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BP-39 ANGLO-CHINESE JUNIOR COLLEGE JC2 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022 GENERAL PAPER 8807/01 Paper 1 Adgitional Materials: Cover Page and Answer Paper 1 hour 30 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘Write your index number and name on all the work you hand in. ‘Write the question number on the cover page. ‘Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid ‘Answer one question Note that up to 20 marks out of 50 will be awarded for your use of language. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. All questions in this paper carry equal marks. This document consists of 2 printed pages. 3 Gp 8807 1 ‘Anglo-Chinese Junior College [Turn over ACIC 2032 ‘General Paper Department 39 40 10 1 12 BP-40 2 Answer one question Answers should be between 500 and 800 words in length, How far do you agree that the pursuit of perfection is a curse in the modern world? "We have been too concerned with the global refugee crisis.’ Discuss. “Facts do not change our minds.’ To what extent is it possible to combat fake news in today's world? In your society, to what extent is it more challenging to care for one’s parents today? "The power of Mathematics lies in its everyday use.’ Comment. “The only legitimate way to remove a poltician is through the ballot box.’ What is your view? "Schools prepare us for a life that does not exist.” How true is this of your society? Consider the view that not enough is done to promote animal rights. ‘itis difficult for us to sustain our attention on anything nowadays.’ Discuss. ‘Assess the view that being understandable is more important than being grammatical today. Examine the view that the elimination of discrimination in sport is @ far-fetched dream. Evaluate the claim that the Arts are essential for a civilised society, BP-41 ANGLO-CHINESE JUNIOR COLLEGE JC2 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022 GENERAL PAPER 8807/02 Paper 2 INSERT 1 hour 30 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST This insert contains the passage for Paper 2. ‘This document consists of 3 printed pages. GP ae07_2 ‘Anglo Chinese Junie College [Tum over] 44 Aci 2022 ‘General Paper Deparment 42 Kate Julian makes several observations about the increasing anxiety in children. 4. Lam the mother of two children, 6 and 10. ! used to think our country was raising resilient children, but glven the apparent direction of our country and our world, | have not been feeling optimistic about the conditions for future sanity — theirs, mine or anyone else's. Anxiety is, in 2020, Ubiquitous, inescapable, an ambient condition. It is the topic of pop music (Ariana Grande’s Broathin’), the country's best-selling graphic novel (Raina Telgemeier's Guts), and a whole cohort's sense of humour (Generation 2's seemingly bottomless appetite for anxiety memes) Anxiety is on the rise in all age groups, such that even toddlers are not immune. 2. There is a problem with much of the anxiety about children’s anxiety. However, anxiely itself is ot something to be warded off. It is a universal and necessary response to stress and uncertainty. It is uncomfortable but as with most discomfort, we can leam to tolerate it. Yet far too often, we insulate our children from distress and discomfort entirely. And children who do not learn to cope with distress face a rough path to adulthood, experiencing difficuity with the hurdles and humiliations of life in a deeply competitive culture, one with a narrowing definition of success and a rising cost of living. 3. Most critiques of this century's child-rearing practices have treated parents as rational actors, however extreme some of our actions might be. if we hover over our children, we are said to do ‘so in reaction to the surrounding conditions — media coverage of kidnappings, for example, or plummeting college admission rates. In other words, modern parents, or at least the upper middle-class ones who populate most articles about parenting trends, are widely perceived not as flailing but as the opposite: too hyper and too vigilant. And yet, despite more than a decade's: evidence that helicopter parenting is counterproductive, kids today are pethaps more ‘overprotected, more leery of adulthood, more in need of therapy. Moreover, when school and family systems both have a baseline level of stress — when adults are always on high alert, kids do not get a chance to rebound, and so they resist taking on the sorts of natural and healthy risks that will help them grow. And there you have it, a generation of anxious kids, looking fearfully at ‘the world around them, growing up to become anxious adults. Children do not need perfect parents, but they do benefit greatly from parents who can serve as a non-anxious presence. 4 Recognising the relationship between parental and child anxiety suggests an important means of prevention and intervention: because anxiety is only partially genetic, a change in parenting style may well help spare a child's mental health. Ifthe instinct to protect a child leads many of Us into the trap of overparenting, | have come to believe that time pressure keeps us there. And for mothers, especially, time pressure can be compounded by guilt. When there is all the guilt that, as a working parent, | missed X, Y, Z, itis a fot harder to follow through with an unpleasant behavioural intervention. And if you have only an hour with your child at night, you would like it to be a pleasant one. Therapists who treat anxiety like to talk about how short-term pain leads to long-term gain — how enduring discomfort now can make you more resilient later. In recent decades, however, the opposite principle has guided many American parents and not oniy when it comes to the parenting of anxious children; on everything from tollet training to eating and sleeping habits, many of our parenting strategies trade short-term gain (a few minutes saved here, a conflict averted there) for long-term pain & That we would cut corners in this way is maybe inevitable in a country that lacks adequate parental leave or quality, affordable child care; one in which school and employment schedules are misaligned aad in which our work culture expects employees to always be on. Add to the mix ‘a permissive streak in American child-rearing, one that has simultaneously indulged children and encouraged their independence, and you have an extremely labour-intensive recipe for parental misery. Parents are actually doing more for their kids and many kids are doing less for themselves. BP-42 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 43 6 For one hint of just how much parenting style may influence a child's anxiety level, consider the diverging paths of boys and girls. There is no greater risk factor for anxiety disorders than being born female. Research shows that women are twice as likely as men to develop one, and women's illnesses generally last longer, have more severe symptoms, and are more disabling, Weirdly enough, females start off the less anxious sex; male newborns are the fussy, irritable ‘ones. To my mind, the most convincing theory as to why women end up more fearful and inhibited than men is that when we were kids, adults responded disparately to our fears. When girls are anxious, adults are more likely to be protective and allow them to avoid scary situations. Boys are told to ‘suck it up’ 7 Maybe the way to think about recent parenting is this: All kids today are being overprotested the way only girls used to be. Except the changes in childhood are far broader than that. There have been steep declines in the percentage of children who walk or bioycle to school, have summer Jobs, or do household chores regularly, The problem with these declines is not that the activities in question are inherently virtuous, but that they provide children with two very important things, the first of which is an experience in tolerating discomfort. | was struck by how many clinicians talked about the importance of learning to endure emotional upset as well as physical distress and even pain. This message was so consistent, in fact, that some of the therapists started to sound like members of a cult with a sadistic bent. 8 Doing chores and getting oneself where one needs to go also provide another, more obvious benefit: a sense of personal competence. Obviously many do just fine in life without ever having a summer job or walking themselves to school. But not experiencing such activities, combined with the recent changes in child-rearing and technology, will create a particularly toxic combination: teenagers with a deficit of life skills and a lack of practice in weathering the frustrations to which that deficit may lead, while having the means to retreat and distract themselves from those frustrations. 8 The need for a distraction partially explains why over the past five years, the age at which most kids get a smartphone has continued to tick downward. For kids of all ages, sereens are cheap and reliable babysitters. Another reason is that some parents surrender to demands for technology because they cannot tolerate either their own kids’ anger or peer pressure from other kids’ parents. Finally, having difficulty limiting their own device use, which weakens their feeling of authority on the matter, many parents have resigned themselves to their children’s unfettered device use. 10 There is also a widespread hesitancy to talk about depressing concepts with kids. Despite being more educated, parents are still ignoring the benefits of graduated exposure to things that frighten their children. Sometimes it is the avoidance that makes it harder for kids who are anxious. In fact, protecting children requires creating honest, even brutal depictions of a no- doubt-about-it disaster, because talking about things that scare all of us makes them gradually less scary, and each time we talk about sadness, it diminishes a litle. However, it sometimes ‘seems like the more overwhelming the world gets, the more adults try to ‘protect’ children. 41 If we want to prepare our kids for difficult times, we should let them fail at things now and allow them to encounter obstacles and to talk candidly about worrisome topics. To be very clear, this is not a cure-all for mental iliness. What we need to recognise, though, is that our current approach to childhood does not reduce basic human vulnerabilities. It exacerbates them. Good parenting can help make a difference. Start now before it gets too late, ‘Adapted rom What happened to American chithood?" The Mant: May 2020. 50 56 60 65 70 75 80 85 BP-43 BP-44 45 BP-45 ANGLO-CHINESE JUNIOR COLLEGE JC2 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 2022 CANDIDATE NAME INDEX NUMBER GENERAL PAPER 8807/02 Paper 2 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: 1 insert READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your index number and name on all the work you hand in. \Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the Question Paper. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. ‘Answer all questions, The insert contains the passage for comprehension. Note that up to 15 marks out of 50 will be awarded for your use of language. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. For Examiner's Use Content 135 Language NS Total 150 This document consists of 8 printed pages. GP 2807_2 nasa Juror Acs 2082 "Sor Pops Depa Trurn over BP-46 2 Read the passage in the insert and then answer all the questions. Note that up to fifteen marks will be given for the quality and accuracy of your use of English throughout this Paper. NOTE: When a question asks for an answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS AS FAR AS POSSIBLE and you select the appropriate material from the passage for your answer, you must stil use your own words to express it. Little credit can be given to answers which only copy words or phrases from the passage. 4 How does the author's use of illustration in lines 4~6 show that anxiety is all around us? 2 Explain the author's use of the word ‘even’ in the phrase ‘even toddlers are not immune’ (line 7), Use your own words as far as possible. 3 What does the author's use of the phrase ‘Yet far too often’ in lines 10-11 suggest about our response to anxiety? Use your own words as far as possible. 4 Explain two ways by which the author supports her claim in paragraph 6 that females suffer more from anxiety. Use your own words as far as possible. 46 BP-47 3 5 Whats the author's purpose in describing some of the therapists as sounding ‘like members, of @ cult with a sadistic bent’ (line 65)? Use your own words as far as possible. 6 In paragraph 8, what are the author's predictions about how teenagers will turn out? Use your own words as far as possible. 7 In paragraph 9, what does the author imply by using the words ‘surrender’ (line 75) and ‘resigned’ (line 78) to describe the plight of parents? 9 In what two ways are the last two sentences an effective conclusion to the author's overall argument? aT 10 48 BP-48 4 Using material from paragraphs 3-5 only (lines 15~47), summarise the factors affecting today's parenting style and how this parenting style gives rise to anxiety in children. \Write your summary in ne more than 120 words, not counting the opening words which are printed below. Use your own words as far as possible. ‘One factor affecting today’s parenting style is (8) BP-49 11 Kate Julian discusses how today's parenting style has given rise to anxiety in children, How far do you agree with her observations, relating your arguments to your experience and that of your society? BP-50 Band a HO) ACJC General Paper Department JC2 Preliminary Exam 2022 Papet 1. How does the author's use of ilustration r2- Answer Scheme in lines 4-6 show that anxiety is all around us? [1] From the passage Inferred Anxiety is, in 2020, _ ubiquitous, | inescapable, an ambient condition. Anxiety | is the topic of pop music (Ariana Grande’s Breathin’). the county's best-selling ‘graphic novel (Raina Telgemeier's Guts), and 2 whole cohorts sense of humour (Generation Z's seemingly bottomless appetite for anxiety memes), (ines 3-6) ‘The author uses examples from different media platforms fields fo show that everyone is taking about anxiely, OR ‘The author's use of examples shows that anxiety is prevalent! a dominant theme/ commonly aiscussed in popular culture. Question type: Inference (Use of Example) as far as possible. 2] 2. Explain the author's use of the word ‘even’ in the phrase ‘even toddlers are not immune’ (ine 7). Use your own words From the passage: Tnferred’Paraphrased ‘Anxiety is on the rise al age groups, such thateven toddlers are notimmune. (ine 7) Function ‘The author uses the word ‘even’ to emphasise the extremity! severity! pervasiveness/ great extent of the problem, such that/ so much 0 thal/ to he point that eso ‘xtensveness) “The author uses the word ‘even’ to emphasise how itis surprising that (ea of surprising’) Context : Very young children are also not spared fron are also lected by anxiety. oR toddlers who we do not normally expect to suffer from anxiety also suffer from it. | NOTE: The subject and significance of toddlers’ must be accurately captured and extined For option 1: Students cannot ift'toddiers’ ~ Must reflect the fact that they are VERY young 2. Foroption 2: Allow for lit of toddlers’ because the focus here is (on what's unexpected regarding them specifically Question type: Use of Vocabulary ACIC GP Department 2022 JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 2 i 51 BP-51 3. Whal does the author's use of the phrase "Yet far too often’ in ines 10-11 suggest about our response to anxiety? Use your own words as far as possible @ From the passage. Inferred. Yet far too often (ines 10-17) | “The phrase suggests that parenis are in many/ most instances’ requently | not reacting to anxiety correctly’ appropriately Jor | The phrase suggests that parents should be reacting to anxiety in a panicular manner but in many/ most instances, they are not doing so. OR ‘The phrase suggests that parents are over-reacting to anxiety | most instances. many! to stress and uncertainty. (ines 9-10) a aniversal and necessary wesponse | Whe amily 68 2 weadlion to sees and uncerainiy 1s | | applicabletelevant in al cases/ widely accepted and is essential! crucial | catia, | bbe warded of, (lines 8-8) ‘rom distress and discomfort entirely. (ines 10-11) | However, anxiety itself is not something 10 Yet far too offen, we Insulate our children parenis Wistead shield! protec shelter their children from anvciey. Question type: Use of Vocabulary ‘4. Explain two ways by which the author supports her claim in paragraph 6 that females suffer more from anxiety. Use far as possible. [2] your own word: From the passage (£2 points = fm; 3 points = 2m) Paraphrasel inferred likely 8 men to develop one (line 50) Research shows thal women are twice as “The author provides evidence” proof about how women have a higher possibilty’ greater propensity/ increased tendency to develop anxiety disorders. ‘and women’s longer (lines 50-51) Tresses generally last “The author provides evidence! proof about how ‘women suffer from anxiety for a more extended duration’ the duration in ‘which women suffer from anxiety disorders is more than that of men. ‘more disabling (ines 51) ave more severe symptoms, and are “The author provides evidence! proof about how | women have a more debilitating! critical’ gravel acute condition’ | experience due to anxiety. (allow for fit of more’) "To my mind, the most convincing theory as "The author provides her parsonal hypothesis! opinion! explanation that to why women end up more fearful and | OR inhibited than men is that when we were kids, adulls responded disparately to our fears, When girls are anxious, aduts are more likely to be protective and allow them to avoid scary situations. Boys are told to | ‘suck it up’. (ines 53-58) oR ‘The author shares a real-life experience/ anecdote about how ‘overprotected girs end up becoming more anxious inthe future {inforred) girls are not taught how to manage their anxiety NOTE for ail 4 options: 2-part answer (both technique and context) Question type: Literal & Inforentia! ACICGP Department 2022 JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 2 52 =) (Any 2 points form) BP-52 5. What is the author's purpose in describing some of the therapists es sounding ‘ike members of s cult with a sadistic bent (ine 65)? Use your own words as far as possible. [2] about the importance of learning to endure ‘emotional upset as woll as physical distress and even pain. This message was From the passage inferred = ‘Twas struck by how many clinicians Talked | Funetion ‘The author is using an analogy/ a comparison’ a simile/ a parallel to bightight how 0 consistent, in fact, that some of the therapists started to sound like members ‘ofa cult with a sadistic bent. ines 82-65) the therapists have an unyielding! obsessive belief regarding how OR Psychologists are determined/ have a strong! relentless tendency! desire inclination to impose their view that NoTE: ~ Award mark if students reflect the idea of either ‘cult’ or ‘bent + Aterai definition of ‘cult (o.. unthinking) is unacceptable ‘Need fo reflect the intensity of boing ke 2 ‘cul’ ~ @.9. ‘horus ‘e's inaccurate, ‘Context (sadistic) Childrempeople should experience suffering OR ‘suffering is good for childrenipeopie Question type: Use of Linguistic Device 4s possible. (3) 6. Inparagraph 8, what are the author's predictions about how teenagers will turn out? Use your own words as far (4-2 points = fim; 3 points = 2m) From the passage Paraphrased cil create 3 parlculary tox ‘combination: tosnagers with a deficit of life skills... (lines 69-70) ‘According to the author, teenagers will end up Raving a shortage off not ‘enough abiltes/ compeiencies needed for survival/ existence: and a lack of practice in weathering the frustrations to which that deficit may lead (ines 70-71) | lacking proficiency in | ‘and having insufficient Inadequate experience’ Waning ny cenduring/ withstanding/ overcoming difficuties/ obstacles/ hurdles oR enduring! withstandingy overcoming vexation/ exasperation While having the moans to retreat and While also having the methods/ ways (0 avoldl escapel run away Wom’ distract themselves from those | divert thelr attention from those dificult, frustrations. (ines 71-72) NOTE: Award the mark for either retreat or ‘distract’ Question type: Literal ACIC GP Department 2022 JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 2 3 53 BP-53 7. Inparagraph 9, what does the author imply by using the words ‘surrender’ (line 76) and ‘resigned! (line 76) to describe the plight of parents? (1) {From the passage inferred because they cannot tolerate either their | OR limiting theie own device use, which ‘themselves to their children's unfettered device use. (ines 75-78) Frother reason iS What Some parents | The author implies that parents are helpless/ powerless in controling their surrender to demands for technology | children’s device use. | Gwn kids’ anger or peer pressure from other | The author implies that parents have lost the abilty/ authority to control kids’ parents. Finally, having diffcuty | their children's device use, weakens their feeling of authority on the | NOTE: The idea is that parents are UNABLE fo do anything about their matter, many parents have resigned | children’s device use. ‘Question type: inferantial (Use of Vocabulary) 8, Why does the author place inverted commas around the word ‘protect (ine 86)? [2] From the passage Fred However, it sometimes seams Ike the more ‘adulls ty to protect’ children, (Ines 85-86) | OR Eunction ‘overwhelming the world gets, the more | The author thinks that i is inappropriate/ wrong to use such a term. ‘The author is expressing her disapproval towards what parents are doing. oR ‘The author is using the word in an ironic way/ a sarcastic manner. NOTE: Not accepted ~ ‘unconventional, ‘notin its original meening’ Context Parents think that they are protecting thelr children but they are in fact arming! hurting them (by avoiding diffcutt conversations). Question type: Use of Punctuation 9. Inwhat two ways are the last two sentences an effective conclusion to the author's overall argurnent? [2] From the passa Inferred Good parenting can_help make @ difference. Start now before it gets too fate. (ines 90-91) Question type: Inforentia “The second last sentence referales the author's argument about how good parenting/ parents not being overprotective alleviates anxiety in children. OR In the last sentence, the author gives a call to action, underscoring the ‘urgeney of changing the current parenting approach. OR “The last two sentences prompt people to take action by creating a sense of hope thatthe problem is solvable’ that there i stil ime to make changes. NOTE: Accept any reasonable answer. ny 2 points for 2m) ACIC GP Department 2022 JC2 Preliminary Examination Paper 2 4 54 BP-54 10. Using material rom paragraphs 3~6 only (lines 15-47), summarise the factors affecting today's parenting style end how this parenting style ves rise to anxiety in children. Write your summary in no more than 120 words, not counting the ‘opening words which are printed below. Use your own words as far as possible [6] BP-55 ‘One factor affecting today's parenting styles. Fromepassage z “S| Pavaparasid treated parents as rational aces. wever exrema same | 1 | Onerred) thal Tey are riblaken! niepercahed 6s bas Toga of ou acione might be (nes 15-16) sensible sound inaction to the surrounding conditions (re 77] |Z] Parente are responding & womyng) Wreatonng”crConwanosT — tiation Note: must reflect negative connotation) Tver v6 aur cisren_— (ne 15) 3] Paros ae constant perpetual surcunding/montarhgl ehecing too hyper and to vglant.. (ne 20) on tei chicren hoieoptr parenting. (ine 21) oR dus are always on high alert (ine 25) Parents ae excessively overly inveve in their hires If Te overprotocted (ines 21-22) F[ Chiron become more molycodded ovr shieHed’ over shelved "more Tooy of adulwood fine 22) | moe doubl wary’ suspcous o growing up | looking fearfully at the world around them... become | (allow for tit of adulthood) anvous ads... ins 25.28) | Jor being apprehensive! ght uneasy of tei suroundng | Tare in need of therapy (ine 22) | andtave a greaiar demand are more key to require prOTSESONT | hab medical weatment | sehen an fariy sytem both Rave a Bassline evel of | 7] Gitered) Schools and fantias papal pereonalN] eoetay Stress — when agus are alvays on Nigh alt (ines 22-23) ‘contbut to parents experiencing pressure! tension {when aduts are aways on high ler kcs do not get @ | 8] Chikren are denied an opportu to gel back on Ta oat aar@ chance to rebound (ines 23-24) diseppottment OR Chisfen are denied the prospec! of picking themselves up after fale ‘and 30 Hey Tealet taking on the sors of natural ard| 9] and hence they ae hesial/Tefise o engage i’ pul emselves fatty risks hat wil help them grow (nes 24-25) through commen! regular! expected! wholesome! benef Benign challenges) obstacles! tals (Note elter ‘natural or healthy?) {ehlaren] do bene reat fom pareria who can sows a | 70 Gnfored) Pores thomsehes are dsressed earl woried 2 nom-ansious presence (ie 27) | i the inetinet to protect a child eads many oT us hia the | 17 | The predlapoaton natal malnaon! ae eat wo proieea Gh ‘c9p of everparentng (ines 20-31) nsnares tempts! ures parents into overdoing it | "ime presoure keeps us thee (ie 37) TE | Overpaertng continues’ parts du one constable eaVetereT leis alow fr tt oft) ‘ire prestre can be compounded by gull. he gut hat | 13 | exacerbated by a sense of reproach Tenors WOTRAG paTeNET 25a working parent I mieeodX, ¥,Z (nes 32-29) Parents who missed mportan milestones in ther chien’ Ite (ote: must have the correct subject or conterd) ‘Tarde folow Brough wit ar unpleasant Bohavioural | 14 | making tmove challenging! ack to decine he CuRTaW COVea intervention (ines 33-34) thor he's misconduct [endure etcomfort now can make you more reslant Bier | 15 | (fered) and” eo chidren Become weaiciled” Wob-TinGeaT {ine 38) halpioss. ‘many of ourparening etatagos Wade shor Term gain for] 16] Many parang Haagls POTTER Ghe recbisnce ts ede] tongterm pan (ines 39-40) footing! temporary benetis while mncuring enduring! extended! jeut comers. (re 41) protracted sufeng - ‘that we would ct comers ints way oevlaie (ine 47) | 17 | given Raw parents have no char chowal give Row Unavouable WE . focparents inva aunty al Tack adequate parental Toave TE} Thee i a shoriage af are insucen not rough BVSORS RT (is 4-42) parents o be excused reieved folk Une of om work __ {alow frit of arent) Toke] quay, affordable eideare (ne 42) 73 or of chikicare whieh & cheap! mexperslve weasoraBy RiGRd Bnd excellent of goed care (afow for it of hidcare) ~- school and omployment schedules are misaligned | 20" Parents and ciren have incompaible’ mismeiched? enna] (ines 42-43) conficing timings (alow or ito ‘shoo! and employment) ~. werk culture expects employee always be on Z| Employers demand! require! compel employoos fo be pewetalhT tine 43) constant contactable! working 3 permissive streak Ancan chidvearg, ove hat has | 22] Thre ia systemic probly reciTont Give 6 pwTeNS bara Simultaneously indulged evren fine 4) ‘et bli! ao accommodating! excaechely erent (ote: must capture the negative connotation) ares ae scaly doing iors ak Re an | (oferea) Parenis are in fact preventing chidhen Tom boing many ks are dongles fr themselves (ines 46-47) independent atonamous/ managing ther ovn nes. Mar allocation: _— No.ofPone [ta Ey ss 7 3 wot [21 | Ha atone orks . 2 3 a 5 6 7 : ACIC GP Department 2022 1C2 Preliminary Examination Paper 2 5 55 BP-56 111. Kate Julian discusses how modem parenting style has given rise to anxiety in children. How fer would you agree with her observations, relating your arguments to your own experience and that of your society? [10] Requirement Students should '2)_ explain the circumstances affecting parenting style, which may then lead to anxisty in children 5) explain the impacts of anxiety in children while they are stil young andlor when they grow up ©) show understanding and engage withthe ideas and views raised in the passage ) support their views with relevant examples from their own society ©) consider points of agreement and disagreement with the author's views in the context oftheir own society Explanation Sudents should show understanding and discuss some of the following issues raised by the author ‘2) What are the diferent attitudes and actions observed in parenting? ) What are the effects of parenting (as described in the passage) on anxiety in children? )_ What are the consequences of children having or growing up with anxiety? Evaluation Students should develop arguments to logical conclusion by supporting them with apt ilustration and evidence. Consider some of the following: 2). Do parents in Singapore overprotect their children? Are girs the only ones to be overprotected, of at least more so? 'b) Do children in Singapore become il prepared to deal with difficult emotions and the challenges they face? ©) Towhat extent has helicopter parenting led to risk aversion in children? 4) How have overprotective parents led to an underwhelming sense of personal competence among Singaporean children? e) Are working parents overcompensating for the guilt they feel for the time spent away from their children? How 04) oq Kew W128} U1 (AS) JeOUDS U Vat S}¥S yes Kuessan=U ip BupDE| SONELIOLR uy Kew veBeves} seinoqsed ur ‘uauDND pareoldiAng (93) 919 U! sou'ses puE UB eYeATINO 430 Buayns jada Aews ssoueisuse IW ows ‘punose Buranoy skemte | ‘eovspuedepu Gunjoe) pue Anjqendepe ut soqaesd ou ‘Buney steruuaju ynoge BulUIeKwoo alOdebUIg ut sieKoydWNe ur uses oq ues si. Uno Jo\) UO SUORETYS Yroy)p eBUEUs youuso ym synpe owoseq Koy LOM WEN Uni AYERIUOAS leo Yoru ‘suORTIOS ypIND 40 eIO\gO UO Buia! Jo Gey ped, pero owed (sjuawsdejdes eursoeq sueled d Jo} SUOEUIUIEX® BUOS Jo JBAOUIAI OLY ‘4 dh 9d 10 “Sepas6 pue s}se) nage sn Jeu) pues 0} yoAN axe squared JeydooIoH “Ayeoqusopese ey6bnas ues ue Suiwest suaipnin spoye Sunuaied saidooyey tn punoy aney eiodeBuig Ut yoieese) ewos (Oa) "suondo paver pue wopeay ‘vow sieyo yor poouynpe sae Koy seweo AlepUe OL. “aj 405 yeHUEES 5 fagsseo0u xn Butdojanop way, usip smn yeynoye 0 Buyhue {UOUNUEAOB oun Ws suered ony cosianeey ‘asp veaiodeBurs ‘re yuepx@ UM OL, LevodeBurg ut uospy ya Buowe uossione su 0} paj Buquased endooqou SEY MOH, you 40 yosjoxduano ‘0p Kau soujoure) Jouve sernaqied Sup ule suaVEd UesiodeBuls op Ku, on sdiyspiey pue ‘Spouy prey oxy wos, poowunpe ‘verpivo nou pretys | 404 pavedesd-p ewsoea o8 ‘Aojorduioo exode6us | pue estene-ysu Buloq uaypiiy> tu swasedod | 0 speey Gujuared saydooq0H ‘suonseni Bap, ‘seaues0jeu (oz-sz seu) «siuaved snopue atioseq cl dh Bumos6 ‘ween punose Pom aig y Ajryre9y Gujoo} "spot snopiue jo uogesouD6 ‘pajoqioidiano suo sdewied ‘ee Kepoy sp “angonpoidayunoo 1 Bunusved seydooyey"", nok o} swuetun6xe sno Buyeyes ‘suoneA‘osqo Jou yw daiBe NOK pinoM 26) Mo} “uaIpHIUD Ul ABpRUE O} OSU UARIB SEY O1h 01] ZAeto0s nok jo yep pue eoueuedxe uo 18 Bunueved wepows Moy SassnosIp UEWnT eFBy “| BP-58 8s zuadeg voneujwera Aseututiaud Z3¢ 7202 wauNsedId JO IY “spuenuo 0Z0z wow siuepmis ¢ Auepucod$ wes pesea-vogpadxe Aep-ony mau © Soprjout SUL verse: pub pabSni Bunenyna jo Wye aup UM ‘SeDueuedKS {Go} voneanps soopino 46} soaiunyoddo sow BupiAoid aveys uogeonp3 J Aasiujy ata “See qUs0Ms u| (OA) pyaauoo Bureq noua sNoWEUEG Pea YivA enuRUOD AYdUS OU OP WEUPIND yeinoineyeq queseoydun uauodse paejnuus YBnoK we nayp SBeueLL cr WeU) YOU 40) eyesueduCDseAD juny Jo yunowe etn asp “hays auo Avo s} 2124! ane Bue "uLOU e ave Soqjwe, woOU ‘oy swuaied Bunion seanes Simro wom osu! ue} siaut els Oru oq AeW y aTUM (Aa) | np “SuIsEe.2U) e1e Buns Jo S09 sey CODEDUIS UL umn: ‘paunboe Aaieq sounded eau 40 suonae(ay in jeop 01 Bune oy Imo Puy Aye se venayewpn Bursng pue BuRu 40 Spun} ye 0} u! 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Jo ye OBMeDOG ‘Agoaue JO SUuio} aianes siOW Woy Jans Aer O10W) BI0M Bunok woy sadhyoarars ans of wHoyUeD 0} ped! a10% Ou ‘skoq ©] pareduios se ei0A9s a1ous 10 s0YBiy AquBDylUbIS 6 S116 20} Kyanes 10) fysuedoud oy yew uealL JOU SBP SLL ‘Pojosioid oq 0} paysedxo oq UD ‘moys oj Aeme9) e0u LenB exe suiB opti | Anew, 04 01 peau Skog “sousveyaud pub ito posea obbus euinosew eros e Yaeud ) soa He vo theo sh0q ‘unsseud soeid sued evodeturg fuew aiodebus ut suLou | ola se ese ale a5 ‘uRuared on ipeaiade polepls ve papeyaidions “fog ung 1219008 0) loyuo0g ainesord ovo1W sare MOU LAND (AB) | Bat emt “eledetuNG un OUGHOBAS TOpURE el 210u Su ey | alow perserosdieno ele a1 Cc ‘siavourly oweee ‘suoqeen Bune, seauaTo ‘qeei6 sey peuonueweroje fe Jo do} uo suoqioedxo ‘mou 84 ‘eiMeU Ul oysowWOP sioUl se UBes Buleq UieK) o} po} ew Busbuugdn arnoejaid ecw e YIM “se—sI8A0 aASeLOP feadde 0 BuARY puE GIAO 0} anp SeNIDR) aleopiye pue s}o0yps Jo eunsop jjo-puBuo Woy suondrusip “suonepedre om f Ouppnyau ‘ewoy ye soniiqssuodses Pue seioyo oysewop Jo Mg oy peUIeY js AUoleu © “Buppom YBnouaty “9z07 Ut pekoxdule ai6m Uowow poweus 430 uo9 Jed 99 EWN pomoys (ALNS) uB'seq pue ABDIOULDeL Jo Ayieniun eiodebuis aig Aq su0p youessel Y (Da) ytuwu09 edn 6 ) aney pur sy ‘utoneq fouy uoum uewom ur AamUE JO ADH a ase 1299 3uoM 0} potoadxe ae UowoR ‘siodeBulg uj Guy J0 1500 YOY Out VEN EREW O19 pue6 sea.0jua! 9 ‘Buqualed Yons 40 ansad # sy ‘sfoq wey pajajid e10u Burg Kjes0U 8hoq 10) veuy 5)16 0) os10m ape Jo siooye 0 any gfiopuue wos seyns 1 | 0} ow a10w su6 ery eswoygoid seu) 208} 0 9pew Bulag yo ynsed e se spi8 ueUy ‘wolfse1 a10U Sw90°q ‘Auessaneu seg og é9u6 u eouayse 80} 0} peo si S20q, pue uo dojensp ow se sou axe uswON eIeUI9} woq Bureq uewg sreposip ADEE 40) 0)98) su JayBa16 ou & B10UL, BP-60 og oO aadeg uoneuwers Aeuiunjaug 221 Zz0z weURedIG J IDV oye ay Aless909u J04po pure wuB ‘2oUqIB—S ryedou pe san Bun0 asa4p UO wonuensqul yonsyeig Bcou Jo yo 2us09 18 pue 20 oriduinese oui, semod lieth UO “spaye asionpe wo-Bu0] pey sIU—Ed p9s.0NP hun UsspiuD teu pamcys Zanuns yoWWUaADB Wade! y ‘SDIONP S1U816d Jot) U jy UsIPHLD UO eOUONp JO dW! nage W20U09 peua|yBiey uesq SY areUt ‘eX Sbeduowwos Siow! Gurluossq 95.0Np IAA sub pure eoui vane 0} soueua ayy aney uane foxy a10}9q 8 Jo Se0n0s paUreysns oj esNSodxe aime wend JUD J “pyom xejdwoo A\Burseor0u Ue Ut jo @8uas e OR} (29-99 soul!) ‘ee spos 4) 950 Ul Aa l0 yous | uO Ayn voseaL sousjedues jevos.ed oe Sead chou eis Kourennpueesuepyuonyjesjo merouoe | weuiuop ay saved | Jo atuase yjoued sno1Ago ricite jo. samnseayd oun, | Wo) s0jns fell fala 'synee eo18 enone o1 Uo 06 usin | enRoeoxtbOAO S1Y iow ve\poue epHaid os dxededhrg ul sppesnou | uoAg ee620Ne emu Jo} dn OU 98 J Fp SOLOUORS 6 0} spaou eu elem jonou0 moued ssh, po e ce | pue senjen og BuUnEDe woy Weg muaned UALPIRD deovstedica ued pue saioun 6ulo, a wou ax ae suequus | Bujose!S s0N0 “AYe2qoN) WA "VOID ers | _feuosiod o asues © Tru; Bowe suountie soy pioyasnoy uoppsroyuea e | yon Jo saQueyo oq eouEyue ch URDA UN o urdojnap Ou WPI eousjeduo> euossed a tu kyeadih Kepue aan sousvoce Wit saBeueal | 8 }Mo ewoa 9 Bunuaved sydooqeY ‘raeRedt 0} pe Auesseo00 Jo eauos © Buldojonep Jo voruedeid efsev > fie jew pres Uogomordone | wou) wsspytya soup ueneid | oy uoboos ute on 6a ou ew Bunared extonandiang (Aa) | Avo or pewvon Ayo seuosed od ‘uored eapoeioudsono oe age TONTBROTT _suoqEG Bupa woouenr ‘weysfs uogeonpe m1 vepsouq a sidwoue aiodeburs fee uaa sosvalje aj smOveA um Guyesp ul OHSS ‘iow oc wou dou myn ews Ayenpwpul n8M pue SeSUES JEM ‘nou6 qu uolphip TelQ OF BUGUGIED 1odeBuig JO uogn|Ons ue 10) pejjes sey weineieGnuueys vee J0I8Uyy ‘08 $1 uoied saqzejoidiano Jo subs peoeld enzy auios oy uaspquo old Bugoojosdiono wow squaved eBe:noos:p 0} ‘ur sjoouos Aven jeroneg (03) uaspiye ut Aaecue ‘9sea.0u) Aeryoe ‘eousjedwo> euosied 20 408] Sup 8600, Leousyeduscs jeuosied (402 soup) -suoneasny esoin toy senesiven PeNSP pue yan: 0} suse ety BuAEy ‘hum ‘peat Rew 3oyep ELA UOIU Busowjeon ‘ami yoyeP im SeBeUER), BP-61 io iT 7 sadeq uoneunwexg Areunuyaid 29¢ 2707 waUNIEdad Jo 319 Sunjonoid WOnoIR ATED epwreid YoeoopD} se YOnS suoNeDidde anGOHN ‘UaIpILD setp JO soueNyse) ayy GuIppNa UO AYerenbs pasnoo, ‘xe Aouy “ABojouysey sn swared osouy UaUN YEA (93) jolnSe2 oISEq AUN YOR} CUM NDE FEUONAUTySAD 2ucoeq 0} da mos UalDIND welg Yel snoNue aie s\uaed ‘e804. yo AeM Ase 94) 0} Jopuauns snus pu Ssepemod fo3} 10U op Aueyie0 siuased ueaiodefug osou)‘ueIpo 10) Sul uaaios anisseaxe Jo gjued aug yo azeme pue peyeanpa "y du} ‘Ayse9 00) S99)10p uo oun UoRIos 0} yose ‘uated j) ueippyo ot uo seouenbasuoo jevoyoure pue jen0s 5 Bugiumn ynoge joo} UaIEd Wp SsaUsSapOMed SUA JO WUapeD O49, LUUOD sKORINS (O:—) 0} ejqeun 2q sayeswou, few squared ‘souvoyuns “uoyDeaI held MYoUVESL ‘y) wouy e6eBus Jo unque) © YBNeIL) UerIK ©) eouened ei) eney 0} KeprHoM pue4 PUP Bul} 18 \gpmpueg Aue oAel 30U op Aid 0} Seousp epaols Jo\jo pu speqy Bulsn o} 2 40) se 00} JS0Wse 5} y ‘aumyno YOM 6 ‘n6ge) ye poldnco uouNA “ewodebuis u130998) Bayo e 40 088 oxy s20p mo} jopue Budojenep ‘suaipiyo 820q oun ves.0s 10) uainiyo ensip 0 ‘AB o}oUL29} UO ues '8q 0)30u feos ‘5Aepo} u oasis} dos yeu st Aum Lown uoaos ssoe gyro ASojouyoat Jo faba stu, “seine aomsje | s.uoipo 304 mode woeordde se ul pepuIu-e}Sups ore aiodeBuls ur Suaied jo | eda Bulume spfoyesnoy AUEW tIHA ‘sony ojqepojwooaious | onwetued Suaied qluru Gureeei5u ue ‘uso 01 oynssavd e818 aydOd (AS) | 01 Pal eneY erOdEbUIS Ur sono Oulou eIgesodep Buen: (Aa) | _‘uoRuodebulg aly ‘muaied AuBus ‘sapew oty UO ‘Aouowne jo Buyoay oun euayean “4968 S004 youu ou ‘esne2eq AB0)OUY29} 30} spuEweP ‘01 Jeptauns sjuaved ows, ‘24 20n0 ym suede Aye IES ‘UoRDeLSIP #10} pest OK, “Aopue dotanop 03 Ate4H exou puE ‘siaeoridely soNreeeT araeonday “Bionsen Buipins: BP-62 zo a zadeg voneuiuexs Aseunuiosg 29" 2207 W9UNsedIA 49 IDV jelou00 ymoyw ueRg “S>e) (ce-g9 seul) -uaspiue seiaud, “geno 0 Al syppe e10u Ou) 'e0 PHOM. jeimjeu 912 senss) pue suojEN|S ‘24 BuWjoyeno euoU oun Ox 40 0p 0} 1eYM MOU 704 oP faut ‘sulaes saUROWOS ! eRaMOH, sou Buquared jo hem by 21g u synpe UEPYUCD 210 PIMA ord (ze09 sou) ‘uimous wove iu uDIe@s01 pUe 184 f sippy 42848 ‘uoipyue seu, UeIYB eR pue swuaied ussmeq | Bury) 0} einsodxe peyenpesb ‘suoqess0nu00 ysou0y {0 siyoueg eun BuLOUb) ‘Apinig jo 001240 | _ ls axe syuSred ‘payeanpa ou! ceuncino sigeyneul ue | Buieq apdsaq ‘spps ig sidacuc0 ‘snonue Buluionaq s] sopepse ysod fuernBauosye sur Burpre6er souenb Jo requinu out Se} ;POOUBWEYY Se YoNS syuezed JO} ‘onjeod avou ® aNeY OF esiope Jewqo oF ‘ayy 0} pasoddo se ‘svogesieaueo Wro4yp ‘oy Buquem syuased Bunok yo ons eoinosino My 88 UeApIYD UN YY LORESIBALUED 40 ©) pain squeled fed pue suaied | ueauodetuis aver {90u hum.20 fund edo ney y0U op queied ‘oiodefus ul sjueved fuew jo sjospunu ubisy feuoRpeN e10U! OM _UEND (AA) ara Bupore exodebuis ‘ul squored oxy

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