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1. Agus Syarif H, S.Pd.
2. Agus Wahyu Fauzi, S.Pd.
3. Dadang Sofyan, S.Pd.
4. Endang Supriatna, S.Pd.
5. Fadli Firdaus, S.Pd.
6. Harry Lukman K, S.Pd.
7. Lina Syafarina, SE.
8. Nurzamzam, S.Pd,
 Vocational High School (SMK) is designed to prepare students or graduates
who are ready to enter the workforce and able to develop a professional
attitude in the field. However, Vocational High School is demanded not
only as a provider of ready-to-work employment in the field of
employment in accordance with the needs of the business world / industry,
but also required to develop themselves in the path of entrepreneurship, in
order to advance in entrepreneurship even under any circumstances.
 Vocational High School Telkom Bandung, is a vocational school
established in 2013. SMK Telkom is under the management of Telkom
Education Foundation which has been established since 1991 in various
major cities in Indonesia.
 SMK Telkom Bandung has been accredited A for all its competence of
expertise: Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ), Network Access
Engineering (TJA), and Multimedia (MM). Located within Bandung
Technoplex area, SMK Telkom Bandung can be reached from Jalan
Moh. Toha or Jalan Fruit Stone / Telecommunication Road.

Becoming an internationally
superior, smart, dignified, and
eco-friendly SMK
 Creating a faithful and devoted grace to God Almighty, virtuous noble character,
intelligent, and have the competence in accordance with the field of expertise.
 Developing institutions by implementing ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management
system with ISO 9004: 2000 ISO 14000 and ISO 16000 supplement consistently
 Develop a national curriculum with graduate users and validate the demands of the
job market and develop science and technology.
 Implement training with Competency Based Training and Production Based
Training approach to give graduate opportunity to entrepreneurship or work in
 Establish cooperation with DUDI, universities, related institutions to realize the
development of educators, education personnel, implementation curriculum,
prakerin, and marketing graduates.
 Develop adequate infrastructure to support quality learning process,
environmentally friendly, and control the occurrence of pollution and environmental

 Developing a systemized school organization to become a professional and

qualified training institution and always striving to improve the quality of
human resources and work ethos according to the development of science and
 Preparing graduates who have faith and taqwa, excellent personality and able
to develop themselves with the implementation of the national level training.
 Produce competent, professional and self-sufficient graduates to meet the
needs of the local, national and international market.
 Become one of science and technology information source for local
industries, especially small and medium industries.
 Developing mutually beneficial partnerships and cooperation with partner
institutions and communities in businesses and production units.

Superior Programs in the Field of

Information Technology and
Communication Skills Studies,
Multimedia Expertise Competence is
Animation, Documentary Film,
Company Profile, Game, and
Interactive CD.
School facilities are a very important
factor in supporting the teaching and
learning process in order to provide
supplies to students. It is expected that
with sufficient facilities support students
are able to apply their knowledge well

A program of expertise that learns about

students' competence in the field of
multimedia. Multimedia is a combination of
text, art, animation, images with audio video
included in communications / delivered via
computer or other electronic and digital
manipulation equipment (Vaughan, 2006).

 Multimedia

SK BAP-S / M Number: 02.00 / 309 / BAP-SM / SK /

XI / 2016) Accredited A ("Very Good")
 Computer and Network Engineering

(SK BAP-S / M Number: 02.00 / 275 / BAP-SM / SK /

X / 2016) Accredited A ("Very Good")
 Network Access Engineering

(SK BAP-S / M Number: 02.00 / 275 / BAP-SM / SK /

X / 2016) Accredited A ("Very Good")

 As a means of training for students, the Field of

Information Technology and Communication
Information Technology has a production
unit. Services provided by multimedia program
production units, among others
 Rental, Typing, Install software, Backup data
 Computer repair, Video shoot and video edit
 Making interactive tutorial CDs, Game, Company
Profile, Scan, Design
 Print, Shoot

 Prakerin is usually carried out for 6 months in

semester 3 or 4. Some companies that have become
partners of Multimedia Expertise Competence in
Prakerin include:
 CV Rumah Warung Digital
 PT. Lorenza Advertising Suwayuwo Pasuruan
 PT. Panasonic Lighting Pasuruan
 JTV-Surabaya
 Pusdiklat PLN-Pandaan
 Radio Suara Pasuruan
 etc.

 At the end of the learning period (in the final

semester), a Competency Test is conducted, both
theory and practice. The test material is usually
optional. Testers on the competency test are from Du /
 Graduation rate of students on Competency Test
reaches 100%. At the end of the exam, students who
graduate get a Certificate.

SMK Telkom Bandung got full support from the parent company
group PT. Telkom and has MOU with several IT companies in
Bandung and surrounding areas that support the implementation
of Industrial Work Practices and job market exchanges include:
 PT. Telkom Access,
 PT. Infomedia Nusantara,
 PT. Telkom Sigma,
 PT. Telkomvision,
 PT. Jast-1,
 PT. Sistelindo,
 PT. Telkomsel,
 PT. GSD,
 PT. Mitratel,
 etc.
Thank You

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