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Servicio nacional de aprendizaje – Sena

Centro de servicios financieros

Tecnólogo en negociación internacional
Fase de planeación
Actividad de aprendizaje 7
Evidencia 5 Adversing and web page
Presentado por:
Gaes n°3
Joseph Hernández Arzuza
Jessica María Cely Marín
Reiner José Montalvo Osorio
Floralba Marín Zuleta
Ficha 1966037

With this work we want to publicize the most

important part of a product's life, both in the
production part and in the final destination, in this
case the attraction, taste and satisfaction that a person
has for a product that attracts their attention.
Table of contents

1. Haga un breve análisis sobre la imagen publicitaria que se observa a continuación , en

base a ella describa en ingles ;el producto, la población a la cual va dirigido y la
presentación de este, utilizando adjetivos positivos, comparativos y superativos.
2. Elija dos imágenes publicitarias de diferentes fuentes confiables y sobre cada una de
ellas haga un análisis, una breve descripción en ingles de sus características técnicas y
complete los aspectos que se solicitan a continuación.
• Imagen
• Target market
• Product features.
Sandwich lpq is a fast food brand in which its preparation uses
various fresh and natural products, it is aimed at customers from all
strata with the sole purpose that their customers want to eat healthy.
Its style of preparation is somewhat American-style, in which it
makes its products more desirable among the population that
consumes this type of fast and light food at all times. Their prices
can vary from 3,000 pesos and in combos it could be estimated with
different preparations, attractive in special combos worth up to
15000 pesos, without forgetting natural and healthy drinks, thus
achieving that our consumers have more attraction and loyalty to the
point that they fall in love and promote the LPQ brand
1. Agua cristal
Target market: $ 1000

Product features:
It is a natural drink that serves to accompany various meals, moments,
occasions, even to accompany daily exercise and is healthy for all people,
which is already a necessary source for the body

Target market: $ 9000

Product features:

offers variety in products based on chicken prey and other combinations with an
unmatched flavor offering quality variety and good service which is aimed at all
ages and social strata
Based on this research, we can conclude that the importance we give to
advertising and product management is stronger, to achieve a good
acceptance by the public in such a way that it generates, great impact and
loyalty of our consumers, whether The quality, the good service and the
variety that is placed on each product stand out to us.

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