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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Senior High School Department
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Name of Teacher: Lourdes Gallardo Date:

Subject/Grade Level Taught: READING AND WRITING Quarter: THIRD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected
and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. Performance The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development

standards focusing on information selection, organization, and development.

C. Learning Competency Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.


Compare and contrast.
Cause and effect


A. References K to 12 GRADE 11 MODULE

B. Other learning TV screen

Resources Laptop
Power point presentation

A. Preliminary Prayer
activities Greetings
Checking of attendance
B. Reviewing The teacher will recall the previous lessons.
What are the three-reading process?
Can you provide a brief explanation on each reading process.

C. Presenting the Activating prior Knowledge

new lesson
What comes next?
3 6 9 12 ?
10110011100 ?

What can you observe? Or what have you noticed upon answering?

a. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Explain patterns of development focusing on chronological,
compare and contrast, and cause and effect.
b. Differentiate the various patterns of development.
c. Create a situational example on each pattern applying graphic

b. Discussing new INSTRUCTION: Read the set of events and arrange the following
concepts and details to create a coherent story.
practicing new skills
1. Finally, the old lady crossed the street safely and Juan was
able to reach the school on time.
2. One morning, Juan is in a hurry going to school.
3. Then, he thought of helping the old lady even though he will be
late in school.
4. Suddenly, he saw an old lady carrying a full of basket, crossing
the street.
1. Chronology/procedure/narration

- Organize ideas and events according to time. It can be in a

form of narration or a process. a narration sequences
events in the order in which they occurred in time, while a

Signal words for chronology

About before In the Prior to

After During Second
Afterwards Eventually Soon
As soon as Finally Then
At First Till
Next week
At this Immediately Today
point/that presently

process organizes details based on the stages or steps.

Example: Process
During flooding, one thing that may probably save your life is an
improvised flotation device. You can make one use your pants. First,
knot off the leg holes of your pants. Then, hold the open waist and
swing the pants around to fill the legs with air. Promptly knot off the
waist to trap the air and hold the pants underwater so that the air
would not escape.
2. Comparison and contrast
- Organizes ideas based on how events, places, things, and
concepts are similar, to or different from one another. Ideas
can be arrange in two ways: separately, which involves
describing one item first followed by the second item; or
side-by-side, which means discussing both items based on
each point of comparison.

Signal Words for Comparing

Also Equally In the Similarly

As In a similar same To
both fashion way compare
In Like
comparison likewis
Signal Words for Contrasting

Although Despite Instead Otherwise

And yet Even so However Still
As opposed to even Nevertheless The fact
But though in Nonetheless remains
Conversely contrast On the Unlike
Counter to in spite of in contrary Whereas
the On the other yet
meantime hand,
3. Cause and effect
- organizes details based on the cause, the reason, and the
result or consequences of a certain phenomenon. Focus
and take note of the following elements: the purpose of the
text, the relationship between causes and effects, and the
potential causal fallacies or illogical arguments.

Signal Words for Causes

As For In view of (the Owing to (the

Because(of For the reason fact) fact) Seeing
the fact) that Inasmuch as that since
Being that In that One reason
Due to (the
fact that)
Signal Words for Effects

Accordingly Conseq In So that

As a uently consequence Therefore
consequence For this So thus
As a result (of reason So much (to)
this) hence that
Because (of

1. When I dropped my mug, it shattered on the tile floor.
Cause: I dropped my mug
Effect: it shattered

2. If you overfeed your cat, he will gain weight.

Cause: overfeeding the cat
Effect: the cat gains weight

- Is a visual representation of ideas and their connections
with one another.

c. Developing mastery The teacher will ask questions to the students.

1. What are the three discussed patterns of development?
2. Who can differentiate the three patterns of development?
3. What graphic organizers can be used in the following:
a. Chronological/process/narration
b. Comparison and contrast
c. Cause and effect
d. Finding practical INSTRUCTION: identify what patterns of development is being
application of portrayed.
concepts and skills in
1. Kim and Tom have different tastes in music and food.
daily living (leads to
However, they both like to dance.
2. Michelle slept through her alarm clock and left her apartment in
a rush. As she hurried down the sidewalk, she looks at her
phone to check her email. She stripped over the curb and
sprained her ankle.
3. The rehearsal dinner will be on Friday night. Afterward, we are
hoping that many of the guests will help to clean the area for
tomorrow’s wedding.

The teacher will also ask why their answer is chronological,

cause and effect or the comparison and contrast.

e. Generalization The teacher will ask anyone from the class to generalize what they
have discussed.
(Answers may vary)

B. Evaluating learning GROUP ACTIVITY (15 points)

INSTRUCTION: Find pairs and choose any of the three patterns then
create your own example applying graphic organizers.

C. Assignment Essay: what is the relevance of using graphic organizers in presenting

our ideas?

Prepared by Checked by
Lourdes B. Gallardo Ma’am Richie Anne Luban

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