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How does your media

product represent
particular social group?
By Sophia Anton Selvaratnam
Which social groups are represented?
The characters featured in our film opening is the film protagonist. They are port
twins however portrayed very differently . Grace Mackenzie and Maria York who are
presented as a mixed ethnic heritage teenagers who were brought up in completely
different environment.
Grace Mackenzie

She wearing a smart attire which

conveys her professionalism but also
her feminine style.
As she's wearing cleaning it implies
that she takes care of her appearance

The fact she's wearing red nail polish

and suede heels represents her
sophistication. Moreover, it is evident
she's wearing a ring which symbolises
her affluent up bring, class and
wealth and possibly suggesting she
has a partner.

Grace wears a hearing aid which

reflects her disability ,innocence and
Maria York
Casual attire which has conations of
boyish /sporty style.

The fact that her clothing is

seen to be scruffy
illuminates the fact that she
does not take care of her

Lastly, the black

chipped nail polish reflects
her rebellious nature a
and the hoops which are
stereotypically connoted
with chavs
Costume designs usually figure out what the characters outfits will be through comparing
amongst the whole cast. As there are only two characters in our opening title sequence,
the costume must be different do that in each frame , the rebel twin and the innocent
twin are easily distinguished and are made to stand out.

Jaqueline West, The social Networking's costume designers , helped to distance

Zuckerberg(played by Jesse Eisenburg) from his parents and peers by putting them in
suits. Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) accessorized him with t-shirt and hoodies ,a rebel
hacker in a business clothing.
But at the same time, the characters costume must not be entirely diverse otherwise
both costumes will end up looking extremely stereotyped, and the characters will not
be unique .Also the costumes cant emphasis every detail of information otherwise
the characters will be instantaneously exposed. So subtle difference enables the
audience to draw attention to the unique characters without tarnishing their hidden
lives that will independently unravel in the narrative

The color of red is incorporated in both costumes, this link enables a relationship
with both characters on screen. The color red symbolizes danger violence and
hatred. Both twins wear red highlighting sense of ambiguity as the audience are
indecisive as to who is the evil twin. They only assume that it is Maria as she looks
more rebellious, compared to Grace who wears a hearing aid. Nevertheless, there
are not enough clues to make it official
How is Grace Constructed ?
We represent Grace whom is a mix heritage teenager as through the protagonist as economically well and
with affluent upbring. This is demonstrated through the attire of her clothing combating the stereotypical
views of only the white ethnic group that seen to be wealthy. We chose to do this as it conforms to the
stereotypical views and battles inequality.

Pandora Ring situated on her 4th Wearing glasses conveys she is

finger. studious
The protagonist is seen to well groomed and neat, this is illustrated through her brushing her
teeth conveying her hygiene and standards as she conforms to social expectation.

Furthermore, the mis-en-scene highlighted the protagonist is economically stable as the

house is seen to be clean and cosy. This is demonstrated through the over the shoulder shots
of the house and the furniture in the background.
How is Maria constructed ?
We represent Maria whom is a mix heritage teenager. However we have
portrayed as she has derived from a low income family. This is
demonstrated through the choice of clothing as she is wearing a hoodie
and hoops. This choice of clothing adheres to the stereotypical views of

Wearing hoops earrings

Red Adidas hoodie
Our other protagonist is presented as unclean and unhygienic. This is portrayed through
the close up so her washing her face in a impure and dirty water. Furthermore washing
her teeth in with hair clogged within her tooth brush.

Furthermore, we learn that she does not have appropriate meals as this is demonstrated through
wide shots of her adding hints of alcohol in her coffee in the morning. This goes against the norm
of social expections.
Mental Health
Maria who is known to be the rebellious win suffers from schizophrenia which is a mental disorder. The
reason why we chose to out protagonist to have a mental disorder as mental disorder is seen to
become a norm in society as researcher have found that more teenagers suffer from schizophrenia
who come from care or low income families.

How did we portray that in our opening?

We demonstrated this in our opening when Maria was searching for the alcohol ion the
cupboard. This scene was a fast paced action which conveyed cationic behaviour.

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