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Activity1: TRUE O RFALSE. On the space provided before each item, write TRUE if the
statement is factual and FALSE if it is erroneous.
10. TRUE

Big Party at Hallelujah High School for 60th Birthday Bash!

Hallelujah High School is turning 60 this coming June 23, 2017, and we're throwing a big party
to celebrate! For three whole days.
we're inviting all our old classmates back for a big reunion. It's gonna be awesome catching up
with everyone! then, we're having a fair to show off cool stuff made by local farmers and artists.
When the sun goes down, the party keeps going with concerts and other cool performances. And
we can't forget about our amazing teachers! We're giving a special award to the best teacher,
who'll get a prize of PhP 5,000!
So mark your calendars and come join us for three days of fun, friends, and memories at
Hallelujah High School's 60th birthday bash!

Final task:
Title of the Strengths/Similarities Weaknesses Suggestion for
Editorial improvement.
"Climate Crisis: Urgent - Clear explanation of May lack solutions or Include practical tips
Action Needed" the severity of the actionable steps for for individuals to
climate crisis. - Provides readers to take. - reduce their carbon
concrete examples of Could benefit from footprint. Use graphs
the impacts of climate more visual aids to or charts to visually
change. - Calls for illustrate the issue. represent data.
immediate action.
"Education Reform: Highlights the - Might not delve Offer specific policy
Building a Brighter importance of deeply into specific suggestions for
Future" education reform. - policy improving education.
Offers insights into recommendations. - Include case studies
current challenges in Could provide more of successful
the education system. - real-life examples of education reform
Advocates for policy successful education efforts.
changes to improve reforms.
education quality.
"Rising Inequality: Raises awareness about May lack detailed Conduct deeper
Addressing the the growing wealth analysis of root causes research into the
Wealth Gap" gap. - Discusses the of inequality. - Could underlying causes of
social and economic offer more diverse inequality. Include
consequences of perspectives on the interviews or quotes
inequality. - Calls for issue. from individuals
measures to reduce directly impacted by
inequality and promote inequality.

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A



ANSWER: The cartoon shows a person who sold drugs lying on the ground, possibly dead
This means selling drugs can lead to bad things, like death. The cartoon seems to be
commenting on extrajudicial killings related to the drug trade. It suggests that individuals
labeled as drug dealers are being targeted and killed outside the bounds of legal procedures
or due process, often by law enforcement or vigilante groups. The quality of the cartoon is
straightforward and impactful. The use of bold lettering and the visual of the dead drug
dealer lying on the ground effectively conveys the message.
Final task: workshop
title: The Big Upset
Last night, on September 28, 2013, everyone gathered at the SKSU Gymnasium for the last
games of the 23rd SKSU Inter-Campus Basketball Championship.
The first game was between Access Campus and Tacurong Campus. Access won easily, with a
score of 102-57. Everyone saw that coming because Access was really good.
But the second game was the one everyone talked about. Isulan Campus played against Lutayan
Campus, who everyone thought would win.
At first, Lutayan was doing great, and their fans were cheering loudly. But in the second half,
something amazing happened. Isulan started playing better and better. Led by Marcus, their
captain, they caught up and even took the lead.
In the end, Isulan won the game! It was a huge surprise, and everyone was shocked. But it
showed that teamwork and not giving up can lead to big wins, no matter what people expect.

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