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Orthopedic Biomaterials Progress in

Biology Manufacturing and Industry

Perspectives Bingyun Li
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Bingyun Li · Thomas Webster Editors

Progress in Biology, Manufacturing, and
Industry Perspectives
Orthopedic Biomaterials
Bingyun Li • Thomas Webster

Orthopedic Biomaterials
Progress in Biology, Manufacturing,
and Industry Perspectives
Bingyun Li Thomas Webster
Department of Orthopedics Department of Chemical Engineering
School of Medicine Northeastern University
West Virginia University Boston, MA, USA
Morgantown, WV, USA

ISBN 978-3-319-89541-3    ISBN 978-3-319-89542-0 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018950444

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

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It is clear that advances in orthopedic biomaterials need strong input from clinicians
as well as those in industry and academia. Neither can operate in a vacuum to pro-
vide solutions that will help bone health. This book provides just that. We have
chapters from clinicians, industry and academia to discuss Orthopedic Biomaterials:
Progress in Biology, Manufacturing, and Industry Perspectives.
Importantly, while many biomaterial textbooks have omitted the merging of
these key constituencies, they have also neglected to emphasize the role that manu-
facturing plays in biomaterial properties—and this could not be any more important
today when we think of soft biomaterials, nanofabrication, new polymers, self-­
assembled materials, and biologics to name a few. Think of all of the clinical input
and academic research that goes into generating the next generation of biomaterials
only to be lost due to poor manufacturing processes? Or, the development of an
elegant nanofabrication process to modify bone screws that can not be implemented
clinically due to cost or manufacturing constraints? Or, a new bone tissue engineer-
ing material that can be manufactured, but not implanted since clinicians do not
have the necessary tools to do so? Or, what about, biologics that can not be purified
during manufacturing without altering their attractive bone growth properties?
All of these issues are so intertwined, yet, unfortunately, many are only realized
at the end when researchers try to commercialize technologies. And then follows
frustration, wasted resources, and lost technologies. This book puts such issues
front and center and in doing so, encourages us all to think about them before one
single experiment is conducted. Only then, will we satisfy our growing needs for
improved orthopedic biomaterials.
So, please enjoy this book and think of your own approaches that need to integrate
biology and manufacturing from an industry perspective before you conduct your
first experiment! We will all be better for it and, yes, then the train does not need
to stop!
Morgantown, WV, USA Bingyun Li
Boston, MA, USA Thomas J. Webster


Part I Design, Manufacturing, Assessment, and Applications

Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications:
From Manufacturing Processes to Clinical Applications ����������������������������    3
Dan Hickey and Thomas Webster
Additive Manufacturing of Orthopedic Implants����������������������������������������   21
Maryam Tilton, Gregory S. Lewis, and Guha P. Manogharan
 3D Printed Porous Bone Constructs��������������������������������������������������������������   57
Wenjun Zheng, Qilin Wei, Xiaojie Xun, and Ming Su
 iopolymer Based Interfacial Tissue Engineering for Arthritis������������������   67
Krishanu Ghosal, Rohit Khanna, and Kishor Sarkar
 erformance of Bore-Cone Taper Junctions on Explanted
Total Knee Replacements with Modular Stem Extensions:
Mechanical Disassembly and Corrosion Analysis of Two Designs��������������   89
Pooja Panigrahi, Kyle Snethen, Kevin G. Schwartzman,
Jorg Lützner, and Melinda K. Harman
Wear Simulation Testing for Joint Implants ������������������������������������������������ 111
Peter Liao
 echanical Stimulation Methods for Cartilage Tissue Engineering���������� 123
Stefan Balko, Joanna F. Weber, and Stephen D. Waldman
 echanically Assisted Electrochemical Degradation
of Alumina-TiC Composites���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
Hetal U. Maharaja and Guigen Zhang

Part II Biology and Clinical and Industrial Perspectives

Biomaterials in Total Joint Arthroplasty ������������������������������������������������������ 175
Lindsey N. Bravin and Matthew J. Dietz

viii Contents

 odulating Innate Inflammatory Reactions in the Application

of Orthopedic Biomaterials���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 199
Tzuhua Lin, Eemeli Jämsen, Laura Lu, Karthik Nathan,
Jukka Pajarinen, and Stuart B. Goodman
 nti-Infection Technologies for Orthopedic Implants:
Materials and Considerations for Commercial Development �������������������� 219
David Armbruster
Platelet Rich Plasma: Biology and Clinical Usage in Orthopedics������������� 243
Dukens LaBaze and Hongshuai Li
 ioresorbable Materials for Orthopedic Applications
(Lactide and Glycolide Based)������������������������������������������������������������������������ 287
Balaji Prabhu, Andreas Karau, Andrew Wood, Mahrokh Dadsetan,
Harald Liedtke, and Todd DeWitt
 he Role of Polymer Additives in Enhancing the Response
of Calcium Phosphate Cement������������������������������������������������������������������������ 345
David K. Mills
Biological Fixation: The Role of Screw Surface Design ������������������������������ 381
Robert S. Liddell and John E. Davies
Fracture Fixation Biomechanics and Biomaterials�������������������������������������� 401
Scott M. Tucker, J. Spence Reid, and Gregory S. Lewis
 iomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering: Recent
Advances and Challenges�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 429
Kanchan Maji
 rogress of Bioceramic and Bioglass Bone Scaffolds
for Load-Bearing Applications����������������������������������������������������������������������� 453
Jingzhou Yang

Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 487
Part I
Design, Manufacturing, Assessment, and
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic
Applications: From Manufacturing
Processes to Clinical Applications

Dan Hickey and Thomas Webster

Keywords Bone · Spine · Nanomedicine · Growth · Inflammation · Infection ·

Nanotextured · Nano-topography · Fibroblasts

1 Introduction

This chapter covers the integration of artificial materials into natural tissues of the
human body, particularly bone, and what can be achieved through a couple of key
nano-manufacturing techniques (such as shot peening and electrophoretic deposi-
tion). To achieve proper mechanical anchorage and integration, orthopedic implanted
materials should resemble the tissues they are replacing as much as possible. Thus,
provided here is an overview of the structure and function of bone tissues, as well as
a review of the concepts and methods used by other researchers attempting to regen-
erate orthopedic tissues, with a focus on nanotechnology.

2 The Extracellular Matrix (ECM)

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is the principle extracellular component of all tis-
sues and organs. It serves as a shelter to house cells, and it relays important chemi-
cal and mechanical signals between cells and their environment. The ECM is a
structural material which controls the spatial organization of tissues across all length
scales, connecting nano-scale features to the larger-scale organization that controls
cell positioning and motility. The ECM also mediates cellular attachment, prolifera-
tion, and differentiation through a multitude of proteins, growth factors, and

D. Hickey · T. Webster (*)

Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 3

B. Li, T. Webster (eds.), Orthopedic Biomaterials,
4 D. Hickey and T. Webster

The ECM is a constantly evolving system which reacts to chemical stimuli as

well as external stresses. For example, Magnusson et al. showed that acute exercise
in humans was followed by an increase in both the synthesis and degradation of
collagen in tendons [1]. Thus, the ECM changes with time, and its composition and
organization can vary significantly with location within the body (e.g., bone ECM
vs. heart ECM) [2, 3]. Therefore, from a tissue engineering standpoint, it is impor-
tant to fabricate tissue scaffolds with the capacity to develop the appropriate signal-
ing pathways that will allow cells within the scaffold to shape the synthesis of new

2.1 ECM Composition

The ECM is composed primarily of glycoproteins, such as collagen, as well as pro-

teoglycans, elastins, and glycosaminoglycans such as hyaluronic acid. These struc-
tural proteins exist as nanofibers which range in diameter from 50 to 500 nm [4].
The randomly oriented ECM nanofibers of cartilage, formed by chondrocytes, are
displayed in Fig. 1 [5]. In order to accommodate cell adhesion and migration, as
well as the ingrowth of vessels and other biomolecules, the ECM is quite porous.
However, mature tissues in the body undergo decreased remodeling and do not typi-
cally exhibit the extensive porosity that is required for a tissue scaffold to generate
neotissue [6].

2.2 The ECM as a Molecular Reservoir

In addition to its structural functionality, the ECM also acts as a reservoir for growth
factors, cytokines, matrix-degrading enzymes, and their inhibitors. The ECM pro-
tects these molecules from degradation, and it also presents them more efficiently to

Fig. 1 Scanning electron

micrograph exhibiting the
nanofibrous morphology of
the self-generated native
environment of
chondrocytes, containing a
structural matrix of
proteins linked to
polysaccharides consisting
of glycosaminoglycan
units [5]
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 5

their receptors, affecting their synthesis [7]. In a reciprocal relationship, these

growth factors and cytokines can signal cells to alter the production of ECM mole-
cules, their receptors, and/or their inhibitors [8, 9]. The localization of growth fac-
tors and cytokines to particular tissues contributes to the variations in ECM
composition and organization observed for different locations in the body [10].

2.3 Cell-ECM Interactions

Cells and their ECM are in constant communication with each other. Morphological
and functional relationships are established between basal membranes, ECM, peri-
cellular matrix, and cytoskeleton through cell surface receptors, including integrins,
immunoglobulins, and selectins. The majority of these receptors, such as stretch-­
sensitive ion channels and G-protein coupled receptors respond to chemical cues,
whereas only the integrins and cadherins appear to be capable of responding to
mechanical stimuli [11]. Figure 2 shows how integrin molecules span the cellular
membrane to relay signals between the cytoplasm and the ECM. The smallest

Fig. 2 Interaction of a cell with the ECM. Integrin receptors span the cellular membrane to trans-
mit signals between extracellular proteins and the actin filaments of the cytoplasm [15]
6 D. Hickey and T. Webster

Fig. 3 Interactions of cells with the ECM is mediated through ligand binding to cell surface recep-
tors such as selectins, immunoglobulins, and integrins. Divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) attach to
α chain sites to activate conformational activation of integrins for ligand binding [10]

collagen fibers of the ECM attach to proteoglycans and fibronectin, which interact
directly with integrin molecules. Within the cell cytoplasm, integrins connect to
focal adhesion complexes which elicit contractile responses in actin filaments. The
actin filaments then transmit forces throughout the cell to the nucleus and to other
signaling organelles [12]. In this way, integrin mediated signaling from the ECM is
known to induce changes in cell morphology and function, which may lead to
growth and/or differentiation [13, 14]. This signaling pathway explains how our tis-
sues respond to growth, work, play, and injuries [11].
Integrins were the first cell surface receptors to be discovered, and they have
since been studied most extensively [15]. These receptors are heterodimeric trans-
membrane glycoproteins composed of α and β subunits. To properly attach ligands,
integrins rely on a population of α chain sites with Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations, which
stimulate the integrin into a conformation that is accepting of ligand binding (Fig. 3)
[10]. So far, at least 18 α and 8 β subunits have been identified, and they pair with
each other in a variety of combinations, giving rise to a large family of receptors that
recognize very specific peptide sequences of ECM molecules. Some combinations
bind only very specific peptide sequences, while others bind to several different
epitopes, providing tissues with built-in plasticity and redundancy [16].
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 7

2.4 Bone

This research focuses on the integration of biomaterials with bone, and as such, an
understanding of the structure and composition of bone is essential. Bone is a nano-
composite material comprised of a porous organic matrix with a high degree of
interstitial mineralization. This composite internal organization gives bone impor-
tant physical properties which allow it to function properly within the skeletal struc-
ture – the hard mineral constituents provide bone with high compressive strength,
and the pliable organic matrix allow bone to bend and resist fracture from lateral
stresses. At the macroscale, bone can be divided into two primary types: cortical
bone and cancellous bone. Examining a cross-section, long bones such as the femur
exhibit a dense cortical shell surrounding a porous, cancellous interior.

2.4.1 Cortical Bone

Cortical (or compact) bone is more mature than cancellous bone, and it contains a
highly ordered microstructure, which is easily distinguished from that of cancellous
bone through histological evaluation [17]. In cortical bone, at the nanoscale, aligned
triple helix collagen molecules are infiltrated and surrounded by mineral (bone apa-
tite). Mature apatite crystals are plate-shaped (not needle-shaped) with average
dimensions of 50 × 25 × 3 nm, and a composition very similar to that of hydroxy-
apatite (HA) [18]. The longest dimension of bone mineral corresponds to the axis
along which collagen molecules align. Collagen molecules, separated in a regular
fashion by apatite crystals, bundle into collagen fibrils, which bundle further to form
collagen fibers approximately 150–250 nm in diameter. Continuing up the hierar-
chical structure of cortical bone, these mineralized collagen fibers form into planar
arrangements called lamellae (3–7 μm wide), which often wrap in concentric circles
to form an osteon, or Haversian system. Osteons (cylinders roughly 200 μm in
diameter) group together running roughly parallel to the long axis of the bone. The
hierarchical architecture of cortical bone described above is illustrated in Fig. 4.
Some differing forms of cortical bone do not form osteons; however, the basic min-
eralized collagen fiber structure remains constant.

2.4.2 Cancellous Bone

Cancellous (or trabecular) bone is generally more metabolically active than cortical
bone. It is remodeled more often, and is therefore ‘younger’ on average than cortical
bone [17]. Cancellous bone is often called ‘spongy’ bone because it is highly
porous, allowing bone cells to migrate and proliferate more freely. Because most
tissue scaffolds are made to degrade over time and be replaced by native tissue, it is
most often the structure of cancellous bone that must be created to achieve proper
bone regeneration. Therefore, tissue scaffolds for bone tissue grafts do not need to
8 D. Hickey and T. Webster

Fig. 4 Hierarchical architecture of cortical bone. At the nanoscale, bone apatite crystals fit into
interstitial spaces within individual collagen molecules which bundle into the larger micron-scale
structures that give cortical bone its characteristic strength [17]

possess the strength of cortical bone, which is very high (the Young’s modulus is
around 17 GPa). Instead, bone tissue scaffolds can be made to have an elastic modu-
lus matching that of cancellous bone, which ranges between 0.1 and 4.5 GPa [19].

3 Tissue Engineering

The field of tissue engineering emerged from the clinical setting in the late 1980s as
a new approach to repair or replace damaged or degrading tissues [20]. Building
upon the basic principles of in vitro cell culturing techniques, Robert Langer, Joseph
Vacanti, and others showed that a biocompatible “scaffold” could be seeded with
cells and implanted into the affected region to enhance natural tissue regeneration
(Fig. 5) [21–23]. The scaffold would then be expected to degrade into biocompati-
ble side products as it is replaced by native tissue. The first successful application of
this technology was seen for skin grafts, but today more complicated tissues, and
even whole organs, are being fabricated to treat a variety of ailments in human
patients [21, 23].

3.1 Nanotechnology for Tissue Engineering

The progression of scaffolds for tissue engineering has been aided by a number of
technological advancements, including imaging techniques that allow researchers
to observe smaller systems, and more sensitive biological assays that are capable of
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 9




Fig. 5 Diagram of the basic tissue engineering process. A biocompatible scaffold is seeded with
cells and cultured in appropriate media until it is ready to be used in the body [24]

Fig. 6 Nanoscale surface roughness enhances surface energy and resembles structures found in
the body, and can lead to the increased adsorption of cell surface proteins [25]

elucidating biological processes at a protein-based size scale. Additionally, the

development of new material fabrication techniques has provided researchers with
the ability to control material properties on an atom-by-atom basis. In general, these
advancements can be catalogued under the umbrella of nanotechnologies.
Broadly defined, nanotechnology is “the use of materials whose components
exhibit significantly changed properties by gaining control of structures at the
atomic, molecular, and supramolecular levels” [25]. For instance, enhanced surface
energy on nanorough surfaces can lead to increased and selective adsorption of
proteins important to cell adhesion and functions, such as fibronectin (Fig. 6) [26].
Applied to tissue engineering, nanotechnology has aided in the development of tis-
sue scaffolds which more closely resemble the native extracellular matrix (ECM)—
the structural support system for all cells in the body. Tissue engineers aim to mimic
the ECM in order to provide cells with an environment which closely resembles the
tissue they will be implanted into. Therefore, the body serves as a model for the fab-
10 D. Hickey and T. Webster

rication of artificial tissue scaffolds, and because events and interactions within the
body occur in the nanoscale, the most fruitful control over the interactions of engi-
neered scaffolds within the body can be achieved by application of nanotechnology.

3.2 Control of Cell Functions Using Nanotechnology

The introduction of nanofeatures into the cellular environment has been shown to
improve cell functions. For instance, attachment proteins such as fibronectin, vitro-
nectin, and laminin were found to absorb to nanofibrous tissue scaffolds 2.6–3.9
times more than solid-walled scaffolds [27]. Additionally, the adsorption of these
proteins was found to be selective, indicating that variations in the nanostructure of
a substrate are important for regulating cellular functions, as well as the signaling
that causes formation of different tissues at different locations within the body.
Although three-dimensional scaffolds are required for in vivo applications, stud-
ies employing two-dimensional (2D) topographies offer a great deal of information
on controlling cell fate and morphology. A number of 2D nanopatterned geometries
aimed at mimicking the length scales of native ECM have been tested, including
nanogrooves, nanoposts, and nanopit arrays [28]. These substrate topographies have
been shown to influence a variety of cellular processes, including changes in shape,
differentiation, and adhesion [28]. For example, epithelial cells elongate and align
along patterns of grooves and ridges with feature dimensions as small as 70 nm,
whereas on smooth substrates, cells are mostly rounded (Fig. 7) [29].

Fig. 7 Left: Epithelial cells respond to nanopatterning by alignment and elongation along the grat-
ing axis. Right: On smooth substrates, cells are mostly rounded [29]
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 11

3.3 Cell Sensitivity to Nanofeatures

It is interesting to consider exactly what size topographical features that cells can
sense and respond to. The small diameter of ECM protein fibers are thought to have
a significant impact on the function of cells, which are 1–2 orders of magnitude
larger than typical ECM nanofibers. Work by Wojciak-Stothard et al. suggested that
P388D1 macrophage-like cells react to surface feature dimensions down to 44 nm
[30]. However, other cell types do not appear to be as sensitive, as epitena, epithelia,
fibroblasts, and endothelia did not react to groove depths less than 70 nm [30].
Taken as a whole, the utilization of such nanotopographies, possibly in combination
with chemical cues, could potentially lead to tissue scaffolds with very precise con-
trol over cell morphologies and functions.

3.4 Important Features of Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering

To provide transplanted cells with the optimum environment for tissue regeneration,
it is desirable to construct scaffolds that mimic the native ECM in terms of structure
and chemistry, with one exception: tissue repair via tissue engineering processes is
expected to progress more quickly than natural tissue development. Therefore, scaf-
folds should exhibit large degrees of porosity and inter-pore connectivity to allow
for accelerated mass transfer and neovascularization. Increased porosity also
encourages cells to migrate and reorganize their extracellular environment in accor-
dance with the hierarchical architecture of the local tissue [31].
Other aspects of scaffolds for tissue engineering are designed to resemble as
much as possible the tissue that they are meant to regenerate or replace. These prop-
erties include nanofiber length and diameter, mechanical stiffness and flexibility,
and nanotopography, as well as the biochemical factors that influence proper cell-­
cell and cell-scaffold interactions. Because ECM properties vary widely from tissue
to tissue, care must be taken in selecting the proper materials and fabrication tech-
nique for each particular application.

3.5 Materials for Scaffold Construction

Scaffolds for tissue engineering can be constructed from synthetic or natural mate-
rials, such as collagen or hyaluronic acid. Metals and ceramics have been consid-
ered in the past (primarily for bone tissue engineering), but the stiffness of these
materials typically leads to a mismatch in mechanical properties between the
implant and the surrounding native tissues, leading to large interfacial stress con-
centrations and eventual loosening and failure [32]. Today, synthetic and natural
polymers are the primary materials of construction, and for bone tissue scaffolds,
success has been achieved by mineralizing polymers with nanoparticles of metal
12 D. Hickey and T. Webster

or ceramic, which closely resembles the mineralized collagen matrix of natural

bone [33].
Poly (α-hydroxy) esters (such as poly lactic acid, poly glycolic acid, and combi-
nations thereof) have found the most widespread application for tissue engineering
due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability. These polymers are readily avail-
able and FDA approved for clinical use. One drawback is that they do not possess
the functionalities found in natural ECM fibers that enhance cellular functions and
signaling [34]. Therefore, natural polymers such as collagen and hyaluronic acid
have also been widely investigated as materials for tissue engineering. Yet, even
these natural polymers have some disadvantages, including immunogenicity and
variations in mechanical properties, degradation, and reproducibility [35].
Ultimately, research has focused on improving the cell-specific properties of these
materials by functionalizing them with bioactive molecules and through the appli-
cation of various fabrication techniques.

4 Unmet Clinical Need

Despite the above advances, improved biomaterials for the regeneration of bone are
still needed to treat the growing population of people with damaged and degrading
bone [36–38]. This need is highlighted by the fact that there are more than 4,000,000
operations involving bone grafting or bone substitutes performed annually around
the world [38]. These procedures are being used to repair bone fractures, alleviate
spinal issues, replace joints, and repair bone tumor resections [38], and the total
associated medical burden costs tens of billions of dollars each year [39].
Complications can arise following bone grafting procedures, often necessitating
secondary procedures and incurring more cost. Delayed healing or non-union
occurs in 20% of all high-impact fractures [40], and 35% in the case of spinal
fusions [41]. Additionally, bacterial infection of surgical wounds poses a serious
risk to patients and hospitals. Approximately 30% of implanted bone fracture-­
fixation devices acquire bacterial infections [42], and the dangers associated with
bacterial infections are becoming much more challenging with the rise of antibiotic
resistance [43–45].
Autografts and allografts currently provide the best tissue-to-implant healing.
However, autograft usage is limited by donor-site morbidity and supply, and
allografts can transmit disease or illicit an immunogenic response by the host to the
foreign tissue [46–49]. Ultimately, new solutions are needed to meet the demand for
orthopedic biomaterials that can improve tissue integration and resist bacterial
infection. But to develop biomaterials with the necessary chemical and physical
properties, it is necessary to more fully understand how changing the features of the
material can modulate their interactions with their environment, and nanotechnol-
ogy may hold the answer.
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 13

4.1 Substrate Properties for Osseointegration

Proper mechanical inter-locking into bone is essential to the success of implants.

The surface characteristics of the implant play a pivotal role in directing cell activity
and ultimately the integration of the implant within surrounding tissues. Implants
with smooth surfaces at the nanoscale can become encased in a fibrous membrane,
thus damaging osseointegration and leading to implant failure. Alternatively,
implants with increased nanoscale roughness have demonstrated significantly
improved osteoblast adhesion, and on some nanotopographies have even reduced
fibroblast adherence compared to osteoblast cells [50–54].
Surface micro−/nano-scale topography, grain structure, stiffness, and chemistry
can modulate cellular functions at the cell-substrate interface [55–60]. These sub-
strate properties also significantly affect surface energy, a parameter that has been
shown to play a large role in directing protein adsorption and cellular activity [26].
Several studies have demonstrated that increased surface energy increased the
adherence of osteoblasts and significantly improved the integration of the material
with bone [61–64].

4.2 Substrate Properties to Resist Bacterial Infection

If bacteria find their way onto an implant, they can attach almost immediately and
subsequently proliferate rapidly [65, 66]. If the bacteria progress to form a biofilm,
the infection becomes highly resistant to antibiotics and virtually impossible to
eradicate, necessitating surgical resection [67–69]. Thus, it is desirable to create
biomaterial surfaces that intrinsically resist the attachment of bacteria (while still
promoting cell adhesion). Such a material would then allow the immune system
more time to locate and destroy infection-causing bacteria before they can colonize
and form a biofilm.
Like cells, bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation is also directly affected by
changing substrate properties [70, 71]. Increasing surface roughness has been
reported to both deter and attract bacterial adhesion [72–76]. However, the ­scale/
feature size of the surface roughness is a critical parameter that must be considered.
In general, decreasing the substrate feature size below the size of the bacteria (and
into the nanoscale) results in decreased bacterial retention [76]. It has been shown
that bacterial colonization depends heavily on both surface roughness and surface
energy and from a thermodynamics perspective, the tendency for bacteria to attach
to a surface can be determined by calculating the free energy of adhesion, which is
a function of the substrate-bacteria, substrate-liquid, and liquid-bacteria interfacial
free energies. In the next two sections, we provide two processes which can easily
create nanoscale surface features on everyday orthopedic implants to decrease bac-
teria growth (and promote bone growth).
14 D. Hickey and T. Webster

Fig. 8 Schematic of the shot peening apparatus

4.2.1 Shot Peened 316 L Stainless Steel

Compared to the biodegradable polymer scaffolds that are gaining great interest for
tissue engineering, permanent metal implants provide a much simpler and more
consistent platform on which to study the effects of surface modifications on cell/
bacteria-substrate interactions. Accordingly, a variety of metallic surface modifica-
tion approaches have been tested. Among the applied techniques, severe plastic
deformation (SPD) procedures are metal forming processes that result in excep-
tional grain refinement by imposing high strain rates at relatively low temperatures
without considerably altering the overall dimensions of the material. Severe shot
peening (SSP) can be described as one of the most effective and, at the same time,
the least demanding SPD techniques.
SSP is based on impacting the material surface with high energy shots as demon-
strated in Fig. 8. The effect of the treatment is to introduce numerous defects, dislo-
cations and grain boundaries onto the surface layer of the material, subsequently
transforming the coarse grained structure into a nanostructured one. The character-
istics of the affected surface layer in terms of grain size, thickness, surface ­roughness,
and work hardening as well as induced residual stresses can be tailored by the
proper choice of peening parameters, including the Almen intensity (a measure of
shot stream kinematic energy during the shot peening process) and surface coverage
(the ratio of the area covered by plastic indentation to the whole surface area).
Studies performed on SSP in recent years have indicated its ability to significantly
improve the mechanical properties of treated materials in terms of hardness, fatigue
strength, corrosion, wear, scratch resistance and so on, contributing to enhanced
functionality and service characteristics of the material [77, 78].
In this work, 316 L stainless steel (which is the most widely used stainless steel
for orthopedic, cardiovascular and craniofacial applications due to its good corro-
sion resistance and formability) was used to assess the interaction between the shot-­
peened surfaces and primary human osteoblasts (bone forming cells), as well as a
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 15

Fig. 9 Changes in nanoscale surface features for stainless steel severely shot-peened compared to
untreated samples. Top: AFM images. Bottom: Staph. aureus growth after 1 day stained with a
green fluorescent dye. Results showed that the presence of nanoscale features from severely shot-­
peened and conventional shot peening stainless steel were imperative for reducing bacteria adhe-
sion and increasing bone growth [79]. Left column conventional (or no treatment), middle
(conventional shot peening) and right (severe shot peening)

range of bacteria, including the gram-positive strains Staphylococcus aureus and

Staphylococcus epidermidis, and gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli (Fig. 9). To examine the effects of grain size
refinement alone (without the confounding changes in roughness), a group of sam-
ples were surface ground after the SSP treatments to remove differences in surface
roughness between sample groups (while the samples retained their differences in
underlying grain structure). The mechanical and physical properties of the sub-
strates were fully characterized and related to the response of osteoblasts and bacte-
ria seeded onto different sample groups. Results demonstrated considerable promise
to enhance the mechanical and cytocompatibility properties of 316 L stainless steel
using SSP treatments alone without resorting to the use of pharmaceutical agents
[79]. In fact, when polishing the samples, no differences in bacteria growth were
observed while significantly decreased bacterial growth was observed on the SSP
compared to conventional shot peened and no treated samples. Bone cell growth
was enhanced on all treated compared to untreated samples, even those was there
polished compared to untreated samples. This study also provided significant insight
into how surface roughness and surface energy affect cell and bacteria functions.

4.2.2 Electrophoretic Deposition

Another technique that can be used to impart antibacterial properties to materials is

electrophoretic deposition (EPD). EPD can offer the best characteristics to obtain a
coating of highly exposed nanoparticles (that would retain their nanostructure after
coating) of great versatility for the greatest bacteria-killing activity. EPD is a
16 D. Hickey and T. Webster

Fig. 10 Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) cell showing positively charged particles in suspension
migrating towards the negative electrode [80]

colloidal processing technique employing a electrophoresis mechanism to deposit a

thick or thin film of charged particles in an ordered manner onto a substrate. This
process is typically performed within a two-electrode cell, as depicted schemati-
cally in Fig. 10 [80].
The coating thickness achieved using EPD can vary widely from around 100 nm
to more than 100 μm, and depends directly on the applied voltage, processing time,
and the concentration of particles in the EPD solution. However, regarding the par-
ticle concentration in the EPD solution, there is an upper limit at which particle
flocculation caused by migrations near the depositing electrode may cause
­sub-­optimal coating. Studies have shown that by coating titanium with nanoscale
hydroxyapatite one can decrease bacteria attachment and growth and promote bone
growth without releasing any growth factors (Fig. 11) [81].

5 Conclusions

It is now abundantly clear that nanotechnology can improve bone growth and, even
more recently, inhibit bacteria growth. In this chapter, the fundamental reasons why
nanotechnology can control cell functions is presented and several concrete manu-
facturing process are presented which can implement nanoscale features on today’s
Nanotechnology for Orthopedic Applications: From Manufacturing Processes… 17

Fig. 11 Electrophoretic coated titanium with nanoparticles of hydroxyapatite that can reduce bac-
teria attachment and growth and promote bone growth without releasing drugs. SEM images of the
Ti surfaces coated with (a) 170 nm, (b) 150 nm, (c) 130 nm, (d)110 nm hydroxyapatite powders,
(e) plasma sprayed micron sized hydroxyapatite onto Ti and (f) plain Ti. Scale bar: 1 μm

implants. The ability of nanoscale surface features to change surface energy to in

turn control initial protein adsorption events that dictate cell responses will be con-
tinually integrated into medicine to improve human health.


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Additive Manufacturing of Orthopedic

Maryam Tilton, Gregory S. Lewis, and Guha P. Manogharan

Keywords Additive manufacturing · Orthopedics · Patient-specific design ·

Biomaterial · Biocompatibility · Microarchitecture · Large bone defects ·
Arthroplasty · Electron beam melting · Laser-powder bed fusion · 3D printing ·
Custom implants · Biomechanics · Finite element analysis · Reverse engineering ·

1 Introduction

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the process of selectively joining materials to fab-

ricate objects in a layer-by-layer approach using digital part information, i.e. 3D
CAD models. This definition highlights the fundamental difference between AM
process and traditional manufacturing methods such as subtractive processes (e.g.
machining), forming processes (e.g. forging) and bulk solidification processes (e.g.
casting). AM is often also called 3D printing, additive processes, freeform fabrica-
tion and layered manufacturing. When compared to traditional processes, AM offers
unique advantages to economically produce low volume batches (one to a few) of
highly complex products. Since AM does not require design and/or material depen-
dent tooling (e.g. jigs and fixtures), AM is an ideal candidate for the next generation
design and manufacturing of orthopedic implants. Although “customization” of
product specifications implants has been around long before the introduction of AM
technology to the medical field, the lack of tooling requirement for each design in
AM makes it economically viable for patient-specific orthopedic implant produc-
tion. Finally, design freedom that can be easily achieved through AM technology
enables introduction of porous structures for bone ingrowth and biological implant

M. Tilton · G. P. Manogharan (*)

Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, College of Engineering, Pennsylvania
State University, University Park, PA, USA
G. S. Lewis
Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, Pennsylvania State
University, Hershey, PA, USA

© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 21

B. Li, T. Webster (eds.), Orthopedic Biomaterials,
22 M. Tilton et al.

fixation. The motivation for this chapter is to understand the current state of ortho-
pedic applications of AM which have been shown to economically produce highly
customized and highly complex design features in low volumes.
First, this chapter details the basic AM workflow to manufacture orthopedic
implants and principles of various metal AM methods. Subsequently, a broad review
of biocompatible materials that can be currently processed via AM and resulting
mechanical properties are outlined. Beyond feasibility of biomaterials for AM pro-
cessing, other criteria such as biocompatibility, strength and prevention of stress
shielding are important for the success of an implant. It is evident that chemical
composition is not the only factor that differentiates the microstructure and mechan-
ical properties of materials; manufacturing processes can be as important as chemi-
cal composition. The inherent layer-by-layer nature of AM processes affects the
resulting mechanical properties of the implant (e.g. anisotropy, residual thermal
stress), which could be explored in a beneficial manner through careful design-­
process planning for manufacturing. This chapter also outlines a detailed methodol-
ogy for patient specific design processes for AM (dfAM) and ability of AM to
seamlessly generate porous structures for osseointegration. Findings from reported
studies on clinical applications of AM in orthopedic implants, surgical guides and
other surgeries are presented in this chapter. Finally, a summary of commercial AM
solutions, existing gaps in ongoing research and future direction in AM of orthope-
dic implants are provided.

2 Additive Manufacturing Techniques

As noted earlier, the basis of AM lies in fabricating a part through a layer-wise

approach by selectively joining materials. The CAD file of the required part is sliced
across each layer along the direction of fabrication as shown in Fig. 1. Upon gener-
ating process files for the machine, the file is transferred to the machine and built
layer-by-layer from the bottom to top layer. The part is then removed from the AM
machine for post-processing such as removal of sacrificial supports for any over-
hanging edges. After conducting the required post-processing operations, the part is
ready for application. These steps are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2.
Currently, a wide range of materials can be processed using AM: polymers, met-
als, and ceramics. The techniques for combining those materials in layers vary from
pneumatically extruding suspended collagen for scaffold fabrication, using a laser
for selectively solidifying photo-curable polymers to using electron-beam for selec-
tively melting super-alloys. Several approaches have been proposed to categorize all
AM methods based on the nature of raw material, aggregation geometry during
deposition, and energy source. A functional classification of major AM methods
such as Binder-Jetting, Powder Bed Fusion Methods (PBF) using Electron Beam
Melting (EBM), Laser methods (L-PBF), Directed Energy Deposition (DED) and
Material Extrusion based on the framework is presented as in Fig. 3. This functional
classification is based on the raw material (i.e. feedstock), pattern of material
Additive Manufacturing of Orthopedic Implants 23

Fig. 1 Principle of AM for biomedical applications resulting in implantation. Picture demonstrat-

ing the application is reprinted with permission from the reference [1]. Copyright 2015 Springer
International Publishing Switzerland

AM-Part Volume
AM-Support Volume

Build Plate

Fig. 2 Part volume and sacrificial support volume [2]

d­ istribution, energy source, physical phenomena and support structures. It should be

noted that this section provides a detailed overview of only the commonly used AM
methods for fabrication of orthopedic implants and other AM methods [3] such as
material-jetting and sheet lamination are not discussed in this chapter.

2.1 Binder Jetting

In the process of binder jetting, a layer of material (metal, polymers, sand or ceram-
ics) is spread with selective deposition of binders as illustrated in Fig. 4.
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Married or
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Title: Married or single?, Vol. 1 (of 3)

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OR SINGLE?, VOL. 1 (OF 3) ***


I. The Pupil-teacher 1
II. No News 23
III. The Breaking-up Dance 41
IV. The Last Train 67
V. Expelled 89
VI. “Poverty comes in at the Door” 102
VII. A Telegram for Miss West 117
VIII. Not Married after All 135
IX. Bargaining 157
X. Mrs. Kane becomes Affectionate 167
XI. Change of Air and Scene 190
XII. “She will do!” 205
XIII. Mr. West’s Wishes 224


The above, engraved in bold characters on a highly-polished brass
plate, may be read on the gate of an imposing mansion situated in
the far-spreading suburbs of Riverside, one of the principal
mercantile towns in England. “Harperton” is a solid and secluded
residence, standing in its own grounds (of two acres, one perch). It is
planned to resemble a country house of some pretensions, but the
symmetry of its proportions is spoiled by a long, low building jutting
out at the side, that may be taken for anything from a stable to a
billiard-room, but is, in fact, the scene of Mrs. Harper’s scholastic
labours, erected at her own cost—in other words, the schoolroom.
This apartment is illuminated by six windows, the lower halves of
which are, of course, of muffled glass. The floor is carpeted here and
there, as it were, in squares or plots, and in the midst of each square
there is a desk and a comfortable cushioned chair. These indicate
the localities of the various classes. The schoolroom walls are
covered with maps, book-cases, lists of rules, and practising hours,
and lined with narrow desks and benches. A worn piano, a prim,
white-faced clock, and a high wire fender comprise most of the
furniture—ornamental and otherwise; unless we include the two
young ladies who are sitting at one of the far desks, making the most
of their time whilst the boarders are out for their usual walk. One of
these damsels has mendaciously pleaded ear-ache in order to
escape the hateful daily promenade. The other—that nondescript
character, a pupil-teacher—is fulfilling a part of her duties, and
diligently darning the “little ones’” stockings, whilst her companion,
with both elbows on the desk, and both hands in her ruffled hair,
watches her and talks.
“This must be perfectly awful for you, Maddie dear,” she was
saying. “Don’t you loathe it all, and wish you could run away? I
should, if I were in your shoes.”
“Run away! What nonsense, Flo! Where could I run to, even
supposing such an insane idea had entered my head, which it never
has done? You forget that I have no friends in England; and, after all,
I am not such an object of pity as you seem to imagine,” darning
steadily all the time.
“If you are not, I should like to know who is!” demanded her
schoolfellow, emphatically. “You are one day at the top of the tree,
the head of the first class, the best pupil Herr Kroot ever had, adored
by the Harpies”—here Miss Blewitt alluded to her respected
instructress and daughters—“always exquisitely dressed, with heaps
of pocket-money, sleeping in the best room, allowed a fire in winter,
every extra—claret and coffee—and I don’t know what! After years
and years of this style of thing, and when you are seventeen, and
almost finished, your father suddenly stops supplies, you are not
paid for for three whole terms, and the hateful Harpies make you into
a regular drudge—a pupil-teacher, a nursery governess, a servant!
You sleep in the attic with those odious little Smiths—wash, dress,
and teach them; you go messages to the shops, and even into
Riverside—you, who were never allowed to stir one yard alone; you
mend and darn and teach.”
She paused, not from lack of words, but from want of breath.
“And a very good thing that I can do something to pay for my
living,” remarked the other, with composure. “If I could not sew and
mend and teach, what would become of me, I should be glad to
know? I could scarcely expect the Harpers to go on keeping me at
their own expense; and now I take the fifth class, the little ones’
music, and I save a servant for those Indian children, I work for my
bread—and I am worth it.”
“I should rather think you were,” rejoined her listener, sarcastically.
“You are worth a hundred a year to them as teacher, besides being
dressmaker and nursery-maid. It makes me wild—I feel quite crazy
—when I see all that they get out of you, early and late, and the
shameful way they treat you! Once upon a time you were ‘darling
Madeline’—their ‘dear, bright-faced girl,’ their ‘model pupil,’ now you
are ‘Madeline West,’ or ‘Miss West,’ and you are ‘slow,’ ‘awkward,’
‘lazy,’ and ‘impertinent.’ Oh dear me! dear me! sometimes I feel as if
I should like to fly at Miss Selina and bite a piece out of her, I am so
“I hope to goodness you will restrain your feelings,” said Madeline,
with a smile, as she threaded a long needleful of black wool, and
commenced on a gaping heel. “The Harpers are only human, after
all! It was very hard on them, my father having failed; and all my
music-lessons, and painting, and singing, and German, for two
terms, had to be paid for out of their own pockets. Signor Squaletti
charges half a guinea an hour. Then there were my clothes. I feel hot
all over when I remember the quantity of money I laid out, believing
that it would be all settled, as usual, by father’s cheque at Christmas.
There was that white dress for the breaking-up party——”
“In which you made such an impression on the Wolfertons’ friend,
young Mr. Wynne,” interrupted Florence, with a meaning nudge. “Oh
yes, I remember the white dress!”
“Don’t, Flo! Your elbow is like a knife,” expostulated her friend, with
some discernible increase of colour. “As to Mr. Wynne, what you say
is nonsense, and you know Mrs. Harper forbids us to speak of—of—
such things.”
“I know that Mrs. Harper was most uneasy in her mind when she
saw him dancing four times with you running—yes, dance after
dance—and she came up and introduced him to Julia Flowers’ two
red-haired sisters, and said that gentlemen were so scarce, and her
girls were not out, and all that sort of rubbish; and she sent him down
to supper with old Mrs. Browne, and she sent you to bed because
you looked pale! Oh yes, I saw it all—all. I saw that Mr. Wynne never
danced again, but stood with his back to the wall for the rest of the
evening, looking as cross as two sticks. Very likely he would never
have given you a thought, if you had not been so plainly and openly
banished: absence makes the heart grow fonder! Mrs. Harper put
the idea into his head by making such a stupid fuss—and she has
only herself to thank. He sent you those flowers, he came to our
church, and Miss Selina took it all to herself—the ridiculous old cat!
As if he would look at her! She closed on the flowers: much good
may they do her!”
“Now, Flo, how do you know that they were not for her?” asked her
companion with a smile. “But, don’t let us talk about them. It is an old
“But I will talk about them,” persisted Flo, angrily. “I’ll talk about
your nice green tailor-made, and your winter coat trimmed with fur,
and your opera cloak, and your white dress—the white dress, which
they took away from you!”
“Well, they had paid for them, you see,” rejoined Madeline quietly.
“I am glad they did take them—I owe them the less.”
“Thank goodness your gloves and boots were too small,”
continued Flo, in a tone of fervent congratulation, “otherwise they
would have gone also. They are rather different from the Harpers’
chaussure, which is of the canal-boat type and size. Now I know
what pedestrians mean when they talk of ‘covering’ miles of ground.”
“Well, my dear excited Flo, they did not make their own feet,” said
the other coolly.
“How philosophical you are becoming! Quite an old head on young
shoulders! Who made their tempers, I should be glad to know?—or
their tongues? Thank goodness, this is my last half! Good-bye to
early rising, lectures, scoldings, resurrection pies, milk and water,
and rice puddings. Good-bye to Harperton—penitentiary and prison.
Good-bye to Harpies, and hurrah for home!”—throwing, as she
spoke, a dictionary up to the ceiling; failing to catch which, it fell
open, face downwards, with a bang.
“That is May’s dictionary, Flo,” remonstrated the other. “You will not
improve its poor back.”
“If you stay here long, Madeline, you will certainly become just as
preaching and particular as one of the Harpies themselves. You are
tremendously sobered as it is. Who would think, to look at you
darning away so industriously, that this time last year you were the
queen and moving spirit of the school; always getting up charades,
dances, and concerts, and carrying your point on every question,
and figuratively snapping your fingers at the Harpies if they interfered
with your schemes—which, to do them justice, was very seldom! Ah!
my poor Maddie, since then what a change has come o’er the spirit
of your dream! It is terrible. If you had always been a pupil-teacher it
would be another matter, or if you had gone to another school, where
no one knew that you had fallen from your high estate; but here, the
scene of your triumphs, to make the descent to the very foot of the
ladder, is—is frightful. I often wonder how you can bear it so well.”
“I often wonder too,” said Madeline shortly, winking her tears back
with a great effort. “You are not going the best way to work to help
me to endure my lot, Flo, raking up all these things. Bad or good, I
must submit. I have no alternative—nowhere to go, until my father
comes home. The best thing I can do is to be patient, and try and
repay the Harpers for some of the money they have expended on
“Repay them!” echoed Miss Blewitt, scornfully. “They made a very
good thing out of you for nine years—large profits and quick returns.
Now, although your father has not sent his usual remittance—is not
that the word?—and they have heard that he is in business
difficulties, yet I think they might have given you a little more law—a
longer day. They might have exercised some patience. You have not
heard of your father for more than a year, have you?” she added
“No, not for sixteen months,” answered the pupil-teacher.
“But even if he were dead,” proceeded Flo, with a fine disregard of
her friend’s feelings, and an open defiance of the laws of good
breeding, such as is occasionally to be found in girls of her age, “you
could not honestly pretend to be very much cut up! You have not
seen him since you were a small child. You left Australia when you
were seven years old. He is a stranger to you.”
“A stranger, certainly, in one way; but still he is my father, and I
have a presentiment that we shall meet again, and before long,”
rolling up a pair of stockings as she spoke, and averting her eyes
from her outspoken schoolfellow.
“Pooh! I don’t believe in presentiments. I had a presentiment that
father was going to give me a cart and cob last holidays, and it
ended in smoke. If your father had been in the land of the living,
surely you would have heard. I know I am saying this very baldly and
plainly, but there is no use in beating about the bush—is there? You
must face the position sooner or later.”
“You mean the position of being an orphan?” said Madeline,
tremulously. “But I refuse to accept that until I have not one grain of
hope left. It is easy for you, who have your father and mother and
five brothers at home, to talk in this way. Remember, I have only one
relation in the world, and when I lose him I lose all.”
“Well, all I can say is, that I hope your presentiment will turn out
better than mine! Oh, here are the girls coming back!” she exclaimed
peevishly, as a long file of figures appeared, passing the windows
two and two. “What a bore they are! They seem to have only been
out a quarter of an hour, and here they come marching in, disturbing
our nice comfortable little talk.”
Florence Blewitt, who so successfully practised the art of plain
speaking and trampling on other people’s susceptibilities—people
were welcome to trample on hers, she declared; she had none—was
a short, squarely-built girl of sixteen, with a sharp nose, thick brown
hair, intelligent grey eyes, and a very dark skin—a skin that betrayed
no soupçon of foreign blood, but was, nevertheless, more brown
than white. She was brusque, eccentric, clever, and indolent.
Florence could—if she would—but she so seldom would. She
preferred the ease of an undisturbed seat at the very bottom of the
class to ambitious battlings and feverish strivings for the first place.
She was the spoiled only daughter of a wealthy merchant and
shipowner, and, being deferred to and made much of at home, was
disposed to be both arbitrary and independent at school. Moreover,
she was selfish, which is not a taking trait in a young woman’s
character, and was anything but a popular idol. She would borrow
readily, but hated to lend; and the only thing with which she was
generous was her advice; the sole present she was ever known to
make was her opinion—gratis. Few were honoured by her liking, and
if she had a friend at Harperton, it was the girl who sat beside her,
conscientiously mending a basketful of most hopeless-looking
“I wonder what your fate will be, Maddie?” said Flo, staring at her
meditatively, and studying her delicate profile, her pencilled
eyebrows, her shining hair.
“I wonder too,” echoed Madeline, with a profound sigh.
Madeline West had been born in Melbourne, and sent home at the
age of seven to Mrs. Harper’s establishment, where she had
remained for ten years. From a skinny, elf-like, wildly excitable child,
she had grown up into an extremely pretty girl, with what the
drawing-master termed “wonderful colouring.” Her hair, eyebrows,
and lashes were dark, her eyes two shades lighter, but it was in her
complexion and the exquisite modelling of her head and features
that her chief beauty lay. Her head was small, and beautifully set
upon her shoulders; her skin was of creamy fairness, with a faint
shade of carmine in her cheeks—a colour so delicate that it went
and came at a look or word. She was tall, slight, and wonderfully
graceful; full of vivacity, activity, versatility and resource, ready to
throw herself warmly into any scheme for amusement or mischief—
that was to say, twelve months previously. She was by far the most
striking-looking and admired of Mrs. Harper’s forty boarders, and,
notwithstanding this drawback to feminine goodwill, was a great
favourite with pupils, teachers, and servants. Her popularity had
even survived that terrible test of altered circumstances—that dire
fall from the wealthy Australian heiress to the unpaid slavey of the
establishment. She changed, of course, her ringing laugh and her
happy air; her merry repartee and snatches of songs had
disappeared with the pretty frocks and hats and shoes which she
had loved so well. She was developing a staid, grown-up manner,
according to her fellow-pupils; she held back from their advances—
abdicated of her own accord, and her place as queen of the school
was filled, after a decent interregnum, by a rich Cockney, who was
as lavish of her shillings, as she was frugal in the matter of h’s, and
who, according to Flo Blewitt, was “a harmless, good-natured,
vulgar, poor creature.”
It must not be supposed that Madeline West did not keenly feel
her altered position. Many a bitter tear she shed in secret; many a
sleepless hour she lay awake, when all her companions—with only
to-morrow’s lessons on their minds—were slumbering peacefully in
the arms of Morpheus. Every small indignity, every slighting speech
and sharp glance entered as an iron into her soul, but she made no
remonstrance or reply; her swiftly changing colour was the sole
index to her feelings, and what were a school-girl’s—a pauper
school-girl’s—feelings to Mrs. Harper? To tell the truth, Madeline had
never asserted herself even in her days of sunshine. She never
could face an unpleasant situation; she put aside a crisis with a
laugh or a gay word; her sensitive, luxurious nature shrank
instinctively from all unpleasant things. She was a moral coward,
though no one suspected it.
The present clouds on her sky had brought out, in an unexpected
manner, unexpected depths in her character. Madeline, the humble
semi-nursemaid, was an industrious, prudent, self-possessed
person, who laboured gravely, doggedly from morning to night, a
totally different girl to the extravagant, generous, easy-going
Madeline, the butterfly who had fluttered the happy hours away for
nine whole years. She was now at another seminary. Adversity is
said to be an excellent school, and offers a fine test of character.
Anomalous as it sounds, Madeline West had risen to the state of life
into which she had fallen.

Three months had passed, and still no sign or token from Mr.
Robert West. How anxiously his daughter’s eyes followed Miss
Selina’s skinny fingers, as they dealt out the letters every morning
during breakfast time—these letters having previously been
thoroughly turned over, examined, felt, and even smelt, by that lady
and her relatives. It was always the same in answer to Madeline’s
unspoken appeal. “No, nothing for you, Madeline,” or, “No letter yet,
Miss West,” according to the frame of mind in which Miss Selina
found herself. And then Mrs. Harper, who was seated behind an
immense copper tea apparatus, would peer round it, with her keen
little eyes and bobbing grey curls, and shake her head at the pupil-
teacher, in a manner which signified that she did not approve of her
at all! As if poor Madeline was not sick with hope deferred, and wild
with a frenzied desire to get away and never pass another night
under that lady’s roof-tree; only there was one big but, one immense
drawback to her own most eager wishes, she had nowhere else to
The Miss Harpers, who were fully alive to Madeline’s value, were
by no means equally anxious for her departure. She corrected
exercises, ruled copybooks, relieved them of several distasteful
duties, and took the little ones’ music—an agonizing ordeal. She
really did as much as any two paid teachers, and—an ecstatic fact—
for nothing! Moreover, they had the delicious sensation that they
were performing a charitable action all the time, and looked primly
self-conscious and benevolent when their friends exclaimed: “How
good of you, you dear, kind, Christian people, to keep that
unfortunate Australian girl!”
Miss Selina, who was forty, with a complexion like that of a wax
doll who has been left lying in the sun, would sigh softly and murmur
the word “duty,” when perhaps at that very moment the unfortunate
Australian was fulfilling the least agreeable of hers—putting those
fretful, ungovernable, sickly little Anglo-Indians to bed—and to sleep.
They were too young for school routine; spoiled, fractious,
disobedient, and mischievous, they were Madeline’s almost entire
charge. Happy Madeline!
It is winter when we once more enter the schoolroom at Harperton,
a bitterly cold day, and the small fire behind the wire screen does not
half heat that great bare apartment, with its numerous doors and
windows. Those at a distance are “out in the cold” indeed, for a
double file of girls is gathered closely round the fender, talking four at
a time, and making noise enough for a rookery. This is the half-hour
after tea, and exclusively their own; they are indemnifying
themselves for many hours of silence and French—which almost
amounts to the same thing. Their speech is vigorous and unpolished,
for no teacher is present except Madeline—if teacher she can be
called. She is standing at a remote desk, mounting a drawing by the
light of a cheap little hand-lamp. The gas is never turned on in the
schoolroom until half-past six, because the twilight is so delightful (so
economical they meant), quoth the thrifty Miss Harpers.
The coals, which have been angrily stirred up, throw a good blaze,
and reveal the faces and figures of the fire-worshippers assembled
round the screen, especially the face and figure of Isabella Jones,
the present reigning potentate. She has hitched herself up on the
edge of the fire-guard, holding on there by the mantelpiece, and from
this elevated position is dispensing law, wit, snubs, and patronage.
She is very tall and thin, stoops a good deal, and is the proprietor of
a tip-tilted nose, a pair of quick little brown eyes, and millions of
freckles. She is also the proprietor of a quantity of pretty dresses, of
unlimited pocket-money, a vast amount of self-esteem, and the
largest and reddest hands in the room.
Mrs. Harper’s seminary is only intended for the offspring of
wealthy folk. Izzie’s father has made his pile in margarine, and has
desired that his daughter may have the best of everything—every
accomplishment, every extra, just like a duchess. Izzie has,
accordingly, a separate bedroom, and lessons from the most
expensive masters; nevertheless, she is far—oh! very far—from
being like a duchess. Her education was begun too late; she is
naturally dull.
“I say, girls,” she is screaming sociably, “isn’t it grand to think that
in ten days more we shall all be at ’ome?

“‘This day fortnight, where shall I be?

Not in this academee,
Eating scrape and drinking tea.
This day fortnight, where shall I be?’”

She chanted in a sing-song voice, more or less through her nose.

“And there is the breaking-up dance,” put in one of her satellites; “I
don’t want to go home till that is over.”
“Gracious! I should hope not. What fun it will be,” exclaimed Miss
Jones. “I hope there will be lots of men this time. I ’inted as much to
Miss Selina. What is the use of going to the expense of supper, and
us all getting new dresses, just for the day boarders? That’s what I
“What good, indeed!” put in Flo, sarcastically, as she elbowed her
way to the very middle of the fire. “But pray do not make yourselves
unhappy about the expense of the supper, my dear young friends. It
will not concern us. I heard Mrs. Harper telling mademoiselle that
they did not intend to have the girls in on this occasion, gobbling up
the ices and confectionery, like so many locusts.”
“I did not know that locusts went in for confectionery,” remarked
Isabella, with a sniff of scorn.
“This marvellous discovery in natural history was Mrs. Harper’s,
not mine,” said Flo, with swelling dignity. “However, the meaning is
plain. We are not to sup. We are to ’ave”—mimicking her
schoolfellow—“buns and egg-sandwiches ’anded round in the
schoolroom, whilst the company are carousing downstairs.”
The “take-off” was entirely lost on Isabella, who was far too much
impressed with the intelligence to be alive to Flo’s impertinence. A
dead silence followed this disagreeable announcement, which was
at length broken by Miss Jones, who, sliding from the top of the
screen in the excitement of the moment, shrilly exclaimed—
“Well, I declare! I won’t stand it! I shall tell Mrs. H. so to her face.
Why, our parents pay for the supper! Locusts, indeed! My father
pays handsomely for extras and everything, breaking-up party and
all; and to be put off with a bun! I think I see myself—I just do!
Why”—warming with her theme—“supper is ’alf the fun! There are
the crackers and mottoes and jokes, and every one taken down by a
gentleman, arm-in-arm. I’ll go to supper for one, and stay up to the
last. I did not get my new pink dress just to dance with girls, and eat
an egg sandwich and go to bed. Rather not. Leave it to me, girls”—
looking round on her companions with an air of friendly
encouragement—“I shall have a word with Miss Selina. We shall all
go to supper, or Isabella Jones will know the reason why.”
“Oh, you dear, good Izzy!” cried two voices simultaneously. And
one continued, “You know you can do anything with Snappy, and if
you ask, it will be all right. But about partners, I am afraid they will be
few and far between; Snappy and Miss Harper keep the best for
themselves and their friends. Anything is good enough for the girls.
Last time I was thankful to dance all night with a little boy in a jacket;
however, it was a shade better than sitting-out.”
“There are the Wolfertons,” observed Flo, “and they generally
bring two or three men. Last year there was Mr. Wynne, who was
tremendously struck with Madeline.” Then raising her voice, “Maddie,
do you remember Mr. Wynne? Come over here, and let us see if you
are blushing.”
“Mr. Wynne, Fred Wolferton’s friend!” cried Isabella, with great
animation. “He is a barrister, and, of course, without a penny to jingle
on a milestone—poor as Job. My father don’t approve of my getting
to know these paupers. You know I’m an heiress”—giggling—“and
father says——”
“Oh never mind your father!” broke in Flo, rudely. “You need not be
alarmed; Mr. Wynne won’t look at you as long as Madeline is in the
room—and perhaps he may not come. Who else are invited—the
Sangsters, the Wallers, the Rays?”
“All common sort of people,” remarked the grand-daughter of a
baron. “Very worthy in their way, and well enough for a girls’ school
breaking-up; but I should not dream of knowing them at home, or of
bowing if I met them anywhere;” and she threw up her chin, and
looked about her superciliously.
No one combated this dire announcement; they were all a little in
awe of Miss De Ville and her ancestors—especially of the one who
had fought in Palestine—and they were silent and impressed, being
young. At length a word was whispered, which quickly set every
tongue wagging. That magic word was “dress.” What were they all
going to wear? One lacked new shoes, another gloves; a fan was
lent—in prospect—in return for good offices in the hair-dressing line.
Amidst this gabble, Isabella’s piercing voice was heard high and
shrill above all, describing the body of her new pink dress. Madeline
had joined the crowd, looking white and cold—and no wonder.
“Keep away your fingers, my dear, if they are sticky,” said Flo;
“and, by the way, what are you going to adorn yourself in? Your white
dress was taken by the Harpies, as most unsuitable to you now.”
“I have nothing but my black cashmere,” she returned, “and this”—
holding out a shabby serge sleeve.
“They really must give you something!” cried Isabella,
impressively, “if only for the look of the thing. For the credit of the
establishment, they can’t have you appear like an old rag-picker.”
Madeline coloured vividly. “I don’t mind giving you a dress myself,
if you will take it.”
“Now, I call that a French compliment, Isabella Jones,” remarked
Flo, with her usual candour, “and you know it. If Madeline has to
wear the old black, so much the worse; but, whatever she wears,
she will always look a—lady,” accompanying the remark with a
glance at Miss Jones that gave it point and significance, and made

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