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Classroom 101:
Establishing Class
Rules for Distance

I. On the Use of Social Media Platforms

as Learning Management System (LMS)
a. On the Use of Messenger Group
i. Each class must have a
messenger group chat to be
created by their subject teacher.
ii. The name of the group chat
shall follow this format:
Grade Level- Section_SUBJECT_Schedule
For example:
10-Eintein-B_SCIENCE_Tue 1:00 PM-3:00
iii. The Messenger group Chat will be used for the following
1. Dissemination of information, announcements, tasks exclusive
for the section.
2. Checking of attendance
3. Calling the attention of a particular student for non-
submission, non-appearance (virtual), incomplete requirements,
bad behavior, etc.
b. On the Use of Facebook Group
i.Each teacher must create a Facebook Group for all his/her students.
ii. The name of the group is a discretion of the subject teacher.
iii. The teacher shall be the administrator of the group, private,
visible to everyone, group type is social learning, and
iv. The Facebook Group shall be use for the following purposes:
1. Dissemination of information, announcements, poll, etc.
involving all students
2. Posting of scheduled lesson/topic using Units tab
3. Queries, instructions, clarifications, etc. on modules
4. Online Discussion using the Rooms tab
c. General Guidelines on Using the Social Media Platforms as LMS

i. Students and Teachers must use their real name and picture
on their profile.
ii. The focus of discussions on the social platforms are only the
topic/lesson/subject. It must be treated like a learning tool.
iii. Always be on time. Do not make delays.
iv. Respect diversity. Make the social media platform safe for
v. The use of rude words, insulting jokes, sarcasms, offensive
memes, etc. is highly discourage. Members must be polite and
vi. The use of appropriate writing style is highly encourage.
Grammar and spelling matter in academic setting.
vii. If there are questions, check first if it is already asked by
your classmates or already answered by the teacher.
viii. Help others. However, if you would like to
answer/comment on your classmate’s question, make sure
your answer is accurate. Do not give wrong information or
lead others to misinformation. Avoid long responses and
think before you type.
ix. Always remember to say “Please”, “Thank you”, “po” or
x. Be forgiving if someone’s commit a mistake.
xi. Reach out to your teachers. If you missed some lessons
and were not able to catch up, inform your teacher right
away to help you.
xii. Do not share links, documents, presentations, videos,
etc. outside your group without informing your teacher.
xiii. Rants directed to your teachers are highly unacceptable.
 II. On Conducting Online Meetings/Video Conferences

a. Online Meetings/Video Conferences must be conducted at least once

a week. It must be recorded.
b. The following online meeting apps may be used:
i. Messenger Rooms (for one class set up)
ii. Google Meet (for large meeting up to 250 participants)
c. General Guidelines
i. Before Attending Online Meetings/Discussions
1. Set phone to silent mode to avoid distractions from
2. Take a shower to feel fresh and awake.
3. Join the online meeting at least 10 minutes before it starts to
give yourself time to fix technical/connection problem.
4. Unmute your microphone. Better to turn on your camera so
your teacher will see if you are getting his/her discussion.
5. Do not share the link outside your class/section.
ii. During Online Meetings/Discussions
1. Take down notes.
2. Ask permission to speak if you would like to use the microphone to
ask questions or share your ideas.
3. Ask questions if something is unclear to you.
4. Modulate your voice in using the microphone. Do not shout or yell.
5. Use the chat box only for asking questions, sharing ideas, giving
responses related to the topic/lesson. Type your words appropriately
and not in all caps. ALL CAPS is equivalent to shouting. If you have
visual challenges, increase the magnification of the screen.
6. Participate actively.
7. Wait for your turn.
iii. After Online Meetings/Discussions
1. The teacher shall be the last to leave the online meeting.
III. On Class Requirements
a. Do your tasks days before the deadline to avoid cramming.
b. Submit requirements on time
c. Cite your resources.
IV. On Taking Test/Quizzes
a. Do not cheat and give integrity to your answers.

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