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Guro 21 Course 2 Assignment 1

Thinking Area How Do I rate my skills in this What can I do to improve or

area? (Storng, Adequate, needs enhance my skill in this area?
1. Critical Thinking Needs Improvement 1. Becoming conscious of my
thought processes.
2. To find the best answers,
reverse ideas.
3. Analyze the available
4. Gaining knowledge from
similar encounters.

2. Creative Thinking Adequate 1. Enhance mind mapping and

use it in my teaching.
2. Continuing to learn making it
a lifelong learning endeavor.
3. Examining other views of
creativity, such as the notions
of mental illness and

3.Self-Regulated Thinking Needs Improvement 1. Accepts criticism, whether

favorable or unfavorable.
2. Learns how to enhance
criticism by not taking it
personal and seeing how to
improve from it.

4. Convergent Analytical Needs Improvement 1. Since its true, your memory

Thinking gets better by enhancing your
logical thinking.

5. Divergent Thinking Needs Improvement 1. Considering outside the box

2. Subject Mapping
3. To be factual and base
decisions based on how it is

As I fill out this form, I discover areas for improvement based on the various thought
techniques I had noted to enhance my role as a learning facilitator. I read extensively about the
various thinking styles on the internet and selected the one that best suited my personality. After
finishing Module 1, I prepared a list of areas where I may become a more effective learning facilitator
for the twenty-first century. I became a holistic facilitator as a result. From HOTS to LOTS of flowers
taxonomy. I gained a lot of knowledge from the ideas that my colleagues and you, my FLT, shared.
According to the saying, "we should empty our cup” to make room for more learning. Being a science
teacher, it's commonly referred to as a kiss-and-kick strategy, which means you always start with a
compliment and conclude with a criticism. Analyzing, assessing, and creating are the three steps in the
updated Blooms Taxonomy that always involve examining, evaluating, and finally experimenting to
demonstrate whether or not a given theory is applicable to a specific circumstance.

As a facilitator as well, various methods were used to accommodate to the various

intelligence of our students. As teachers at the senior high school, we also work with students from
various socioeconomic backgrounds, including farm workers and wealthy students, slow and fast
learners, bodily kinesthetic learners, and academic learners. Various strategies were also used. As a
result, it is important for us as learning facilitators to adapt to our students' needs, and profiling is
necessary so that we can do so.
Through this module, I was able to improve how I will cater to my students. To most
effectively improve Bloom's taxonomy, form the conventional LOTS. In this approach, I could better
equip my students to face the challenges of higher education or the workforce. They are now
prepared to take on the difficulties in their chosen field. They already had the analytical, evaluative,
creative, and innovative skills necessary to produce items that would advance their lot in life. As for
me, I would be content if I could see my pupils' quality of life increase since I am a good learning
facilitator and they have learned a lot from me.

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