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Types of

Means being able to
tell other people
what you want to
say and this can be
done in many ways.
Types of Communication

Written on
on Non-Verbal
Communicati Communicati
on on

Is the style of
communication where
mostly you interact with
others through spoken
Pros and cons of verbal
Pros Cons
Straightforward to express the Not possible to communicate
feeling: convey the intended to people in a different setup .
message as the speaker is present a person in Japan cannot
at the time of communication. communicate to a person in
another part of the world at a time
Speedy form of
communication: there are no where the times zone.
connection issues mostly the Require proximity. The sender
sender and receiver are in front or and receiver must be at the same
each other. place, same time to communicate.
Get instant feedback. The Feels incomplete to keep
speaker can see or judge the records. There are no permanent
feedback ofthe audience or may records for oral conversations.
even ask them. Emotional barriers . Speaker has
The communication is mostly to speak about something
interactive which gives the refreshing while he may be feeling
receiver a chance to clarify if super tired or may not be well
anything is unclear or requires 5 physically.
Is the style of
through sending
and receiving
wordless message
like gestures,body
language etc.
Pros and cons of Non-verbal
Pros Cons
Easy to demostrate: non-verbal Not suitable for lengthy
cues like gestures,body language, message: It is not possible to
e.g. Blood red eyes easily convey have lengthy conversations or
‘anger’. detailed discussion.
Very useful for conveying An incomplete form of
message: eg when there is too communication. it becomes hard
much noise in the class, just a to understand the full message if it
gesture of keeping the finger on is not supported by other forms of
the mouth. communication.
No language barrier. Body Chance of misinterpretation. If
language, hand gestures, facial the message does not get across,
expression easily convey what the the receiver may misinterpret.
speaker intends to convey.
Regional and cultural
Very fast. The receivers easily differences. Every culture has
interpret the cues without any different gestures and expressions
barrier of common region, that are considered good or bad.
language. 7
Communicating by the use of
a non-verbal medium such as
visual aids, posters, logos,
sign-boards, hoardings
Pros and cons of Visual
Pros Cons
It reinforces other forms of Comparatively expansive: It has
communication: a chart or some cost involved for producing the
animatio, it makes the message visual medium such as pamphlets,
more clear and more posters, pictures etc., which requires
understandable. e.g. extra working hours to produce and an
It can explain things in the way additional cost.
which are not possible Require specialized storing. Visual
through words. “a picture is aids are not only costly to produce but
worth a thousand words”. also require a specific way of storing
Time Consuming. While it is instant
to say words, preparing a poster or
logos, requires much time compared to
It clears the barrier of it.
qualification or language. The Not a complete form of
receivers easily interpret the cues communication. Visual aids enhance
without any barrier of common 9
communication, but they are not a full
region, language.
Communicating by conveying
messages or information
through written means.
Pros and cons of Written
Pros Cons
Permanent Storage The written Costly:  It is expensive not so much
document act as a permanent record, due to postal charges but in terms of
when anytime you need it you can so many people spending so much of
easily access it from the preserved their time.
document’. Time-consuming.  Writing requires
Mass circulation possible: You can enough of time and if you are sending
circulate the written communication a letter then it may take two or three
easily and effectively. All you have to days to deliver
enter the email address of every Cost of storage. In order to save the
person to whom you want to send the document in hard copy you must
document and they will receive it at require a printer, paper, ink, etc. that
once also needs money.
It conveys sincerity. The written A barrier of
communication helps you present qualification/languages: it is must
information clearly and accurately.for the receiver to know how to read.
It facilitates re-use. A written But if on the other hand the receiver is
message or document can be reused, 11
illiterate then written communication is
meaningless that make it ineffective.
Impact of Body
You have read that about 93%
communication takes place
without words and out of 93%,
about 55% contribution is of body
This fact makes the body language
the most important aspect of our
personality and how our images is
formed among people.
Do’s of Body Language
> Always stand up with a straight
back and relaxed posture.
>  Keep your arms by your sides.
>  Sit with a straight spine.
> Smile as you enter into a room.
> Greet others with a smile.
>  Offer a firm but gentle handshake.

> Make eye contact while speaking
to someone.
> Make eye contact for about 2-3
seconds with a person and with
the next person in the audience
while speaking public (public
> Actively and attentively listen to
the speaker in a conversation.
> Nod when engaged in a
conversation as a listener.
Don’t of Body Language
> Do not fidget.
> Do not lean on walls or your
friends or objects.
> Don't fake your smile. Smile
> Do not droop your shoulders. Do
not slouch.
> Don't fold your arms over your
chest. 15
> Don't look away while in
> Don't keep your hands in your
pocket while talking.
> Don't get too close to your
listeners. Respect their intimate
zone (proximity rule).
> Do not touch your face repeatedly.
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