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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: _______________________________________________ Date:____________

Grade and Section: Score:___________

DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answer on the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following situations requires the integration of multiple

camping skills?
A. Packing food for a day hike.
B. Setting up a tent in the backyard.
C. Learning about different types of camping equipment.
D. Planning a multi-day backpacking trip, including route navigation, meal
preparation, and shelter setup.

2. What is a common characteristic of trekking activities?

A. Exploring urban areas on foot.
B. Riding bicycles on designated trails.
C. Hiking for extended periods in natural environments.
D. Participating in team-based outdoor competitions.

3. Determine which element does not constitute health-related fitness from the
provided choices.
A. Balance C. Flexibility
B. Coordination D. Power

4. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing weather

conditions. What principle of the Leave No Trace Seven Principle does the
statement tell?
A. Principle 6: Respect wildlife.
B. Principle 3: Dispose waste properly.
C. Principle 1: Plan ahead and prepare.
D. Principle 7: Be considerate of other visitors.

5. Which of the following is an example of “Leave No Trace Policy?”

A. Pick up plants on going home.
B. Feed animals you come across.
C. Bring home with all your waste.
D. Carry non-biodegradable materials.

6. Who among these individuals is more prone to dehydration during

physical exertion?
A. A person with a sedentary lifestyle.
B. An individual who drinks plenty of fluids throughout the day.
C. An athlete participating in a high-intensity outdoor sport in hot weather.
D. Someone who exercises indoors in a temperature-controlled environment.
7. What defines a leisure activity?
A. A competitive sport played for prizes.
B. A task that requires physical exertion.
C. A mandatory task for personal development.
D. An activity pursued for relaxation or enjoyment.

8. This is a heat related illness wherein the early symptoms include headache,
nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
A. Dehydration C. Heat exhaustion
B. Exertional heat stroke D. Overexertion

9. Identify the best example of proper facility and equipment usage

during exercise.
A. Choosing the appropriate weight for your fitness level.
B. Returning equipment to its designated storage area after use.
C. Setting up equipment according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
D. Asking a fitness trainer for advice on using unfamiliar equipment.

10. What occurs when an individual’s body temperature falls below 35 degrees
Celsius, leading to a potentially dangerous condition?
A. Heat Stroke C. Hypothermia
B. Hyperthermia D. Overexertion

11. What are important considerations when planning a camping trip?

A. Bringing electronic devices for entertainment
B. Packing extra clothing for fashion emergencies.
C. Ensuring access to clean water, shelter, and food.
D. Checking the latest weather forecast for the destination.

12. The following are good benefits that we can get from hiking, EXCEPT one:
A. Better quality of life C. Improved bone density
B. Improved blood pressure D. Sedentary life

13. Which of the following activities best exemplifies moderate to vigorous

physical activity?
A. Gardening for an hour
B. Jogging for 30 minutes
C. Taking a leisure stroll in the park
D. Stretching exercises for flexibility

14. Which of the following essential items and precautions are important in
designing a hiking safety checklist?
A. Umbrella, raincoat, and insect repellant.
B. Headphones, cellphone charger, and snacks.
C. Sunscreen, picnic blanket, and comfortable clothing.
D. Map, compass, first aid kit, and informing others about your hike.

15. Which of the following recreational activities is NOT an example of land-

based recreational activities?
A. Camping C. Mountaineering
B. Canyoneering D. Parasailing
16. “Do not feed wild animals or birds as it is not their natural food” is under of
what of the Leave No Trace Seven Principles?
A. Principle 6: Respect wildlife.
B. Principle 1: Plan ahead and prepare.
C. Principle 3: Dispose of waste properly.
D. Principle 7: Be considerate of other visitors.

17. Why there is a need to constantly do regular physical activities?

A. Regular activities can improve your quality of life.
B. Exercise has immediate and long-term health benefits.
C. Physical activities improve your health and reduce the risk of developing
several diseases.
D. All of the above

18. It is a popular form of low impact exercise that involves moving through the
water using a series of arm and leg movements.
A. Snorkeling C. Swimming
B. Surfing D. Water skiing

19. It is a low-impact water activity that is suitable for individuals with joint
pain or injuries.
A. Surfing C. Water Aerobics
B. Synchronized Swimming D. Water Polo

20. It is a popular competitive sport that involves swimming, cycling,

and running.
A. Canoeing C. Triathlon
B. Synchronized Swimming D. Water Polo

21. Which of the following is the benefit of engaging in regular moderate to

vigorous physical activity?
A. Increases bone density.
B. Improves mood and mental health.
C. Decreases the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
D. All of the above

22. Ana will participate in an outdoor activity. What should Ana do for her to
avoid dehydration during her participation?
A. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after the activity.
B. Drink sports drink only to fasten the replenishment of fluid losses.
C. Wait until you feel thirsty to drink more water for better replacement.
D. All of the above

23. Create a scenario that illustrates the concept of overexertion during physical
A. John increase the intensity of his exercise gradually to build endurance.
B. Mary ensures she takes breaks during her workout session to avoid
C. Sarah listens to her body’s cues an stops exercising when feeling
D. Alex pushes himself beyond his limits, ignoring signs of fatigue, leading
to muscle strain.
24. What is the typical resting heart rate range for adults?
a. 40-60 bpm c. 100-140 bpm
b. 60-100 bpm d. 110-150 bpm

25. Which of the following activities is an example of a short-term fitness goal?

A. Running a marathon.
B. Losing 50 pounds in a year.
C. Building muscle mass by lifting weights for six months.
D. Improving flexibility by stretching every day for 1 month.

26. Which of the following training principles should we apply in organizing

events for a specific fitness goal?
A. Monitor your progress and adjust as needed.
B. Determine your current fitness level and choose specific goals.
C. Create a plan that includes overload, specificity, progression, and
D. All of the above

27. Which of the following best describes the principle of progression?

A. Skipping rest days to work out more frequently.
B. Starting with high-intensify activity and then decreasing it overtime.
C. Gradually increasing the intensity, duration, or frequency of physical
activity overtime.
D. None of the above

28. Which of the following treatments should apply to a person with

A. Immersion in warm water or use of warm blankets.
B. Consumption of cold fluids or use of cold compress.
C. Administration of medications to raise body temperature.
D. None of the above

29. Which of the following actions demonstrates proper etiquette when camping
in alpine environments during mountaineering?
A. Building campfires without regard for fire regulations.
B. Setting up tents and cooking areas near fragile plant life.
C. Leaving trash and food scraps scattered around the campsite.
D. Using designated campsites and following Leave No Trace Principles.

30. It is the recommended amount of time per week for a person to engage in
aerobic exercise.
A. 20 minutes C. 60 minutes
B. 30 minutes D. 90 minutes

31. It is the most effective aquatic activity to improve cardiovascular endurance.

a. Scuba diving c. Swimming laps
b. Snorkeling d. Water aerobics
32. Which of the following behaviors demonstrates proper adherence to “Leave
No Trace Principles” regarding human waste disposal in the wilderness?
A. Burying human waste in shallow holes near water sources.
B. Carrying out toilet paper and hygiene products in sealed bags.
C. Leaving human waste exposed on the ground for decomposition.
D. Disposing of human waste in bodies of water such as rivers or lakes.

33. Identify the primary purpose of conducting a one-rep max (1RM) test.
a. Measuring flexibility
b. Evaluating muscular strength
c. Determining body composition
d. Assessing cardiovascular endurance

34. If you are showing signs of hypothermia or hyperthermia, which of the

following you should do?
A. Avoid drinking water to prevent bloating.
B. Wear thick clothing to block the sun rays.
C. Wear tight-fitting clothing to promote sweating.
D. Drinking plenty of water and electrolytes rich fluids.

35. Which of the following statements is an example of a SMART fitness goal?

A. I want to lose weight.
B. I want to be more flexible.
C. I want to run a marathon someday.
D. I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 months by running 3 miles every day.

36. How can the principle of rest and recovery be applied in a training program?
A. Increasing workout intensity every day.
B. Skipping rest days to maximize training time.
C. Exercising at maximum intensity without breaks.
D. Incorporating scheduled rest days into the training regimen.

37. How can individuals apply strategies to prevent overexertion during

physical activity?
A. Exercising without considering hydration levels.
B. Ignoring signs of fatigue and pushing through discomfort.
C. Listening to the body's cues and taking breaks when needed.
D. Gradually increasing exercise intensity beyond personal limits.

38. What factor should hikers consider when planning a hike in

unfamiliar terrain?
A. Assessing the difficulty level of the trail.
B. Bringing along a first aid kit for emergencies
C. Packing enough food and water for the journey.
D. Checking the weather forecast before departing.

39. When analyzing participation in recreational activities, what aspect should

be considered?
A. The duration of the activity.
B. The type and quality of equipment used.
C. The number of people engaged in the activity.
D. The impact of the activity on physical and mental well-being.
40. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of organizing a
fitness event for a specific health issue?
A. To conduct research on the health issue.
B. To raise awareness about the health issue.
C. To provide medical treatment to affected individuals.
D. To promote healthy lifestyle choices to prevent the health issue.

41. Which of the following strategies would be the most effective in organizing a
fitness event targeting a specific health issue?
A. Offering free medical check-ups
B. Distributing informational brochures
C. Providing specialized fitness training programs
D. Conducting a panel discussion with healthcare experts

42. Which of the following factors should be considered when selecting the
venue for the fitness event?
A. Sufficient parking space for participants.
B. Availability of public transportation nearby.
C. Accessibility for participants with health concerns.
D. All of the above

43. How would you measure the impact of the fitness event in addressing the
target health issue?
A. Conducting pre- and post-event surveys with participants.
B. Analyzing the attendance and participation rates in the event.
C. Tracking changes in health indicators of participants over time.
D. All of the above

44. Which of the following steps would be necessary to ensure the success of the
fitness event targeting a specific health issue?
A. Collaborating with local health organizations.
B. Recruiting qualified fitness instructor or trainers.
C. Creating a marketing campaign to promote the event.
D. All of the above

45. In designing a sample FITT goal, which of the following exercises improves
cardiovascular fitness?
A. Perform 45 minutes of low-intensity cardio exercise twice a week.
B. Perform 60 minutes of high-intensity cardio exercise once a week.
C. Perform 15 minutes of high-intensity cardio exercise three times a week.
D. Perform 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise five times a

46. Why do we need to evaluate the importance of setting specific goals when
designing a fitness program?
A. Specific goals hinder progress and flexibility.
B. Specific goals lead to burnout and exhaustion.
C. Specific goals are irrelevant in fitness training.
D. Specific goals provide direction and motivation.
47. Which of the following is the most effective way to assess cardiovascular
A. Measuring blood pressure.
B. Calculating body mass index (BMI).
C. Counting heart rate during exercise.
D. Evaluating muscular strength through one-repetition maximum (1RM)

48. What are the potential consequences of neglecting health-related fitness?

A. Improved mental health and decreased stress level.
B. Increased life expectancy and decreased body weight.
C. Improved athletic performance and increased muscle mass.
D. Increased risk of chronic diseases and reduced quality of life.

49. Which physiological indicator would provide additional valuable information

when analyzing the intensity of physical activity in conjunction with heart
A. Blood glucose levels C. Lung capacity
B. Body mass index (BMI) D. Oxygen saturation

50. During a cardiorespiratory fitness test, a participant’s heart rate reaches 180
beats per minute. What can be inferred about the intensity of the activity?
A. It is not related to physical activity.
B. It is within the vigorous activity range.
C. It is below the moderate activity range.
D. It is within the moderate activity range.

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