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Bachelor of Secondary Education 3 (English major)

Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Refer to the information you have gathered on the activity part. Select one instructional
design model in which you think fits the teacher’s implementation of instructional best.
Discuss why you chose that instructional design model. Then, identify what part of the
implementation fits to the different level/stage of the instructional design model you
have chosen. Follow the template below.
Instructional Design Model chosen: ADDIE MODEL
Why did you choose that model? Provide justification.
I choose this model because based in our given module, ADDIE model is applicable in teaching
technology as a mode of delivery that's why. i want to understand more what does ADDIE MODEL mean.

Levels/Stages Instructional Activities

Analysis - let the learners read your topic so they can understand better.

Design - the design of instructional activities must be attractive for them to have
- give the learners of activity for them to develop their skills or knowledge.

Implement - in reporting the learners necessary to practice or observe so that they

knows what they are doing.

- after your reporting you must have to know the result of your performanc, if the
Evaluate learners understand your topic.

Choose a learning competency in your specialized field. Design instructional methods how you can create a
constructivist learning environment in teaching that competency to your learners. Place your discussion in a
box. Make sure that you won’t have the same competency as with your classmates.
Specialization: English
Competency: Noun
-I will explain it by using picture materials for them to identify what does
topic all about. example is the picture of a man, i show the picture of a man
for them to easily recognized what does picture belongs.


There are different ways on how to conduct teaching and learning activities along with the tools to be used in
these activities. However, one has to remember that you have the very important decision on what to use based on the
objectives of your lesson, the availability of resources, and the abilities of your learners.
With that, you may work in this part to identify what you think is the learning activity to be integrated and the learning
material to be used in your class as you realize the given objectives. Follow the format below.
Learning Objectives Learning Activity Learning Material
Analyze data using - gathering information from defferents - cellphone, internet
statistical tools sources.

Perform the different types

of blocking in a play -plan in advance, the scene should -camera position, lighting design
inform camera placement.

Evaluate the readiness for - firat aid kit, sleeping bag, flashlight, food and
volcanic eruptions - review your emergency plan and etc.
gather your emergency supplies.

Make a pancake - egg, alaska classic mlk, condense milk, all-

-prepare ingredients in cooking purpose flour, baking powder, and butter.

Identify samples of -what are the characteristics of - microscope

oligochaeta or annelids?


Components Responses
What teaching-learning activity will you use in facilitating your -I often separate the class into small group and assign
class? each group read our topic in the given module. The
students in each group work together to read and
analyze and then discuss it.
What is instructional tool will help you realize your plan and
goals in the class? -the laptop/cellphone for me to search in the internand
encode the topics that the learners will learn, and I
explain better for them to understand more.

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