatus processes the sugar side chains on severe congenital diseases where substrates of the
transmembrane and secreted proteins. It consists of a enzyme accumulate in quantities that can impair the
stack of flattened, membrane-bound sacks with many function of the brain, liver, or other organs.
associated vesicles. The Golgi apparatus is characteristi-
cally located in the middle of the cell near the nucleus Mitochondria
and the centrosome (Figs. 1.2 and 1.12). Proteins to be Mitochondrial enzymes use most of the energy released
processed come in vesicles that detach from the ER from the breakdown of nutrients to synthesize ATP, the
and fuse with Golgi apparatus membranes (Fig. 1.6). As common currency for most energy-requiring reactions
proteins pass through the stacked Golgi membranes in cells (Fig. 1.12). This efficient process uses molecular
from one side to the other, enzymes in specific stacks oxygen to complete the oxidation of fats, proteins, and
modify the sugar side chains of secretory and membrane sugars to carbon dioxide and water. A less-efficient gly-
proteins. colytic system in the cytoplasm extracts energy from the
12 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

partial breakdown of glucose to make ATP. Mitochondria

cluster near sites of ATP utilization, such as membranes
engaged in active transport, nerve terminals, and the
contractile apparatus of muscle cells. Actin
Mitochondria also respond to toxic stimuli from the IF
environment including drugs used in cancer chemother-
apy by activating controlled cell death called apoptosis.
A toxic cocktail of enzymes degrades proteins and
nucleic acids as the cell breaks into membrane-bound
fragments. Defects in this form of cellular suicide lead to
autoimmune disorders, cancer, and some neurodegen-
erative diseases.
Mitochondria form in a fundamentally different way
from the ER, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes (Fig. 1.6). MIC MATRIX. A fibroblast cell was prepared by detergent extraction
Cytoplasmic ribosomes synthesize most mitochondrial of soluble components, rapid freezing, sublimation of ice, and coating
proteins. Signal sequences on these mitochondrial pro- with metal. IF, intermediate filaments; MT, microtubules (shaded red).
teins bind receptors on the surface of mitochondria. The (Courtesy J. Heuser, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.)
proteins are then transported into the mitochondrial
interior or inserted into the outer or inner mitochondrial filaments support finger-like projections of the plasma
membranes. membrane (Fig. 1.5). These filopodia or microvilli
Mitochondria arose from symbiotic Bacteria (Fig. 1.1) increase the surface area of the plasma membrane for
and most of the bacterial genes subsequently moved to transporting nutrients and other processes, including
the nucleus. However, mitochondrial DNA, ribosomes, sensory transduction in the ear. Genetic defects in a
and mRNAs still produce a few essential proteins for the membrane-associated, actin-binding protein called dys-
organelle. Defects in the maternally inherited mitochon- trophin cause the most common form of muscular
drial genome cause several diseases, including deafness, dystrophy.
diabetes, and ocular myopathy. Actin filaments participate in movements in two ways.
Assembly of actin filaments produces some movements,
Peroxisomes such as the protrusion of pseudopods. Other movements
Peroxisomes are membrane-bound organelles containing result from force generated by myosin motor proteins
enzymes that participate in oxidative reactions. Like that use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to produce
mitochondria, peroxisomal enzymes oxidize fatty acids, movements along actin filaments. Muscles use a highly
but the energy is not used to synthesize ATP. Peroxi- organized assembly of actin and myosin filaments to
somes are particularly abundant in plants. Peroxi- drive forceful, rapid, one-dimensional contractions.
somal proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and Myosin also drives the contraction of the cleavage
imported into the organelle using the same strategy as furrow during cell division. External signals, such as
mitochondria but with different targeting sequences chemotactic molecules, can influence both actin fila-
and transport machinery (Fig. 1.6). Genetic defects in ment organization and the direction of motility. Genetic
peroxisomal biogenesis cause several forms of mental defects in myosin cause enlargement of the heart and
retardation. sudden death.
Intermediate filaments are flexible but strong intracel-
Cytoskeleton and Motility Apparatus lular tendons that reinforce epithelial cells of the skin
A cytoplasmic network of three protein polymers—actin and other cells subjected to substantial physical stresses.
filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules (Fig. All intermediate filament proteins are related to the
1.13)—maintains the shape of most cells. Each polymer keratin molecules found in hair. Intermediate filaments
has distinctive properties and dynamics. Actin filaments characteristically form bundles that link the plasma
and microtubules provide tracks for the ATP-powered membrane to the nucleus. Lamin intermediate filaments
motor proteins that produce most cellular movements reinforce the nuclear envelope. Intermediate filament
(Fig. 1.14), including locomotion, muscle contraction, networks are disassembled during mitosis and cell move-
transport of organelles through the cytoplasm, mitosis, ments as a result of specific reversible phosphorylation
and the beating of cilia and flagella. The proteins are events. Genetic defects in keratin intermediate filaments
also used for highly specialized motile processes, such cause blistering diseases of the skin. Defects in nuclear
as muscle contraction and sperm motility. lamins are associated with some types of muscular dys-
Networks of crosslinked actin filaments anchored to trophy and premature aging.
the plasma membrane (Fig. 1.10) reinforce the surface Microtubules are rigid cylindrical polymers that resist
of the cell. In many cells, tightly packed bundles of actin compression better than actin or intermediate filaments.
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 13

proteins that use the energy liberated by ATP hydrolysis

A to move along the microtubules. Kinesin moves its asso-
ciated cargo (vesicles and RNA-protein particles) along
the microtubule network radiating away from the cen-
trosome, whereas dynein moves its cargo toward the
Neuron centrosome. Together, they form a two-way transport
Axon system that is particularly well developed in the axons
Fibroblast and dendrites of nerve cells. Toxins can impair this trans-
port system and cause nerve malfunctions.
During mitosis, the cell assembles a mitotic apparatus
of highly dynamic microtubules and uses microtubule
motor proteins to distribute the replicated chromosomes
Synapse into the daughter cells. The motile apparatus of cilia and
flagella is built from a complex array of stable microtu-
bules that bends when dynein slides the microtubules
past each other. A genetic absence of dynein immobi-
lizes these appendages, causing male infertility and lung
Microtubules, intermediate filaments, and actin fila-
ments each provide mechanical support for the cell.
Interactions of microtubules with intermediate filaments
and actin filaments unify the cytoskeleton into a continu-
B ous mechanical structure. These polymers also provide
a scaffold for some cellular enzyme systems.

Cell Cycle
Cells carefully control their growth and division using
an integrated regulatory system consisting of protein
kinases (enzymes that add phosphate to the side chains
of proteins), specific kinase inhibitors, transcription
factors, and highly specific protein degradation. When
conditions inside and outside a cell are appropriate for
Dynein cell division (Fig. 1.9B), specific cell cycle kinases are
activated to trigger a chain of events leading to DNA
replication and cell division. Once DNA replication is
complete, activation of cell cycle kinases such as Cdk1
pushes the cell into mitosis, the process that separates
chromosomes into two daughter cells. Four controls
ALONG ACTIN FILAMENTS AND MICROTUBULES BY MOTOR sequentially activate Cdk1 through a positive feedback
PROTEINS. A, Overview of organelle movements in a neuron and loop: (a) synthesis of a regulatory subunit, (b) transport
fibroblast. B, Details of the molecular motors. The microtubule-based into the nucleus, (c) removal and addition of inhibitory
motors, dynein and kinesin, move in opposite directions. The actin- and stimulatory phosphate groups, and (d) repression of
based motor, myosin, moves in one direction along actin filaments.
phosphatases (enzymes that remove the phosphate
(Modified from Atkinson SJ, Doberstein SK, Pollard TD. Moving off the
beaten track. Curr Biol. 1992;2:326–328.) groups Cdk1 puts on its protein targets).
Phosphorylation of proteins by Cdk1 leads directly or
The molecular polarity of the microtubule polymer gives indirectly to disassembly of the nuclear envelope (in
the two ends different properties and determines the most but not all eukaryotic cells), condensation of
direction of movement of motor proteins. Most micro- mitotic chromosomes, and assembly of the mitotic
tubules in cells have the same polarity relative to the spindle composed of microtubules. Selective proteoly-
organizing centers that initiate their growth (eg, the cen- sis of regulatory subunits of Cdk1 and key chromosomal
trosome) (Fig. 1.2). Their rapidly growing ends are ori- proteins then allows the mitotic spindle to separate the
ented toward the periphery of the cell. Individual previously duplicated identical copies of each chromo-
cytoplasmic microtubules are remarkably dynamic, some. As cells exit mitosis, the nuclear envelope reas-
growing and shrinking on a time scale of minutes. sembles on the surface of the chromosomes to reform
Microtubules serve as mechanical reinforcing rods for the daughter nuclei. Then the process of cytokinesis
the cytoskeleton and the tracks for two classes of motor cleaves the daughter cells.
14 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

A key feature of the cell cycle is a series of built-in understanding of the molecular basis of life at the cellular
quality controls, called checkpoints (Fig. 1.9), which level. This journey starts with the evolution of the cell
ensure that each stage of the cycle is completed success- and introduction to the molecules of life. The following
fully before the process continues to the next step. sections cover membrane structure and function, chro-
These checkpoints also detect damage to cellular con- mosomes and the nucleus, gene expression and protein
stituents and block cell-cycle progression so that the synthesis, organelles and membrane traffic, signaling
damage may be repaired. Misregulation of checkpoints mechanisms, cellular adhesion and the extracellular
and other cell-cycle controls predisposes to cancer. matrix, cytoskeleton and cellular motility, and the cell
Remarkably, the entire cycle of DNA replication, chro- cycle. Enjoy the adventure of exploring all of these
mosomal condensation, nuclear envelope breakdown, topics. As you read, appreciate that cell biology is a living
and reformation, including the modulation of these field that is constantly growing and identifying new hori-
events by checkpoints, can be carried out in cell-free zons. The book will prepare you to understand these
extracts in a test tube. new insights as they unfold in the future.

Welcome to the Rest of the Book

This overview should prepare the reader to embark on
the following chapters, which explain our current

Evolution of Life on Earth

N o one is certain how life began, but the common This chapter explains our current understanding of
ancestor of all living things populated the earth more the origin of the first self-replicating cell followed by
than 3 billion years ago, not long (geologically speaking) divergence of its progeny into the two diverse groups of
after the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago (Fig. 2.1). prokaryotes, Bacteria and Archaea. It goes on to consider
Biochemical features shared by all existing cells suggest the origin of Eucarya and their diversification over the
that this primitive microscopic cell had about 600 genes past 2 billion years.
encoded in DNA, ribosomes to synthesize proteins from Evolution is the great unifying principle in biology.
messenger RNA templates, basic metabolic pathways, Research on evolution is both exciting and challenging
and a plasma membrane with pumps, carriers, and chan- because this ultimate detective story involves piecing
nels. Over time, mutations in the DNA created progeny together fragmentary evidence spread over 3.5 billion
that diverged genetically into a myriad of distinctive years. Data include fossils of ancient organisms and/or
species, most of which have become extinct. Approxi- chemical traces of their metabolic activities preserved in
mately 1.7 million living species are known to science. stone, ancient DNA from historical specimens (going
Extrapolations predict approximately 9 million eukary- back more than 500,000 years), and especially DNA of
otic species and 10 times more prokaryotic organisms living organisms.
living on the earth today. On the basis of evolutionary
histories preserved in their genomes, living organisms Prebiotic Chemistry Leading to
are divided into three primary domains: Bacteria,
an RNA World
Archaea, and Eucarya.
Where did the common ancestor come from? A wide
Eucarya range of evidence supports the idea that life began with
Green plants
self-replicating RNA polymers sheltered inside lipid ves-
Fungi icles even before the invention of protein synthesis
Brown algae Amoeba (Fig. 2.2). This hypothetical early stage of evolution is
plast called the RNA World. This attractive postulate solves
Ch ~1 billion
years ago the chicken-and-egg problem of how to build a system
1–2 billion years ago, of self-replicating molecules without having to invent
Proteobacterium drion first eukaryote with
ch a mitochondrion either DNA or proteins on their own. RNA has an advan-
Escherichia M Ar
chae tage, because it provides a way to store information in a
progenitor type of molecule that can also have catalytic activity.
Cyanobacteria ~3.5 billion years ago, Proteins excel in catalysis but do not store self-replicating
common ancestor emerged
genetic information. Today, proteins have largely super-
seded RNAs as cellular catalysts. DNA excels for storing
Archaea genetic information, since the absence of the 2′ hydroxyl
FIGURE 2.1 SIMPLE PHYLOGENETIC TREE WITH THE THREE makes it less reactive and therefore more stable than
DOMAINS OF LIFE—BACTERIA, ARCHAEA, AND EUCARYA RNA. Readers unfamiliar with the structure of nucleic
acids should consult Chapter 3 at this point.
The origin of eukaryotes with a mitochondrion about 2 billion years ago
is depicted as a fusion of an α-proteobacterium with an Archaeon. Experts agree that the early steps toward life involved
Chloroplasts arose from the fusion of a cyanobacterium with the pre- the “prebiotic” synthesis of organic molecules that
cursor of algae and plants. became the building blocks of macromolecules. To use

16 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

DNA copies of
Simple RNAs genetic information
Simple that can store Complex RNAs
chemicals information with catalytic activity
Encapsulation of
nucleic acids in
lipid membrane

of catalytic RNAs Ribosomes synthesize
proteins, which dominate
cellular catalysis

to have given rise to ever more complicated RNA molecules to store genetic information and catalyze chemical reactions, including self-replication,
in a prebiotic “RNA world.” Eventually, genetic information was stored in more stable DNA molecules, and proteins replaced RNAs as the primary
catalysts in primitive cells bounded by a lipid membrane.

RNA as an example, mixtures of chemicals likely to have of years, a ribozyme eventually evolved with the ability
been present on the early earth can react to form ribose, to catalyze the formation of peptide bonds and to syn-
nucleic acid bases, and ribonucleotides. Minerals can thesize proteins. This most complicated of all known
catalyze formation of simple sugars from formaldehyde, ribozymes is the ribosome (see Fig. 12.6) that catalyzes
and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and cyanoacetylene or the synthesis of proteins. Proteins eventually supplanted
formamide can react to make nucleic acid bases. One ribozymes as catalysts for most other biochemical reac-
problem was the lack of plausible mechanisms to con- tions. Owing to its greater chemical stability, DNA
jugate ribose with a base to make a nucleoside or add proved to be superior to RNA for storing the genetic
phosphate to make a nucleotide without the aid of a blueprint over time.
preexisting biochemical catalyst. However, new work Each of these events is improbable, and their com-
revealed a pathway to make ribonucleotides directly bined probability is exceedingly remote, even with a vast
from cyanamide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glycer- number of chemical “experiments” over hundreds of
aldehyde, and inorganic phosphate. Nucleotides do not millions of years. Encapsulation of these prebiotic reac-
polymerize spontaneously into polynucleotides in water, tions may have enhanced their probability. In addition
but can do so on the surface of clay called montmoril- to catalyzing RNA synthesis, clay minerals can also
lonite. While attached to clay, single strands of RNA can promote formation of lipid vesicles, which can corral
act as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand reactants to avoid dilution and loss of valuable constitu-
to make a double-stranded RNA. ents. This process might have started with fragile bilay-
Given a supply of nucleotides, these reactions could ers of fatty acids that were later supplanted by more
have created a heterogeneous pool of small RNAs in robust phosphoglyceride bilayers (see Fig. 13.5). In labo-
special environments such as cracks in rocks heated by ratory experiments, RNAs inside lipid vesicles can create
hydrothermal vents. These RNAs set in motion the osmotic pressure that favors expansion of the bilayer at
process of natural selection at the molecular level. The the expense of vesicles lacking RNAs.
idea is that random sequences of RNA were selected for No one knows where these prebiotic events took
replication on the basis of useful attributes such as the place. Some steps in prebiotic evolution might have
ability to catalyze biochemical reactions. These RNA occurred in thermal vents deep in the ocean or in hot
enzymes are called ribozymes. springs on volcanic islands where conditions were favor-
One can reproduce this process of molecular evolu- able for some of the reactions. Carbon-containing mete-
tion in the laboratory. Starting with a pool of random orites have useful molecules, including amino acids.
initial RNA sequences, multiple rounds of error-prone Conditions for prebiotic synthesis were probably favor-
replication can produce variants that can be tested for a able beginning approximately 4 billion years ago, but the
particular biochemical function. geologic record has not preserved convincing micro-
In nature random events would rarely produce useful scopic fossils or traces of biosynthesis older than 3.5
ribozymes, but once they appeared, natural selection billion years.
could enrich for RNAs with catalytic activities that Another mystery is how L-amino acids and D-sugars
sustain a self-replicating system, including synthesis of (see Chapter 3) were selected over their stereoisomers
RNA from a complementary RNA strand. Over millions for biological macromolecules. These were pivotal
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 17

events, since racemic mixtures of L- and D-amino acids used hydrogen as an energy source. The transition from
are not favorable for biosynthesis. For example, mixtures primitive, self-replicating, RNA-only particles to this
of nucleotides composed of L- and D-ribose cannot base- complicated little cell is, in many ways, even more
pair well enough for template-guided replication of remarkable than the invention of the RNA World.
nucleic acids. In the laboratory, particular amino acid During evolution three processes diversify genomes
stereoisomers (that could have come from meteorites) (Fig. 2.3):
can bias the synthesis of D-sugars. • Gene divergence: Every gene is subject to random
mutations that are inherited by succeeding genera-
Divergent Evolution From the Last tions. Some mutations change single base pairs. Other
mutations add or delete larger blocks of DNA such as
Universal Common Ancestor of Life
sequences coding a protein domain, an independently
Shared biochemical features suggest that all current cells folded part of a protein (see Fig. 3.13). These events
are derived from a last universal common ancestor inevitably produce genetic diversity through diver-
(LUCA) that lived at least 3.5 billion years ago (Fig. 2.1). gence of sequences or creation of novel combinations
LUCA could, literally, have been a single cell or colony of domains. For example, a typical human genome
of cells, but it might have been a larger community of differs at hundreds of thousands of sites from the the
cells sharing a common pool of genes through inter- so-called reference genome (see Chapter 7). Many
change of their nucleic acids. The situation is obscure, mutations are neutral, but others may confer a repro-
because none of these primitive organisms survived and ductive advantage that favors persistence via natural
they left behind few traces. All contemporary organisms selection. Other mutations are disadvantageous,
have diverged equally far in time from their common resulting in disappearance of the lineage. When
ancestor. species diverge, genes with common origins are
Although the features of the LUCA are lost in time, called orthologs (Box 2.1).
this organism is inferred to have had approximately 600 • Gene duplication and divergence: Rarely, a gene,
genes encoded in DNA. It surely had messenger RNAs part of a gene, or even a whole genome is duplicated
(mRNAs), transfer RNAs, and ribosomes to synthesize during replication or cell division. This creates an
proteins and a plasma membrane with all three families opportunity for evolution. Some sister genes are elimi-
of pumps, as well as carriers and diverse channels, since nated, but others are retained. As these sister genes
these are now universal cellular constituents. LUCA acquire random point mutations, insertions, or dele-
probably lived at moderate temperatures and may have tions, their structures inevitably diverge, which allows

A. Divergence of originally B. Gene duplication C. Lateral gene

identical genes from different and divergence transfer
mutations in sister lineages
Ancestral gene
gene Transfer
Gene duplication

Two species Cell type A Cell type B


Paralogous genes

Two species
diverge Modified cell
type B with
new gene(s)

Orthologous genes Orthologous genes

FIGURE 2.3 MECHANISMS OF GENE DIVERSIFICATION. A, Gene divergence from a common origin by random mutations in sister lineages
creates orthologous genes. B, Gene duplication followed by divergence within and between sister lineages yields both orthologs (separated by
speciation) and paralogs (separated by gene duplication). C, Lateral transfer moves entire genes from one species to another.
18 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

470 genes, less than the inferred common ancestor,

BOX 2.1 Orthologs, Paralogs, and Homologs
because it relies on its animal host for most nutrients
Genes with a common ancestor are homologs. The terms rather than making them de novo. Similarly, ancient
ortholog and paralog describe the relationship of homolo- eukaryotes had approximately 200 genes required to
gous genes in terms of how their most recent common assemble an axoneme for a cilium or flagellum (see Fig.
ancestor was separated. If a speciation event separated 38.13), but most plants and fungi lost them. Vertebrates
two genes, then they are orthologs. If a duplication event also lost many genes that had been maintained for more
separated two genes, then they are paralogs. To illustrate than 2 billion years in earlier forms of life. For instance,
this point, let us say that gene A is duplicated within a humans lack the enzymes to synthesize certain essential
species, forming paralogous genes A1 and A2. If these
amino acids, which must be supplied in our diets.
genes are separated by a speciation event, so that species
1 has genes sp1A1 and sp1A2 and species 2 has genes
sp2A1 and sp2A2, it is proper to say that genes sp1A1 and Evolution of Prokaryotes
sp2A1 are orthologs and genes sp1A1 and sp1A2 are para-
logs, but genes sp1A1 and sp2A2 are also paralogs because Bacteria and Archaea dominate the earth in terms of
their most recent common ancestor was the gene that numbers, variety of species, and range of habitats. They
duplicated. share many features, including a single cytoplasmic com-
partment with both transcription and translation, basic
metabolic enzymes and flagella powered by rotary
for different functions. Some changes may confer a motors in the plasma membrane. Both divisions of pro-
selective advantage; others confer a liability. Multiple karyotes are diverse with respect to size, shape, nutrient
rounds of gene duplication and divergence can create sources, and environmental tolerances, so these features
huge families of genes encoding related but special- cannot be used for classification, which relies instead on
ized proteins, such as membrane carrier proteins. analysis of their genomes. For example, sequences of the
Sister genes created by duplication and divergence genes for ribosomal RNAs cleanly identify Bacteria and
are called paralogs. Archaea (Fig. 2.4). Bacteria are also distinguished by
• Lateral transfer: Another mechanism of genetic plasma membranes composed of phosphoglycerides
diversification involves movement of genes between (see Fig. 13.2) with F-type adenosine triphosphatases
organisms, immediately providing the host cell with (ATPases) that use proton gradients to synthesize ade-
a new biochemical activity. Contemporary bacteria nosine triphosphate (ATP) or ATP hydrolysis to pump
acquire foreign genes in three ways. Pairs of bacteria protons (see Fig. 14.5). On the other hand the plasma
exchange DNA directly during conjugation. Many bac- membranes of Archaea are composed of isoprenyl ether
teria take up naked DNA, as when plasmids move lipids and their V-type ATPases only pump protons (see
genes for antibiotic resistance between bacteria. Fig. 14.5).
Viruses also move DNA between bacteria. Such lateral Abetted by rapid proliferation and large populations,
transfers explain how highly divergent prokaryotes natural selection allowed prokaryotes to explore many
came to share some common genes and regulatory biochemical solutions to life on the earth. Some Bacteria
sequences. Laterally transferred genes can change the and Archaea (and some eukaryotes too) thrive under
course of evolution. For example, all the major branch- inhospitable conditions, such as anoxia and tempera-
ing events among Archaea appear to be associated tures greater than 100°C as found in deep-sea hydrother-
with lateral transfers of genes from Bacteria. Massive mal vents. Other Bacteria and Archaea can use energy
lateral transfer occurred twice in eukaryotes when sources such as hydrogen, sulfate, or methane that are
they acquired two different symbiotic bacteria that useless to eukaryotes. Far less than 1% of Bacteria and
eventually adapted to form mitochondria and chloro- Archaea have been grown successfully in the laboratory,
plasts. Lateral transfer continues to this day between so many varieties escaped detection by traditional means.
pairs of prokaryotes, between pairs of protists, and Today, sequencing DNA samples from natural environ-
even between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (such as ments has revealed vast numbers of new species in the
between pathogenic bacteria and plants). ocean, soil, human intestines, and elsewhere. Only a very
The genetic innovations created by these processes small proportion of bacterial species and no Archaea
produce phenotypic changes that are acted on by natural cause human disease.
selection. The process depends on tolerance of organisms Chlorophyll-based photosynthesis originated in Bacte-
to change, a feature called “evolvability.” After making ria around 3 billion years ago. Surely this was one of
assumptions about the rates of mutations, one can use the most remarkable events during the evolution of
differences in gene sequences as a molecular clock. life on the earth, because photosynthetic reaction
When conditions do not require the product of a centers (see Fig. 19.8) require not only genes for
gene, the gene can be lost. For example, the simple several transmembrane proteins, but also genes for
pathogenic bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium has just multiple enzymes, to synthesize chlorophyll and other
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 19

A Stramenopiles

Bacteria Alveolates
Chloroplast Tetrahymena Ce
progenitor (ciliate) ae llul
alg ar s 1 billion years ago

Chl o
Cyanobacteria d lim
Re Am
Clostridium p l a st Porphyra oe s

Mycobacterium tuberculosis ba Dictyostelium
Bacillus ge
lla Am
Heliobacterium rion te oe
nd ba

i toc Entamoeba
2 billion M


Proteobacterium Naegleria





Mitochondria Euglena

progenitor Escherichia
Stem eukaryote

~3 ear
Ro bill go
.7 s a
ot ion
Common Trypanosoma
ancestor Trichomonas



Archaea Archaeoglobus


Trypanosoma, Euglena, Naegleria

B Ampicomplexa, dinoflagellates, ciliates Giardia
Brown algae

Red algae Chonoflagellates

Green algae Fungi

Green plants Dictyostelium
1–2 billion years ago,
“LECA” last eukaryotic
Chloroplast common ancestor
Proteobacterium n 1–2 billion years ago,
Agrobacterium on first eukaryote with
t a mitochondria
Mi Lokiarchaeota
Escherichia Archaeon TACK
Sulfolobus group
progenitor Aquifex

Cyanobacteria Methanococcus
~3.5 billion years ago, Methanobacterium
Clostridium common ancestor emerged
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Archaeoglobus
Bacillus Halobacterium
Bacteria Archaea

FIGURE 2.4 COMPARISONS OF TREES OF LIFE. A, Universal tree based on comparisons of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences. The rRNA
tree has its root deep in the bacterial lineage 3 billion to 4 billion years ago. All current organisms, arrayed at the ends of branches, fall into three
domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya (eukaryotes). This analysis assumed that the organisms in the three domains diverged from a common
ancestor. The lengths of the segments and branches are based solely on differences in RNA sequences. Because the rates of random changes
in rRNA genes vary, the lengths of the lines that lead to contemporary organisms are not equal. Complete genome sequences show that genes
moved laterally between Bacteria and Archaea and within each of these domains. Multiple bacterial genes moved to Eucarya twice: First, an
α-proteobacterium fused with a primitive eukaryote, giving rise to mitochondria that subsequently transferred many of their genes to the eukaryotic
nucleus; and second, a cyanobacterium fused with the precursor of algae and plants to give rise to chloroplasts. B, Tree based on analysis of
full genome sequences and other data showing that eukaryotes formed by fusion of an α-proteobacterium with an Archaeon related to contem-
porary Lokiarchaeota. Chloroplasts arose from the fusion of a cyanobacterium with the eukaryotic precursor of algae and plants. (A, Based on
a branching pattern from Sogin M, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA; and Pace N. A molecular view of microbial diversity and the
biosphere. Science. 1997;276:734–740. B, Based on multiple sources, including Adl SM, Simpson AG, Lane CE, et al. The revised classification
of eukaryotes. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2012;59:429–493; and Spang A, Saw JH, Jørgensen SL, et al. Complex archaea that bridge the gap between
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nature. 2015;521:173–179.)
20 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

complex organic molecules associated with the proteins. and evolved into the mitochondrion. The Bacterium
Chapter 19 describes the machinery and mechanisms of retained its two membranes and contributed molecular
photosynthesis. machinery for ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphoryla-
Even more remarkably, photosynthesis was invented tion (see Fig. 19.5), while the host cell may have sup-
twice in different bacteria. A progenitor of green sulfur plied organic substrates to fuel ATP synthesis. Together,
bacteria and heliobacteria developed photosystem I, they had a reliable energy supply for processes such as
while a progenitor of purple bacteria and green filamen- biosynthesis, regulation of the internal ionic environ-
tous bacteria developed photosystem II. Approximately ment, and cellular motility. This massive lateral transfer
3 billion years ago, a momentous lateral transfer event of genes into the new organism was one of the defining
brought the genes for the two photosystems together in events in the origin of eukaryotes.
cyanobacteria, arguably the most important organisms This pivotal transfer on the proteobacterial genome
in the history of the earth. Cyanobacteria (formerly mis- to the original eukaryote seems to have occurred just
named blue-green algae) use an enzyme containing man- once! The time is uncertain, but may have been as long
ganese to split water into oxygen, electrons, and protons. as 2 billion years ago. The exact mechanism is unknow-
Sunlight energizes photosystem II and photosystem I to able and probably irrelevant given its uniqueness (Fig.
pump the protons out of the cell, creating a proton gradi- 2.5). The two prokaryotes may have fused, but more
ent that is used to synthesize ATP (see Chapters 14 and likely an entire bacterium entered into the cytoplasm of
19). This form of oxygenic photosynthesis derives energy its host allowing the two cells to establish a mutually
from sunlight to synthesize the organic compounds that beneficial symbiotic relationship.
many other forms of life depend on for energy. In addi- All traces of the original eukaryote have disappeared
tion, beginning approximately 2.4 billion years ago, cya- except for the genes donated to its progeny. Thus we
nobacteria produced most of the oxygen in the earth’s do not know if it had a nucleus, organelles, or a cytoskel-
atmosphere as a by-product of photosynthesis, bioengi- eton. Microscopic, single-celled eukaryotes called pro-
neering the planet and radically changing the chemical tists have been numerous and heterogeneous throughout
environment for all other organisms as well. evolution, but no existing protist appears to be a good
model for the ancestral eukaryote.
Origin of Eukaryotes
The First Billion Years of
Divergence from the common ancestor explains the evo-
Eukaryotic Evolution
lution of prokaryotes but not the origin of eukaryotes,
which inherited genes from both Archaea and Bacteria. Ancestral eukaryotes were present on earth more than 2
The archaeal host cell that gave rise to eukaryotes (Fig. billion years ago, but current eukaryotes all diverged
2.4B) contributed genes for informational processes later from a singular, relatively sophisticated, amoeboid
such as transcription of DNA into RNA and translation “last eukaryotic common ancestor” (LECA) with most of
of RNA into protein, membrane traffic (Ras family gua- the specializations that characterize current eukaryotes,
nosine triphosphatases [GTPases] and ESCRT [endo- including mitochondria, nuclear envelope, linear chro-
somal sorting complexes required for transport]-III mosomes, membrane-bound organelles of the secretory
complex), actin, and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. A and endocytic pathways, and motile flagella (Fig. 2.4B).
contemporary archaeon called Lokiarchaeota has these The archaeal host brought genes for some of these func-
genes and is the closest known living relative of the tions, but early eukaryotes must have tested many differ-
ancient archaeon that became the eukaryote. The origi- ent genetic innovations during the long time leading up
nal molecular phylogenies based on ribosomal RNA to LECA. Reconstructing the events between the first
(rRNA) sequences (Fig. 2.4A) did not include Lokiar- eukaryotes and LECA is challenging, because molecular
chaeota, so they missed the direct connection between clocks disagree and the fossil record is sparse. The earli-
Archaea and eukaryotes. Those trees accurately repre- est unambiguous eukaryotic fossils are 1.7 billion years
sented the relationships among the sampled rRNAs. The old, but LECA could have lived in the range from 2.1 to
long branch originating between Archaea and Bacteria 0.9 billion years ago. Thereafter LECA swept aside its
and extending to eukaryotes reflected the extensive competitors, since all subsequently diverging species
divergence of the rRNAs sequences, but not our current share the full complement of eukaryotic organelles.
understanding of the historical events depicted in
Fig. 2.4B. Evolution of the Mitochondrion
The bacterial ancestor of mitochondria was an The mitochondrial progenitor brought along approxi-
α-proteobacterium related to modern-day pathogenic mately 2000 genes, most of which eventually moved (by
Rickettsias. The bacterium established a symbiotic rela- a still mysterious process) to the host cell nucleus or
tionship with an ancient archaeal cell, donated genes for were lost. This transfer of mitochondrial genes reduced
many metabolic processes carried out in the cytoplasm the size of current mitochondrial genomes variously,
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 21

D. Formation of elaborated
Enzymes Enzymes membrane biosynthetic
secreted digest large organelle (ER) and
proteins nuclear envelope
Amino acids
membrane C. Bacterial genes migrate
to host genome as bacteria
evolves into mitochondria and
intercellular digestive system
forms in early eukaryote

A. Prokaryotic B. a-proteobacterium
extracellular enters the cytoplasm
digestive system of an Arachea

PRIMITIVE EUKARYOTES. A–D, Possible stages in the evolution of intracellular compartments. ER, endoplasmic reticulum.

leaving behind between three and 97 protein-coding lysosomes, and endocytic compartments arose by differ-
bacterial genes (see Chapter 19 for more details). Like ent mechanisms. Compartmentalization allowed ances-
their bacterial ancestors, mitochondria are enclosed by tral eukaryotes to increase in size, to capture energy
two membranes, with the inner membrane equipped for more efficiently, and to regulate gene expression in more
synthesis of ATP. Mitochondria maintain the capacity to complex ways.
synthesize proteins and a few genes for mitochondrial Prokaryotes that obtain nutrients from a variety of
components. Nuclear genes encode most mitochondrial sources appear to have carried out the first evolution-
proteins, which are synthesized in the cytoplasm and ary experiment with compartmentalization (Fig. 2.5A).
imported into the organelle (see Fig. 18.2). The transfer However, these prokaryotes are compartmentalized only
of bacterial genes to the nucleus sealed the dependence in the sense that they separate digestion outside the cell
of the organelle on its eukaryotic host. from biosynthesis inside the cell. They export digestive
Even though acquisition of mitochondria was an early enzymes (either free or attached to the cell surface) to
event in eukaryotic evolution, some eukaryotes, includ- break down complex organic macromolecules (see Fig.
ing the anaerobic protozoans Giardia lamblia and Ent- 18.10). They must then import the products of digestion
amoeba histolytica (both causes of diarrhea), lack fully to provide building blocks for new macromolecules.
functional mitochondria. These lineages lost many mito- Evolution of the proteins required for targeting and trans-
chondrial genes and functions through “reductive evolu- location of proteins across membranes was a prokaryotic
tion” in certain environments that did not favor natural innovation that set the stage for compartmentalization in
selection for respiration. These reduced organelles have eukaryotes.
two membranes like mitochondria, but vary consider- More sophisticated compartmentalization might have
ably in other functions. Such mitochondrial remnants in begun when a prokaryote developed the capacity to
many organisms synthesize iron–sulfur clusters for cyto- segregate protein complexes with like functions in the
plasmic ATP synthesis, while others, called hydrogeno- plane of the plasma membrane. Present-day Bacteria seg-
somes, make hydrogen. regate their plasma membranes into domains specialized
for energy production or protein translocation. Invagina-
Evolution of Membrane-Bounded Organelles tion of such domains might have created the endoplas-
Compartmentalization of the cytoplasm into mic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes, as
membrane-bounded organelles is one feature of eukary- speculated in the following points (Fig. 2.5):
otes that is generally lacking in prokaryotes. Mitochon- • Invagination of subdomains of the plasma membrane
dria were an early compartment, while chloroplasts that synthesize membrane lipids and translocate pro-
resulted from a late endosymbiotic event in algal cells teins could have generated an intracellular biosyn-
(Fig. 2.7). Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, thetic organelle that survives today as the ER.
22 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

• Translocation into the ER became coupled to cotrans-

lational protein synthesis, particularly in later- A. Endocytic pathways B. Exocytic pathways
branching eukaryotes.
• The ER was refined to create the nuclear envelope Recycling or Clathrin-coated
transcytotic vesicles
housing the genome, the defining characteristic of the vesicles
eukaryotic cell. This enabled cells to develop more Regulated
complex genomes and to separate transcription and secretory
RNA processing from translation. Early vesicles
• Internalization of plasma membrane domains with Lysosome
secreted hydrolytic enzymes might have created a
primitive lysosome. Coupling of digestion and absorp- endosome
tion of macromolecular nutrients would increase
efficiency. Constitutive
This divide-and-specialize strategy might have been secretory
employed a number of times to refine the internal mem-
brane system. Eventually, the export and digestive path-
ways separated from each other and from the lipid
synthetic and protein translocation machinery.
As each specialized compartment became physically
separated from other compartments, new mechanisms Golgi
were required to allow traffic between these compart-
ments. The solution was transport vesicles to carry prod- FIGURE 2.6 MEMBRANE-BOUNDED COMPARTMENTS OF
ucts to the cell surface or vacuole and to import raw EUKARYOTES. A, Pathways for endocytosis and degradation of
materials. Vesicles also segregated digestive enzymes ingested materials. B, Pathways for biosynthesis and distribution of
proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides. Membrane and content move
from the surrounding cytoplasm. Once multiple destina- through these pathways by controlled budding of vesicles from donor
tions existed, targeting instructions were required to compartments and fusion with specific acceptor compartments.
distinguish the routes and destinations. Transport of membranes and content through these two pathways is
The outcome of these events (Fig. 2.6) was a vacuolar balanced to establish and maintain the sizes of the compartments.
system consisting of the ER, the center for protein trans-
location and lipid synthesis; the Golgi complex and
secretory pathway, for posttranslational modification Given that these internal organelles are found in all
and distribution of biosynthetic products to different branches of eukaryotes, they must all have evolved prior
destinations; and the endosome/lysosome system, for to the diversification of eukaryotes from LECA. One
uptake and digestion. Comparative genomics reveals that unknown is which organelles appeared before the arrival
LECA had a vesicular transport system nearly as complex of the mitochondrion.
as humans.
Atmospheric oxygen produced by photosynthetic Origins and Evolution of Chloroplasts
cyanobacteria allowed eukaryotic cells to synthesize The acquisition of plastids, including chloroplasts,
cholesterol (see Fig. 20.15). Cholesterol strengthens began when a cyanobacterial symbiont brought photo-
membranes without compromising their fluidity, so it synthesis into an ancient cell that then became an alga
may have enabled early eukaryotic cells to increase in (Fig. 2.7). The host cell already had a mitochondrion and
size and shed their cell walls. Having shed their cell depended on external carbon sources for energy. The
walls, they could engulf entire prey organisms rather cyanobacterium provided both photosystem I and pho-
than relying on extracellular digestion. Oxygen also con- tosystem II, allowing energy from sunlight to split water
tributed to the precipitation of most of the dissolved iron and to drive conversion of CO2 into organic compounds
in the world’s oceans, creating ore deposits that are with O2 as a by-product (see Fig. 19.8). Symbiosis turned
being mined today to extract iron. into complete interdependence when most of the genes
The origins of peroxisomes are obscure. No nucleic required to assemble the plastid moved to the nucleus
acids or prokaryotic remnants have been detected in of host cells that continued to rely on the plastid to
peroxisomes, so it seems unlikely that peroxisomes capture energy from sunlight. This still-mysterious trans-
began as prokaryotic symbionts. Peroxisomes arose as fer of genes to the nucleus gave the host cell control
centers for oxidative degradation, particularly of prod- over the replication of the former symbiont.
ucts of lysosomal digestion that could not be reutilized Many animal cells and protozoa associate with photo-
for biosynthesis (eg, D-amino acids, uric acid, xanthine). synthetic bacteria or algae, but the original conversion
One possibility is that they evolved as a specialization of a bacterial symbiont into a plastid is believed to have
of the ER. been a singular event. The original photosynthetic
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under their protection. From these sources the growth and splendour
of the new capital were fed for many centuries. We see from the
tombs that in its best days the wealthy were not afraid to use, and to
display, their wealth. The arts that embellish life, and which had been
inherited from the old monarchy, made great advances. Society
developed tastes and arrangements not altogether unlike those of
our own time.
At last the thunder-cloud, which had long been gathering in the
north-east, drifted down to Egypt, and the storm burst upon it. The
Persian had come. And the grand old ship went to pieces. In Asia the
days of Sethos and of Rameses had never been forgotten. The
gods, that had in their arks gone up with them to battle and to victory,
were now defaced and dishonoured. The temples which had been
built by the captives, and with the spoils brought out of Asia, were
now sought for at Karnak, and dilapidated. The ruthless work the
Egyptians had done was repaid ruthlessly. It was delightful to the
soul of the Persian, now that his opportunity had come, to job the
iron into the soul of the Egyptian.
But such a civilization as that of old Egypt takes a great deal of
killing. It is the working of a thoroughly organized community in
which every man is born to his work, has natural instructors in his
parents and class, and so knows his work by a self-acting law of
Society, which possesses the regularity and precision of a law of
Nature. It survived the Persians. It Egyptianized the Greeks. It was
not stamped out by the Romans. Christianity gradually enfeebled,
absorbed, and metamorphosed it. At last came the Mahomedan
flood, and swept away whatever germs might have even then
remained of a capacity for the maintenance of a well-ordered and
fruitful commonwealth.

Hæc omnis, quam cernis, inops inhumataque turba est.

... Hi, quos vehit unda, sepulti.
Nec ripas datur horrendas, ac rauca fluenta
Transportare prius quam sedibus ossa quierunt.—Virgil.

Hitherto we have been on the eastern bank: we now pass to the

western. Here we find an historical museum, unequalled by anything
of the kind to be seen elsewhere, in variety of interest, and in
completeness. Nothing in the world, except the Pyramid region,
approaches to it. There the old primæval monarchy lies entombed;
here, in the western quarter of the capital of the younger monarchy,
and which has now appropriated to itself the name of Thebes, we
have the catacombs of the kings, the tombs of the queens, the
tombs of the priests, of the official class, and of private persons; the
wonderful temple-palace of Medinet Haboo; the Memnonium, or
rather Rameseum, again, temple and palace; the old but well-
preserved Temple-palace of Cornéh, together with the remains of
several temples; the vocal Memnon, and its twin Colossus. These
form a gallery of historical objects, and of records of the arts, of the
manners and customs, and of the daily life of one of the grandest
epochs of Egypt. How can a few indications and touches convey to
those who have not seen them, any true or useful conception of the
objects themselves, or of the thoughts they give rise to in the mind of
the traveller who stands before them, and allows them to interpret to
him the mind of those old times? They are contemporary records in
which he sees written, with accompanying illustrations, chapter after
chapter of old world history, anterior to the days of Rome, Greece,
and Israel.
The tomb of the great Sethos, Joseph’s Pharaoh, of his greater
son, Rameses II., and of Menophres, in whose reign the Exodus
took place, are all here. The tomb of Sethos reaches back 470 feet
into the limestone Mountain, with a descent of 180 feet. Coloured
sculptures cover 320 feet of the excavation. The exact point to which
the sculptures had been carried on the day of his death, is indicated
by the unfinished condition of the work in the last chamber. The walls
had been prepared for the chisel of the sculptor, but the death of the
king interrupted the work. The draughtsman had sketched upon
them, in red colour, the designs that were to be executed. His sketch
had been revised by a superintendent of such works, who had
corrected the red outlines with black ink, wherever they appeared to
him out of proportion, or in any way defective. The freedom and
decision with which the outlines were drawn exceed probably the
power of any modern artist’s or designer’s hand. These sketches are
quite as fresh as they were the day they were made. You see them
just as they were outlined, and corrected for the sculptor, more than
3,000 years ago. It would be worth while going to Egypt to see them,
if they were the only sight in Egypt.
In this, and several others among the royal tombs, we find
symbolical representations of the human race. The Egyptians, the
people of the North, of the East, and of the South, are indicated by
typical figures. This is meant to convey the idea that Pharaoh was
virtually the universal monarch. If he had not felt this, Karnak would
never have been built, nor, I will add, for the sake of the contrast, as
well as the concatenation, would a humble East Anglian Vicar have
spent last winter on the Nile.
The sculptures in these tombs may be divided under three heads.
First, there are those which describe events in the life of the
occupant of the tomb. Then there are scenes from common daily
Egyptian life, in which he took such interest as to desire to have
representations of them in his tomb. Lastly, there are scenes which
illustrate what was supposed would occur in the future life of the
In the tomb which bears the name of Rameses III., there are
several chambers right and left of the main gallery, in each of which
is represented, on the walls, some department of the royal
establishment. The king’s kitchen, the king’s boats, his armoury, his
musical instruments, the operations carried on upon his farms, the
birds, and the fruits of Egypt, and the sacred emblems; the three last
symbolizing fowling, gardening, and religion. It is possible that the
king may have buried here those of his household who presided over
these departments; each in the chamber designated for him by the
representations, on the walls, of what belonged to his office. If it
were not so, of what use were the chambers? they could hardly have
been excavated merely to place such pictures upon them.
As this Rameses III. was one of the warlike Pharaohs, and had,
like his great namesake, led successfully large armies into Asia, we
cannot suppose that he had these scenes of home-life sculptured
and painted in his tomb, either because he had nothing else to put
there, or because the subjects they referred to were more congenial
to his tastes than the pomp and circumstance of glorious war. He
must, therefore, as far as we can see, either have been acting under
the motive just mentioned, which, however, I cannot regard as a
perfectly satisfactory suggestion; or he must have been influenced
by some thought of what he would require in the intermediate state
while lying in the tomb. Was there an idea that the mummy would, for
a time, take delight in contemplating those scenes and objects, the
fruition of which had contributed to its happiness during the earthly
What we see in the tombs of the priests and officials almost leads
us to the conclusion that these representations had not, necessarily,
a direct and special reference to what had once been the
occupations of the inmates of the tomb, but were placed on the walls
merely as pictures, precisely as we hang upon the walls of our
houses such pictures as please us. There was nothing in the aspects
of the country which could have led the old Egyptians to wish to
depict scenery. There were no charming bits of Nature, no world of
changeful cloud-scapes, no suggestive winter, spring, or summer
scenes. Nor, again, was the turn of their minds dramatic, or such as
might have led them to desire to reproduce in pictures those human
scenes which would recall the workings of passion or the poetry of
life; and, indeed, their style of art would hardly have enabled them to
deal with such subjects. They thus appear to have been confined to
hard literal matter of fact representations of the arts of ordinary life,
of Egyptian objects, of funeral processions, and of what, according to
their ideas, would take place in the next world. With these they
decorated their walls. It was Hobson’s choice. They had nothing else
for the purpose. They may have had a special inducement to
represent the common arts of life, such as cabinet-making, glass-
blowing, weaving, pottery, etc., because they took a very intelligible
pride in contemplating their superiority to the rest of the world in
these matters, which, at that time, when an acquaintance with them
was regarded as a distinction, were thought much more of than was
the case afterwards, when all the world had attained to proficiency in
That these kinds of representations were sometimes looked upon
merely as ornamental, or as such as any deceased Egyptian might
contemplate, while in the mummy state, with satisfaction, may be
inferred from the fact, that it eventually became a common practice
for an Egyptian to purchase, or to take possession of a tomb that
had been sculptured and painted for others, and even used by them,
with the intention of having it prepared for himself: though, probably,
this would not have been done in the early period of Egyptianism,
when it was proud and pure. He merely erased the name of the
original occupant, and substituted for it his own. He did not feel that
there was anything to render the pictures that had been designed by,
and for, another, inappropriate to himself. We know, too, that the
pictures were often those of trades it was impossible the deceased
could have practised; still they were pictures of Egyptian life it would
be pleasing to contemplate. We had rather contemplate an historical
picture, a tableau de genre, or a landscape, but as they had no idea
of such things, and as civilization was then young, and the simplest
trade was regarded with pleasure for its utility, and as a proof of what
is called progress, everybody was at that time of day pleased with its
representation. Though we have entirely lost this feeling, I believe
uneducated people would still, at the present day prefer, because it
would be more intelligible to them, a picture representing the work of
some trade to a landscape, or historical piece. Of course the delight
an Egyptian felt in such representations did not in the least arise
from his being uneducated, but from a difference in his way of
thinking and feeling; and in a difference in what art could then
achieve. In short, these representations were meant either for the
living, or for the dead. In either case, to give pleasure, either to the
beholder, or to the supposed beholder, must have been their object.
The valley, which contains the tombs of which I have been
speaking, was devoted to the sepulture of the kings of the nineteenth
and twentieth dynasties. The greater part of them were found open,
and had, in the times of the Ptolemies, been already rifled. Their
desecration, and the injuries they received, ought probably to be
attributed to the Persians. I have already said something about the
extent and the sculptures of the catacomb of Sethos. The chamber,
containing the sarcophagus of this great Pharaoh, had been so
carefully concealed, that it fortunately escaped discovery down to
our own time. Belzoni, in his investigation of this tomb, finding that a
spot which a happy inspiration led him to strike, returned a hollow
sound, had the trunk of a palm-tree brought into the gallery, and
using it as a ram, battered down the disguised wall. This, at once
revealed the chamber which, for more than four thousand years, had
escaped Persian, Greek, Roman, and Arab intrusion. In the midst of
this chamber stood the royal sarcophagus. This sarcophagus, one of
the most splendid monuments of Egypt in its best days, was of the
finest alabaster, covered with the most beautiful and instructive
sculptures. Who can adequately imagine the emotions of Belzoni at
that moment? It had been reserved for him to be the first to behold,
to be the discoverer, of what had escaped the keen search of so
many races of spoilers and destroyers, the finest monument of the
greatest period of Egyptian history. That monument is now in Sir
John Soane’s Museum, in Lincoln’s Inn Fields.
In the valley to the west of this are some of the tombs of the
preceding, the eighteenth, dynasty, that which drove the Hyksos out
of Egypt. They have, however, been so dilapidated that not much is
to be learnt from them.
Behind the great temple-palace of Medinet Haboo are the tombs
of the queens and princesses. These, too, have been much injured;
and have, at some period, subsequent to that of their original
appropriation, been used for the sepulture of private persons.
Along the foot of the hills, from the tombs of the queens to the
entrance of the Valley of the Kings, is one vast Necropolis for the
priests, the official class, and wealthy private individuals. All these
fall within the New Empire. Among them, however, are found some
instances of royal interments, but they belong to the Old Empire.
When we talk of the New Empire we must not forget its date: its
palmiest days belong to the time of the Exodus and of Abraham’s
visit to Egypt.
As I rode through this city of the dead, visiting the tombs which
possessed the greatest interest, I endeavoured, as I had done in the
Necropolis of the Pyramids, to recall its pristine state; to see it as it
was seen by those who constructed and peopled it. The tombs were
then everywhere along the Háger, that is, on the first rise or stage of
the desert, above the cultivated land. Here, as generally throughout
Egypt, vegetable life, and the soil which supports it, do not extend
one inch beyond the height of the inundation, which brings the soil
as well as the water. The stony desert, and the plant-clothed plain
touch with sharp definition, each maintaining its own character to the
last, just as the land and sea do along the beach. From this line of
contact to the precipitous rise of the hills there is a belt of irregular
ground. In some places this belt is a rocky level or incline, in others it
is broken into rocky valleys, but always above the cultivated plain.
The whole of it is thoroughly desert, and all of it ascends towards the
contiguous range. It is everywhere limestone, and generally covered
with débris from the excavations, and from the hill-side. Such is the
site of this great Necropolis.
In the days when Thebes was the capital, the whole of this space
was covered with the entrances to the tombs. Some of these
entrances were actual temples. Some resembled the propylons of
temples. Some were gateways, less massive and lofty, but still
conspicuous objects. In every tomb were its mummied inmates.
They were surrounded by representations in stone, and colour, of the
objects and scenes they had delighted in during life. Their property,
their pursuits, what they had thought and felt, what they had taken
an interest in, and what they had believed, were all around them.
Objects of Nature, objects of art, objects of thought, had each
assumed its form in stone. Each was there for the mummy to
contemplate. These were true houses for the dead. Houses built,
decorated, and furnished for the dead. In which, however, the dead
were not dead; but were living in the mummied state. We have rock-
tombs elsewhere; but where, out of Egypt, could we find another
such city? It is a city excavated in the rocky plain, and in the
mountain valleys. It consists of thousands of apartments, spacious
halls, long galleries, steps ascending and descending, and chambers
innumerable. It is more extensive, more costly, more decorated, than
many a famous city on which the sun shines. It is peopled
everywhere with its own inhabitants; but among them is no fear, or
hope—no love or hatred—no pleasure or pain—no heart is beating—
no brain is busy.
As we wander about these mansions of the dead we feel as
Zobeide did when she found herself in the spell-bound city. The
inhabitants are present. Everything they used in life is present. Life
itself only is wanting. Everything has become stone.
The largest of the tombs now accessible is that of Petamenap, a
Royal Scribe. It is entered by a sunken court, 103 feet in length by
76. This was once surrounded by a wall, in which was a lofty
gateway, the two sides of which are still standing. This court leads to
a large hall, which is the commencement of a long series of galleries,
apartments, and side chambers—all excavated in the solid rock.
Omitting the side chambers, and measuring only the galleries and
apartments they passed through, the excavations of this single tomb
extend to a length of 862 feet. The area excavated amounts to
nearly 24,000 square feet, or an acre and a quarter. These are Sir
Gardiner Wilkinson’s measurements, which have been accepted by
Lepsius, who also himself carefully inspected the tomb. The whole of
the wall-space gained by these excavations, which are actually more
than one-third of a mile in length, is covered throughout with most
carefully-executed sculptures, in the most elaborate style of Egyptian
art. It is worth noticing that this tomb of a private individual exceeds
in dimensions, costliness, and magnificence all the royal tombs—of
course, excepting the Great Pyramids—with which we are
We may infer, from the costliness of these tombs, and from the
length of time it must have taken to excavate and adorn them, that
the Egypt of the time to which they belong, was a wisely-ordered
kingdom, in which, to a very considerable extent, not the arbitrary
caprice of kings and governors, but law was supreme. At that time
the scene of such a history as that of Naboth could not have been in
Egypt. It must for long ages have been, in the very important matter
of a man’s doing what he pleased with his own, in a very unoriental
condition. This tomb of Petamenap, and thousands of others, more
or less like it, could only have been constructed where, and when,
subjects may acquire great wealth, and display it with safety.
We may also infer, from the size of the city under the new
monarchy, and the wealth of its inhabitants, from their mode of living,
their tastes and pursuits, and from the state of the arts which
ministered to the convenience and adornment of their lives—upon all
of which points this Necropolis gives inexhaustible, and absolutely
truthful evidence; that a great part of the wealth of Thebes was
drawn from precisely the same source as that of Belgravia—that is,
from the rent of the land.
An abundance of minor matters, but full of historical interest and
instruction, may be gleaned from the same source. We find, for
instance, that 3,350 years ago the principle and the use of the arch
were familiar to the Egyptians; for there are several arches of that
date in the tombs. Glass-blowing was practised. The syphon was
understood, and used. In their entertainments the presence of both
sexes was usual; and perfumes and flowers were on these
occasions regarded as indispensable. The shadoof, the simplest and
most effective application of a small amount of power to produce a
considerable result, was as universally at work on the banks of the
river, and of the canals, as at the present day; indeed, we cannot
doubt but that it was much more so. But it is unnecessary to add
here to these particulars.

Cur invidendis postibus, et novo

Sublime ritu moliar atrium?—Horace.

We will now, having left the tombs, turn our attention to the
temples. Some we find upon the edge of the Háger, others a little
way back upon it. The greater number of those that were once here
have been completely razed to the ground, nothing now remaining of
them except fragments of statues, the foundations of walls, and the
bases of pillars; all of which are buried in rubbish heaps. There are,
however, some singularly interesting exceptions which demand
particular notice. Fortunately, though it hardly looks like chance, the
temple-palaces of Sethos, of the great Rameses, and of Rameses
III., are still standing. These were built by the two great conquerors
of the nineteenth, and the great conqueror of the twentieth dynasties.
Why did not other Pharaohs erect similar structures? The reason is
not far to seek. It is here present in the case of these three kings,
and is absent from the cases of other kings. The funds necessary for
such structures had to be procured by looting Asia, and a great part
of the work had to be done by captives taken in war. And we know
that at this time it was the custom for those kings of Egypt, who
contemplated great works, to begin their reigns with raids into Asia,
for the express purpose of collecting the gold and the slaves that
would enable them to carry out their designs. It was the good old
rule, the simple plan, that those should take who had the power.
These great and famous expeditions, in truth, were only imperial
slave hunts, and imperial brigandage, in which not petty tribes of
African negroes, but the (for those times) civilized nations of Asia,
and not a few travellers, but the inhabitants of great cities and
kingdoms, were the victims. These great builders, administrators,
and soldiers, who believed of themselves that they had already been
received into the hierarchy of heaven, could not have understood in
what sense they could have done ill in building themselves a wide
house, and large chambers, and ceiling it with cedar, and painting it
with vermilion; though they doubtless would have thought that it
would have been ill, even for an Egyptian Pharaoh, to build his
house by unrighteousness, and his chambers by wrong, to use his
neighbour’s service without wages, and to give him not for his work.
But how any question of unrighteousness and wrong could arise
between Pharaoh and strangers, people who were not Egyptians,
would have been something new and incomprehensible to Pharaoh.
I once asked a fisherman’s boy who was unconcernedly breaking up
a basketful of live crabs to bait his father’s dab-nets, if it was not
cruel work that he was about? ‘No,’ he replied, ‘because it is their
business to find us a living.’ Somewhat in the same way did Pharaoh
think of the outside world; and in much the same way, too, did he
treat it, when he wished to build himself a temple-palace. In these
temple-palaces one hears the groans, and sees the blood, of those
who were broken up alive to build them.
There are no buildings in the old world so full of actually written
and pictured history as these three temple-palaces, for each of them
contains records of the achievements and life of the builder, as they
were regarded by himself, and of his religion, as it was understood
by himself. The grandest of the three is the Memnonium, or, as it
ought to be called, the Rameseum. Here lived the great Rameses.
He designed it, built it, and made it his home. He built it after his
great Asiatic campaigns. How often here must he have fought his
battles o’er again.
The Rameseum bears the same relation to all the other buildings
of old Egypt that the Parthenon does to all the other remains of
Greek architecture. It was built at the culminating point of Egyptian
art and greatness. The conception was an inspiration of a
consciousness of excellence and power. Everything here is grand,
even for Egypt; the lofty propylons, the Osirid court, the great halls,
and, above all, the colossal statue of the king seated on his throne, a
monolith of red granite, weighing nearly 900 tons, and which is now
lying on the ground in stupendous fragments, its overthrow having
been probably the work of the vengeful Persians. Nothing can
exceed the interest of this grand structure. It included even a
spacious library, on the walls of which were sculptured figures of the
god of letters, and of the god of memory. Over the door by which it
was entered was the famous inscription, ‘The medicine of the mind.’
And this more than three thousand years ago: and yet we may be
sure that it did not contain the first collection of books that had been
made in Egypt, but only the first of which we have any record. We
know that they had been keeping a regular register of the annual
rising of the Nile then for nearly a thousand years, and that their
written law ante-dated this library by between two and three
thousand years. Both of these facts, to some degree, indicate
collections of books. By a concurrence of happy chances, which
almost make one regret that a grateful offering can no longer be
made to good fortune, papyrus-rolls have been found dated from this
library, and in the Háger behind have been discovered the tombs of
some of the Royal librarians.
The temple-palace, at Cornéh, of Sethos, the father of Rameses,
though built with all the solidity of Egyptian architecture in its best
days, is a very much smaller structure than the Rameseum. What
remains of it is in very good preservation. It stands about a mile to
the north-west of the latter building, some little way back in the
Háger, and on somewhat higher ground, near the entrance of the
Valley of the Kings. On one of the sphinxes belonging to it are
inscribed the names of all the towns in the Delta Sethos conquered.
This is an important record, as it shows either that the Semites had
been able to some extent to re-establish themselves in the Delta, or
that they had never been thoroughly subjugated, in that part of the
country, before the time of Sethos. The work, however, was now
done thoroughly, for from this time we do not hear of any troubles
that can be assigned to them. The sculptures on the walls of this
palace are in the freest and boldest style. They relate chiefly to
religious acts and ceremonies. As Sethos was the designer and
builder of the chief part of the stupendous hypostyle Hall of Karnak, it
was not because his architectural ideas were less grand than those
of his son that his palace was so much smaller. I can imagine that
the reason of this was that he was desirous that none of his attention
and resources should be diverted from his great work, which was
enough of itself to tax to their utmost all the powers both of the king
and of the kingdom. It raises him in our estimation to find that his
greatest work was not his own palace, but the hall in which the
ecclesiastical diets of Egypt (of course the members were priests)
were to be held; for though he was a Pharaoh, and a conquering
Pharaoh too, he could see that the kingdom was greater than the
king, and that to do great things well one thing must be done at a
A little to the south of the Rameseum is the third of these temple-
places. It is that of the third Rameses. This, though not so grand and
pure in style as the Rameseum, has been better preserved. Upon it,
and within it, are the ruins of a Coptic town. The crude brick
tenements perched on the roof, and adhering to the walls of the
mighty structure, reminded me of the disfigurements of the obelisk of
Heliopolis, and of the propylons of Dendera, by the mud-cells which
insect architecture had plastered over them. So wags the world.
Squalid poverty had succeeded to imperial splendour. But the same
fate had waited upon both. The towers of kings, and the hovels of
the poor, are now equally desolate and untenanted. One of the
courts of the palace had been metamorphosed by the Copts of the
neighbourhood into their church. From the expense which must have
been incurred in effecting this transformation it is evident that they
once formed here a numerous body. The community, however, has
entirely disappeared from this place, and nothing—absolutely
nothing—has come in its stead. They say in the East that where the
Turk sets his foot grass will not grow; but this is true of El Islam
generally. It is great at pulling down and destroying, but not equally
great at reconstructing.
The Christian church and the Egyptian temple are alike deserted.
The old Egyptian and the Coptic Christian have both completely
vanished from this scene. It is curious as we stand here, with equal
evidence before us of the equal fate of both, to observe how little
people think about the fate of the latter in comparison with what they
think about the fate of the former; and yet there are, at all events,
some reasons to dispose us favourably, and sympathizingly, towards
our Coptic co-religionists. If the causes of the feeling could be
analyzed, would it be found to have arisen from a half-formed
thought that there was no gratitude to be felt to the poor Copt for
anything he had done, and that the world had no hope of anything
from him? Or would it be because there is really little to interest the
thought in the fortunes of a community, of which we know little more
than that, by having changed the law of liberty into a petrified
doctrine, they had gone a long way towards committing moral and
intellectual suicide?
In one of the private apartments of this temple-palace of Rameses
III. the sculptures represent the king seated on a chair, which would
not be out of place at Windsor, or Schönbrunn. His daughters are
standing around him, offering him fruit and flowers, and agitating the
air with their fans. He amuses himself with a game of drafts, and with
their conversation.
Somewhat in advance of these temple-palaces of the two
Rameses, stand on the cultivated plain the two great colossi of
Thebes. The space between them is sufficient for a road or street.
The easternmost of the pair is the celebrated vocal Memnon of
antiquity. It is covered with Roman inscriptions placed upon it by
travellers, who were desirous of leaving behind them a record of the
fact, that they had not been disappointed in hearing the sound. That
was an age when the love of the marvellous, combined with
ignorance of what nature could, and could not, do, prepared, and
predisposed men, for being deceived. There can be no doubt how
the sound was produced. There is in the lap of the seated figure an
excavation in which a priest was concealed, who, when the moment
had arrived, struck a stone in the figure, of a kind which rang like
brass. The Arabs now climb into the lap in a few seconds, and will
for a piastre produce the sound for you at any hour of the twenty-four
you please. The Emperor Hadrian heard three emissions of the
sound on the morning he went to listen. This is a compliment we are
not surprised to find the statue paid to the ruler of the world.
This colossus was erected by Amunoph III., a name which, by an
easy corruption, the Greeks transformed into Memnon, just as they
changed Chufu into Cheops, Amenemha into Mœris, and Sethos
into Sesostris.
Behind these colossi stood a temple which had been erected by
the same Amunoph. Nothing now remains of this temple but its
rubbish heap, and its foundations. It was, however, once connected,
architecturally, with the temple he had built at Luxor, on the other
side of the river. The street that connected them was called Street
Royal. This was the line Sethos, and the two Rameses, must always
have taken, in going from their palaces on the western bank to Luxor
and Karnak on the eastern side. It must have been about three miles
in length. The line of this Royal Street is marked by the two still
standing colossi. The fragments of a few others have been found.
Those that remain are sixty feet in height. This must have been a
grand street, with the two temples at its two ends, and part of it, at all
events, consisting of a dromos of such figures.
I have already mentioned that a sphinx-guarded street, about two
miles long, ran from Luxor to Karnak. I have also pointed out that the
north-west angle of the great enclosure of Karnak was connected, to
the eye, with the temples of the western Háger. The precise spot
upon the Háger where a temple had been made conspicuous to the
eye from Karnak, was what is now called Assassef. Of course from
Assassef the lofty structures of Karnak were in full view. In order to
place the temple at Assassef reciprocally in view to the spectator
standing at Karnak, it was necessary to remove a part of the natural
rock wall of the eastern side of the valley of Assassef, and this had
been done. The distance from Karnak to Assassef is somewhat over
three miles. From this point temples and temple-palaces were
continuous along the edge of the Háger, in front of the Necropolis, as
far as the western extremity of the Royal Street. Thus was
completed the grand Theban Parallelogram. The circuit of the four
sides measured, I suppose, about ten miles. It included every one of
the great structures of Luxor, Karnak, and Thebes. There can be no
doubt but that the lofty propylæa, and obelisks of Luxor and Karnak
were intended to be seen from a distance. As the site of Thebes
was, of itself, somewhat elevated above the sites of Luxor and
Karnak, there was no occasion for obelisks at Thebes; as also they
would have been backed by the mountains to one looking from the
other side of the river, they would have been inconspicuous, and
therefore this architectural form was not used at Thebes: though,
indeed, I believe no instance remains to show that it was ever used
on that side of the valley, on which the sun set.
The structural connexion of all the mighty, magnificent buildings
throughout these ten miles was the grand conception of Rameses
the Great, of which I spoke some way back. There never were, we
may be quite sure, ten such miles, elsewhere, on the surface of this
earth. It is rash to prophesy, but we may doubt whether there ever
will be ten such miles again. We may, I think, say there will not be,
unless time give birth to two conditions. The first of the two is, that
communities should become animated with the desire to do for
themselves what these mighty Pharaohs did for themselves in the
old days of their greatness; and as man is much the same now that
he was then, and as private persons are capable of entertaining the
same ideas as kings, there is no à priori reason against the
possibility of this. The second condition is, that machinery should
eventually give us the power of cutting and moving large blocks of
stone at a far cheaper rate than is possible, with that already mighty
assistant, at present. For, as the world does not go back, we may be
sure that myriads of captives, and of helpless subjects, will never
again be employed in this way. It is quite conceivable that the mass
of some community may come to feel itself great, the feeling being in
the community generally, and not only in the individual at its head;
and should they at the same time entertain the desire that the
magnificence of their architecture should be in proportion to, and
express, the greatness of their ideas and sentiments, then the world
may again see hypostyle halls as grand as that of Karnak, and
magnificence equal to that of the Osirid Court of the Rameseum:
with, however, the difference that they will be constructed by, and for,
the community. In this there would be no injury in any way to any
one, and there would be nothing to regret, for those who had raised
such structures, and were in the habit of using them, would perhaps
on that account be less likely to be mean, and little, in the ordinary
occurrences of life. At all events there would be nothing demoralizing
in making machinery the slave to do the heavy drudgery required in
their construction.

There is one source of interest which belongs to the study of the

antiquities of Egypt in a higher degree than to the study of the
antiquities of any other country. Every object on which the eye may
rest, whether great or small, from the grandest architectural
monument down to a glass bead, is thoroughly, and genuinely
Egyptian. Not a tool with which the compact limestone, or intractable
granite was cut; not a colour with which the sculptures or walls were
decorated; not a form in their architectural details; not a thought, or
practice, or scene the sculptures and paintings represent, was, as far
as we know, borrowed, or could have been borrowed, from any
neighbouring people. The grand whole, and the minutest detail,
everything seen, and everything implied, was strictly autochthonous;
as completely the product of the Egyptian mind, as Egypt itself is of
the Nile.

Why, then the world’s mine oyster,

Which I with sword will open.—Shakspeare.

Rameses the Great was the Alexander of Egypt. His lot was cast
in the palmiest days of Egyptian history. He was the most
magnificent of the Pharaohs. None had such grand ideas, or gave
them such grand embodiment. He carried the arms of Egypt to the
utmost limits they ever reached. As one stands at Karnak, Thebes,
and Abydos, before the sculptures he set up, and reads in them the
records of his achievements, and of the thoughts that stirred within
him, the mind is transported to a very distant past—but though so
distant, we still may, by the aids we now possess, recover much of
its form and features. Let us then endeavour to construct for
ourselves some conception of his great expedition from the materials
with which the monuments and history supply us.
Egypt is very flourishing. Pharaoh has an army of 700,000 men
and great resources, and so he becomes dissatisfied at remaining
idle in his happy valley. There is a wonderful world up in the north-
east. He would like to be to that world what we might describe as an
Egyptian Columbus and Cortez in one. He wishes to signalize the
commencement of his reign with some achievement that will be for
ever famous. But these distant people have never wronged him: they
had never burnt his cities, or driven off his cattle. If they have ever
heard of the grandeur of Egypt, they can hardly tell whether it
belongs to this world of theirs, or to some other world.
Considerations, however, of this kind do not affect him.
But there are many difficulties in his way. The very first step of the
proposed expedition will carry his army into a desert of some days’
journey. How is this desert to be crossed? That is disposed of by the
answer that his father Sethos, and even some of the predecessors of
Sethos on the throne of Egypt, had crossed it.—But how is his army
to be supported in that unknown world beyond? How are provisions
to be procured, for they cannot be supplied from Egypt? The people
they will invade can support themselves; what they have must be
taken from them, and war must be made to support itself.—But
supposing all goes well as they advance, how shall they ever get
back, with their arms worn out, and their ranks thinned, and with a
vengeful foe barring their return with fortified places, and swarming
upon them from every side? They must, on their outward march,
raze all these fortified places, and make as clean a sweep as they
can of the population of the countries they pass through.—And how
shall the Egyptians live when Nature shall assail them with frost and
snow? Will their linen robes be then sufficient? They must do what
they can. They will be able to take the woollen garments of the
enemies they destroy. The difficulties, then, could not deter him. He
must see this great and wonderful world outside. He must flaunt his
greatness in its face. He must collect the treasures and the slaves
that will be required for building the mighty temples and palaces he
contemplates. These monuments he must have; and he will record
upon them that he did not, in raising them, tax and use up Egyptians.
And so it becomes a settled thing that he and his armies shall go
forth from Egypt. It would not have been the East had not the host,
with which he was to go forth, been a mighty one—as God’s army,
the locusts, for multitude. Everything must be on a grand scale; and
everything must be foreseen and provided for, as is the custom of
the wise Egyptians.
Then began a gathering of men, of horses, of chariots, of asses,
such as had never been seen on the earth before—as much greater
than other gatherings as the Pyramids were greater than other
buildings. In those mighty structures they had had an example, now
for a thousand years, of the style and fashion in which should be
carried out whatever Egypt undertook. Day and night were the
messengers going to and fro on the bank, and on the river. Many
new forges were put in blast, many new anvils set up. Never had the
sound of the hammer been so much heard before, never had been
seen before so many buyers and lookers-on in the armourers’
bazaars. There were canvas towns outside the gates of Thebes, of
This, of Memphis, and of other great cities. Never had so many
horses been seen picketed before; men wondered where they all
had come from. On the river there were boats full of men, and boats
full of grain, to people and to feed the canvas towns. Never had the
landing-places been so crowded before. Many a river trader, in those
days, had to drop away from his moorings against the bank, to make
room for the grain-boats and the troop-boats of the great king. Never
had the temples been so full before: never had there been so many
processions, and so many offerings. The gods must be propitiated
for the great expedition: it must be undertaken in their names.
Mightier temples and richer offerings must be promised for the return
of the king and of the host, when they shall bring back victory. Many
said in those days of preparation, ‘The gods be with the king and
with his armies.’ Many said in their hearts, ‘Who can tell? The gods
had made Egypt great, but would they go forth from Egypt? The king
was as a god, but could he do all things?’ This was an issue that
could not be forecast.
Such was the talk of many in the mud-built villages, as well as in
hundred-gated Thebes, in old Abydos, in discrowned Memphis, and
in all the cities of all the gods—for every god had his own city.
Nothing else had much interest, either in the mansions of the rich, or
in the hovels of the poor. The wives and daughters of the people—
while in the evening they walked down to the river-side with their
water-jars, or, when the sun was down, clustered together at the
street-corners and at the village-gate, sitting on the ground—had
never tarried before so long at those watering-places, those gates,
and those street-corners. And all the while the musterings and the
preparations went on like the work of a machine, for the king had the
whole people well in hand, and he bent all Egypt to the work as if it
had been one man.
And everything is now complete. The last processions and
offerings have been made. The aid of the gods has been promised.
The priests had thought that Egypt, at all events, would be secure,

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