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New Era University

No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines

College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024



As fulfillment of one of the requirements for the course Science, Technology, and

Submitted By

Pabular, Kate R.

December, 2023
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024



The effectiveness of banana peeling as a floor wax substitute is investigated in this study.

Our organization has seen and investigated this. The experts were able to determine the

parameters affecting this season.

Banana peel floor wax is a type of floor wax manufactured from banana peels that are

discarded after eating the fruit. The peels of bananas contain nutrients and chemicals that can be

used to make items like floor wax. The discovery of banana peeling aids in the prevention of

pollution and the reduction of waste materials that cause our environment to retaliate.

Pollution, as stated by Alina Bradford, is the process of making land, water, air or other

parts of the environment dirty and not safe or suitable to use.1 When contaminants are being

introduced into a natural habitat, the process of pollution can happen. Moreover, things as simple

as light, sound and temperature can be considered pollutants when introduced artificially into an

environment. Furthermore, toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people worldwide,

according to Pure Earth, a non-profit environmental organization. In some of the world's worst

polluted places, babies are born with birth defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life

expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases.

On the other hand, Waste minimization, also known as source reduction, is the technique

of consuming less material and energy in order to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.

Waste reduction includes methods for preventing materials from becoming garbage before they
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

reach the recycling stage, as well as techniques to prevent materials from becoming waste before

they reach the recycling stage. Reusing things like plastic and glass containers, purchasing more

durable products, and using reusable products like dishrags instead of paper towels are all ways

to reduce waste.

The investigators though that it is safer to use an alternative floor wax these days to

avoid pollution, and the ingredients make it extraordinarily unique and more beneficial for those

of us who used and smelled it. It will also likely help with the current economic crisis, as we

could buy a less expensive floor wax that is similar to or better than commercial floor wax.

Waxing floors has become a part of every Filipino household's cleaning ritual. Floor wax

is a wax-based polishing agent for floors. They are made up of synthetic materials or a

combination of natural and artificial elements, including harmful chemicals and highly toxic

substances that can harm one's health.

Some commercial floor wax contains cresol, formaldehyde, nitrobenzene,

perchloroethylene, phenol, toluene, and xylene, which are chemicals that are linked to serious

liver and kidney damage when inhaled over time, and even reproductive problems and cancer.

Furthermore, Liu et al. (2014) explained that Certain perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in

consumer products used indoors, this includes floor waxes.2 It was observed that these

substances have been associated with developmental toxicity and other adverse health effects in

laboratory animals.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

The commercial based floor wax is undeniably effective when it comes to

cleaning and shining floors, most schools in philippines use commercial based floor wax

because of how efficient it is, however the chemical used in the product can cause

dizziness, coughing, headaches and other health related problem,it may even cause eye

burns and skin irritation in addition cancer have also been linked with the use of floor

wax for the most part regular commercial floor waxes are proven to have negative effects

on the consumers health.

As good as floor wax may be used in personal and commercial uses, it has several

side effects for an individual's health. It also has a pungent odour that irritates most

people. Constant exposure to the inhalation of the odour of cleaning products, specially

floor wax, have bad respiratory effects. And so, the researchers devised this research to

determine if banana peels are a better option or alternative than commercially produced

chemical based floor wax, and if it is safer and more cost efficient for the consumer.

Thus, the main objective and purpose of this study is to create an alternative for

floor wax that eliminates the bad respiratory and dermatological side effects that can be

obtained from floor wax, with the same or better quality than the floor waxes known



This study aims to prove that banana peels can be recycled into good quality

products and be useful to households and can prove the effectiveness of banana peel as an

alternative use of floor wax and determine if Saba, a kind of Banana, was effective and
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

practical. In addition, this research aims to reduce the harmful chemical components

found in commercial floor waxes. The researchers’ aim is to help produce a floor wax

that is cheaper and could potentially give the same quality as the commercial one and to

compare and test the friction, odor, and shininess of the alternative floor wax from the

commercial floor wax.

The objectives of the study regarding the utilization of banana peel as compared

to commercialized are as follows:

1. To know what proportion of the banana peel floor wax components would be

appropriate to obtain quality floor wax?

2. The efficacy of banana peels as an alternative component commercial floor wax

based on:

a. Friction

b. Shininess

c. Odor/ fragrance

d. Smoothness

3. To determine if banana peel floor wax is more cost-efficient than regular

commercial-based floor wax.

4. To determine if banana peel floor wax is a practical alternative for day-to-day use

as compared to regular commercial floor wax.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024


This study aimed to determine the efficacy of Banana (Musa paradisiaca) peels as

an Alternative component to Commercial Floorwax. The study will benefit the following:

The researchers. This study will help them pass for their Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the course Science Technology and Society.

The student from New Era University. This paper will help the students to

know the possibilities of Bananas as an alternative component to commercial floor wax.

This study will evaluate their knowledge about the possibilities of alternatives for

commercial goods and their effect on the environment

The Future Researchers. This study will benefit future researchers as this can be

used as a basis for similar experimental research


The scope of the study was to explore the efficacy of using Banana (Musa

paradisiaca) peels as an Alternative component to Commercial Floor wax. The

researchers chose this topic because waxing floors in the Philippines is prevalent; in the

classrooms, at commercial buildings, and even at homes.

The subject to be investigated includes Banana peels. The said subject is high in

potassium which makes floor waxes slippery and can be a great substitute for Epoxy

resins (Polyepoxides). The timeframe of this study will be around 1 month, 1 week in

each chapter in 1, 2, and 3, 2 weeks will be consumed in chapter 4, and another week will

be needed in chapter 5.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

This study uses the observation methodology, which means that the researchers

will perceive if Banana peels are effective as an Alternative component to Commercial

Floor wax. The researchers will see the Banana peel floor wax’s efficacy based on

friction, shininess, and odor using different tests. After conducting the trials and

examinations, the data will be analyzed by the researchers and evaluate the product.


The following terms are defined operationally to clearly understand the study.

Alternative. It is the quality of using one substance instead of the original material.

Banana. It is an elongated, yellow fruit that is edible.

Banana peel. It is the peel covering the fruit. In this study, it was used as the alternative

component for the commercial floor wax.

Commercial Floor wax. Is a floor wax that can be bought in stores that contain

chemicals that are environmentally and physically harmful.

Efficacy. In this study, it is defined as the ability to achieve a desired or planned outcome.

Floor wax. It is the type of wax that is commonly applied in the floors of Filipino homes,

classrooms, and other buildings.

Fragrance. In this study, it is the quality of the floor wax to have a pleasant smell.

Friction. In this study, it is the quality of the floor wax to creates resistance for

movement and avoids slipperiness.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Odor. In this study, it is the quality of the floor wax has an unpleasant smell.

Saba. It is a type of banana in the Philippines.

Shininess. In this study, it is the quality of the floor wax to creates a polished floor.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024


The following similar literature and studies were gathered for this chapter. The

research was conducted in the following areas: foreign literature, local literature, foreign

study, and local study. The authors mentioned generated a variety of related literature and

studies. The literature and studies that were used to perform the research analysis are

discussed in this chapter.


The term "floor wax" refers to a mixture of beeswax and vegetable waxes in a

suitable vehicle that is used to polish and preserve the finish of floors. There are many

types of floor waxes, some are more potent than others. The most common type of floor

wax is the commercial type. Commercial floor wax is made of synthetic material or a mix

of artificial materials and natural ingredients. The common ingredients used in this type

of wax are shellac, polyurethane, lacquer, perchloroethylene, toluene, phenol,

formaldehyde, cresol, and xylene.

As explained by N. Karak (2016), Shellac is a resinous product made from the

secretion of the female "lac bug" (Kerria lacca) on trees in India and Thailand's woods.

Shellac may be used on an object for its good insulation qualities, sealing out moisture. It

is also thermoplastic in nature, meaning it becomes more soft when heated and hard when

cooled, and provides good adhesion to other objects.3 There are two types of shellac, the

medicinal shellac and shellac wood finishes. The former is used for cosmetics, dental
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

purposes, and for pharmaceutics, which is safe to consume. However, the latter is used

for hardware purposes like varnishing furniture, and is poisonous.

According to the third edition of the encyclopedia of toxicology, Cresols have

been proved to be potent in animals.4 They are extremely irritating to rabbits, rats, and

mice's skin and eyes. Short-term inhalation of combinations of cresol aerosol and vapor

causes respiratory irritation, minor pulmonary hemorrhages, body weight loss, and

degeneration of heart muscle, liver, kidney, and nerve cells. Rats with short-term oral

exposure had lower body weight, organ weight, and histological changes in the

respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.

In China, surveys were conducted in factories where workers were engaged in the

production of rubber boots or plastic-coated wire or in printing work, and were exposed

to xylene vapors. It was revealed that several subjective neurological symptoms such as

anxiety, dizziness, inability to concentrate and forgetfulness have been observed among

subjects chronically exposed to vapours of xylene.

An international book entitled “Wax Polished Manufacturing Handbook with

Process and Formulae” states that typically polishes contain a lot of abrasives, rinsing

agents and organic solvents. Protectants typically contain neither abrasives nor rinsing

agents, less organic solvents than two other product types, and a lot of protectants.

Polishes are used to maintain a glossy finish on surfaces as well as to prolong the useful

lives of these surfaces. Polishes can be described in terms of their physical form, carrier

system, ability to clean, and durability. Physical forms of polishes include pastes, pre-
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

softened pastes, liquids, and gels Polishes beautify and protect by coating or refinishing

surfaces. Waxes are used as finishes and coatings for wood products. Waxes are also used

in shoe polishes, wood polishes, and automotive polishes, as mold release agents in mold

making. Furniture polish value sales are expected to reach US dollars 13, 101.3 by 2027.

It protects objects from moisture, water, and becoming hard. It provides the shoes with a

waxy coating and a shine. Its market is concentrated in urban areas. Globally, the polish

market has been witnessing significant growth, owing to the rise in demand for cleaning

and polishing products.

A book that was published by the Board of Consultants and Engineers that can be

seen on the Amazon website was recommended by one buyer. “The Complete

Technology Book on Wax and Polishes” is a guidebook for wax and polish creation

providing independent formulations.5 The book provides a comprehensive listing of

recipes for the preparation of waxes and polishes as well as good background knowledge

about the materials used. Readers could also select what formulation can he use for the

wax or polish to be created; it can be either natural or commercial type.

“A gripping biological detective story that uncovers the myth, mystery, and

endangered fate of the world's most humble fruit”; Dan Koeppel’s short introduction for

his book’s ‘Banana’ summary.6 To most people, a banana is a banana: a simple yellow

fruit. Americans eat more bananas than apples and oranges combined. In other parts of

the world, bananas are what keep millions of people alive. But for all its ubiquity, the

banana is surprisingly mysterious; nobody knows how bananas evolved or exactly where
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

they originated. Rich cultural lore surrounds the fruit: In ancient translations of the Bible,

the 'apple' consumed by Eve is actually a banana. Entire Central American nations have

been said to rise and fall over the banana.

But the biggest mystery about the banana today is whether it will survive. A

seedless fruit with a unique reproductive system, every banana is a genetic duplicate of

the next, and therefore susceptible to the same blights. Today's yellow banana, the

Cavendish, is increasingly threatened by such a blight -- and there's no cure in sight.

Banana combines a pop-science journey around the globe, a fascinating tale of an iconic

American business enterprise, and a look into the alternately tragic and hilarious banana

subculture -- ultimately taking us to the high-tech labs where new bananas are literally

being built in test tubes, in a race to save the world's most beloved fruit.

Bananas are sweet, soft fruits popular all over the world. Their thick, fibrous peels,

however, are a less popular source of nutrition, at least in Western countries. But contrary

to what many people believe, banana peels are not only safe to eat, they also offer a

number of health benefits; an online article published by WebMD ‘Health Benefits of

Banana Peel’ states. In addition to the nutritional benefits of eating banana peels, there

are environmental benefits as well. By eating the peels, you can help minimize the

amount of food that goes to landfills. Both bananas and banana peels may offer different

health benefits depending on their level of ripeness. Underripe, green bananas may be

more effective in treating digestive issues, while riper, blackened bananas have been

shown to help white blood cells fight off disease and infection. Keep in mind that many
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

of these studies were done on rats, not humans, and further research is needed to

determine if bananas have the same effects on humans.7

People love bananas but they do not much appreciate their peel. That is why Pire

(2020) elaborates on his online report entitled ‘10 Ingenious Banana Peel Uses’ benefits

of the actual banana peel itself.8 One of the 10 advantages of banana peel is its efficacy as

a Shoe polisher. Banana peels are an all-natural way to keep your leather or faux-leather

shoes shiny and sparkling. All you have to do is rub the inside of the peel on your shoes

and be amazed when the scuffs disappear into thin air. Buff and wipe off any residue with

a soft cloth and your kicks will be good as new. A banana that’s slightly under-ripe works



Floor wax is used to polish floors. There are many types of floor wax, the most

common type is the commercial type which contains harmful chemicals not only to

humans but also to animals. Banana peels, on the other hand, have properties that can

make polish furniture. Not only does banana peels benefit the health of humans and

animals, but also the environment, as using banana peels would greatly contribute to the

minimization of food waste in landfills.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024


An online article ‘Saging Mondo Banana’ elaborates that there are four main

types of bananas grown widely in the Philippines: Lacatan, Latundan, Bungulan, and the

small Saba or Cardaba variety. The saging mondo banana is a variety of Saba or Cardaba

bananas widely grown on the Visayan Islands, particularly in the province of Cebu.

Saging mondo is a dwarf Saba variety. The plants’ pseudostems grow just 2.5-3.5 meters

tall. Unlike the common Saba bananas with fruits measuring 12-15 cm long and 5 cm in

diameter, saging mondo bananas measure 5-8 cm long and 2.5 cm in diameter. The plants

also take longer to fruit, 11-12 months versus 5-6 months for other Saba varieties.

Also differing from the angular shape of Saba bananas, saging mondo bananas are

much more rounder. The saging mondo banana has a thick skin that turns yellow when

ripe, and a yellow-orange flesh that is solid and chewy in consistency. It is ideally eaten

simply boiled, often dipped in salted or fermented fish with a dash of lemon juice. The

banana can act as a substitute for corn or rice in other dishes. One local preparation is

called minatamis, and involves boiling the peeled bananas and preserving them in a raw

sugar syrup (latik). The fruit can also be made into banana ketchup or be used in a sweet

stew called binignit or in halo-halo, a mixture of fruits, yam, tapioca (or landang), and

milk or coconut milk. The dark red banana flower (puso sa saging) is also edible, often

served simply boiled and seasoned as a side for fish, pork or beef.

The waxy banana leaves can also be used to wrap traditional dishes such as

bodbod (sticky rice), bibingka (rice cake), and kiseo (white cheese). Saging Mondo is

widely grown in the Visayas, particularly in the hilly lands of Argao, Dalaguete, and
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Ronda in the south. They grow best in well-drained fertile soils with full sun exposure.

They are tolerant of dry soil and colder conditions of temperate climate. They require

minimum rainfall and can survive a long dry season. Unlike the larger Saba, which are

grown in corporate farms, the Saging Mondo variety is grown in backyard farms because

of its limited yield and late maturing; there is no mass production of this variety. Farmers

prefer to grow the larger Saba bananas, which give them more produce (300 fruits per

tree versus 60-70 for saging mondo) and can be sold at higher prices because of their size.

Additionally, the local marketing system of the community is beset with a lot of

problems including high perishability of the fruit, the limited size of the immediate local

market, and the manipulation of traders. Furthermore, in 2013 the Philippines

experienced a calamity brought about by Typhoon Yolanda, which badly hit the Visayan

area and destroyed the agricultural farms and the plantations, including banana trees.

Now, farmers would rather replant the variety which will give them bigger produce and a

shorter waiting time before the harvest. After some time, the saging mondo might just

disappear from the farmers’ land.

According to the article ‘Halamang Gamot "Herbal Medicine”’ banana’s

scientific name is Musa paradisiaca Linn; a type of fruit that can be said to be the most

popular in the Philippines and found throughout the country. It is one of the favourites of

Filipinos. The Philippines is also the fifth largest exporter of bananas in the world. It is

called tukol by the Ilocanos, turdan by the Visayans, Latunda by the Bicolanos and

Pangasinenses, and Saquin a Latondan by the Kapampangans.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Banana is often mistaken as a tree but the truth is, it is a large herb. Although it is

already growing in tropical countries, it is native to Southeast Asia. It has a height of up

to eight meters but the average is from three to five meters. Its leaves are soft, slippery,

oblong in shape and green in color. The fruit is green to yellow or red in color, and can

range in length from 2 ½ to 12 inches. The cheap saba banana fruit is a cure for boils, by

which the boil softens and the eye develops.

In 2018, more than 4.9 million metric tons of Cavendish cultivars were produced

on some 88,667 ha. Cavendish cultivars are grown in small to large commercial

plantations for the domestic and export markets. Export bananas are produced by

Filipino-owned firms and multinational corporations. The small- and medium-scale

farmers producing bananas for export either sell to multinationals or directly to traders. A

small portion of the country's exports are organic bananas. Smallholder farmers

commonly grow bananas primarily for home consumption in backyard gardens. They

grow a diversity of dessert and cooking cultivars depending on their preferences and the

ease with which they can be produced. In small plantations, bananas are grown as

monocrops in areas ranging from 2 to 20 hectares. The cultivars are selected based on

local consumer preferences, the prevailing agroclimatic conditions and the types of pests

and diseases present.

The ‘Farmers’ Handbook on Introduced and Local Banana Cultivars in the

Philippines’ (nd) manual provides information on the morphological and agronomic traits,

fruit characteristics, reactions to common diseases, and uses of 21 introduced and 8 local

cultivars based on field trials carried out through the Bioversity-DA-BAR-NRMDC

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

programme. It is intended to serve as a useful guide in the identification and selection of

cultivars for further evaluation by researchers and planting by interested banana growers.9

It was explained in the presented manual that bananas are the most important fruit

crop in the Philippines. It ranks first in production (>5.63 million metric tonnes) and area

harvested (415 000) (BAS 2005) among other fruit crops. Save for the export banana,

which is a significant source of foreign exchange, banana is grown largely by small-

holder farmers, traded by local entrepreneurs and consumed locally. Thus, it plays a

major role in food security and income generation of the rural poor. Over the years, Musa

researchers worldwide have developed a number of new, high yielding and disease-

resistant cultivars of banana.

Today, these improved cultivars are being made available for testing and

distribution to small-holder farmers by Bioversity International. The availability to the

local banana industry of these improved cultivars and superior landraces from foreign

sources is a shortcut to a long, tedious and expensive banana breeding program. It is

believed that the introduction of these new cultivars as a component of an integrated crop

management strategy involving the use of clean planting materials, could have a rapid

and significant impact on levels of production of bananas in the Philippines. On 21

March 2001, the National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory (NPGRL) of the Institute

of Plant Breeding (IPB), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) received in

vitro plantlets of 22 Musa accessions from Bioversity International Musa Germplasm

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Transit Centre in Leuven, Belgium. The introduction was facilitated and coordinated by

the Bioversity Asia Pacific Office.


The presented literature was about the health benefits of banana leaves and

banana itself. It was said that even the banana leaves have been used and contain vitamins

and minerals, thus, it is edible. Moreover, the local literature discusses banana production

in the Philippines and how it helps the economic sustainability of the country.

Banana is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the

genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit. Bananas are of the family

Musaceae, they are cultivated primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser extent for the

production of fibre and as ornamental. Banana peels can be ensiled but it lacks the

appropriate amounts of easily fermentable carbohydrates that are needed for good quality

preservation, they should be ensiled together with a feed rich in fermentable


According to Food Research, (2021), Banana peel is a source of polysaccharides:

pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose. Recent studies have shown that these carbohydrate

fractions can be converted into oligomers, which have applications in food, feed and

pharmaceuticals, claiming important technical, functional and biological activities.

Potential prebiotic activity of pectin and cellulose oligosaccharides obtained from banana

peel was already reported. Based on technologies developed for fractionation and
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

extraction of polysaccharides, such as pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose, banana peel

can be explored to obtain functional oligosaccharides.

As explained by A. Pereira, (2015), Banana is a fruit with nutritional properties

and also with acclaimed therapeutic uses, cultivated widely throughout the tropics as a

source of food and income for people. Banana peel is known by its local and traditional

use to promote wound healing mainly from burns and to help overcome or prevent a

substantial number of illnesses, such as depression. Banana’s pulp and peel can be used

as natural sources of antioxidants and pro-vitamin A due to their contents in carotenoids,

phenolics, and amine compounds, for instance. For the development of a phytomedicine

or even an allopathic medicine, e.g., banana fruit pulp and peel could be of interest as raw

materials rich in beneficial bioactive compounds.

Based on the study of K. Andrade, (2018), MUSASA started as a simple floor

wax way back in 2015 when the researchers. Through the years, it continued to improve

at different levels. From a simple floor wax made out of Banana peels to a multipurpose

wax that could shine other substances such as wood, leather and stainless. Now,

MUSASA has reached its peak: a multipurpose antibacterial wax that has another

purpose aside from shining surfaces –it could now clean and remove bacteria. The

purpose of the study was to help students and other people who normally do the cleaning

in the house. With this product, cleaning and taking care of other belongings such as

leather shoes could be easy and fast. In this research, the researchers aimed to make a

multipurpose wax out of Banana peel. The set-up was composed of 50g of banana peels,
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

10g of the used candle, 5mL of cooking oil and 10mL of calamansi extract. The product

was put in observation to see if it was able to clean and shine compared to

commercialised wax. At the end of the observation, the researchers found out that

MUSASA was an effective antibacterial multipurpose wax compared to the

commercialised ones. Like a common wax, it shone surfaces, but the only difference was

that it could also clean and remove bacteria. The product worked on wood, stainless steel,

leather, and cemented floors.


Waxing wooden floors is necessary to keep their lustrous shine. If you think that

buying ready-made floor wax is too expensive, you can make your own by using banana

peels to make a polishing product for your wooden floors. As an alternative to

professional floorwax, this homemade floor wax will provide a similar gloss and

smoothness to banana peelings.

Banana plants are members of the Musaceae family and are grown for their fruit,

as well as for fibre production and decorative purposes. Because bananas are mostly tall,

upright, and quite solid, they are frequently mistook for trees. However, the primary

upright stem is known as a pseudostem, which literally means “fake stem”, which for

some species can obtain a height of up to 2-8 m, with leaves up to 3.5 m in the length.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024


This chapter presents the research design, design of the product, the allocation,

locale of the study, sampling technique, sampling design, research instruments, data

gathering procedure, data analysis procedure, and treatment of data.


As for this study, researchers used an experimental research method.

Experimental research was done by isolating the research in a physical situation apart

from the routine of ordinary living and by manipulating one or more independent

variables under rigorously specified, operational, and controlled conditions. It was

considered the most conclusive research method because it established different

treatments and then studied their effects. Results of this type were likely to lead to the

clearest interpretations.

Specifically, the research design that the researchers applied in this undertaking

was the Factorial design. Factorial Design is an experimental design that allows a number

of groups to be considered and included in the experiment. The researchers were allowed

to measure not only the main effect of each independent variable (e.g the effects of kind,

quantity of peels used, production process, and ingredients used in the quality of Banana

Peel floor wax) but also the interaction effects of these independent variables.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

The term factorial denotes that two or more independent variables were being

investigated, each variable or whatever or not the effects were specific levels of the

control variable.

In this research undertaking, more than two variables were considered and

manipulated, interactions between them might also be present and their effects on one

another cannot be ignored. Samples of this inquiry were purposefully selected in order to

make the study more manageable. Due to some factors that may cause variations among

the different treatments of the study, the researchers selected Cement floors.

Table 1

The materials used and the allocated price.


Banana Peels - The main ingredient Php 45.00

for making the floor wax.

Php 45.00
Oil - This was the base of the dye


Php 75.00
Dye - This is used to give color to the

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Php 250.00
Jar - A container used as a mold for

the floor wax.

Php 35.00
Kerosene - Is used to counteract the

stickiness of the banana to ensure the

finished product is not tacky when


Php 375.00
Paraffin wax - This is mixed along

with the polyethylene wax to create a

light coating for the floor wax.

Php 563.00
Polyethylene wax - Polyethylene wax

is used to give the floor wax a mark-

resistant property.

Table 1 shows the needed equipment and the materials needed by the researchers and

their allocated prices.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Table 2

The variations of treatments on the Homemade Floor wax to be tested on Ceramic

floors using liquid banana extract.

TREATMEN Banana Peel Kerosene Polyethylene Paraffin Wax

TS extract wax

1 350 mL 45 mL 310 g 310 g

2 165 mL 175 mL 310 g 310 g

3 350 mL 175 mL 220 g 220 g

4 165 mL 45 mL 355 g 355 g

5 235 mL 120 mL 300 g 300 g

Table 2 presents 5 treatments. In all these treatments, the liquid banana extract

was used. This was extracted by boiling the banana peels and then straining the pot with a

cheesecloth. In treatment 1, the researchers will use 350 mL of Banana extract, 45 mL of

Kerosene, 310 g of Polyethylene Wax, and 310 g of Paraffin wax. In treatment 2, the

researchers will use 165 mL of Banana extract, 175 mL of Kerosene, 310 g of

Polyethylene Wax, and 310 g of Paraffin wax. In treatment 3, the researchers will use 350

mL of Banana extract, 45 mL of Kerosene, 220 g of Polyethylene Wax, and 220 g of

Paraffin wax. In treatment 4, the researchers will use 165 mL of Banana extract, 45 mL
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

of Kerosene, 355 g of Polyethylene Wax, and 355 g of Paraffin wax. Lastly in treatment

5, the researchers will use 235 mL of Banana extract, 120 mL of Kerosene, 300 g of

Polyethylene Wax, and 300 g of Paraffin wax. After using these measurements, the

banana extract did not merge with the melted wax as it is water-based.

Table 3

The variations of treatments on the Homemade Floor wax to be tested on

Ceramic floors using banana peels

TREATMEN Number of Kerosene Polyethylene Paraffin Wax

TS Banana Peel wax

1 10 Banana 75 mL 100 mL 100 mL


2 10 banana 150 mL 100 mL 100 mL


3 10 banana 225 mL 100 mL 100 mL


Table 3 presents 3 treatments. The treatments in this sample melted the waxes so

that the researcher has a more precise way of measuring the component. Furthermore, the

researchers boiled the banana peels directly to the melted waxes. Both the waxes and the
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

among of banana peels in this sample have the same amount of quantity. In treatment 1,

the researchers will use 75 mL of Kerosene. Treatment 2, the researchers will use 150 mL

of Kerosene. Treatment 3, the researchers will use 225 mL of Kerosene. After some

observations, the researchers chose treatment number 2 from this sample for the testing of

the product.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024



The researchers conducted an experimental study which was produced out of

bananas (Musa Paradisiaca). Banana peels can be as useful as the fruit themselves. This

home-made floorwax will give a comparable shine and smoothness to that of commercial

products, and the oil in the kerosene counteracts the banana peel’s stickiness to ensure the

finished sheen isn’t tacky.

Treatment 2 is the only treatment that was successfully produced and used by the

researchers as their product in the survey they conducted.


Banana peels can be recycled and used to lessen the waste in our environment.

There are many ways to lessen such waste, maintain cleanliness in our surroundings and

also to prevent harmful effects to humans due to pollution. One of the ways to lessen the

waste in our surroundings was to recycle scraps that came from fruits, one of which was

the Banana peel.

Banana peel can be used as an alternative ingredient in making floor wax. Using

this kind of scarp can reduce the harmful chemicals components found in the commercial

floorwax. Also, Carnauba wax can help the Banana peel to produce good quality floor

wax as a substitute to kerosene. Banana peels can be easily found around the trash bins,

especially in side streets.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City 1107, Philippines
College of Accountancy
1st SEMESTER | S.Y. 2023-2024

Households in the Philippines can use this kind of alternative way since all the

materials that can be used on this product can be easily found . The cost of this alternative

was cheaper compared to the floorwax that was commercially available. The quality of

the Banana peel with Carnauba wax floor wax was just the same or greater than the

commercially available.


Based from the results of the research entitled: The Efficacy of Banana (Musa

paradisiaca) peels as an Alternative component to Commerial Floorwax, the following

are hereby recommended:

For the researchers, they can use their knowledge to encourage people to see the

value of star banana peels and its many benefits

For the BSAIS students of New Era University, they can utilize this study to

further enhance their knowledge about banana peels as a floor wax. The students can also

use the product if they wanted to wax their floors with a more natural product.

For the citizens of Quezon city, they can utilize this study to give them an idea to

make alternative floor waxes for the betterment of not only their health but also their


For the future researchers, they may use this study as a basis for similar

experimental researches. Furthermore, it was recommended that they use different types
of floors, use different types of fruits for fragrance, and utilize different materials that

may improve the overall quality of the floorwax.


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Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, vol. 2, no. 3, 18 May 2018,



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Step 1. Get a banana

Step 2. When you have a banana, peel it next then take the banana peel and put
it in the pot and boiled it for 10 minutes.

Step 3. After boiling the banana peel, put in in a container .

Step 4. Get the dye and put it on the boiled banana peel water, this will give

color to the product.

Step 5. Get the oil and put it also in the boiled banana peel water.

Step 6. Boiled it again in 30 minutes and wait until it formed like floorwax.
Step 7. Finished boiled banana peel.

Step 8. Get a container where you will put the floor wax.

Step 9. Put the floor wax to the container and that is the final output of my


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