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A detailed lesson plan


Grade 10

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to;
A. Understand the different figures of speech through giving their own examples,
B. Construct their own examples of figures of speech in written and verbal communication,
C. Value the importance of the figures of speech.

II. Learning Content

Subject Matter: Figures of Speech
Reference: carrie carter http: //www.highschoolsidekiks.
Materials: Visual Aids and chalk board.

III. Learning Procedures

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

a) Preparatory activity

Good afternoon class. Good afternoon ma’am.

Before anything else, let’s feel the presence of the
lord. Amen.
Before you sit, kindly pick all the pieces around you
and arrange your chair.
Ok class, who is absent for today? None ma’am.
Do you have any assignment class? None ma’am.

b) Review

So class, what was your last lesson? Part of speech ma’am.

Okay! What are the parts of speech then? Noun
Very good class! Conjunction
Since we are done with the part of speech let’s move
on to our next lesson.

c) Motivation
Before we proceed to our next lesson, I want you to
identify these sentences.

1. Rachel is as bright as the sun.

2. The wind whispered in my ears. Those are the figures of speech ma'am.
3. Oh William, you should be living now to see
all this.

Okay very good!

d) Presentation
Ok class our topic or today is all about figures of

e) Discussion

Class are you familiar with figures of speech? Yes ma’am.

Who can give me examples of figures of speech? Ma’am simile

Metaphor ma’am
Personification ma’am
Very good class! What else?

Figures of speech
Lita read the definition. Those are words or phrase used in a descriptive
way to produce a rhetorical effect.

Thank you! It also provide imaginative way of

expressing ideas, emotions, and descriptions.

1. Simile
Ana read the definition. Simile is made up between two unlike objects or
things using the words “as” and “like”.
Thank you! Simile is the most commonly used figure
of speech. It is the easiest one to identify because of
the presence of the words “as” and “like”.

Let’s have an examples:

 Life is like a roller coaster.

In this sentence class, life is being compared to a
roller coaster using the word “like”.
 She is a black as coal.
Ok class, she is being compared to a coal using the
word “as”.
 You are acting like a baby.
In this sentence, you is being compared to a baby
using the word “like”.

Did you understand the simile class? Yes ma’am.

Ok let's proceed to the next one.

2. Metaphor
Angel read the definition.
Metaphor compares 2 things without as or like.
Thank you!
Metaphor drawn between two things that are not
Let’s have an example:
 Charlie is a pig when he eats.
In this sentence class Charlie is being compared to a
pig when he eats without using like or as.
 Belle is an angel.
Ok class in this sentence Belle is being compared to
an angel without using like or as.
 Time is money.
Time is being compared to a money without using the
like or as.

Did you understand the metaphor class?

Yes ma’am.
3. Personification
Althea kindly read the definition.
Personification is nonhuman things, animal or
inanimate objects are given human traits or
Thank you! characteristics.
Personification gives objects a human actions or
emotions. It gives life to objects.

Let’s have an example:

 The pizza is calling my name.

In this sentence class, it is very impossible that a pizza
can speak or call my name. However, with the use of
personification, we can able to give life to objects that
don’t actually live.
 My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed
every morning.
Just like the example no.1 it is impossible that alarm
clock can yell, however, with the use of
personification, we can able to give life to objects.
 The moon peeked out from behind the clouds.
Did you understand the personification class?

4. Apostrophe
Jackie kindly read the definition. Apostrophe is addressing someones absent,
dead, or nonhuman as if that person or thing
were present.
Thank you! It addresses an absent or imaginary
person or some abstraction.
Let’s have an examples:
 Hello darkness, my old friend…I’ve come to
talk with you again… _Paul Simon.
Ok class, in this song you are taking to an object as if
it was present. Darkness represents the emotion of
 Life, I cannot understand you!
In this sentence, you are talking to life as if it can
understand you.
 Blow winds, blow!

Did you understand the apostrophe class? Yes ma’am.

5. Hyperbole
Beverly kindly read the definition. Hyperbole uses exaggeration and overstatement
for dramatic or comic effect.
Thank you! An extravagant statement or figures of
speech not intended to be taken literally.

Let’s have an example:

 My shoes are killing me.
The meaning of this sentence is my shoes is hurting
me, however, in hyperbole we can say it in exaggerate
 I can move mountains for you.
In this sentence, it is impossible for you to move a
mountain, however in hyperbole we can say it in
exaggerate way.
 I have a million things to do.

Did you understand the hyperbole?

Yes ma’am.
6. Onomatopoeia
Mila kindly read the definition.
Onomatopoeia is words that imitate the sound
Thank you! It is used to express a sound. they represent.
Let’s have an example:
 The buzzing bee flew over my head.
In this sentence, buzzing is the sound used in the
 The stone hit the water with a splash.
Splash is the sound that make imitate the sound they
 My watch ticks loudly.

Did you understand the onomatopoeia class?

Yes ma’am.

f) Application

Identify the types of figures of speech in the following

1) The printing looked as real as life. 1) Simile
2) The wind sang a lonely song. 2) Personification
3) Health is wealth. 3) Metaphor
4) Since morning, Ronald has been as busy as a 4) Simile
5) My bags weight a ton. 5) Hyperbole
6) Can you hear the clicks coming from the roof? 6) Onomatopoeia
7) John is a goat. 7) Metaphor
8) The tree spread its arms and us shade. 8) Personification
9) There was a loud bang on the door. 9) Onomatopoeia
10) He cried so long that made a lake! 10) Hyperbole

g) Generalization

Ok class, did you understand our lesson for today?

Do you have any questions, clarifications, additional
information or violent reaction? Yes ma’am.

Ok! What are the figures of speech? None ma’am.

Very good class! Onomatopoeia
IV. Evaluation
In a ½ sheet of paper, I want you to give atleast five examples each of the figures of

V. Assignments
In a 1 whole sheet of paper, construct a poem using the different figurative language.

Prepared by; Francilyn G. Sanchez Checked by: Lourdes Gallardo

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