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Semester Pendek 2016/2017

Kelompok 4 :
1. Fikri Miftahul Shiddiq
2. Gabby Chessariny
3. Muhammad Habib Aslam
Problem 3.15
The solvent ethyl ether is made industrially by the
dehydration of ethyl alcohol using a sulfuric acid as
2 C2H5OH (C2H5)2O + H2O
Assuming the recycle is one half of the feed rate to the
process, the feed rate is 1000 Kg/h alcohol solution,
containing 85% (weight) alcohol, and the recycle
alcohol solution will have the same composition as the
feed, calculate : production rate of ether, the loss of
alcohol in stream 6, the conversion in the reactor, and
the conversion for the process.
69% Alcohol
31% H2O
1000 Kg/h


Degree Of Freedom
Reaktor Kolom I Kolom II Proses Overall
Stream Var. 7+1 6 6 12+1 5+1
Balances 3 3 2 8 3
- Composition 2 0 2 3 2
- Flow 1 0 0 1 1
Relation 1 0 1 1 0

1 3 1 0 0

*Relation : F Recycle = 1.5 F1

F1 = 1000 Kg/h F2 = 1500 Kg/h N3 = 80474.21 mol/h
X1 A = 85% (wt) X2 A = 85% (wt) X3 A = 28 %
X1 W = 15% (wt) X2 W = 15% (wt) X3 W = 63%
X3 E = 9%

N4 = 7435.088 mol/h N5 = 73039.12 mol/h N6 = 24754.6 mol/h

X4 E = 100% X5 A = 31% X6 A = 1% (wt)
X5 W = 69% X6 W = 99% (wt)

X1 A = 69% (mol) X2 A = 69% (mol) X6 A = 0.393% (mol)

X1 W = 31% (mol) X2 W = 31% (mol) X6 W = 99.607% (mol)

Mr A = 46.1 g/mol
Mr W = 18 g/mol
Mr E = 74.12 g/mol
Molar Flow Rate
N1 A = F1*1000*X1 A = 1000*1000*0.69 = 14967.46
Mr A 46.1

N1 W = F1*1000*X1 W = 1000*1000*0.31 = 17222.22

Mr W 18
 NM Komponen OVERALL

 Alcohol : N1A - 2r = N6*X6 A

14967.46 - 2r = 0.00393 N6 ......(1)
 Water : N1W + r = N6*X6 W
17222.22 + r = 0.99607 N6 .......(2)

Dari persamaan (1) dan (2), didapatkan N6: E 4

N6 = 24754.6 mol/h
1 6
Dengan persamaan (2), didapatkan r: A A
r = 7435.088 mol/h W W
 Ether : N1E + r = N4*X4 E
0 + r = N4*1
N4 = 7435.088 mol/h
 NM Komponen REAKTOR

 Alcohol : N1A + N2 A -2r = N3 A

N3 A =22548.48 mol/h
 Water : N1W + N2 W + r = N3 W
N3 W = 50490.64 mol/h
 Ether : N1E + N2 E + r = N3 E
N3 E = 7435.088 mol/h
W 2
Total N3 = 80474.21 mol/h
X3 A = 0.28 = 28% 1 3
X3 W = 0.63 = 63% A A
X3 E = 0.09 = 9% W W
 NM Komponen KOLOM I

 Alcohol : N3 A = N5 A
N5 A = 22548.48 mol/h
 Water : N3 W = N5 W
N5 W = 50490.64 mol/h E 4

Total N5 = 73039.12 mol/h

X5 A = 0.31 = 31% 3
X5 W = 0.69 = 69%
 NM Total KOLOM I W
N3 = N4 + N5
80474.21 = N4 + 73039.12 5 A
N4 = 7435.088 mol/h

1. Production rate of Ether?

R Ether = N Out Ether - N In Ether
R Ether = N4 Ether - N1 Ether
R Ether = 7435.088 – 0 = 7435.088 mol/h

2. The loss of alcohol in stream 6?

N6 Alcohol = N6*X6 A
N6 Alcohol = 97.28556 mol/h
3. Conversion in the reactor

X C2H5OH = N in C2H5OH - N out C2H5OH = (N1 A + N2 A) - N3 A= 14879.46 = 0.4 = 40%

N in C2H5OH N1A + N2 A 37418.65

4. Conversion for the process

X C2H5OH = N in C2H5OH - N out C2H5OH = N1 A – N6 A = 14870.17 = 0.99 = 99%

N in C2H5OH N1 A 14967.46

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