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university of the

philippines diliman
The University of the Philippines (UP
or Unibersidad ng Pilipinas or
Pamantasan ng Pilipinas) is a state
university system in the Philippines.
Founded by the American colonial
government on June 18, 1908, it was
originally a university conceived for
the Filipinos. Act No. 1870 of the 1st
Philippine Legislature was signed to
establish UP to provide "advanced
instruction in literature, philosophy,
the sciences and arts, and to give
professional and technical training" to
eligible students regardless of "age,
sex, nationality, religious belief and
political affiliation".
LEGIBILITY The Legibility of UP Diliman, the flagship campus of the University of the
Philippines system, is multifaceted. On one hand, it encompasses the
clarity and accessibility of information on campus signs and notices,
ensuring that they are designed for easy comprehension by students,
staffs, and, visitors. This involves factors such as font size, style,
contrast, and proper spacing to facilitate clear communication. On the
other hand, UP Diliman enjoys a prominent and well-established academic
legibility that extends far beyond the physical campus. Recognized for its
excellence in various fields, from the sciences to the arts and humanities,
the institution's reputation as a leading center of education, research, and
cultural contributions within the Philippines is widely acknowledged. Its
legibility in the academic world, both nationally and internationally, makes it a
highly regarded institution for those seeking quality education and scholarly

The robustness of UP Diliman is a

combination of its academic excellence,
research contributions, global
recognition, cultural and social impact,
resilience, inclusivity, strong alumni
network, and state support with
autonomy. This combination of factors
has solidified UP Diliman's position as a
leading educational and research
institution in the Philippines and the world.

The University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman) permeability varies

VISUAL APPROPRIATENESS based on the individual program and entrance criteria. Like other UP
The University of the Philippines Diliman (UP Diliman) permeability varies based campuses, UP Diliman has a tough admissions procedure. I recommend
checking the official UP Diliman website or contacting their admissions
on the individual program and entrance criteria. Like other UP campuses, UP
office for the latest up-to-date information on permeability and
Diliman has a tough admissions procedure. I recommend checking the official
entrance criteria. Furthermore, the university has special admission
UP Diliman website or contacting their admissions office for the latest up-to-
programs for indigenous peoples, athletes, and other exceptional
date information on permeability and entrance criteria. Furthermore, the cases, increasing its permeability and diversity. The administration
university has special admission programs for indigenous peoples, athletes, and continually reviews its policies to ensure that UP Diliman remains
other exceptional cases, increasing its permeability and diversity. The accessible to a wide range of students while maintaining its academic
administration continually reviews its policies to ensure that UP Diliman remains excellence. This balance between high standards and accessibility
accessible to a wide range of students while maintaining its academic contributes to the university's reputation as a center of academic
excellence. This balance between high excellence in the Philippines.

The richness of UP Diliman in terms of urban planning lies in its
commitment to creating a sustainable, accessible, and culturally vibrant
urban environment. Its green spaces, mixed-use areas, cultural institutions,
sustainability practices, community engagement, and inclusive design all
contribute to a holistic and enriching urban experience within the
confines of the campus.

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