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Venice Laureign D.

Agarpao 10 Maxwell

Unleashing the Secrets of an Intelligent Lifestyle

In our world of learning getting smarter is like finding a treasure. One main question

to ourselves as a student’s is “How can I be smart?” It’s common to think of intelligence as

something that you are simply born with. Some people, after all, make being smart look


In a study conducted by Nunez, (2020). One can become smarter through the

following strategies. Firstly, engaging in regular exercise has been shown to have significant

cognitive benefits. Studies indicate that light exercise promotes activity in the hippocampus,

contributing to memory improvement. Additionally, exercise increases the volume of the

hippocampus, potentially promoting neuron growth and enhancing overall brain structure and

function. Beginner-friendly activities such as walking, yoga, hiking, and bodyweight workouts

can be effective, emphasizing the importance of consistent, moderate physical activity.

Secondly, sleep plays a crucial role in supporting optimal cognitive function.

Adequate sleep allows the brain to consolidate memories and enhances the ability to learn new

information. Even mild sleep deprivation has been found to negatively impact working memory.

Therefore, prioritizing sufficient and quality sleep is essential for maintaining cognitive health

and supporting memory consolidation and learning processes.

Lastly, various lifestyle choices and practices contribute to cognitive enhancement.

Meditation has been associated with improved executive functioning and working memory, with

noticeable effects observed after just a few days of practice. Consuming moderate amounts of

coffee and green tea has been linked to increased attention, working memory, and potential
Venice Laureign D. Agarpao 10 Maxwell

neuroprotective benefits. Furthermore, maintaining a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids,

and vitamin K, playing a musical instrument, reading regularly, continuing education throughout

life, and engaging in social activities all contribute to overall brain health and cognitive function.

Incorporating these habits into daily life can collectively contribute to a sharper and more agile


In conclusion, intelligence isn’t a set trait, though It’s a malleable ability that can be

cultivated and improved through lifestyle habits. The key lies in practicing behaviors that support

and protect the brain. By engaging in regular exercise, prioritizing adequate sleep, practicing

meditation, consuming coffee and green tea in moderation, maintaining a nutrient-rich diet,

playing an instrument, reading regularly, continuing to learn throughout life, and staying socially

active, individuals can stimulate their brains and enhance their cognitive abilities. It's important

to note that intelligence is not about comparison with others but is centered around problem-

solving, continuous learning, and keeping the brain active. Embracing curiosity and adopting

these tips may contribute to improved brain health and increased intelligence over time. As

Albert Einstein once said, "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own

reason for existence." So, keep asking, keep learning, and keep your mind active for a brighter


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