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Assessment of Drainage System in Sitio San Juan, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan

de Oro City


1.1 Background of the Study

Urban drainage management system is a critically important challenge in

ensuring the sustainable development of the City of Cagayan de Oro. According to
Butler on his article on 2016, he emphasized that water management faces major
challenges over the coming decades, with existing social, ecological, and technical
water subsystems subject to emerging global threats such as climate change,
urbanization, and depletion of resources. Current methods may be able to deal with
these threats individually; however, recent experiences have revealed serious
problems, and, without new ideas and approaches, levels of service will be challenged
significantly by future change.

Management of Urban drainage systems and challenges associated with it like

management of storm waters, surface run off and recurring issue of flooding has been
an issue in Sitio San Juan, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City. Thus, this study
aims to assess the current state of drainage system in this area focusing on its
effectiveness and efficiency in managing storm waters and household excess waters.
By addressing this issue and identifying the key challenges and limits of existing
drainage system, we can propose practical solutions to improve the drainage
infrastructure. Thus, it will be beneficial to the local community of Sitio San Juan and
residents of Barangay Lapasan.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The rapid urbanization in Cagayan de Oro City has lead to frequent instances of
flooding. Sitio San Juan in Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro CityThe study intends
to assess the current state of Drainage System specifically in Barangay San Juan 1,
Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City. This study deals with the following questions:

1. What is the current state of Drainage system at Barangay San Juan 1, Lapasan,
Cagayan de Oro City in terms of its
A. Capacity
B. Functionality
C. Overall efficiency

2. What are the root causes or factors contributing to the inefficiency of drainage
3. Propose practical innovations to:
A. Mitigate flood
B. Ensure proper water management

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive assessment

of the drainage system in Sitio San Juan 1, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City
since the defective drainage system causes inconvenience to the people as it leads to
flooding due to stagnation of waters with rubbish causing unpleasant odors which is a
potential hazard for residents health. The following research objective would facilitate
the achievement of the following:

1. Assess the existing condition of Drainage System at Sitio San Juan including its
physical infrastructure, capacity and functionality.

2. Propose practical and modern approach to mitigate the flooding and to reduce water
run-off to aquatic environment

1.4 Significance of the Study

By carefully evaluating drainage systems and allowing target improvements to

drainage infrastructure, these assessments will help communities minimize drainage
issues and maintain the resilience of their water management systems. The outcome
of this study was expected to provide the following benefits:

Residents: The result of this study gave people of Sitio San Jaun a deeper
understanding that poor drainage systems can cause water to build up around houses
and other structures causing damage and affected people and families to suffer as it
might be essential to relocate, which would interrupt daily routines and require
temporary relocations, adding to the suffering already experienced by individuals
affected. Thus, the involvement of residents regarding the maintenance of drainage is
beneficial to all.

Local community: By identifying locations that are vulnerable to flooding due to

defective drainage after heavy rains, drainage system assessments enable targeted
measures to lower flood risks and protect the community. Improving drainage help
Sitio San Juan 1, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro and the neighbor’s communities remains
resilient and stable by protecting economic activity and livelihoods from ineffective
drainage system.

Future Researchers: The result of this study gives idea and additional information
to future researchers regarding the topic under consideration. Thus, the acquired
informationmay be used as a reference data for their future studies.

1.5 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.1 Represents the Conceptual Framework of the study, illustrating the
IPO Model or the Input, Process and Output Model in assesing the Drainage System
in Sitio San Juan, Barangay Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City. The process

Input Process Output

nage ssess
1. Topographic Map 1. Actual Field Survey 1. Draiange Lay-out Plan
2. Actual dimensions of 2. Calculations using 2. Actual Drainage
the Drainage System Manning’s Equation Capacity
3. Drainage Capacity

Figure 1.1 The Input-Process-Output of the study

1.6 Scope and Limitation of Study

The primary focus of this study is to assess the drainage system in Sitio San Juan,
Barangay Lapasan. Thus, the study is targeted at specific area.

1.7 Definition of Terms

In this investigation, certain terms are operationally defined to establish a

framework and enhance comprehension of the subject matter. The terminologies
employed in the study are defined as follows:

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